<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Set objConnC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConnC.Open(cConnection) Set objConnE = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConnE.Open(sConnection) Set rsControls = objConnE.Execute("SELECT * FROM controls") Dim rsMailBag, postid, rsComments Set postid = Request.QueryString("submissionID") Set rsMailBag = objConnC.Execute("SELECT * FROM 2006_07_submissions WHERE PigeonHole = 'mailbag' AND submissionID = " + postid + "") Set rsComments = objConnC.Execute("SELECT * FROM 2006_07_comments WHERE submissionID = " + postid + " AND commentInclude <> 0 ORDER BY commentID ASC") %> Toffeeweb - The Mail Bag -<%=rsMailBag("Title")%>
The Mail Bag


<%=rsMailBag("FirstName")%> <%=rsMailBag("LastName")%><% If rsMailBag("GeoLocation") <> "" then %>, <%=rsMailBag("GeoLocation") %><% End If %>     Posted <%=rsMailBag("DayDate")%> at <%=rsMailBag("Datestamp")%>

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