It's been a stressful few years, and it's only getting worse. So I've decided to cope by drinking.

The only thing I ever drink is Guinness, and the only place I ever drink it is on Merseyside.

So it's past time. 

My last one was in 2018, a lifetime and a pandemic ago, at the Midland, in the distinguished company of Sir John Sr, Pete M, Rob H, Brian W, both Abrahams, DK, Andy C, John R and an old sailor named Jimmy… right before the Pickford Derby.

Before that it was spring 2017 at the Winslow and the Midland before the Leicester and Burnley wins, with Pete and Rob and Keith H and my Magic Man Kev Johnson and some past TW denizens (David Greenwood, Patrick Murphy, Kevin Tully).

I’m overdue. WAY overdue.

So I’m coming over from The States for the Luton and Bournemouth matches. Before the 3-1 win over Luton, Pete and I will be at the Harlech to meet friends old and new. 

Come join us.