by Tom Hughes : Exclusive
We are pleased to be able to show the the long awaited plan for a redeveloped Goodison Park. Having worked closely with KEIOC Tom Hughes' plans will once and for all put to rest the myth that there "is no plan B".
Here it is in its entirety.
There is no embellishment, no comic book floodlights and no emotive imagery. We think Evertonians know what a stadium looks like and here we offer a blank canvas, a starting point. We could also have plucked figures from thin air and we could tell you the stadium will cost one million, five million or two hundred and fifty million pounds to redevelop. We would be guessing but we wouldn't be the first to do that where this issue is concerned. With the use of naming rights and the assistance of enabling partners these plans are achievable and questions must be asked.
The GFE proved it once, KEIOC and Tom Hughes prove it again here.
Are you being given all the facts ? If you don't have all the facts you cannot vote yes to Kirkby
According to the Club "THERE IS NO PLAN B" ? We even have a Plan C - the Bestway site will also shortly be revealed. Come and see for yourselves at the St. Georges Hall tomorrow. Quite aptly, the exhibition is being held in the "Jury Room".
At the outset, KEIOC vowed to be open and transparent. Come and see for yourselves. Unlike the Club, we will stand our ground and will answer all questions openly and honestly without any spin.
[1.4MB PDF]
Tom's proposal and the intro have been reproduced here in their entirety for archival purposes.
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