<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Dim rsRobFox Dim rsRobFox_numRows Set rsRobFox = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsRobFox.ActiveConnection = MM_ConnToffeeWeb_STRING rsRobFox.Source = "SELECT * FROM efcnews WHERE articletype = 'fox' ORDER BY datestamp DESC" rsRobFox.CursorType = 0 rsRobFox.CursorLocation = 2 rsRobFox.LockType = 1 rsRobFox.Open() rsRobFox_numRows = 0 %> ToffeeWeb: Columns - Rob Fox
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Rob Fox — View from the Street
Our newest columnist Rob Fox offers in-depth analysis on everything Everton

"><%=rsRobFox("headline")%> {<%=rsRobFox("day")%> <%=rsRobFox("month")%>}
Previously this season {2005-06}

Rob Fox — View form the Street, 2004-05 Season



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<% rsRobFox.Close() Set rsRobFox = Nothing %>