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Hitch in Gueye deal leads Everton to RB Salzburg's Camara

| 11/08/2022 87comments  |  Jump to last

Everton's inability to agree a deal with Paris Saint-Germain for Idrissa Gueye has prompted them to look elsewhere in their search for reinforcements to defensive midfield.

According to Sportsmail, the Blues have switched their attention to Mohamed Camara of Red Bull Salzburg, a Mali international with a growing reputation who has been likened to Chelsea's N'Golo Kanté.

The report claims that the 22-year-old would be interested in a move to Goodison Park but that Austrian club have thus far been reluctant to entertain offers for him, with Newcastle and Leeds credited with interest this summer.

Original Source: Daily Mail  
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Reader Comments (87)

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Danny O’Neill
1 Posted 11/08/2022 at 03:40:03
Gueye is back? Just announced?
Lee Jackson
2 Posted 11/08/2022 at 04:02:29
Crickets, Danny, just crickets.
Jay Harris
3 Posted 11/08/2022 at 04:35:34
Danny, where did you hear that? I can't find any news anywhere?
Danny O’Neill
4 Posted 11/08/2022 at 04:39:12
It flashed up on Twitter earlier. I know I shouldn't get involved in speculation. Probably fake news!
Lyndon Lloyd
5 Posted 11/08/2022 at 06:22:27
I suspect this is designed to light a fire under Paris Saint-Germain’s arses to sort out a severance package for Gueye. Lord knows they have the money!

But at this point, the earliest Idrissa can be eligible to play would be Forest away because there’s no way this gets over the line by noon on Thursday because he still needs to undergo the second part of his medical.

Dave Abrahams
6 Posted 11/08/2022 at 07:47:09
I heard this news early last night but was of the same mind as yourself that Everton were trying to get PSG moving.

But as I wasn’t too sure that Gueye was the right move for us, I am not too concerned. Hopefully we get this new possibility or, for me, Billy Gilmour on loan or permanent.

Steve Shave
7 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:09:33
The more I think about the return of Gueye the more I think Gilmour on a permanent deal would be better for us. It would mean operating with two slightly raw high potential midfielders but they would be our raw high potential midfielders. I think Chelsea might sell for £15M, if you think we were already going to pay (allegedly anyway) £8M for Gana plus huge wages, the wages we'd save on Gilmour's contract would counteract that deficit.

Given that many of us would take a progressing mid-table finish this season and give Frank and his team time. Coupled with Baxendale's statement the other week implying we will generally be looking for signings which can generate sell on value then this is surely the model we need to adopt.

Gilmour would play his socks off for Frank and between him and Onana we would have two very mobile hard-working central midfielders. Potentially we would still be lacking the no 6 we all feel we need, however, there are many who would argue that Gana was never a no 6 anyway (personally I disagree with that and think he can and has played that position very effectively over the years).

I want to see some sales, I would be very happy for us to get a fee for Broadhead, Gbamin (no matter how small a fee) Gomes (see Gbamin) and maybe Davies, surely someone like Bournemouth would see Davies being worth a punt at around £8M? Over 100 Premier League games etc.

I keep hoping to wake up to news that Frank has called in the biggest Chelsea favour and signed Gilmour and Broja in a huge staggered deal. It's the hope that kills ya.

Jim Lloyd
8 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:13:44
Well, it looks like we have alternatives to go to. I'd have liked to have seen him here, if that was the manager's and DoF's first choice but we can move on.

It's good to see that we're not being held to ransom by PSG or agents. I think I saw that the problem was with PSG rather than with Gueye, in that NewsNow Everton website last night. But they just love writing anything that'll get them some money.

If we can get either of the two that you've mentioned, Dave, then that'll be our Defence and Midfield sorted. With young players as well!

Joe Digney
9 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:32:52
I still think Gueye will happen, just not as quick as the club would've liked. Probably wanted him in the squad for Saturday and these Camara links are us showing our frustration to hurry PSG up. Deal is all done on Everton's end.
Mark Ryan
10 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:34:14
I'm always the optimist but this is starting to sound like it's dead in the water which is a shame. I was hoping to see Idrissa rise again for us but it's gone so quiet that I suspect it's about money and I would hope we have finally learnt not to be held to ransom.

A very good player on his day but, like many on here have said before, there are younger hungrier options. Wait and see I guess.

Tony Everan
11 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:37:20
Lyndon, your take is the most likely. Alternatively, Camara is said, if true!, to have been interested in coming to Everton. Possibly there is a debate behind the scenes that Camara is a better solution. If we have additional finances, Kean to Nice? Keane to West Ham? Then maybe this more expensive signing becomes a distinct possibility.

I think Gueye would be a good signing and still has plenty to offer, the €9M fee for a 33-year-old surprised me. Camara is in the Onana category, young with a massive potential to be one of the best midfielders in Europe.

So between the two who do we go for if we have the money? It’s arguable that Gana is the safest bet with his proven capabilities and experience. With the rock-solid, experienced central-defender signings I’d be more minded to take the educated gamble on Camara if we could afford it, because of the potential upside. He could become a long-term solution and will increase in value if successful.

Either way, we are improved and I’d be happy.

Ian Bennett
12 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:42:44
Mo Camarra is very highly rated and is clearly the better long term bet, and I love Gana.

A question for me as to whether you can put out a 20-year-old and a 22-year-old, in a midfield already containing Patterson and Mykolenko.

It's asking a lot, but the upside is pretty substantial for a young, emerging team. It would call a lot on the experience of Coady and Tarkowski to organise them.

Holgate is expected to play at the back 3, but don't rule out a fit again Coleman taking that spot with Mina and Godfrey out. Frank rates Coleman, so Holgate still has it all to prove – as it should be.

Peter Warren
13 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:46:01
Gueye or his ilk undoubtedly needed as too is a striker. Please no more injuries
Tony Abrahams
14 Posted 11/08/2022 at 08:46:18
I want Gueye to come back but Gilmour looks like he could become a really good player so I would also be happy if we signed this kid.

I think it’s because Everton are waiting for Broja, but if they can sign another forward, then I’d still expect Gilmour to come in. If they can get rid of Michael Keane and Andre Gomes, Gbamin and maybe Allan, then this would be an incredible achievement and would definitely be big strides in the right direction.

Brian Harrison
15 Posted 11/08/2022 at 09:05:18
I tend to agree with Lyndon that Everton supposedly switching from Gana to Camara is to send a message to both PSG and Gana.

The clock is ticking down in this window and we need an answer as to whether this issue can be resolved or not.

Despite many rumours, still no striker signed so seems we will go into the Villa game with Rondon up top.

Steve Shave
17 Posted 11/08/2022 at 09:10:21
I am wary too of us signing too many players that we could lose all at once when the AFCON is on.

Imagine, the team is gelling well and performing and then we suddenly lose Onana, Gueye or Camara and Guriassy etc.

Also, apparently Salzburg will want north of £25M apparently, can't see it happening.

Mark Murphy
18 Posted 11/08/2022 at 09:20:04
I’m actually visiting Salzburg tomorrow with my Bavarian rellies. I’ll have a word!
Jerome Shields
19 Posted 11/08/2022 at 09:31:58
This could drag on. There seems little enthusiasm by Gueye to join Everton unless the deal is jammy.

Way back in Senegal it was reported he did not want to come to Everton. Everton have no choice but to move on if an impasse has been reached.

I think he would be a good addition, basically because he would shore up Keane, Holgate and the absent Mina. Suppose that opinion is the result of relegation experience and a ghastly last season.

John Kavanagh
21 Posted 11/08/2022 at 09:35:11
The clock isn't ticking down, it has stopped.

Given the urgency of our needs, it was essential that signings be completed asap and this could easily have been settled well in time for the visit to Aston Villa.

I suspect the delay is also having knock-on effects in our recruitment of a striker because we are on a very tight budget and need to know exactly how much cash is available after the defence/midfield rebuilds.

If PSG want to mess around, then we are right to immediately look elsewhere. There are plenty of alternatives to signing a 33-year-old for £8 million. Next time PSG come sniffing around for any of our players, then we should play silly beggars with them as a mark of mutual disrespect.

Jim Lloyd
22 Posted 11/08/2022 at 09:55:06
I think we're going to have a hard time (a very hard time!) selling, loaning, or giving away the players on big wages and long contracts who we have no further need for. As I can't see many teams having a need for them either.

I'm not so sure the club want to pay big money for a striker, just yet. I look at Ellis Simms at Sunderland. If he turns out to be a good goalscorer in the Championship, then we might have the answer to our problems of scoring goals.

Then, what about Calvert-Lewin? How long is his injury keeping him out for? If he's back in a couple of weeks, and if we pay big money for a goalscorer, do we play them both? Or is it a matter of one of them will be content to sit on the bench?

I think the need and desire for a goalscorer now, might well cause us some problems if we go out and buy. Can we then afford to pay the wages of someone not to play, we've got enough of them!

Colin Glassar
23 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:02:58
I still think there’s a possibility that Gana will still come. All parties involved want the move to happen, it’s just a case of the Parisians coughing up what they owe him. A bit like the Frenkie/Barca fiasco.

On a sadder note. We’ve turned down a West Ham loan bid for Keane. He was one of the misfits I was hoping would be leaving this summer alongside Gomes, Gbamin, Davies etc…. I’ll give Iwobi a stay of execution for a few more games as I still expect him to return to form at some point.

Kim Vivian
24 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:03:03
I am a fan of Gana and really appreciate what he did for us in his brief spell here. I'm probably going to get burned for saying this, and my memory may be skewed, but I think we may have dodged a bullet if he doesn't come back.

Firstly, I am not a big fan of comebacks and can't really think of any successful player returns to a previous club.

Secondly, my recollection with Gana is that despite being a proficient tackler he came in for a lot of stick in his early time with us for whatever reasons. However, after the initial interest in the 18-19 winter window when PSG started sniffing around many thought he would basically sulk and see the season out but – all credit to him – he put in the best few months of his spell with us. I think most of us are recalling this final half-season when thinking about Gana. PSG aren't arguing in order to retain him, simply to agree his severance package if I am reading it right.

Furthermore I am not getting the impression that Gueye is actually busting a gut to come back here. We need players who are here because they want to be here and we may just be better off letting this one slip through the net, especially if viable alternatives are in the frame.

Whatever we do, Everton, please just do it quick.

Brian Harrison
25 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:07:15
Jim @18,

I have said for a while that ,when you pay players £100,000 per week like Mina and Sigurdsson and a few more, then the only clubs who could afford those wages are clubs in the Champions League, and very few of our players are anywhere near that level. Then in the case of Mina, who has a poor games-played ratio, who in their right mind would sign a player with such a poor injury recor?

So like Bolasie, Sigurdsson, Delph, Tosun and possibly Gomes and Mina, they will stay here till the last day of their contracts. Which allows them then to lower their wages as they will get a £xxxxxx signing-on fee from their new club.

So we either sell them cheaply and agree to pay a big slice of their wages to the buying club.

Regarding your point about spending big money on a striker and then, when Calvert-Lewin is fit, having one sat on the bench, I would argue that's exactly what we want – competition for the striker's role which we haven't had for years.

Rob Halligan
26 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:10:59
Steve # 13. Onana is a full Belgian international player, so he certainly won't be going to any AFCON tournament.
James Marshall
27 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:16:19
Just because players have a poor injury record, doesn't mean you can just bin them or move them on - injuries are part & parcel of sports and you can't legislate for them contractually or otherwise.

This notion that players who are injury prone are somehow 'stealing' a living is pure fantasy. They aren't getting injured on purpose, and they aren't the ones who setup their lucrative contracts either.

If I have an injury that stops me performing my job, happily I get sick pay (for a while). Player contracts don't contain anything about being injured and put on statutory sick pay after a few weeks as far as I'm aware!

Derek Thomas
28 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:25:35
22-year-old vs 32-year-old, what's not to like?

This is the sort of player we should be signing.

Cheaper, younger, would intially want less wages...

'Holy Marcel Brands Batman.'

Bjorn-Ivar Pedersen
29 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:43:29
While at Salzburg, also bring Karim Adeyemi. He would be our attack solutions for the next decade, and we could cash in on Calvert-Lewin when he is fit next time in a transfer window.
Jim Lloyd
30 Posted 11/08/2022 at 10:48:52
Brian. Interesting points. That's the way I see it. We're stuck with them most likely. Even if, as you say, we could sell them at all, we would sell them cheaply, or give them away and maybe pay a percentage of their wages. That would perhaps cause problems on this FFP or the other long-winded trap, the profit and sustainability, that we're in.

I just don't know the answer to that, and we'll have to wait and see how things pan out. I remember someone posting a very good point reagrding the percentage of wages to (income, I think!) and our percentage was 2nd highest in the League!

We're still in the pickle that Koeman started and others followed. James Marshall's right, we will pay top wack wages to them until their contract finishes, or they decide to move.

Then, there's Calvert-Lewin? does he want to leave or not! So we might want to have an expensively bought, and wages to match, striker sitting on the bench but it's about can the club afford it; and would one of them say I want away!

I saw, as we all did, two front-line strikers Richarlison and Calvert-Lewin play for several years together; but I didn't think they gelled at all; and that was to the detriment of our team.

Anyway, we'll have to wait and see, but I won't be too worried if we don't buy a goalscorer, just yet. Unless we've got some ackers stashed in Kenwrights couch, I think it's likely to be a "make do and mend" philosophy until the January window, Might be pleasantly surprised, but we'll have to wait and see.

Robert Tressell
31 Posted 11/08/2022 at 11:22:47
Bjorn-Ivar, # 28, unfortunately, Adeyimi has already gone to Dortmund to replace Haaland. Sesko and Koita are the senior strikers for Salzburg now, with the former heavily linked to Man Utd.

Andrew Keatley
32 Posted 11/08/2022 at 11:37:58
Bjorn-Ivar (28) - Adeyemi signed for Dortmund about 3 months ago for about £30 million, so you're slightly off the pace with that one. (As am I, having just seen Robert's comment above!)

I am starting to go a bit cold on the Gana deal myself now –especially with that sort of fee attached. The arrival of Onana completely blindsided me, and I really saw Gana as the sort of sensible stopgap until we could find a better long-term solution – which hopefully Onana will be.

And if Onana was considered ready enough to be starting games for the Lille first team then I would hope to see him starting regularly for us in the next month or two rather than eased in over the course of an entire season.

Lester Yip
33 Posted 11/08/2022 at 11:54:21
Not sure how much they'll be asking for Camara. Looks strong and have good feet. At 22, would be a useful addition. Now with Onana in, even if Gueye decides not to join, is still okay.
Steve Shave
34 Posted 11/08/2022 at 12:31:14
Jim @ 18

I understand your concern there but it's a tricky one to balance isn't it. You say we can't play both strikers when Calvert-Lewin returns and both will be on good wages so let's loan in the striker. Then we will have quite a few loans, we won't be able to buy them all next summer (£20M plus for Vinagre a back-up left-back, no thanks) so we are developing others players for them. Not ideal.

I do think we will have to do business like that for a while but I still want to know some will stay. Like Gilmour for example, he has the potential to be special under Frank, it would be nice for us to turn a £15M player into a £30M player for a change, rather than a £25M player into a free transfer which is Moshiri's usual form.

It seems our striker isn't arriving before the weekend which is a shame.

Robert Tressell
35 Posted 11/08/2022 at 12:36:05
Whatever happens, hopefully this means Gomes will not feature again.

That alone will cheer me up going into the new season.

I wouldn't be overly concerned about Allan looking after Onana for the next season if Gueye doesn't come

If we have the ~£20M (give or take) to sign Camara, then I'd rather that money went on genuine competition for Calvert-Lewin rather than underwhelming back-up options.

Mike Owen
36 Posted 11/08/2022 at 12:36:31
I watched a few Salzburg games on the TV last season. Camara was impressive. He is 22, might need an older head alongside him in the Premier League, but could do very well for us.

I think Everton could learn a lot from Salzburg, in the way they focus heavily on young players. They must have a brilliant scouting network.

Finally, Leeds have this summer bought two of their players, full-back Rasmus Kristensen, 25, and midfielder Brenden Aaronson, 21. I'll be interested to see how they get on.

Last season, Kristensen was something like the second oldest in the Salzburg team.

James Marshall
37 Posted 11/08/2022 at 12:43:31
Reports seem to suggest the Gana deal is still on, and is only being held up by his contract pay-off with PSG. Deal agreed, contract agreed with the player etc.

I still think it'll happen before midday tomorrow.

Matthew Williams
38 Posted 11/08/2022 at 13:24:02
If this doesn't happen, then sign Ampadu and go for Gilmour on a loan deal with an option to buy at the end of the season.
Barry Rathbone
39 Posted 11/08/2022 at 13:41:03
Gueye is not the answer — he wasn't first time around, so hopefully his dilly-dallying kills this potential calamity. If nothing else, it kills the tenuous pretence that his preference is a return to Goodison Park.

I just can't believe there are not younger better models out there capable of doing the nodding dog defensive-midfielder job. But if it was me, I'd save a few quid by putting Tom Davies or Iwobi without forward duties in there. Surrounded by our new yard dog contingent, it would be the cushiest job on the park.

John Raftery
40 Posted 11/08/2022 at 13:58:46
Barry (41),

The idea that Tom Davies or Iwobi could perform the central defensive midfield role to anything like Gana’s standard is wrong.

Robert Tressell
41 Posted 11/08/2022 at 14:18:44
Mike #38,

RB's scouting network must be the best in world football. Very impressive.

Seems to take excellent raw product from cheap markets like France, Central Europe, Balkans, Americas and Africa –start them off at Liefering, polish them at Salzburg, and then flog for millions or promote to the Leipzig first team.

Already got clubs playing in Ghana, Brazil and New York to further control a supply chain and create a conveyor belt of high-quality, low-cost young players.

I wonder how much it all cost to get operational. A Bolasie? A Tosun? A Sigurdsson?

Bill Gall
42 Posted 11/08/2022 at 14:44:56
What would be the problem with going for Camara? If they are good enough, they are old enough.

And that raises the point, do we not have any young players that are good enough that we can use money saved for a goalscorer?

Will Mabon
43 Posted 11/08/2022 at 14:49:08
Pat, I've noticed he has a knack of popping up unexpectedly in tight spaces.
Iakovos Iasonidis
44 Posted 11/08/2022 at 15:12:13
I prefer Mohamed Camara. Great potential, right age. In gueye we know what we get and he will have instant impact in the team but if I had to choose I would risk with camara. Getting rid of some deadwood is vital though...

Read this before they fix it:,_born_January_2000)

"As a young boy growing up in Mali, he idolised players such as Thomas Gravesen and the mercurial Mark Pembridge. It is well known he had a life sized poster of Li Tie on his bedroom wall. He left Mali for Salzburg, Austria aged just 18, and rumour has it that his fathers parting words were: "Son, get your coat on and get moving". Some suggest this was in homage to the Camara familys endearment towards Everton FC."

Mark Ryan
45 Posted 11/08/2022 at 15:45:48
"The mercurial Mark Pembridge"?

C'mon, ToffeeWebbers, who's been messing with Wikipedia?

Love it. If true, it would be great but I cannot believe that is not a hack job on his Wiki page, lol!!!

Will Mabon
46 Posted 11/08/2022 at 15:45:50
Lakovos, I believe every word of that. Every player that comes to Everton loves the club, they all say so.
Will Mabon
47 Posted 11/08/2022 at 15:48:30
No hack, Mark - 100% legit, has to be...
Steve Shave
48 Posted 11/08/2022 at 15:55:20
Iakovos 46 that is frickin' hilarious. Gotta love the Scouse humour ;)
Pat Kelly
49 Posted 11/08/2022 at 16:03:52
Will #45, just the type we need.
Mark Ryan
50 Posted 11/08/2022 at 16:15:48
Will @ 49, c'mon, spill the beans, who was it?

Was it you? Ha, ha, brilliant!

Sam Hoare
51 Posted 11/08/2022 at 16:19:13
Gueye for a nominal fee seemed great business, a sensible stop-gap. Gueye for £9M now we already have Onana seems like less great business.

Camara is a great prospect though would cost nearer £20-25M and Salzburg have full coffers.

I suspect Gueye will still come though if I could pick between the two I'd take Camara. Homecomings rarely work out as well.

Ray Said
52 Posted 11/08/2022 at 16:59:35
If we complete the Gueye deal we will at least have someone in the squad that the manager can point out to the other players and say 'go and ask him what it is needed to win international trophies, cups, titles and play at the top level'.
Colin Glassar
54 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:42:16
Lakovos, if he idolised Mark ‘couldn’t pass to save his life’ Pembridge then maybe we should give him a Pembridge pass
Jim Lloyd
55 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:45:06
Brian (25),

I think I'm more in favour of your view now, about whether we get a goalscorer in this transfer window. I think we need a good (well, the best we can afford) goalscorer, The best we can afford and, hopefully, on loan first if cash is tight.

We have the money coming from Kean's sale next Summer. We might also have been able to sell, loan or give away, the players who are not good enough.

I looked at our goals for, over the past half dozen years or more, and the negative goal difference has been poor to say the least.

Bill Gienapp
56 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:45:46
I still think this ends up happening. Gueye and PSG are playing a game of chicken right now, but it's in everyone's best interests for this deal to go through. PSG wants Gueye to move on, and Gueye doesn't want to spend the season picking splinters out of his butt.

That being said, reshaping our midfield with Onana and Camara would be some signal of intent. Unfortunately, Leipzig reportedly have little interest in selling which would mean a) we'd almost certainly have to overpay to make it happen and b) I doubt Leipzig will be bending over to accommodate us with a highly-structured, team friendly deal. Hard to see it happening.

Barry Rathbone
57 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:53:23
John Raferty @42,

Quite true – they would do it to a much higher standard.

Jim Bennings
59 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:00:33
I can't see Gueye coming now.

Got a feeling the hitch has something to do with Gueye's beliefs regarding the LGBT, but we'll never get told.

Will Mabon
60 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:00:21
Mark, wish I'd thought of it...
Mark Ryan
61 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:51:07
Will Mabon, class
Mike Gaynes
62 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:08:41
What the hell, no signings today? Thelwell out!
John Kavanagh
63 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:14:57
That Wiki hack is one of the best ever, but I never ever knew you could get a Li Tie poster to put on your wall even in Bootle, let alone Mali.
Geoff Lambert
64 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:02:24
No Gueye and it looks like Rondon up front on Saturday then. At least we are not just grabbing the first journeyman we clap eyes on.

Class striker needed or no thanks. We've had enough no-marks in the last few years.

Geoff Lambert
65 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:04:40
John #65 – and cheap at the price.

Tom Bowers
66 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:08:24
Sad that a new striker isn't in the door yet. Hopefully they are in serious talks to bring someone in.

Would have been nice to have had someone in time for the Villa game and put one over on Slippy G.

It may still happen if some of the' 'big boys'' can get to a set piece.


David West
67 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:04:16
Mike @64.

I love it that's the dark humour Evertonians are renowned for.

Thelwell set the bar high for himself; if he gets a decent striker, I'll have his babies.

Seriously though, it looked like Gana was all done last week, his social media posts when Onana signed made me think he was going to be the next signing.

Worrying that it's not been done if all agreed. I can only assume Everton have been assured it will get done.

I'd love Gana but, if it's going to drag on and interfere with the bigger picture, move on, find someone else.

Stu Darlington
68 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:38:38
This has dragged on too long. If it's a problem between Gana and PSG, let's move on.

From what I've seen, Camara would be a great signing, let's get it done and look for a goal scorer or two.

Come on, Everton, control the situation for a change!

Bill Gall
69 Posted 12/08/2022 at 00:40:35
The delay seems to be that Gueye has agreed to lower his wages in order to return to Everton, but he is looking for compensation from PSG to do so, and the French club have asked Everton to contribute to that.

This appears to be something over what was originally agreed between Everton and PSG and the player. It would have been nice to get Gueye but I think Everton will back out and go for someone else.

Brian Murray
70 Posted 12/08/2022 at 01:07:43
Gana was, or should be, a last-day last-resort signing compared to Camara with the age difference especially.

Thelwell navigating even pricey fees with instalments plus maybe a boost with the Moise Kean fee, and even selling Gordon, I wouldn't lose sleep over.

Remember these players are part of the problem – not the solution – alongside Davies, Gomes and Michael Keane. Out with the old...

Mike Gaynes
71 Posted 12/08/2022 at 03:29:04
Brian, there will very likely be no Moise Kean fee this summer. Juventus suspended him last weekend and has given up on finding a buyer or trade that would have enabled them to close the deal with us and shift him on immediately.

Barring the unexpected, we'll have to wait for that money until January or June.

James Marshall
72 Posted 12/08/2022 at 12:08:36
Camara is going to Monaco now. He's their replacement for Tchouaméni who they sold to Madrid in the summer.
Justin Doone
73 Posted 12/08/2022 at 12:52:00
Loan him or just get the deal done!

Do not pay stupid wages. He either wants Everton, or he can stay there for the money.

Move on, we need a striker!

Justin Doone
74 Posted 12/08/2022 at 12:59:11
For those wanting to risk getting a younger player in, we did that. Gbamin!

Brian Cleveland
75 Posted 12/08/2022 at 13:37:49
Now saying that Camara is on his way to Monaco according to the Echo.
Si Cooper
76 Posted 12/08/2022 at 13:49:01
Brian (72), he may not be the answer to all our problems but I think it is mighty harsh to say Anthony Gordon is ‘part of the problem’ at this stage of his development.
Barry Jones
77 Posted 12/08/2022 at 16:21:38
Gana is too old now, and not a good investment. At his age, pace disappears quickly. Mistimed interceptions and challenges can prove more of a risk than an asset.
Shane Corcoran
78 Posted 12/08/2022 at 18:32:16
I thought Gana still had the legs for it when the deal was close but it's taken so long he's past it now.
Colin Glassar
79 Posted 12/08/2022 at 18:36:30
Gana was a monster in the last AFCON against bigger, younger, faster opponents. Life don't end at 25, for fuck's sake.
Danny O’Neill
80 Posted 12/08/2022 at 18:54:10
I've been beating that drum for ages, Colin, but usually get countered by the "young and hungry" phrase.
Kieran Kinsella
81 Posted 12/08/2022 at 18:54:19

It's the rage these days to write people off at 30. Remember Sheringham, Strachan, Trevor Francis? They didn't do to badly at 40. Or Roger Milla.

I am sure John and Dave probably recall a fellow named Stanley Matthews. Closer to home... Gareth Barry, anyone?

Colin Glassar
82 Posted 12/08/2022 at 19:02:47
It's also the sell-on value obsession. If we can get a few good seasons out of a “mature” player, who cares what we sell them on for?

Like we've made a bucketload with all the promising youngsters over the years eg Bowler, Henen, Tarashaj, Kissock etc…. All full of youthful, hungry energy and all a waste of time and money.

Ian Bennett
83 Posted 12/08/2022 at 19:09:16
I read that Premier League clubs can only have 2 loans at one time. Does that mean we are now done with Vinagre and Coady?
Paul Kossoff
86 Posted 12/08/2022 at 19:26:47
It's the rage these days to write people off at 30?

Here is a list to show that's not true, and hasn't been for quite a while.

Best Football Players Over 30

Brendan McLaughlin
87 Posted 12/08/2022 at 19:35:22
No, Ian #83,

It's two from the Premier League and I'm not sure but 7 or 8 from other leagues. We've still got some room for manoeuvre.

Jim Lloyd
88 Posted 12/08/2022 at 19:35:41
I don't think it's a matter of it dragging on too long. I think it's more a matter of some getting impatient. If EFC decide to walk away, it will be because PSG have their own bargaining position. It may, or may not alter; and I'm sure we've learnt our lesson by now!

If he's the player Thelwell and Lampard think is the best option, then they won't leave the deal unless it becomes too expensive for us to buy/loan the player. Let's just see what happens. I hope we get him, I think he'll do really well being the classy, experienced man in a young midfield.

From what Colin has said about him in the African Cup, then he's no pensioner we'd be getting but a fit, experienced and excellent midfielder. Sounds good to me if this deal works out.

Ian Bennett
89 Posted 12/08/2022 at 20:56:36
Cheers Brendan, had me panicking when I read that.
Robert Tressell
90 Posted 14/08/2022 at 16:03:50
Camara gone to Monaco for £13M. Absolute bargain.

We saw briefly with the Onana cameo yesterday what it's like to have a good player in midfield.

The pair of them would have been brilliant.

Joe Digney
91 Posted 16/08/2022 at 16:43:00
And it looks like Gueye is finally all but done.
Soren Moyer
92 Posted 17/08/2022 at 23:44:15
Why are we re-signing a 33-year-old geezer!!? We will pay £8.5M to PSG and he will be on 2 years contract with £100k a week!!

There are way better options out there. Julian Weigl from Benfica could be an excellent signing. He can be had for £10M and will cost a lot less in wages. He is 26 by the way.

Andrew Keatley
93 Posted 18/08/2022 at 01:41:00

Julian Weigl? Are you serious? He's basically a carbon copy of Morgan Schneiderlin. And he's only really ever played for teams (Dortmund and Benfica) that are hugely dominant in their leagues and have significant possession dominance.

I think he'd seriously struggle here, (and would also likely cost almost double what you quoted).

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