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Black and Blue

We are only going to say this once:  Everton are NOT a racist club



In some quarters, Everton have a thoroughly undeserved reputation as a racist club.  Sounds kinda funny when you look at great fan favourites like Daniel Amokachi, Olivier Dacourt, Ibrahima Bakayoko, and now Kevin Campbell.  

But those who continue to promote this heinous agenda and there are those media idiots who continue to do so are unlikely to let such facts stand in the way of a "good" news story...

However, despite relentless progress towards an integrated society, there is no doubt that a small but vocal number of so-called fans continue to make blatantly racist cat-calls at certain players.

At ToffeeWeb, our policy is one of complete equality: all players are revered or ridiculed based on their footballing ability, their rapport with the fans, and their antics off the field, irrespective of race, colour or creed.  This includes not making positive racist comparisons or distinctions, such as identifying the first black Everton player...  We are just not interested.



For far and away the vast majority of fans, the colour of a player's skin is totally irrelevant.  That is as it should be, and here at ToffeeWeb, we have no time for this divisive issue.  But there is another way in which racism rears its ugly and unacceptable head: Everton fans who are Black or Asian can also be the brunt of racists jibes and comments.

The whole business of racism stinks.  Just say no.  Don't do it.  Don't encourage it.  Don't be a part of it.  Report it to the stewards.  You know it makes sense.


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