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Docks for Everton

Phil Pellow,Editor of the SATIS? Everton fanzine, is leading the Docks for Everton campaign encouraging fans to express their support of Everton's proposals for a new stadium at Kings Dock


The Docks For Everton List (so far):
Mike Burke
Rob Burns
Oliver Collyer
Paul Collyer
Paul Cover
Ray Finch
Ian Hughes
Steve Jones (Blue Kipper)
Paul Jones
Ray Jones
Gary Jones
Colm Kavanagh
Rob Knight
Dominic Lawson
Chris Lewis
Ian Macdonald
Sid Martin
Ciaran McConville
Andy McGrae
John McGrath
Dr David G. Morris
Ted Neeson
Michael O'Connell
Michael Owen
Alex Pellow
Angie Pellow
Phil Pellow
Steve Pellow
Professor Paul Preston CBE, FBA
Osmo Tapio Rihl
Martin Smith
Paul Wharton
Keith Wilson
Mark Wilson EDSA
Neil Wolstenholme

Cynic or Supporter? It's over to you....


Over the next few weeks, the decision makers with regard to the King's Dock will be schmoozed by all of the bidders. As time passes, many of them will make up their minds based upon the various impacts made by supporters of the bids.

Everton's bid for the Kings Dock site is unique, in two respects:

  1. First, it is the only one which offers a totally different and special use for the site the others are full of housing and shops etc.
  2. Second, it carries the hopes of a quarter of a million Everton supporters on Merseyside who have the vote in the forthcoming elections. All of the elected Councillors and MPs must be made aware of that fact.

A few of us have formed a team called Docks for Everton (DFE) and we have been beavering away recently putting together an agenda which might help the EFC bid. On Saturday, at Ipswich, a thousand leaflets will be distributed to EFC fans at the game, asking them to write to the decision makers, voicing their support for the EFC bid. The flyer will give all of the addresses for people to write to.

On Saturday 3rd March, 2001, at the home game versus Newcastle United, a much larger leaflet distribution is planned. Click this link to view the leaflet online.

Indications are that this is a close run thing. The difference might just be the impact made by ordinary EFC fans. So, if you're up for the bid, please lend your support.

We need:

  • Volunteers to distribute leaflets at Ipswich and at Goodison next week.
  • Everyone to write to the people concerned, supporting the Blues' bid. (Email me for the full list of people to write to).
  • Ideas from anyone on how to progress our support for the bid.

You can, of course, take the cynical view. Screw the Board can't stand them; Smith hasn't got a clue; the Admin and organisation at GP is pathetic; and so on... After all, it's cool to be a cynic, isn't it?

The issues about the way the Club is run can wait for another day. Now, the focus must be on trying everything we can to win the bid for the dock. The financial implications for Everton are immense the difference between small time and big time. Just for once, please put aside the natural inclination to see a half empty glass. Add YOUR name to our list of supporters for the bid, write those letters, and offer to help if you can.


Phil Pellow

Editor, SATIS?


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