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Everton Books - The Toffees: A Concise Post-War History of Everton

A Cocncise Post-War History of Everton
Dean Hayes
, 2000.  
The Parrs Wood Press  (128 pages)  ISBN: 190315815X

Everton Football Club is one of the most famous names in World soccer. They have played consistently at the top level of English soccer, regularly challenging for and claiming honours, since the latter years of the 19th Century.

Since the Second World War they have won many titles domestically, and have also been successful in Europe, but, moreover, they have included in their teams some of the most exciting talents to ever have graced the game of football

In The Toffees Dean Hayes continues his concise post-war histories of North West football clubs, with Everton as his subject matter.

The book has three elements. Firstly, a written history of the club from 1945 to the present day. Secondly, 50 profiles of Everton's most famous post-war players. And, thirdly, a complete statistical guide to every player that has appeared for the club in the Football League since 1945. The text is accompanied by 50 photographs.

Price: 7.99   Published: 8 December 2000


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