Shareholders Association Executive Committee — Hang your Heads in Shame?
A response to Mickey Blue Eyes from Ian Macdonald
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. There are those that talk the talk and those who try and do something” - school ground banter circa 60’s and 70’s.
This is a response to Michael "Mickey Blue Eyes" Durkin’s well-penned view of the Everton Shareholders Association Executive Committee, The Shareholders Association that Lost its Head, published on the Bluekipper website.
As you all know by now, the Everton Shareholders Association AGM is to be held on 1 June 2004 and apparently the existing ESA Executive Committee are just as bad as the last lot in this somewhat responsible position.
Michael’s piece was brought to my attention by a lot of Blues and I was asked for my views on the subject — was I mad or hurt? I replied after reading the piece that I was neither hurt nor hopping mad at the tone of the accusations as I know Michael very well, and respect him for his endeavours during our quest for that magical (now mythical) site called the King’s Waterfront project.
Michael was a general in guiding Evertonians to the true picture of our bid — he was professional and articulate at every level of this quantum leap project for Everton. For my penny’s worth on this particular subject, I think we will never have had a better opportunity for location, price and spec of new a stadium for Everton. I believe it will follow us like an albatross around our necks until we look another gift-horse in the mouth. Thing is, why did it take over 18 moths to shatter the dream? It should have taken no more than three months to quantify our position. We either had the money or we didn’t. God, how much is the real estate worth now down that neck of the woods? It will seem sad, when we are driven to a shared stadium, that there will then be three owners not the two on offer at the Dock... but I digress.
I cannot reply as eloquently, or skilfully, as Michael can write. It’s a fact of life I am not as intelligent as Michael with verse or academic reason — but I am an Evertonian with an opinion and very close to what happens to us and how we feel.
This is my own personal account of the present ESA Executive Committee.
If I cast you back to the Echo’s infamous ‘Night of the Long Knives’, the meeting was about frustration and the need to change the status quo of the ‘Peoples Club’. In a nutshell, it seemed that the watchdog of the Club (that was the original calling of the ESA in the 1930’s) had in fact become hush puppies. Many of the wider membership of the ESA had no feedback from meetings, questions asked etc. It seemed a cosy relationship had developed, rightly or wrongly, with the powers that be at Goodison. "Don’t rock the boat" seemed to be the motto of the watchdog. That night, I was asked to go on the Executive Committee — at first, the Wheeltappers and Shunters club came to mind... "A committee," I thought, “hmm, well I’m an elected member of the Independent Blues, so why not?” If I can help I will.
I was subsequently elected but my thoughts that night were of my Dad’s burial arrangements that day — not change at Everton or getting even with the past hierarchy. So, yes, I suppose I went with the flow of change that night. My Dad would have wanted me to speak up for fellow Blues that cannot be heard, so maybe fate dealt me a hand that night.
I also knew that night, and for months afterwards, that the Club was royally pissed off with the wholesale changes of the ESA. I was told so.
Our cards were marked and any dialogue would be short and terse. So be it; I, like thousands of others, are in this for the long haul and my Dad always said, "Be true to yourself, son, and let others who would hurt you fall by the wayside in time, as time finds people out." At the first Executive Committee meeting, it was a strange feeling, speaking through the Chairman — almost like royal protocol — but I kept along with the mechanics of such shareholders meetings, fumbling along like a virgin on his first night.
All I wanted to do was give ideas to be championed by the Club and questions properly answered by the hierarchy — not ignored or fobbed off, as many non-shareholder fans have been in the past. I am primarily an Independent Blue in a Shareholder's position where our voice can be heard.
But it was all fantasy in my mind; the new regime was not flavour of the month — never mind the full tenure — so any thoughts that we may have had to make inroads into giving the Club a more professional approach to a whole spectrum of ideas to help /aide and explore fell at the drawbridge and moat. We were shunned except for a few very late letters or return calls.
But still we carried on every six weeks, meeting at Goodison.
The infamous list of names Michael Durkin has set in stone in his article as the Executive Committee came from near and far to try and resolve this Club’s problems. We all knew that Everton could be / should be better run but how can you have an input if you stonewalled? In hindsight, we should have resigned en masse, citing the reasons why we could not continue, instead of losing friends along the way.
Many a time, I went to a committee meeting and I thought: I can’t really make it for pressure of work or family... but then I would realise that members would be travelling from Leicester, Luton, Yorkshire, North Wales and even Ireland; so how could I not come when only 10 miles down the road! For those who came and those since departed, I have the highest admiration — all their travel expenses were covered by themselves. Driven by a hope that they could, if allowed, change Everton for the better by giving expert help (in some cases) free of charge and without personal gain. This part of the story did get me a bit mad when reading Michael's self-righteous article. Many meetings lasted nearly four hours, while past Committee members would say theirs would last only 20 minutes, with no proper minutes given out to the wider Association. I may be too hard on past ESA Committees but can only gather information from what I experienced or heard myself over the years. God, I think I’ve just morphed into Mickey Blue Eyes junior, criticising others and polarising people!
After a few months with crumbs of bread thrown from the table of Mr Dunford and Sir Philip, a meeting was permitted to discus matters. I never wanted to go to such meetings, as John Sinnott, our Chairman, was more articulate than I could ever hope to be. I thought they might defrost the Club into listening to the ESA main agenda items, but me being there was not a good idea, as the CEO did not like me.
The new ESA Executive Committee danced with and courted the hierarchy to prove that were no demons hell bent on destroying their regime — but it was never going to become a marriage.
Just after Christmas 2003, a heaven-sent (for the hierarchy) clash of protocols within the Committee occurred. Mike Owen and Steve Allinson had gone on a mission to the newspapers to draw attention to the idea of bringing in badly needed new investment into the Club — via a share issue. It was front page news in the Echo and it seemed to embarrass the hierarchy — why? Well, you must come to your own conclusions...
John Sinnott and a couple of others on the Executive Committee were not happy that an article high on the Committee’s agenda was taken outside to the media without prior approval. John wanted to resign at the next Committee meeting, such was his stance on the matter. I sat there very sad and dismayed that this group could not continue as one anymore.
Fact was I could see every point of view: Mike Owen’s frustration at not being heard enough about the matter (when he worked in the media) and seeing the Club’s desperate need for a capital injection without heavy charges; and John’s thinking of conflict of interest with Steve Allinson, who was selling shares to fans at a below market price to encourage broader ownership amongst the fans.
I thought at the time, it was a mountain being made out of a mole hill and would drift away... but not to John Sinnott or Rob Evans, who resigned on the strength of their arguments. These two people are great Evertonians and I too thought about jettisoning myself from the Committee as I did not want to take sides —how could I? I considered these people as my friends — not just concerned Evertonians.
So I kind of sat on the fence with splinters hurting me from time to time as I spoke to the main players in this fall out. We did meander along a bit to conclude our tenure, making a final agenda of what we tried to accomplish, and holding a vote for change in the Articles of Association — which are so dated and like a keep-net in water when it comes to interpretation.
Well, you may ask, what did you lot do then for the ten months or so? All I can show you is what I was involved in, which was briefly as follows:
Everton were a trail-blazing Club that set the standard for others to follow. The plaque has since been accepted and I’m happy about that, as Keith Wilson and myself put in many hours to get it right. However, our names on the recent programme notes at the home game against Bolton where omitted, I know I’m perceived as a bad apple at the Club but poor Keith just tries his best for the club. Another sad act. I hope they place the plaque in the main reception area of the Goodison Road stabd where visiting journalists etc. can see that we are not just another club — although recent history may suggest this. Blueblood, the ex players Foundation received a sizeable donation as a result of the 125 year celebration night.
Sometimes you have to beat your own drum in public so that, when others throw slings and shots, people can see the side of both stories to make your own judgement. Michael Durkin is without doubt a good Evertonian and wants what’s best for the club and its loyal fans. I’ll still have a drink with Michael anytime because that’s the way it is, it’s the long haul; all about opinions — just do me a favour, Michael: take my place on the committee and do your best for everyone concerned. I’m tired of people falling out and polarising fans. I just want what’s best, like everyone else. Maybe I’m misguided but I think we may have a chance with the new changes in the wind, to move on together.
That’s what I want for Evertonians now — to be together as a powerful force with a plan and a vision to follow. If Paul Gregg wants to be our Fergus McCann, then so be it — it’s got to be better than it is now.
At the AGM next Tuesday night, I don’t want our new CEO Trevor Birch sitting there thinking “have I just come into the local bag wash” — there’s so much backbiting, with the worst offenders waiting to pounce on fellow Blues who are trying to help the Club get on a better footing, with no personal gain — except wanting a result of their efforts getting us a better team on the field to watch. Isn’t that what we all want?
Sure, I still endorse calling for an EGM of the Club's shareholders as the only to change at the Club to date has been Trevor Birch coming in. The Club has eight weeks from then to get their act together before the new season starts. If the Club clearly shows that it is listening to the fans who want to see change, has a plan and a vision, then we can aim high together. Too many times in the past we have accepted tidbits of deeds to back off from applying pressure on our Club, to force a more professional approach at the top level.
The sands of time are running out for our Club’s Premiership status — we got away with avoiding relegation last season yet again. How many wake-up calls do we need before the trap door gets us? After the Manchester City humiliation, the hurting fans have become angry fans. By the following Wednesday, those fans gathered at the Blue House meeting were educated to the real state of our Club. The fans called for this meeting — not Ian Macdonald. In hindsight, a better venue should have been picked. However, the saddest thing is that the Club should have held a clear-the-air meeting with the fans — but I guess they were too frightened.
This is Everton: never should keeping our Premiership status be deemed as a success. We demand / hope for better than this. I urge Michael Durkin to take up the gauntlet and use his obvious skills to help the fans and club be positive again. He needs to get away from being the Tiger in the wings waiting to pounce — we need action now, not words.
I’m sorry to have had to respond to Michael's article but I know he is so wrong or ill informed by regarding his stance on the existing Executive Committee. Is it any wonder that fans feel trepidation when putting their heads above the parapet? I suppose Michael could dock our pay for our tenure... but we don’t get paid for our efforts.
Come on, Michael, have a pint with us - and give us input not criticism!
Let Tuesday be a real new dawn — not the same old infighting. No wonder we are the way we are when fans are at each other’s throats. Let’s be the watchdogs and guide dogs of the Club, finding a path together to climb back to where we aspire. This Club's Shareholders Association is the oldest in the league – let’s not be just a historical fact yet again for Everton. Let us be part of the future of Everton.
Ian Macdonald . Everton Shareholder Everton Independent Supporters Association Everton Shareholders Associations Executive Committee Member
Please note: This is a personal view provided by Ian Macdonad and does not convey or imply any endorsement from the other members of the ESA Executive Committee, in part or as a group. Also, because we publish an article or contribution, it does not necessarily mean that we at ToffeeWeb agree with the views of the author — Publication policy
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