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Fans Comment
Kevin Latham

Ask what you can do...
12 November 2005

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.  Any American will be able to tell you that those words belong to their most famous President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy JFK.

So what has JFK to do with Everton?  Well, apart from the fact that he was of Irish descent like many Evertonians, could we not with a little alteration apply what he said to our great club?  JFK struck gold with his comments because he played on the pride that Americans have for their country, a pride that they will shove in your face at any opportunity God Bless America, Stars and Stripes Forever, America the Beautiful and so forth.  But does our pride in our club not compare to this?

Its very obvious from the ToffeeWeb Mailbag that Evertonians pride is severely dented at the moment maybe more so than it has ever been.  Were hurting, and theres no immediate prospect of any relief, with Spurs and Chelsea just over the horizon.  These are truly dire times to be a Blue. But lads, we ARE Blues.  Whilst we can (and do) blame Kenwright, Moyes, Irvine, Beattie, Walter Smith etc for the predicament were in, should we supporters not accept that we have a part to play in all of this?  Because, Kenwright apart and Im not attempting to defend him, just pointing out an obvious truth none of the others Ive mentioned know what its like to be a born Evertonian.  They are or were paid to be part of our great club.  We have it in our blood.

Yes, were hurting all right, and its only natural that people have a go at those in charge, even if its only out of frustration.  But maybe its time to think about what we can do for Everton, because if we want to turn the current shite around, we wont do it by turning on those at the front end of the club.  We know from David Weirs comments that morale is about as high as our league position so its obvious that the players need a lift.  Maybe this is part of what we can do for our club, tough as it may be.  Whatever you think of Moyes and the others, theyre not going to turn things around with the fans on their backs show me a team that has ever turned the corner with their own crowd against them.

I have in the past been firmly in David Moyess corner, but I have to admit that right now my faith in him is being tested big-time. But on balance I'm still there... even though some of his decisions baffle me (and most other people) and our tactics are simplistic.  Would things improve if he took a taxi ride?  Well, would they?  How much would we a club with no money - have to pay him off, for example?  Who would we put in this place?  Who would come? Some fantasists have suggested Martin ONeill wake up for fucks sake!  Or Peter Reid.  Great Blue, great bloke, great player our best midfielder since the incomparable Alan Ball.  But do you really think that hes our best bet to replace Moyes?

And what if we brought a new guy in and he didnt fancy some of the players there?  Weve just spent a shitload of money, so where would the money come from to fund new players?  And even then these new players may be no improvement.

So, while its easy to shout for Moyess head, its not so easy to think of the possible consequences.  Does anybody want him to fail?  Where would that leave us?  If we could be guaranteed that a new manager would put us where we belong then count me in, but we all know that there are no guarantees in this game, especially where EFC are concerned.

Therefore, it follows that, for the immediately foreseeable future, personnel will stay the same.  We can slag off anyone and everyone, but how far will that improve morale?  To my simple way of thinking its a question of putting our pet hates to one side (for me by the way, thats Bent, who just isnt Premiership class, and Osman who seems to be a boy in a mans game) and getting behind those blue shirts.  We have a big, big part to play in helping this club climb the league.  Is it not in our own interests to stand as one?

The side have to start doing the business, but we fans also have to do our bit, whatever we think of individuals.  Get behind Moyes.  Lets show Beattie that we have faith in him.  Ill even shout myself hoarse for Bent and Osman.  Whoever wears the royal blue must MUST get our support now more than ever.

If they dont then weve failed.  So lets not fail.  When you think of JFK saying Ask what you can do for Everton, I hope that you will hold your head up (which is more than he can now, obviously, since some of its still on that car seat in Dallas...) and say that when the team really needed you, when it was easier to criticize than support, when things were darkest, you stood up to be counted.

Come on You Blues.  Always.

Kevin Latham


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