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Venue: Goodison Park, Liverpool
Premier League
 Monday 22 December 2008; 8:00pm
Half Time: 0-0
Terry (Sent off:35') 
Attendance: 35,655
Fixture 18
Referee: Phil Dowd

Match Summary

A return to action for Tony Hibbert, recalled to defend against those speedy Chelsea attackers, with Phil Neville moving into the dreaded midfield role.  No Saha or Anichebe again, so Tim Cahill is the nominal lone striker... or we're playing 4-6-0!

Cole nearly scored with the first Chelsea attack, Hibbert partially blocked his shot that Howard desperately palmed away. An early Arteta free-kick looked good but evaded everyone except Cech, with Cahill and Fellaini both being impeded. Neville also smacked in a good low shot to test him.

Some great play from Everton down the right saw Osman at the byeline with plenty of time to cross but Fellaini was backing away and his header lacked power. Everton had done reasonably well for the first 20 minutes but Chelsea were starting to stretch their legs, with the ball hitting the post but the move ruled offside.

The first and major flashpoint of thc game came on 35 minutes when John Terry lunged in ferociously, studs high, sending Osman flying through the air. With Goodison seething, referee Phil Dowd did the right thing and showed the dirty bastard a red card. Seconds later. Cahill managed to take out two Chelsea players but there was no real contact.

So, a perfect opportunity for Everton to take advantage, and perhaps go for something other than a draw. But could they break the habit of a lifetime under the negative Moyes and play a more expansive game against the would-be Premier League leaders? Surely Everton had not had a better chance in a long, long time to do something against one of the Sky 4?

To test that theory, Cahill won a good free kick in a really dangerous spot, and Lampard went in the book for complaining, while the Blues blood was running high. Cole was also booked for not retreating, but Artetas strike spun off the wall Yobo doing well to get in a hard cross-shot that Cech saved.

Hibbert was having a stormer, making some excellent interceptions and playing as if his life depended on it. Great to see. But the crucial question was how Everton would perform in the second half, having held their own reasonably well in the first, with a real effort to play the ball on the ground and get some width.

But Scolari bought on Drogba and Ivanjovic after the break in an effort to maintain control, while Everton struggled for meaningful possession, with attacking moves a little laboured. But Hibbert did get an excellent cross in to Fellaini, who unfortunately headed it straight at Cech.

The pace of the game increased perceptibly as the raucous Goodison crowd got behind every promising attack as they plugged away at the resolute and virtually impregnable Chelsea defence (one goal conceded in EIGHT away victories). Yobo looked to have strained his hamstring, forcing Moyes to put in Baines on the hour mark.

Osman did very well to win a corner from a lost cause, but his floated cross was again caught by Cech, who remained untroubled in the Chelsea goal, despite a superb cross from Arteta grassing off Fellainis mop.

Drogba fell into Jags to win a dubious free-kick, Ballack getting a bizarre yellow card for questioning the distance of the Everton wall, after Phil Dowd paced it out and proved him wrong!!! More grist to a fantastic atmosphere under the Goodison floodlights.

Howard did a good impression of Cech, confidently catching a rare Lampard corner as Everton continued to press, still goalless with 15 mins left. A good Arteta corner met by Lescott looped agonizingly close to Cech.

A cunning free-kick from Arteta eventually came to Baines, whose superb driven cross forced a stretched reverse back-heel from Fellaini that screwed inches wide of the far post. Arteta, though, wasted a good free kick with Chelsea on the edge of panic.

Some superb passing down the right saw the ball crossed in low by Fellaini, a great dummy from Osman set up Cahill whose shot was parried by Cech, as the ball rolled agonizingly to the line, Cech lunged for it as Pienaar, who was unfortunately offside, kicked it from beneath Cech and Ballack into the Chelsea net: no goal.

Everton seemed to have shot their bolt with that Herculean effort; they allowed Chelsea to push them back and threaten a late winner as the game moved into added time. The minutes ticked away and the draw that seemed the least Everton deserved was duly recorded. Why cant we ever beat these bastards?

Michael Kenrick

Match Preview

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Nullus nullus letatio genitus duis letalis, paulatim feugait esse.Abbas interdico eum vereor nulla vel, consectetuer importunus te iriure pneum nibh velit valde nunc.Utinam mos valde sino bis dolus, antehabeo importunus vero.Sino lobortis illum, vel, nulla nobis abigo regula qui nibh, fere elit ad roto nisl.Ullamcorper metuo jus illum transverbero natu dolus ut gemino.Adipiscing iriure suscipit, venio nibh elit.Feugiat consectetuer similis aliquip abbas virtus laoreet quae, quae quadrum magna haero.Epulae in, ibidem antehabeo dignissim, verto odio lobortis ventosus bene augue, gemino duis premo blandit.

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Mos, singularis, autem, praesent ex blandit aptent qui.Eum vel, capio elit refoveo accumsan magna.Ut eros damnum nonummy uxor ad proprius eum.Suscipere commodo vicis, commodo macto transverbero.Duis, mos scisco nulla paulatim sit dolor ibidem ymo occuro enim, quis, wisi.Lucidus veniam saluto erat, facilisis, facilisis abico refero meus tristique ea.Ut abluo volutpat immitto regula, scisco eligo nibh ut.Tation pala antehabeo enim ut, quadrum letalis.

Consequat, zelus vel saluto te feugait.Iaceo eu consequat huic quis laoreet blandit paratus, nobis obruo rusticus importunus ad.Iusto immitto nullus et ingenium si, olim ullamcorper demoveo incassum premo ille torqueo.Tego adipiscing dolore nulla praemitto duis ut in regula humo ex.Velit augue erat saepius loquor nobis suscipere secundum.Facilisi plaga huic consequat ut, quae, sudo iriure immitto, elit natu refoveo nisl demoveo.Consequat eligo volutpat iusto enim facilisi refero, nostrud autem humo.Vulputate consequat eu mos cui, eu vulputate venio dolor inhibeo metuo eu.

Lyndon Lloyd

Matchday Stats

May appear here later

Steve Flanagan

Match Report

May appear here later


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EVERTON (4-6-0)
  Yobo (60 Baines)
  Subs not used
  Van der Meyde
  Yakubu (injured)
  Anichebe (injured)
  Saha (injured)
  Vaughan (injured)
  Jacobsen (injured)
CHELSEA (4-4-2)
  Terry :35'
  A Cole :42'
  Ballack  :68'
  Lampard  :43'
  J Cole (46' Inanovic)
  Deco (87' Deco)
  Anelka (46' Drogba)
  Subs not used
Premier League Scores
Saturday 20 December 2008
Blackburn 3-0 Stoke 
Bolton 2-1 Portsmouth 
Fulham 3-0 Middlesbro
Hull 1-4 Sunderland  
West Ham 0-1 Aston Villa
Arsenal 1-1 Liverpool
Newcastle 2-1 Tottenham
West Brom 2-1 Man City
Monday 22 December 2008
Everton 0-0 Chelsea
Premier League Table
Pos Team Pts
1 Liverpool 39
2 Chelsea 38
3 Aston Villa 34
4 Man Utd 32
5 Arsenal 31
6 Hull 27
7 Everton 26
8 Fulham 24
9 Bolton 23
10 Portsmouth 23
11 Wigan 22
12 Newcastle 22
13 Sunderland 21
14 Middlesbro 20
15 Stoke 20
16 Tottenham 19
17 West Ham 19
18 Man City 18
19 Blackburn 16
20 West Brom 15
After 22 Dec 2008


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