Open Letter to Everton FC

As the backlash over the new Everton badge grows, fans are encouraged to send their disapproval to the Club via an open letter.

Dear Sirs,

RE: Complaint under the Everton FC Customer Charter — Customer Relations

Customer No: *******

I am writing to you as a loyal supporter/season ticket holder of many/xx years to express my displeasure and clear objection to the recently introduced, ‘modernised' Everton FC crest.

As someone who has invested a great deal of time and money in following OUR club through thick and thin over the years, it is fair to say that my feeling is that, together, we are all stakeholders in this magnificent institution — an idea that has historically been endorsed by the club, I should add.

With an Evertonian as Chairman, a man who labels himself merely a ‘custodian', and with the adoption of “The People's Club” tag of recent years, we have always been led to believe that Everton FC is one of the last truly ‘inclusive' football clubs left at the highest level, a club that will always listen to its fans.

You can imagine then my horror when the club recently announced the adoption of this proposed new ‘branding' — confirmation of a badge that many of us fans have seen around the internet for some weeks now, but which I assumed to be a ‘hoax'.

As an Evertonian, I subscribe absolutely to the notion that our club is ‘different' and ‘special'. I believe that we are indeed ‘chosen', and that our history, heritage and past success is something of which we can be immensely proud, something which we should embrace and be proud of — not something that we should snigger at the distant memory of, cower away from or feel the need to reinvent ourselves free of.

Every week Goodison Park and away ends around the country can be found packed full of loyal Evertonians belting out the famous ‘Grand Old Team” anthem, of which the lines “..and if, you know, your history....” are most prominent and passionately delivered. It is something that we identify with, and something that we never, ever want to forget, move on from, or let go.

I am not against change, I am not a fan who is ‘stuck in the past' and I absolutely acknowledge the need of the club to modernise the badge for various reasons. What I cannot accept however, is the way in which a small group of faceless individuals have torn the heart out of a key part of the identity of our club. Along with our name, club colours and stadium... the club crest is an intrinsic part of who we are and where we have evolved from. I don't think I need to elaborate too much on specifics when I say that this new crest is simply not befitting of our football club on any level. It is not just the removal of the famous “Nil Satis Nisi Optimum” standard, of which the majority of us are very fond, but more the overall feel. Many have used words such as “cheap”...”tacky”... and suggested that the badge looks as though it could have been designed “by a young child”. I couldn't disagree with any of these points.

As a fan of “The People's Club”, the least that I would have expected is an open fans' consultation on a decision this important, with various design ‘options' being offered via the club website — prior to any final decision being taken. As it is, the existing design has been greeted by widespread disapproval, disappointment, upset and worst of all, a feeling of betrayal.

I implore you all: please, listen to the fans. Withdraw this universally hated abomination without delay and allow the Evertonians — all of us, not a faceless chosen few — the opportunity to have an input into a decision which affects everyone associated with the club.

Warmest regards,

Disillusioned Evertonians.

Quotes or other material sourced from NoToNewEFCBadge

Reader Comments (25)

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Dick Brady
1 Posted 27/05/2013 at 17:31:55
Its weird but the badge really doesn't bother me. I have no opinion of the new badge just like I have no opinion of the old badge.

I guess all I'm interested in is the football on the pitch.

Mike Keating
2 Posted 27/05/2013 at 18:39:06
If yer know yer 'istory
Paul Gladwell
3 Posted 27/05/2013 at 18:48:30
The badge, the kit, the ground,toffee lady ,the motto etc are what make Everton, take them away and it's not Everton, those things made us love Everton because growing up in the 70s it certainly wasn't winning trophies.
Paul Foster
4 Posted 27/05/2013 at 18:58:39
I'm no fan of the badge myself. But looking back at the evolution of the badge over the years, what strikes me is that it has changed FAR more than I ever noticed! I guess we tend to get used to new badges fairly quickly, to the extent that I'd totally forgotten we didn't have "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum" at all in the 80s: it only made a comeback in 1991.

Again, I don't like the badge. But it's worth noting that many of the things people are now getting protective and emotional about (i.e. NSNO) weren't there when we were at our most successful. And I don't remember many people complaining at the time.

Patrick Murphy
5 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:03:39
Paul NSNO is on the cover of my Season Ticket for 1980-81 for the Bullens Road Centre B embossed in gold on a purple background,
Patrick Murphy
6 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:06:06
It's also used in the 1969-70 Matchday programme with a list of the directors and staff below it.
Paul Gladwell
7 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:07:38
Paul, 1978 it came on the kits and even in the 80s when we just had the laurels it was our official badge on season tickets etc.
Matt Traynor
8 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:16:00
Paul. I think at the time it was still on the club crest which was used on letterheads, building signage etc, however the kit had a more limited design.
Duncan McDine
9 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:07:42
Reminds me of when the BBC spent several millions on the rebrand and change of logo.... it ended up looking pretty much the same as the old one!!!

If for whatever reason the badge needed changing for marketing reasons, go a bit more radical instead of just removing the motto and crests. and like the OP says, give us a few options and get us fans involved for positive debate, rather than sneaking it out on CL Final day hoping no one notices!

Patrick Murphy
10 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:18:29
The Programme from 1958 throughout the sixities had NSNO with the crest and the 1984-85 season it was also on the front cover. I assume it was brought in by Sir John Moores but I don't know for sure.

Paul Jamieson
11 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:21:40
Like Consignia and Pasta Hut expensive mistakes await us through pig headed decisions and stupidly to drive forward the incorrect belief that they were right in the 1st place.

Kim Jong-Bill at his best again!

Eugene Ruane
12 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:08:24
There is, I believe, a clarification needed regarding the badge.

The (present) uproar is, in my opinion, not because the badge has been 'redesigned', it is because it has been CHANGED.

It is now NOT our badge.

Obviously there have been redesigns over the years and obviously we haven't always worn the badge in the shirt.

The elements in the Theo Kelly badge COULD have been redesigned to look fresh and new and I don't think there'd have been any real problem.

I believe had a good design studio been PROPERLY briefed (ie: redesign this badge - include the laurels, NSNO and tower) all this bad feeling would have been avoided.

The maddest thing about all of this is that the badge was possibly the only Everton-related subject nobody seemed to have any problem with, so to be fucking about with it in ANY way really seems like looking for trouble.

Paul Gladwell
13 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:25:42
I once had a rug from the 60s which had two ginger haired players kicking with the badge in the middle, how I loved that until my mum decided to wash it and due to its age it fell to pieces it was nano badge so these lads claiming its new, it's not read your history.
Patrick Murphy
14 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:28:06
Maybe a chant at the first game should be something like 'We're here for the team, we're here for the team, get back to London we're here for the team.
Paul Gladwell
15 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:33:17
So right Eugene, I would welcome a fresh look but it's shite and others are laughing at us and that hurts, no doubt soccer am will have a field day, it's out of shape, the full works and yet some fans have designed crackers that would have pleased most
Gavin Ramejkis
16 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:27:31
They knew exactly what they were doing, discarded, disgraceful

'History' , 'Tradition' , 'Heritage' , 'Relevance to Fans' = REMOVE

Mike Hughes
17 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:41:49
Just watched the official Evolution of the Crest video.
Players giving verbal approval.
Reminds me of the Kirkby debacle when the players were wheeled-out to state how great the move would be for us.
Felt rail-roaded then (voted NO) and same feelings now.
It's a fans' issue - not the players.
They are here today, gone tomorrow.
We're here for life.
Phil Sammon
18 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:53:16
I'm sort of expecting the club to try and cover their arses by saying that the laurels and NSNO will be on the shirt, below the collar or something. That might appease a few fans, but we will still be stuck with a desperately shit badge on the front of our shirts.
Brent Stephens
19 Posted 27/05/2013 at 20:08:56
Phil, I half expect them to say we can own the extra bits (laurels and NSNO), as iron-on additions at extra cost.
Thomas James
20 Posted 27/05/2013 at 20:24:22
Does anyone know or have an email address that I can send a copy signed by me, to.
Phil Sammon
21 Posted 27/05/2013 at 20:25:50
Or a pen comes with each shirt and you can add whatever you see fit.
Brent Stephens
22 Posted 27/05/2013 at 20:31:13
Even better, Phil. But I bet the pen wouldn't allow you to add words starting with F and U or write the name Bill.
Chris Bentham
23 Posted 27/05/2013 at 21:21:13
Not arsed.
Colin Wainwright
24 Posted 27/05/2013 at 21:28:19
Arsed enough to write your fuckin' stupid comment though Chris.
Paul Jamieson
25 Posted 28/05/2013 at 07:56:56
email address to send it to is

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