Scoring from outside the box

by   |   04/09/2022  97 Comments  [Jump to last]

I've long wondered whether I'm the only Toffee who's been mystified, for decades, on account of how we score so few goals from outside the opponent's area?

I mean other teams in the Premier League, mostly better, but even some of the worse ones, seem to score way more such goals than we ever have done in living memory.

Jagielka and Carsley against Liverpool this century, Rooney against West Ham, McFadden (for once) back in the 20th century are still memorable to me but, genuinely, is my memory failing as to others?

Further, I remember being excited when we signed Bruce Rioch, on account of his previously fabulous long-range goal scoring; for us, it all but dried up.

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Just who have I forgotten about, folks, when it comes to scoring from distance?...... (and yes, I too remember Sharp's goals against Liverpool and Spurs – they were but 2 out of the 111 he scored for us).




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Jerome Shields
1 Posted 05/09/2022 at 09:12:14
Yes, what you say is very noticeable, Don. To a certain extent, it could be said it’s the same from inside the box as well, as regards end product.

I thought for a long time that it was because of managers wanting goals to come from a number of sources. Players therefore feeling the pressure to get close to make sure before shooting.

There might to some extent reflect coaches over controlling. The by-product of this is a deterioration of Everton's play in the final third (Everton have for seasons poor comparative pass-completion rates in the final third), since now everyone in the final third is a potential shooter.

The problem is they don't have the finishing ability of a goalscorer, and the importance of the art of finishing has got lost in the coaching and training of players.

Good finishing forwards are not sought or recruited as a result – and may even be an afterthought, as this transfer window appears to show.

Jerome Shields
2 Posted 05/09/2022 at 09:40:37
Just to clarify pass competition in the final third, this is not just failed passes, but also attempted passes. This would add to less volleys from outside the box.
Bill Watson
3 Posted 05/09/2022 at 10:27:51
Don; I agree. We have very players who seem to be prepared to have a go from outside the penalty area.

Apart from the Sharp Anfield goal, the other one which sticks in my memory is Kevin Ratcliffe's daisy cutter, from somewhere near the half-way line, which completely bamboozled Grobbelaar.

Chris Williams
4 Posted 05/09/2022 at 10:38:52
James McFadden scored a nice volley at Goodison from just outside the area. Can’t remember the opposition though.

I think James Garner has a bit of a dig on him.

Dave Abrahams
5 Posted 05/09/2022 at 10:42:15
One of the best goals I ever saw at Goodison was from a young player who never made the grade at Everton: Gerry Humphreys against Sheffield Wednesday a cracking shot from just outside the angle of the penalty area arrowed in the top corner of the net to make it 3-0.

Another came from Colin Green against Leicester City from about thirty yards that flew in giving the ‘keeper, Banks? No chance and win the game 3-2. Green was a young Welshman who later went to Birmingham City.

You're are right though, Don, why don't we produce players who will “have a go”? I don't think this present squad has got a player who even tries a long-distance shot which might get a deflection, like Gordon's versus Man Utd last season!!

Derek Thomas
6 Posted 05/09/2022 at 10:52:18
We don't shoot enough. There was a study done – isn't there always – for big money and it came up with the shocker: the more shots you have, the more goals you get.

But plenty of managers, good ones, see having a shot as giving away possession. I remember Kendall saying much the same, taking Gary Stevens to task. "There's a time and a place," he said.

Going back 10 years or more... Baines was a culprit, we seem to have gone totally shot shy even from inside the box.


Joe McMahon
7 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:01:09
Chris@4 it was Charlton. There's been so few we even remember them.

I've always said Everton and goals has mainly always been an issue (before I get Dixie et al) I'm talking the past 40-odd years. And certainly the Premier League era.

Bilyaletdinov scored the odd screamer for us, the one v Portsmouth was an absolute belter.

Chris Williams
8 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:03:10
Thanks Joe,

Speaking of Baines, there was a free kick against Newcastle. Does that count?

Phil Bellis
9 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:34:16
Dave Cashen
10 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:39:27
Off the top:

Mirallas. Richarlison. Digne. Gomes. Bolasie. Townsend. Gray. Mykolenko. Arteta. Horne. Barkley. Gordon. Stewart. Billyaletdinov. Not to mention a few rockets for Baines and Sigurdsson

I'm sure anyone prepared to give it more thought would at least treble my list.

Laurie Hartley
11 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:43:09
I know where you are coming from, Don, but in fairness to Gray and Townsend, they both scored screamers from outside the box last season if my memory serves me correctly.

Joe McMahon
12 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:47:33
Chris @8,

It most certainly does. Rooney first PL goal of course v Arsenal, but yes he scored some screamers for Man Utd.

In terms of other clubs, yes Shearer, Le Tissier, Van Persie et al could hit them, but remember Nolberto Solano?

Steve Brown
13 Posted 05/09/2022 at 11:50:28
Billy could hit them.


Christine Foster
14 Posted 05/09/2022 at 12:03:49
Rooney from the half-way line in his second coming...
Stephen Vincent
15 Posted 05/09/2022 at 12:12:46
Ronnie Goodlass at West Ham, brilliant goal.
Alan McGuffog
16 Posted 05/09/2022 at 12:30:06
Dave 5,

I agree with you totally. As I recall, it was played to him just outside the box, corner of Goodison Road and Gwladys Street stands. Into the far top corner and Springett didn't move.

For me, only equaled by Vargas (?) goal, again in the Street End, in Hungary v Brazil in 66

Chris Williams
17 Posted 05/09/2022 at 12:37:47
Steve Watson when he scored a hat-trick against Leeds.
Chris Williams
18 Posted 05/09/2022 at 12:52:04
Dave (5),

Do you remember the Roy Vernon howitzer against Man City in 1960? A night match, we won 4-2.

He let fly from well out and we were able to track the ball all the way in from behind the goal. It lodged high up in the net behind the stanchion, and the keeper, Trautman(?), had to dislodge it.

Denis Law played for City that night, and Collins and Vernon ran the show. I think the Echo the following day had the headline along the lines of' ‘Collins and Vernon take Everton to Real Madrid heights'

Lived long in my memory!

John Chambers
19 Posted 05/09/2022 at 13:40:19
Andy King, 1978
Alan McGuffog
20 Posted 05/09/2022 at 13:50:31
Lest we forget a certain Exocet by Colin Harvey on a rainy night in May 1970 against West Brom.
Will Mabon
21 Posted 05/09/2022 at 13:56:15
Barkley vs Man City at the Street End was one of the best.
Ste Bold
22 Posted 05/09/2022 at 13:56:48
We scored 5 outside box last season from 158 shots: Gordon (2), Townsend, Mykolenko and Gray. We ranked 16th overall for goals and 15th for shots.

Previous seasons we are ranked about the same: 3 goals 2020-21 (James 2, Richarlison) and just 1 in 2019-20 (Sigurdsson?).

So Don is right, we don't score many of late or even try. We did score 9 in 2018-19 but my database fails me who.

Dave Abrahams
23 Posted 05/09/2022 at 13:58:18
Chris (17),

Yes, I remember that goal from Steve Watson, he was way out on the touchline when he scored that goal.

Chris (18),

Sorry, I don't remember that Roy Vernon goal although I must have been at the game.

Barry Rathbone
24 Posted 05/09/2022 at 15:01:54
You have to have confidence to have a crack from outside the box and for that you need good technique. We have had triers and journeymen for the most part hence we don't notch from distance.

It's no coincidence it was Rooney on his return who drove one in from the half-way line. Technique is the last thing to go.

I scored 3 from the half-way line when I played but I was brilliant!

Jay Harris
25 Posted 05/09/2022 at 15:20:24

I am more concerned about our inability to score from inside the box.

Our finishing has been a concern of mine since we lost Fellaini and Lukaku, not to mention Deulofeu and Barkley. We also used to get odd contributions from Coleman and Baines.

The diificulty with scoring from long range in the current game is down to more organized defence these days IMO so the real art is finding a way through and finishing – something we're not very good at.

Rennie Smith
26 Posted 05/09/2022 at 15:49:03
Depends on how old you are...Andy King in the derby, Peter Beagrie, Ozzie in the Europa, Barry Horne, Peter Beardsley...
Ray Robinson
27 Posted 05/09/2022 at 16:09:07
Baines against Chelsea in the FA Cup away
Townsend v Burnley last season
Sigurdsson v Hadjuk Split away
Gray last minute v Arsenal
Rooney v Arsenal
Humphries v Sheffield Weds many moons ago...

But yes, not often enough!! Some of our forwards haven't been able to shoot that far.

Danny O’Neill
28 Posted 05/09/2022 at 16:53:57
Andy King, Derby. Green "Everton are magic banner" and for some reason, an US flag?

Grahame Sharp, Anfield. Mini pitch invasion.

Don Hutchinson with his back. Oh, another Derby decision that went against.

Kevin Sheedy. Anfield and the 2 fingers to the Kop.

Kevin Sheedy. Just take your pick.

Brian Murray
29 Posted 05/09/2022 at 17:00:26
I could add another 7 bad calls in a derby and after saturday we still counting.
Brian Murray
30 Posted 05/09/2022 at 17:00:26
I could add another 7 bad calls in a derby and after saturday we still counting.
Mike Gaynes
31 Posted 05/09/2022 at 17:44:29
Dave #10, good compilation, but how in the world could no one have yet mentioned Leon Osman's left-foot banana against Man City??

Leon Osman Amazing Goal vs Manchester City

Mike Gaynes
32 Posted 05/09/2022 at 17:56:19
Off topic... horrible news about our former Academy player Hallam Hope, now at Oldham. Violently attacked and seriously injured in the car park at Boundary Park after a game with Chesterfield -- apparently by a Chesterfield player.

Dennis Stevens
33 Posted 05/09/2022 at 18:56:52
Outrageous, Mike. That's taking a bit of afters way too far!
Neil Copeland
34 Posted 05/09/2022 at 18:59:50
Mike #32, I have just read about that too - jeez, what was that all about? Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Hallam.
Neil Copeland
35 Posted 05/09/2022 at 19:02:23
Didn’t Martin Dobson score a screamer at Analfield in the 70s?
Jon Bentley
36 Posted 05/09/2022 at 19:07:36
Rumour has it the attack was linked to said players romantic interests!

Glad we never have any players involved in off field shenanigans. 😉

David Graves
37 Posted 05/09/2022 at 19:17:26
Jon, that's just not true.

Obviously that level of violence can't possibly be condoned but there is some mitigation.

Brian Murray
38 Posted 05/09/2022 at 19:18:26

Yes, Dobson scored it in a 3-1 defeat.

Neil Copeland
39 Posted 05/09/2022 at 19:29:50
Brian, yes it’s come back to me now, we were 3-0 down at half time in a game I really thought we would get something from. I was in the Anfield Road End that day, devastated by the result but what a goal.
Danny O’Neill
40 Posted 05/09/2022 at 20:02:43
A couple of random ones and continuing my Derby theme. I was in the Anfield Road away end for both.

A rare goal from Kevin Ratcliffe at Anfield that squirmed under Brucey Balls Up "the Clown" Grobbelaar to trickle over the line.

Gary Stevens' deflected shot in the Littlewoods Cup around the same time.

Paul Birmingham
41 Posted 05/09/2022 at 20:24:47
Neil, yes Dobbo, scored a cracker 25-30 yards into the Kop, 1976.

Others I can recall are upfront :-
Prekki v City around 93 or 94 at GP, Mark Ward the Arsenal, Rooney v Arsenal,at GP Steve Watson away v Bolton away, Ozzie’s screamer at GP v Larissa 207/08, Jimmy Mc v Fulham at GP, 2006, Arteta freekick v Fiorentina 2008, Jags v the RS 2014, Siggy v Leicester away 2019, Arteta v the RS 2010, at GP, 19 yards, Ross v City GP 2014, Baines at The Skunks 2011, Baines free kick double v West Ham 2013, Baines vLeicester at GP 2019, Matt Jackson v Bristol City away 1995, Hinchclifee freekick away vQPR 1994, Andy is Our King v RS 1978, Villa 1976, Ronnie G v West Ham away 1976, Tricky Trevor - several home and away 1983-1988, Sheedy - numerous home and away, Andy Gray 1985 v Spurs away, Gareth Farrell v Coventry 1998, Backof the echo v Bristol City away 1999, Sharpy away v RS 1984, Sharpy v Spurs GP 1981, Lineker v City 1986 just about the edge of the box Street End, Ossie v City GP 2013, Peanuts v Villa away 2013, Zico v Norwich FAC 1986, McCall v RS 1989 FACF, Rats v RS 1986, away, Wayne Clarke’s chip v Arsenal away 1987, Speed v Soton GP 1996...Snods v Derby home, 1997, Samways v Blackburn Charity Shield 1995, Zico v Chelsea away 1985, Dunc v Charlton away 1995, Wag - scorcher v Arsenal Highbury 1998?, I’m sure Inchy got a couple as well in his time at Everton. Latchford a couple from the edge of the box in his time at Everton.

Paul Birmingham
42 Posted 05/09/2022 at 20:26:53
also Gary Stevens v Sheffield Wednesday, GP 1986, and there’s a few more, but time for me dinner.
Brian Murray
43 Posted 05/09/2022 at 20:37:14
Inchy scored a 25-yarder in a 3-3 game v Man Utd in the very early '80s at Goodison.
Brian Murray
44 Posted 05/09/2022 at 20:40:06
I remember in 76 league cup at old trafford quarter final. Dobbo scored a long range beauty in a thee nil win. Hardly a window left on our coach left intact trying to get away from the place.
Neil Copeland
45 Posted 05/09/2022 at 21:17:09

I remember that one too, fantastic goal and performance. A mate and me grabbed hold of a police horse's tail and stayed behind it through lines of rabid Mancs. Thought we would rather be kicked by the horse than let the Mancs have the pleasure!

John McFarlane Snr
46 Posted 05/09/2022 at 21:29:21
Hi Paul [41],

I used to have a good memory in my younger days but now I sometimes can't remember what I had for dinner. Dave Abrahams has a good memory, but I doubt that he would reel those names off as readily as you have.

The fact that you say that you can recall those games is tremendous, and every goal from a distance? I don't know how old you are, but does the name Leslie Welsh mean anything to you?

Because I was in the Anfield Road end it's difficult for me to say exactly where Olivier Dacourt was when he scored at the Kop end, but I'm quite sure it was outside of the penalty area. I had to look it up and I discovered that it was 3 April 1999 in a 3-2 defeat.

Neil Copeland
47 Posted 05/09/2022 at 21:55:32
Paul, wow! Like John Mc, I am impressed!!
Duncan McDine
48 Posted 05/09/2022 at 22:38:29
That goal from Gareth Farrelly against Coventry, and watching Ollie Dacourt put one in the top bin at Anfield from range after about 30 seconds.

But the OP is right – we don't score many from distance compared to other teams.

Oh, and who could forget the one and only goal to start a riot?

Tom Bowers
49 Posted 05/09/2022 at 22:59:54
There was an absolute screamer by Martin Dobson in the Kop end at Anfield. The highlight of yet another defeat and of course Jagielka's wonderful last gasp equalizer also at the Kop end a few years back.

The best of them all was Sharpie's volley at the Anfield Road end.

Robert Tressell
50 Posted 05/09/2022 at 23:05:03
This is part of a wider issue, being that we just don't score that many goals… full stop. And our attacking players often aren't very good.

As it happens, last season we saw some belters from range from Gray, Townsend and Mykolenko.

This season, I expect to see Gordon, McNeil and maybe Iwobi get in on the act (although Gordon, like Pienaar previously, just doesn't seem to strike the ball with much power).

Given Lampard was a master at it, I expect it's something they're working on.

Genuinely optimistic generally after that last match. I think we're going to give someone a good hiding once a few of the new players get into a good rhythm.

Danny O’Neill
51 Posted 05/09/2022 at 00:01:03
I'll go contemporary. Andy Townsend at home against Burnley last season. I was right in line in the normally away section in the Upper Bullens.

'Peach' as they say.

Danny O’Neill
52 Posted 06/09/2022 at 01:00:35
** right in line
Alan J Thompson
53 Posted 06/09/2022 at 06:44:07
Strewth, Lads, not one mention of the greatest ever goal from outside the box; Derek Temple 1966, I'm sure you all know the game.
Andy Kay
54 Posted 06/09/2022 at 07:45:55
Limpar away at Leicester 1996-97.
Townsend vs Burnley.
Gray vs Arsenal last season.
Sigurdsson vs Leicester away in 2018-19 season.

Nothing will beat Sharpy's at Anfield though.

Peter Mills
55 Posted 06/09/2022 at 07:46:19
Alan Ball’s penultimate goal for us at Goodison v Newcastle, Oct 1971.
Peter Mills
56 Posted 06/09/2022 at 08:00:18
Dave A, #5. I remember that screamer by Gerry Humphreys well, it was a beautiful sunny afternoon.

If my memory serves me correctly, the goal he scored in 1968 against Leicester when we won 7-1 was also from outside the penalty area. If so, it would mean that 100% of Gerry’s career goals for us met Don’s criterion.

Bill Gienapp
57 Posted 06/09/2022 at 08:15:40
We may not score them habitually (or even semi-habitually), but there have been plenty in recent years. For example, Rooney scored a cracker against Arsenal, but the Gunners preceded to bang in five straight afterwards, in what would turn out to be Koeman's final game in charge... so not surprising it's been forgotten. A few others off the top of my head (some of which have already been mentioned) --

- Gray's game-winner against Arsenal
- Townsend's worldly against Burnley
- Mykolenko's scything volley against Leicester
- James's superb strike against Leicester
- Baines's stoppage time equalizer against Leicester in the League Cup
- Gylfi's game-winner against Leicester (quite a few against Leicester, huh?)
- Gylfi's ridiculous midfield shot against Hadjuk Split
- Digne drilled a couple from range
- Lukaku scored a curling beauty in the first 35 seconds against Bournemouth

Jim Lloyd
58 Posted 06/09/2022 at 08:18:40
Don, a good article and Alan, a great goal in one of the best comebacks at Wembley as well!

The fact that we remember these goals so clearly, points to Don's question. We don't score that many outside the box. And its a long time since we scored that many from inside the box as well! In the last five seasons we scored over 50, once. I remember Alex and Roy Vernon scoring round about that many between them, in our 62/63 League Championship victory.

I looked at our stats over the last 7 seasons and put in the positions that got us anywhere near the top 6 places.

21/22; 43/66

20/21 47/48

19/20 44/56

18/19 54/46 we finished 8th

17/18 44/58 " " 8th

16/17 62/44 7th

15/16 59/55 11th

Since Moyes got us into 4th place our record has slipped downwards till last season when we nearly slipped out!

What I'm hoping that, as Don as pointed out we start improving our goals for and get more form outside the box. I also want to see us get more from inside the box as well!

Hopefully, now that we have improved our defence; and our midfield looks much better, our team can improve their goalscoring as well. I think/hope that now we have a manager who was a prolific goalscorer, we can improve our goalscoring. He will, I feel sure, be seeking a goalscorer to bring in. Not that easy for us at present. We can improve our goalscoring, I think. Though even with Calvert Lewin back, I don't see us really hitting hthe 60 odd to 80 goals a season until we get at least one prolific goalscorer. Someone like Vardy or Salah would do very nicely, thank you. But the old saying is if you don't buy a ticket, you don't win a prize. I think Frank is already working on the team to shoot more; but that's where we're lacking, ever since Lukaku was sold.

PS Bill, there was also Townsend's effort against Man Utd. I thought that was the best worked goal of the season for us.

Rennie Smith
59 Posted 06/09/2022 at 08:59:40
How can we forget the greatest ever goal scored from outside the box?

Hibbo's one and only screamer v AEK Athens in 2012 😁 and did we riot

Alan J Thompson
60 Posted 06/09/2022 at 16:12:41
Jim (#58);

Trying to remember if the fastest-ever goal in an FA Cup Final (25 seconds?) was also from outside the box, certainly on the edge.

Nick White
61 Posted 06/09/2022 at 16:42:59
Great post, Don!

How about Wayne Clarke at Highbury in the Championship run-in in '87? Great lob!

Robert Williams
62 Posted 06/09/2022 at 16:49:34
There were two teams that I still remember for shooting and scoring from outside the box. Don't remember the eras but the teams were Holland and Brazil. They could bang them in from everywhere.

Then we had Spain with their Tippy Tappy football that seemed to suggest that the ball had to be dribbled or walked into the net. Bring back the Bobby Charlton-type strikers, I say.

Brian Murray
63 Posted 06/09/2022 at 16:50:21

I remember being soaked to the skin at that game and as we heard Wimbledon winning 2-1 at Anfield, the scenes were brilliant as it got us closer to the title. Very under-rated Wayne Clarke. Shame we was rapidly declining after that '87 season.

Jay Harris
64 Posted 06/09/2022 at 16:51:51
I don't think anyone has mentioned one of he Golden Vision's greatest goals when he shimmied just over the halfway line and sent a few Sheffield Wednesday defeners the wrong way and hit a cracking shot past Ron Springett who was the England Goalie at the time. I think the score was 4-1 or 5-1 to us.
Pete Neilson
65 Posted 06/09/2022 at 17:44:12
This shows the total goals from outside the box, per team, since 2006.


For me, Andy King gets the crown.

Jim Lloyd
66 Posted 06/09/2022 at 17:56:46
I remember that one, Jay, right in the Gwladys Street net, driving us delirious behind the goal. I think that was the game when he got his hat-trick.

(But don't depend on my memory) I certainly remember the scoreline. It was 5-1...I think! :)

Danny O’Neill
67 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:05:13
Enjoyable thread.

Slightly of track but linked, I think it's a part of his game that Calvert-Lewin lacks.

When you compare him to Kane, he just doesn't seem to have that in his locker.

Ray Robinson
68 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:14:50

I remember that Gerry Humphreys goal too. I've never seen a better goal struck from outside the box at Goodison.

It was against Sheffield Wednesday in a 3-0 win in September 1968.

Gerry Morrison
69 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:24:36
Ray, I remember it too.

I used to stand in Goodison road with me dad when I was a kid, and I was behind him when he struck it. I have a memory of following it travel in a straight line right into the back of the net. Glorious.

Jim Lloyd
70 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:26:38
Alan (60),

When was our goal scored against Chelsea? I know it was a big letdown when Chelsea realised they had a feast day attacking down their left!

Paul Birmingham
71 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:32:16
John, yes good call, I was there also in the Upper Anny Road that day with some ma8s, and Neil yes, the ones upfront are games, I attended, in the good old days and albeit not so bad days now.

All in all, this season is looking up, and based on these goals we've all recalled, just think if the club had had as many dips in form in the last 30 years.

Form breeds confidence, and confidence provides the vision to strike, and ideally outside the box.

Let's hope for some more screamers this season, and fair credit to Dwight McNeil, for his superb effort v Kiev in the preseason friendly at Goodison Park.

Brian Murray
72 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:33:40
Pete @65.

One of Andy King's three consecutive goals in a derby was a one-each equaliser that's never mentioned partly because it was midweek and just a news camera there. Just outside the box at the kop end. Arguably cleaner hit than his famous one.

As for Calvert-Lewin, I'd be happy if he improves his one-on-ones and stops hitting the goalie.

Brian Murray
73 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:36:21
McNeil had the same opportunity in the Leeds game as the friendly. Big moments big players. He scufffed it. Still time for him to add that to his game. He has to as he's no pace or won't last long.
Brian Denton
74 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:39:07
I can remember John Hurst scoring a screamer in a midweek game in 67 or 68. Can't remember who against or the result. Time for a visit to the wonderful Probably imagining it.
Brian Denton
75 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:47:38
I think it must be Wednesday 19 April 1967. 3-1 home to Chelsea.

Any gits older than me (I was 8 at the time) remember it?

Ray Robinson
76 Posted 06/09/2022 at 18:54:08
Gerry #69.

You must have literally been standing next to me!

I used to stand on the ledge in front of the barrier in Goodison Road and was also directly in line with the ball as it carried on rising into the roof of the net. Never seen better.

Brian Murray
77 Posted 06/09/2022 at 19:31:34
Early 70s Martin Dobson, sweet volley in a one-nil win v his old club Burnley. Unusually we used a brown casey as they were getting phased out. Anyone remember or my memory going. Plus Kendall a beautiful long-range chip over pat Jennings in a win v Spurs at Goodison
Colin Glassar
78 Posted 06/09/2022 at 19:34:54
I can’t remember what I had for me tea last night never mind who scored a goal 40 odd years ago!
Mike Dolan
79 Posted 06/09/2022 at 19:42:04
Glad you mentioned Roy Vernon who always hit the ball hard and true but rarely from a great distance. Roy didn't like to take chances.

The player I always thought most likely to have a shot from outside the box who was a brilliant player. The best from that era though to score consistently from outside the bow we're Man Utd's Bobby Charlton and Peter Lorimer from Leeds.

Jim Lloyd
80 Posted 06/09/2022 at 19:56:56
Well said, Colin!! So I'm not the only one!
Dave Cashen
81 Posted 06/09/2022 at 20:06:06
Every time I come back to this thread, I think it should have been entitled "What have the Romans ever done for us?"

There are clearly numerous examples of goals we have scored from outside the box. The sentiment is right but, as others have pointed out, why not simply ask why don't we score enough. From anywhere?

As I type, I'm reminded of a couple of crackers from Duncan Ferguson spinning with defenders up his arse. One against the RS hammered into the bottom corner and the other against Man Utd which flew into the top corner before a world class Schmiechel could even blink.

How did a player with that much ability achieve so little?

Robert Williams
82 Posted 06/09/2022 at 20:23:36
Dave Cashen - I do hope you are not trying to pigeon hole hime!!
Paul Birmingham
83 Posted 06/09/2022 at 21:26:34
A few more come back,

Tim Howard's v Bolton, in a midweek Carling Cup game, at GP, Everton lost and the James Rodriguez goal v Leicester 2 years ago at GP.

Rom's sreamer v Dinamo Kiev away, Europa League 2015,

Castillo v Standard Liege Europa League - GP Europa League 2008.

Digne away v Lincoln 2019, Carabou Cup..

Paul Birmingham
84 Posted 06/09/2022 at 21:45:31
Scratching back also Killer got one away in EPL, v QPR, we lost 3-1, as I recall around 2004-05.

Dave Weirs volley v Spurs away in the League, 2002 just inside the box but distance wise on the angle was a good distance strike.

Townsend v Hull away FAC 2022, and v Burnley at GP EPL, 2021.

Dale Self
85 Posted 06/09/2022 at 21:47:37
Didn't Seamus lash one in from about 25 yards in the Europa under Martinez? On the road too I believe.
Alan J Thompson
86 Posted 07/09/2022 at 03:53:30
Jim (#70);

That was the one I had in mind, Louis Saha, which I believe still stands as the fastest in a Cup Final but not sure which side of the line he stood.

Isn't Tuesday is egg & chips, Jim, or left over blind scouse?

Danny O’Neill
87 Posted 07/09/2022 at 04:44:03
I've said it before, Dave @81, I think as much as he has been reluctant to step into management, I am of the belief that Duncan was also a reluctant footballer.

I'm not suggesting he feigned injury or didn't want to play. Nor for one minute doubting his commitment when he took to the field of play.

But he definitely didn't seem happy being in the spotlight of top flight football and I think that affected him and his decisions. On and off the pitch.

That's an opinion and observation, not knowledge based. Only Duncan and those close to him really know. Talent that was never fully realised in my view, for whatever the reason was.

Brian Murray
88 Posted 07/09/2022 at 05:04:53
Duncan epitomised Everton of that era. A “take it or leave it” attitude he was allowed to get away with while knowing a generation of fans needed any sort of hero.

Although he couldn't lace Sharpy’s boots, he had talent. Maybe his frame – like Mina’s – made him injury prone… who knows?

Tommy Carter
89 Posted 07/09/2022 at 06:19:08
@88 Brian.

He has a frame similar to Tomas Soucek who runs about 13 km a match and hardly ever gets injured.

I do t think frame is anything to do with it. Some people are just built for the rigours of elite football no matter what their size or shape and others aren't.

@81. He achieved so little as for whatever the reason may be, he couldn't get a performance out of himself against the lesser clubs. Especially away from Goodison where he'd be largely anonymous in the many away fixtures we lost over the years to the likes of Sheff Wed, Forest, Derby, Leeds etc etc.

Ian Bennett
90 Posted 07/09/2022 at 07:47:29
The injuries with Duncan were never surprising. Yes, he gave some stuff out, but his body took a massive beating from centre halves going through him his whole career. Perhaps not as much as players before him, but certainly a lot less than today.

Duncan played best when he was riled up, and the occasion was big. Alex Ferguson always said don't upset him as it wakes up the beast. That was so true, United, Liverpool he was brilliant. Palace, Coventry etc and he would disappear.

He was an icon in a graveyard period for the club. One trophy in a period of long struggle. His status certainly more elevated post retirement, than for a large period of time where he was contributed little in terms of goals. Moyes even wanting to cancel his contract.

If a poll was run who our biggest hero has been in the Premier league era, I guess most will say Duncan. Southall had shone far brighter before it. For me it was Cahill. Yes, he didn't win anything, but he gave absolutely everything to the cause.

Brian Murray
91 Posted 07/09/2022 at 08:31:24
Cahill I'd put even in mentality along with Ball and Reid as he was a warrior and had no Moyes hang-up or defeatist attitude — no matter who the opposition.

Easily the best since this 1992 fake-bias football began.

Paul Birmingham
92 Posted 07/09/2022 at 18:06:20
I forgot Drenthe's strike v Fulham (away), 2012, and also Beckford v Chelsea (home), 2010, and seriously bad recall I forget Bily's strikes v Wolves (away) 3-0, win 2011, and v Man Utd (home), Everton 3-1.

Did anyone ever go to the after-match quiz in the Blue House, back in the day?

There's was a prize of 10 pints, so it was a good bit of fun to start the Saturday night, win, lose or draw.

Good old days.

Brian Keating
93 Posted 08/09/2022 at 07:46:46
Arteta against Bolton, should have been goal of the season. Arteta against Fiorentina.
Osman got plenty.
Townsend got a couple last season.
Mykolenko last season.
Horne against Wimbledon

This is without even trying to think of them. It's confirmation bias, you see what you want to see. Everyone does it. You watch goal of the month every week and ask yourself "why don't Everton score like this", but the simple answer is they aren't that common. They just jam a highlights package together once a month.

Matthew Williams
94 Posted 10/09/2022 at 15:51:12
I've always thought it strange too but didn't little Ossie score some belters for us from range...since then?... very few sadly.
Danny O’Neill
95 Posted 10/09/2022 at 16:11:07
I've mentioned before that I think Leon Osman was one of the most technically gifted Everton players of his generation.

I've often said I think he is wasted as a pundit and I'd break my jobs for the boys criticism to have him coaching at Finch Farm.

I've also said this before. The best goal I saw him score was from outside the box with his head against Manchester City. I was in the Main Stand.

Having watched David Silva take a ball from the air with brilliance that led to a City goal for his talent to be appreciated by all of Goodison despite us going behind summed up Evertonians' appreciation of the beautiful game. Poor Tony Hibbert done everything right. You just can't beat brilliance.

But we got back in the game and then all 5ft 8inches of Leon lept like a Gazzlelle to head home the winner from outside the box into the Park End goal.

2-1 Everton.

Dave Abrahams
96 Posted 10/10/2022 at 22:45:45
Danny (95),

I remember that game very well, one of dozens of games Moyes took his knife with him and played the first half on the defensive. At the start of the second half with City leading he threw the knife away and started attacking the Stanley Park end, got a goal back and the crowd took over.

City took fright at the sound of the crowd and actually having to defend the increasing barrage of attacks Everton were throwing at them and Leon scored that fabulous header to win the game for Everton.

Moyes never learned from that game that is was just as easy for Everton to attack playing away from home and win games. He continued to take that knife with him when we travelled away, especially against the top teams, and he only won once away against the top four in 11 years.

Unbelievable – even when he was one of the highest-paid managers in Europe and won nothing in those 11 years… except the respect of his bank manager.

Don Alexander
97 Posted 11/10/2022 at 01:34:42
And to all those who've read and especially contributed to this thread, I say a respectful thank you.

That said, it seems the consensus is that we've for years been denied our due in terms of goals from outside the box. Hell, some of us (understandably given the drought of them) still eulogise such goals from decades past!

Iwobi scored a first-minute out-of-the-box gem at the weekend but then we seemed to offensively give up, as has been our decades-long wont, inviting the opposition to pillory us as they saw fit.

We lost, again.

As an amateur player, me and my team-mates knew I had the ability to knock one in from distance and I always tried to do so, sometimes securing us a result.

I've long become used to considering footballers to be generally thick as pig-shit but I despair of that malaise now progressing at Finch Farm, decade after decade, regardless who the manager or DoF of the day might be.

I practised relentlessly, daily for hours, for years in my pre-internet, Channel 4 years to acquire the skill of long-range shooting, It's a skill that can be acquired, if you can be arsed whilst on mega-bucks a week regardless.

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