Everton charged for pitch incidents against Palace

11/07/2022 67comments  |  Jump to last

Everton have been disciplined by the Football Association on two counts of failing to control their supporters during the penultimate game of the 2021-22 season against Crystal Palace at Goodison Park.

The English game's governing body charged the club with two breaches of Rule E20 – the first when fans entered the field of play during the match following Dominic Calvert-Lewin's dramatic winner and the second when supporters flooded the pitch after the final whistle and one fan goaded Patrick Vieira into kicking him in an incident deemed "threatening behaviour" under the FA's regulations.

Everton have until 18 July to respond to the charge.


Reader Comments (67)

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John Kavanagh
1 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Just Seen on BBC website that we are being picked on yet again by the FA:-

"Everton have been charged with two breaches of FA rule E20," said the FA.

"It is alleged that in the 84th minute and then following completion of the fixture, Everton FC failed to ensure that its spectators, and all persons purporting to be its supporters or followers, conducted themselves in an orderly fashion and refrained from using threatening and/or violent behaviour while encroaching onto the pitch area."

We've been given until the 18th to respond.

Points deduction or crowd ban to start our season?????

Brian Williams
2 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Just hope it's the same rules for Man City!
Keith Gleave
3 Posted 11/07/2022 at
This is the feck any, blind to the top teams an unduly hard on the rest.
Tom Edwards
4 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Two previous comments... agreed wholeheartedly. I will not be holding my breath in the expectation of being fairly treated. This is Everton after all.
Danny O’Neill
5 Posted 11/07/2022 at
I get safety concerns but did anyone worry or complain about it when I watched those retrospective scenes in the clips from Goodison as we clinched the title in 1970? Or the scenes on the pitches at Highbury and Villa Park in those 1980s semi-finals? My dad trying (but failing) to climb the Wembley fences in 1984?

Aside from the over-the-top idiot who goaded Viera and rightfully got some back from the big man, I saw nothing but pure elation at what was an incredible night and vital result for the club and its incredibly passionate fans.

We are an increasingly outraged society and football is in danger of being taken over by men in grey suits who enjoy their privilege and wield their selective power as their position sees fit. Let's see what they do to Man City.

Ian Jones
6 Posted 11/07/2022 at
I suppose in the light of other recent disturbances across the various leagues at the end of last season, it was expected.

I think the club should be professional and take whatever punishment is meted out and just carry on. The pitch invasions probably wouldn't have happened if we'd lost the Palace game. However, if we had lost, the invasion is likely to have been of a different nature.

I would hate us to take the opposite approach and start moaning like some teams do. Not naming names!

Stephen Vincent
7 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Danny, Isn't Viera as a manager and primary representative of his club supposed and expected to be above that sort of behaviour? It would only have taken one or two muppets to come to the idiot's defence and we would have had a major incident. But I hear nothing at all about Viera being sanctioned.

I get the charge for the incursion after the Calvert-Lewin goal but at the end, last home game, sheer unadulterated relief at staying up, they are turning football into a dull, grey and emotionless game.

It would not surprise me if the ground was to be closed for 1 or 2 home games.

As you say, waiting for similar charges to be levelled at Man City.

Neil Copeland
8 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Danny, agreed but in todays PC society anything seen as remotely unacceptable will not go unnoticed and in this case unpunished.

My seat is in the Top Balcony, otherwise I would have been on the pitch too. Of course that would make me a fully-fledged soccer hooligan and scouse blue just to make matters worse.

The authorities don't like us very much and unfortunately we (as in the supporters) have given them the perfect excuse to flex their muscles.

Ian, yup.

Barry Rathbone
9 Posted 11/07/2022 at
It happened and would happen tomorrow with the same circumstances but, being against the rules, we need to stop whinging and take it on the chin. Just move on.
Kevin Prytherch
10 Posted 11/07/2022 at
They've let us off FFP so they have to charge us with something else to balance it out. It's wrong but it's the lesser of the two things they could have gone with.
Danny O’Neill
11 Posted 11/07/2022 at
As I've documented, Neil, I randomly ended up in amongst the Palace fans and they were clapping and cheering along with us at the end.

I do agree, Stephen. What I don't understand, and I'm not making excuses here. You've met me to know that. But why did the club persist with that arrangement where the away team had to cross the pitch to go to the temporary changing rooms in the Park End car park?

Under normal circumstances, Viera, after a quick nod and wink to Lampard could have been down the tunnel and out of the way.

So in that sense, I guess the club has to acknowledge and accept it didn't organise or control the situation.

It was still great to see though!!!

Neil Copeland
12 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Danny, that’s a good point about the away team changing room. It’s very odd and possibly works against us when the teams come into the pitch with the away support located where it is. As you say, perhaps that fact alone is enough for the club to be held responsible.

It was a truly fantastic night though, wouldn’t change a thing and it will live long as one of the great Goodison nights.

Christy Ring
13 Posted 11/07/2022 at
I agree the fans shouldn't have run onto the pitch. Then again, the relief after Calvert-Lewin scored, they got carried away.

The Vieira incident could have been serious, but no charge for him by the FA for throwing a kick.

Let's wait and see what the FA charge City with, especially as Villa keeper Olsen was confronted by fans? Will they be treated the same way as us?

Tony Abrahams
14 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Take it on the chin and move on.
Christine Foster
15 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Not surprised, it was always going to be so. But no mention of the other clubs?

Or are Everton, as I have said before, the perfect club to make an example of? Why haven't there been a mention or charges made against those clubs at the same time?

Tony Abrahams
16 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Similar charges have been made against Huddersfield and Bristol Rovers, Christine, but no mention of Man City, up to now.

I’m sure they will also charge City though, because Everton have been given two charges, unless it’s two rules for one and no rules for the other, of course!

Paul Birmingham
17 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Everton will take their medicine, and in context, City must also be made to take their medicine too.

Parity and the same rules of the FA apply to all clubs.

Let's see what happens.

Remember the Man City covid scam, 2 years this December, and their numerous escapes from FFP sanctions.

Let's see what transpires.

Barry Hesketh
18 Posted 11/07/2022 at
It was fully expected that the FA would charge the club following the events of May 19th, however, the language used in its charge is a bit over the top for my liking.

Vierra wasn't charged with anything and as far as I remember only one dimwit of a supporter caused an affray out on the pitch, the other thousands of fans behaved in a responsible way – even if they shouldn't have been on the turf in the first place. It was hardly Luton Town v Millwall territory was it?

It'll be a heavy fine probably, but could the Goodison derby be played behind closed doors?

FA Charge

Barry Rathbone
19 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Personally, I think City should be absolved of any punishment.

Saving football from the hideous spectacle of the vermin claiming the title deserves a medal, not punishment.

Nick Page
20 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Did Murderpool FC ever get charged with bricking coaches? Or anything ever other than the 1 more year ban that everyone else got for them murdering a load of Juve fans?

Mad how they continually turn the tables on the various governing bodies for their continually shameless behaviour. I call it the Hillsborough put.

Peter Mills
21 Posted 11/07/2022 at
It’s symptomatic of the way society has gone that the best spectacle I’ve witnessed in 60 years of attending Goodison, an outpouring of utter joy and relief, is going to be punished.

Dennis Stevens
22 Posted 11/07/2022 at
I'd have expected the authorities to rather downplay the whole Viera aspect of events, otherwise it rather raises the question of whether Viera should be charged for his actions on the pitch, understandable though they were, imo.
Will Mabon
23 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Becoming sick of living under one big power flex.

How about the FA define the design and specification of barriers per stadium that allow both safe stand evacuation and prevent pitch invasion, and the required staff and equipment levels, and then discuss the financial feasibility and operation of this with the clubs – instead of spouting about what clubs have failed to ensure and similar.

Maybe stop taking fines in an ad hoc fashion that can look arbitrary, inconsistent and sometimes politically punitive.

Being the Football Association, funded by football, maybe they could associate with football to address their huge safety worries.

Will Mabon
24 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Peter @ 21:

I agree with you 100%.

If I could just add a personal refinement: not the way society has gone. The way it has been made to go.

Dave Abrahams
25 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Agree with Peter (21) nothing but absolute celebrations on a night to remember.

Vieira was verbally abused by one fan but escorted to safety by two other Everton fans while the police and stewards used their common sense and allowed the fans the freedom of Goodison Park to dance with relief after our team escaped relegation.

Brian Wilkinson
26 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Klopp picked up a £8,000 fine for doing the same thing of running on the pitch during a game, so a fine similar to that should be about right.

On another note, after clearly breaking rules for signing to a breakaway league, those clubs escaped Scot free, no points deduction and the measly fines handed out now be waved, the very six who escaped punishment finished this season, occupying the top six slots, in the Premier League.

Stephen Vincent
27 Posted 11/07/2022 at
Danny # 11, I might be wrong but I thought I read somewhere that Lampard offered Viera sanctuary in the home dressing room until things died down but he declined. But you are correct absolutely no reason to keep the away dressing room in the car park.

Kevin # 10, they didn't let us off they gave us until 30/6 to put our P&L in order to bring us into line with regulations or suffer the consequences.

Michael Kenrick
28 Posted 11/07/2022 at
What part of "Breaching the Rules" don't you guys understand?

No amount of special pleading gets around that, I'm afraid.

And we are not in breach of FFP or any other financial rules.

Will Mabon
29 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Not sure what you imply there, Michael - doesn't everyone understand that concept?

I think the relevance, the suitability, the application, inconsistency and need of use etc. of the rules, is what's being discussed.

As the supposed authority, I'd wish the FA to explain what Everton or any other club should change/do differently, as opposed to just saying "Breach" and collecting the bread. Or did I misunderstand you?

Justin Doone
30 Posted 12/07/2022 at
We are guilty as charged.

All pitches invasions and throwing of objects is not needed and need to be stamped out.

I've attended other stadiums and sporting events overseas where the punishment is a huge fine and I'm talking thousands of pounds not a £50 charge that doesn't get paid or followed up.

Surely Everton could do with the extra funds and should be all over this!

Gary Jones
31 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Justin, fine yourself you whopper…..we had just been saved from oblivion, nobody got hurt, even the bloke assaulted by the other team's manager.
John Raftery
32 Posted 12/07/2022 at
The FA are under pressure to do something about what is seen as a growing trend in crowd misbehaviour. The argument is that pitch invasions need to be stopped before something much more serious happens. I think we must accept fans have no right to be on the pitch any more than they have the right to throw objects on to the pitch or at each other.

Players, staff and officials have a reasonable expectation that host clubs put adequate controls in place. In the seventies part of the solution to crowd behaviour issues was the introduction of fences. I doubt any of us want to return to those days but I fear the authorities will need little encouragement to resort to draconian measures if the recent problems persist.

I expect our club will be fined and warned about the consequences of any repeat. That may include a suspended sentence involving partial or whole ground closures.

Justin Doone
33 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Football fans, and I'm one, get frustrated by how we are treated by the police and security especially at away games.

I now realise, to help protect all, we can't make excuses and allow 'just a few' people, or 'just a celebration' because sadly one person will always spoil the occasion. I think this is known as the "Dickhead uncle" phenomenon.

We do not want or expect to be caged in. So yes, harsh financial punishments may help the majority to behave and not enter the field of play.

After Covid, instead of enjoying being back watching live events, it appears the uncles have taken over.

All the bad actions and publicity over the last few seasons comes at a time when there's talk of allowing alcohol to be drank in seats and safe standing.

Add to that the horrific verbal abuse, racial, sexist remarks etc, then I realise there's just too many uncles to ever think all fans will react sensibly all of the time.

Sad, but I think stadium bans will become a more frequent occurrence. The clubs, FA, Police all have enough other rubbish to deal with.

I'd rather celebrate in the street, in the pub, in the park with fellow fans. I don't want to be celebrating avoiding relegation ever again.

Ray Roche
34 Posted 12/07/2022 at
It's not so much the FA seeking to punish Everton, a breach of the rules is a breach of the rules, it's the thought that Man City might continue to be Teflon coated where the doling out of punishment is concerned.

And not just regarding a pitch invasion. I read recently that Man City have been ‘under investigation' for breaching FFP rules for three years yet have yet to face any charges. As some posters have said, let's see what punishment they receive.

Christine Foster
35 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Ray #34,

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. Despite the obvious, both pitch invasions were in celebration and good humour. An offence in the letter of the laws of the FA, but essentially absolutely no difference between the two. None.

The FA smack wrist, warn about future behaviour and fine both clubs. Except they haven't. The deafening silence is an utter condemnation of the FA.

It's a matter of principle that Everton, whilst admitting the charge, should refuse to pay any fine until even-handedness is restored.

They have us bang to rights. Pitch invasion. No matter the reason, no matter the club. But if Man City don't get a mention, then the bias that Lampard got fined for mentioning, is once again obvious to every supporter. To every other club.

Once again, unless that even-handedness is clear and obvious, then once again, the FA are bringing the game into disrepute leaving them open to accusations of bias or worse. What's good for the goose…

Brian Murray
36 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Probably already been said and I'll say it again. Does it depend who it is screaming and running half the length of the pitch? Obviously it does, and who's the Sky favourite.
Peter Mills
37 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Great comment, Christine #35.

John #32, fair comment, you are one of the most reasonable of posters, and the nicest of guys, on here. Now, tell me truthfully – how much did you enjoy the celebrations during and after that match? Knowing you, a gentleman, you will have loved it, but in the cold light of day you will stick to your line.

I stand by mine – the behaviour of the Everton fans during, and after, the Crystal Palace match was a magnificent expression of the human condition – despair, resolve, jubilation, celebration – worthy of Eddie Cavanagh.

It will live with me until I die.

Bernie Quinn
38 Posted 12/07/2022 at
Naturally I implicitly agree with you, Christine. I said it several times last season that the FA, Referees, the VAR, the Premier League and the Social Media had a vendetta against our club.

Nothing has changed this season – I noted that Sky Sports were so quick to announce that Everton were being charged by the FA for Pitch Invasion – but not a word re Man City.

I am still waiting to hear what is happening about Ronaldo at Goodison breaking that young boy's phone. As a retired Police Officer, I would definately say that was an assault and wilful damage. And so far – nothing but silence from the authorities.

I can see that the Team will have to work magic to avoid relegation for it's clear that our cards are marked. Can the Goodison Faithful do their awesome stuff again? I hope and pray they can – but it is a big ask. COYB

Brian Wilkinson
39 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I agree with a lot of posters, they have had it in for us from the moment Frank got an apology for the Rodri handball.

We are guilty as charged. Was it worth it? You bet your life it was, the ferocious support before and after the game will live with me for a lifetime.

For every single fan that got onto the pitch at the end and sent a message to the watching corrupt, bent, disgraceful officials and big wigs who have cheated us throughout the season, the message was loud and clear: We are Everton, we are not going away.

I was in Upper Bullens that night, otherwise I would have been on the pitch myself at full time. The fans, Frank and the players came together as one that night.

Long afterwards, walking back to Kirkdale station, both platforms bouncing with emotion, even boarding the train, non-stop singing back into Liverpool, we well and truly owned the City that evening.

Of all the games to miss, missing the Bayern game has haunted me – one of the very few I missed, but now I have one I will take with me, when my time is up.

Oh yes, I've seen us win cups, League Championships, but the Palace game is one that will stick with me a lifetime.

The Bayern game was practically all Everton. It may well say the attendance was 49,476 but you can bet your life it was well over 50,000, probably closer to 55,000 that night looking at the Gwladys Street. Nothing will beat that night for noise level, but I reckon the 36,000 Evertonians gave it a damn good go at the Palace match.

Mike Gaynes
40 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Pete #37, I loved it too, and I've watched it a dozen times more, each time picking out different players or fans to watch. The explosion of joy simply lifts me every time.

It has taken me years to understand the institutional opposition to pitch invasions over there, because they're quite common here in the US. After every college football or basketball game with an emotional outcome -- a lower-ranked school upsets a #1, or you beat your intra-state arch-rival -- the students will storm the field or the court to hug their heroes and jump up and down for a while. Nobody is ever seriously hurt, confrontations are rare because the cops are everywhere around the opponent, the home school pays a fine to the league, and it's done.

I think what the English League is afraid of, with its memories of hooliganism, is that it will take just one violent assault, one serious injury in the midst of all that chaos, and they'll be dealing with a legal nightmare. In the case of the Goodison party it's a totally unfounded fear, but they'll not be talked out of it.

Steve Brown
41 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I always wonder what clubs are meant to do to stop a pitch invasion. Are 100 stewards and a few polices meant to hold back 36,000 supporters?

Football is emotional and it doesn’t get much more emotional than the Palace game, so busting your gums criticising the fans like some posters on here is a bit much.

Take the fine and move on.

Jay Harris
42 Posted 13/07/2022 at
What about the Leeds game where the supporters threw at least 100 objects onto the pitch aimed at the opposition. Surely that is something to be stamped out.

I think our lawyers should grow a pair and challenge the Premier League and the FA to give fair treatment.

God knows if it was us in Paris we would get a 10-yeat ban from Europe but they get humble apologies from all and sundry.

Kieran Kinsella
43 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Steve Brown,

I think the reality is that clubs can't do a lot but, by punishing them, the FA hope the fans will behave for fear of the club being punished.

With regards to the Palace game, yes, by the letter of the law, thousands were violators. But in truth, a couple of classless knobs decided to bait Viera and that's why this is such a big deal.

Emotions are real and I think 99% of the fans that day were overcome with a sense of relief that even prompted the level-headed Frank to climb onto the roof.

The problem is that all it takes is one wanker to fuck it all up. If the Premier League said “That's okay then”, who's to say a knobhead might stab a ref or a rival player during a normalized pitch invasion? So basically, we should hold up our hands and say “Okay we got carried away. Guilty as charged.” And move on.

Christine Foster
44 Posted 13/07/2022 at
It's like Richarlison – he gets a one-game ban and a £25k fine. If he was still at Everton, it would be a 3-match ban and £75k fine!

In life, perception is reality. Like it or not, it's the way it is. There is a growing perception that certain clubs, players and managers, get treated differently by governing bodìes, more favorable outcomes on and off the park.

I think the line between perception and reality has been well and truly breached, the odd grumble from supporters of many lesser privileged clubs is getting harder to keep in the box.

I have no problem with the laws but their selective application is unjust and borders not on bias, but on corruption. Corruption of the one law for all, and its unbiased application to all clubs without fear or favor.

Anything less is not a judgement call but an agenda to ensure those privileged clubs are given preferential treatment. Consciously with bias or intent or subconsciously with bias and favor. When it happens once, you can say it's a mistake; when it keeps happening, it’s corruption.

Danny O’Neill
45 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Well said, Christine. I too accept rules and law, on and off the pitch. In life in general.

But with football, what frustrates is the inconsistency and application. Star-struck officials and the corridors of Lancaster Gate most definitely give the perception of favouritism. Or fear.

I'm not a paranoid person, but last season it really started to feel like there was a conspiracy against us. I'll watch with interest to see the treatment Richarlison now gets from officials in comparison to when he was wearing an Everton shirt.

Okay, we technically broke the rules. But there was no danger out there. I thought the Police and officials handled it well. They judged the occasion and the sentiment and then made a tactical decision. They formed that square around the technical area to allow the players and supporters to share the moment.

I too will never forget it. I, along with those Crystal Palace supporters I sat alongside, stayed until the Stewards asked us to leave. To which we obliged.

You'll always get the odd idiot. That could be in the stands, in the street outside the ground as crowd congestion builds, or in the city centre.

Don't take the ability of fans to connect closely with the club that many spend hard-earned money, time and emotional effort to follow and ironically give the Suits who punish them the jobs they crave. Be that in relief or in celebration as was the case with Everton and Man City. As has been the case for decades.

They clearly don't understand. They haven't looked at the situation, the history, and are being binary.

Christine Foster
46 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Danny, the problem are the exceptions. If you look at discrepancies in the way games are managed by referees, VARs etc, one could argue that it’s not bias but incompetence and it may well be said with some justification. But when the managing body, the FA, review incidents such as Richarlison or the pitch invasion, there is always precedent, it’s far more clear cut. Well, it should be

The smoke-flare incident was ridiculous, a player throws a smoke-flare off the playing surface into an empty segment of the ground (not as some media journos called it, back into the crowd or at supporters). Lets make an example of him… No mention of a Liverpool player celebrating with one that was thrown on the pitch, slap on the wrist job!

Niasse... let’s make an example of him, pitch invasion, let’s make an example of them. You get the picture, whatever the flavour or concern this month, who can we make an example of?

No, once is unlucky, twice is a concern, three times is becoming vindictive, personal.

But its far worse than that, Danny, because these guys have to be seen to be fair otherwise their influence, control and judgement is then perceived to be biased.

It’s not about if we should have been charged, or not.. but whatever the decision it has to be seen to be in fair and equal measure to an identical one with the Premier League Champions. Credibility no more.

Tony Abrahams
47 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I reckon I could prove that Michael Oliver had an agenda against Everton in the last few games he refereed us, towards the end of last season, and genuinely think this could easily be proved.

Maybe the club needs to employ someone to constantly check what I would call “refereeing inconsistencies” and if there is nothing to prove, then at least it would do wonders for our paranoid schizophrenia!

Eddie Dunn
48 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I have never been on any pitch and have no interest in doing so. Why everyone couldn't stay in the stands is beyond me.

The rules are there to prevent injury, confrontation and criminal activity. If a bunch of our fans had headed to the Palace corner, who knows what might have happened. We will be fined because if we are not, then the FA give the green light to all and sundry to do the same.

Man City should also get fined. Then Viera should be charged with bringing the game into disrepute and the twit who goaded him should be banned from Goodison for a period of time (if he hasn't been already).

Tony Abrahams
49 Posted 13/07/2022 at
They decided very quickly that Viera wasn't going to be charged, Eddie, and that's fair enough, because I'm sure “most of us” don't want to see people charged for things like this?

Manchester City would be different though, because if they've charged Everton, Huddersfield and Bristol Rovers, then I think it will be impossible for them not to charge the Champions, even if it's just for an outpouring of unadulterated joy!

Rob Halligan
50 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Does anyone know what happened to Nottm Forest after their fans invaded the pitch following their triumph against Sheffield Utd in the playoff semi-final?
Tony Abrahams
51 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I'm not sure, Rob, but one fan rightly got jailed for his cowardly attack, and two Sheffield United players got charged with common-assault, which does show that Viera was thankfully very lucky not to be charged.

Demari Gray has been talking about the last few games, saying how he thinks no other set of fans could have produced so much for a team that was fighting relegation, and I'm certain the authorities also know this, deep down, and were probably already fuming about the flares being constantly thrown onto the pitch.

Looking at some of the footage, then it seemed like American television couldn't get enough of the Evertonians, but this wasn't the case in this country, because televised football in this country has a massive percentage of ex-Liverpool players, so I'm just thankful the back two wheels fell off our neighbours' quad!

Danny O’Neill
52 Posted 13/07/2022 at
That is a fair counter, Eddie. But I guess there's an element of bias. We know our fans and, as mad passionate as ours are, I trust them. They're not after trouble. We went to Rotterdam and made friends. Others went to Brussels and sent the reputation of English football into its darkest period.

I did mean to ask from a previous post, where are you in South-west Wales? I spent 4 years near Haverfordwest, so have a bit of a soft spot for Pembrokeshire and, I have to admit, the Swans.

We all just want unbiased consistency, Christine. Apply the same to all.

Tony, now you've started me on an early morning Bitter Blue rant. In my living memory, the Hansen handball in the League (Milk) Cup final. The Don Hutchison "goal". Spit the Dog wrestling Lescott to the ground, which was an obvious penalty. There are doubtless many more that all of you can recount, and not just against them, but they stick in the mind.

The one that always gets me though is a less obvious one. That Gary McAllister goal. A blatant free-kick to us in their half waved away. About 30 seconds later free-kick awarded to them around the centre circle. They then blatantly move the ball forward by at least 10 yards unchecked or unchallenged to take the free-kick closer to our goal. Okay, our keeper went down like a wet salmon, but you couldn't make it up.

Apologies. That one still really grates me and won't go away.

Back on topic. All we want here is consistency. On the pitch and off the pitch, regardless of badge or current league position and apparent standing.

Fans are generally much better behaved now and there is very little trouble in comparison to when I was growing up. Fights on the terraces, fans literally caged behind iron fencing, and Chelsea at one point considering electrifying theirs as per cattle fences. Fans treated like cattle and second-rate citizens. Being charged by Police on horses and openly being called Scouse bastards by Greater Manchester Police as they herded us.

Yes, there are rules and safety concerns, but let's not get carried away. Let's not overplay this and think it's the 1980s revisited. It isn't. Let supporters enjoy the beautiful game and enjoy the moment.

In this day and age, there is enough CCTV and live television coverage around to identify individuals and punish them rather than the collective.

Steve Brown
53 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Good points, Danny and Christine, there is inconsistency and bias in the application of rules by the FA, Premier League and PGMOL.

I do think that the bias tilts more towards the Sky 6 versus the rest of the league, rather than a vendetta towards us. If you asked supporters from the other 14 clubs, you'd probably get plenty of examples of lack of consistency.

Eddie Dunn
54 Posted 13/07/2022 at

I was also in Rotterdam and at no time did I feel there was any trouble looming. However, it is a tiny minority of any fanbase who are out for trouble, and I include our neighbours in that.

The fact that our invasion was generally a good-natured celebration and a chance to release the tension of those awful months is beside the point. The Viera incident is a case in point which could have escalated. If the authorities take no action, we will see it repeated and there will be fighting and vandalism.

Liverpool's fans smash-up coaches but as it's not in the ground, the Premier League and FA can ignore it, leaving it up to the Police to decide if charges are made.

In the ground, it's down to the club. And we all know what an amateur bunch are running it.

Viera making his way to the Park End exit with no security sums it up. Imagine we had lost and been relegated and fans had gone on the pitch to demonstrate and Palace players and staff had to run the gauntlet. It simply cannot be tolerated.
The only question for all of the clubs is: Will Man City be treated exactly the same as us?

Oh and Danny, I am on the border of Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire, right by the Preseli Hills. Been here for 29 years.

Brian Murray
55 Posted 13/07/2022 at

One that goes under the radar is the one each game at Anfield late '80s early '90s. The game poised level and that baldy fella Wilson (poor man's Tricky Trev) done his only fine input in a blue shirt. Went on a mazy run and floated a ball that Wayne Clarke cleanly won with a header. Disallowed. Add to the list of about 9 off the top of my head.

As for the pitch invasion, it was never going to end well. Awesome as it was to witness.

Jack Convery
56 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Robin Olsen was physically attacked during the city invasion, which in my mind makes it much more serious, than our outpouring of sheer joy and relief.
Jim Wilson
57 Posted 13/07/2022 at
So the FA want to punish Everton. Having created the conditions were Evertonians had to put up with immense stress and misery for 6 months and then had the audacity not to hold in their massive relief and joy because they beat the drop on an unbelievable night of football.

Everton and Evertonians produced exactly the drama that the FA want to help promote their league but they now want to punish them, even though the supporters behaved impeccably while celebrating their team's survival.

It should be the FA who are charged for their relentless pursuit of dramatic ends to a season and constant attempts to create an uneven playing field that has huge financial rewards for the successful.

Talking of the finance, who at Everton agreed to this Finacial Fair Play nonsense where, if you are successful, you can spend as much as you like, and if you are not, you can't spend?

If you have the money, it is your business if you spend it wisely or not. For years we watched Man Utd, Chelsea, Man City, and Liverpool waste millions in their pursuit of trophies. Man Utd as far back as 1984 were wasting millions. Suddenly, we have a rich backer and the rules are changed.

I thought the idea was to stop any club running up big debts – not spending money they actually have?

The big crime should be the focus: 6 corrupt clubs trying to start a new competition!

Rob Halligan
58 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I thought I would Google and see if Man City have actually been charged with the pitch invasion following their league title victory game against Aston Villa, a mere three days after our game against Palace.

As yet, there has been no charge instigated against Man City by the FA, but considering our charge was only two days ago, then I fully expect an FA charge against Man City by tomorrow. The only news about their pitch invasion is the charge against two fans…

Two fans charged over Manchester City pitch invasion

Stephen Vincent
59 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Danny #52, you left out the whole of the 'Twatenburg Derby'.
James Hughes
60 Posted 13/07/2022 at
Rob #58 raised a good point as a Citteh fan attacked Villa keeper Olson at full time.
So good for the Goose is good for the Gander as they say. We are definitely the Gander these days
Danny O’Neill
61 Posted 13/07/2022 at
I guess we'll agree and disagree on this one. I don't see any harm and if an idiot is going to be an idiot, they can attack a player in a town centre or a car park. 99% of us these days just go to rejoice in victory, vent at defeat or just enjoy the occasion. I regularly mingle with away supporters and don't encounter trouble.

If an idiot is going to be an idiot, then the idiot gets dealt with.

Eddie, I think they will be the hills that were on my right as I made the often made trip. Past Swansea to the end of the M4 then hit the long road west. Past Carmathen, St Clears and Narbeth to Haverfordwest. And then realise you have another 10 miles to get to Brawdy. Newgale and the coastal path are great.

Eddie Dunn
62 Posted 13/07/2022 at

You should return to Pembrokeshire for a jaunt. I'd be happy to show you some interesting places and people. Narberth has gone very posh, by the way.

Tim Marchant
63 Posted 14/07/2022 at
I'd accept the FA charges, as technically the rules were broken.

One muppet disgraced himself in confronting Viera but got more than he gave in terms of aggro. I doubt Viera will be charged as he was acting in 'self defense'. There will be arguments that "What if he had a weapon..." and so forth.

Yes, the crowd invaded the pitch and, while there was no harm done, the charge is true.

The big proviso is that all clubs must be held to the same standards, and we should accept the charge and agree to pay a fine with a big IF the same rules are applied to other clubs, publicly name and shame them and provide the video evidence of this.

Michael Lynch
64 Posted 14/07/2022 at
I'm assuming Man City and Notts Forest will also be charged. Not to do so would show the most blatant bias. I would also assume that the club are keeping an eye on it to make sure we haven't been singled out.

Watch this space, as some dickhead once said.

Danny O’Neill
65 Posted 15/07/2022 at
I do revisit very so often Eddie. And the boy is down there now, so I plan to be down there at some point in the late summer / early Autumn.

I like Solva - beautiful place when the weather is nice, which I know from experience you can't guarantee. Talk about 4 seasons in one day and horizontal rain assisted by the wind coming off the coast that makes you have to walk or run at a 45-degree angle!!

Bernie Quinn
66 Posted 16/07/2022 at
Not being nasty or anything but I may have missed the news through recent illness. But I am curious. Can anyone tell me what happened to Ronaldo after that incident at Goodison Park, when he broke that young boy's phone? Was he ever charged with anything?
Tony Abrahams
67 Posted 16/07/2022 at
I’m not sure Bernie, but someone sent me a WhatsApp last night, to cheer up us Evertonians, and the footage was two minutes of absolutely pure unadulterated joy, at the end of the Crystal Palace game.

The authorities usually bring in a different rule or two every season (with regards to the game itself) and it’s possible that they could have warned every club, that in light of the recent pitch invasions, that they are going to change the rules and get tougher, especially if not everyone is going to be charged, for their misdemeanors?

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