Dedicated website launched for the new Everton Stadium

11/08/2022 100comments  |  Jump to last

The new logo mark for the Everton Stadium

Everton have launched a new website at to chart the progress of the club’s new ground at Bramley-Moore Dock as well as unveil the new Everton Stadium logo and introduce the planned hospitality concept “ALL”.

The launch coincides with the first anniversary of the start of construction on the 52,888-seat stadium which saw the first concrete terracing unit installed this week and the site will offer new stories, videos and images as well as regular blog-style updates from club officials involved in the project.

The first entry is from Chief Stadium Development Officer, Colin Chong, who reflects on the first year of the build which has seen a recognisable structure emerge from the site on Liverpool’s historic docks, with the north and south stands starting to take shape.

The new website is accompanied by Twitter and Instagram accounts @evertonstadium and a monthly newsletter will also debut this month to share the latest news regarding Everton’s new home on the banks of the Mersey.

Included on

  • A first graphical showcase of the new Everton Stadium logo, which combines the iconic setting on the waterfront with the unique architectural design of the stadium.
  • Colin Chong’s blog which also outlines the next milestones to look out for.
  • A dedicated section for ‘ALL’- the bars, restaurants and experiences that will be available at Everton Stadium.
  • Exclusive content revealing more about the concept of ‘ALL’, where it originated and how it will play a part in the future of Everton Stadium.
  • An in-depth video reflecting on the progress made on the Bramley-Moore Dock site since ground was broken in August 2021.
  • A story and video detailing the installation of the first section of terracing on-site, on the date of the first anniversary of the build.

“As we enter the second year of construction on our new home, I am delighted the principles that have guided us from the outset – informed by an unprecedented level of fan consultation – are reflected in the magnificent arena that is rising from our site at Bramley-Moore Dock,” said club CEO, Denise Barrett-Baxendale.

“The launch of the website for Everton Stadium provides an opportunity to share even more detail about what supporters can expect. There is a great deal of information to be shared in the months and years ahead. For the launch of the site, that detail includes an introduction to ‘ALL’.”

The club describe ‘ALL’ as “a revolutionary re-set of traditional football hospitality” that will offer a wide choice of social spaces and restaurants for fans to choose from to create a tailored matchday experience.

An ‘ALL’ showcase will be hosted at the Royal Liver Building where visitors will gain an insight into the bars, restaurants and experiences on offer through the magic of virtual and augmented reality – and be able to secure their places at Everton Stadium.

In order to manage demand, access to the Showroom will be invite only initially, with priority given to existing Goodison Park Seasonal Hospitality Members.


Reader Comments (100)

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Geoff Lambert
1 Posted 11/08/2022 at 16:47:19
Can we have one for Idrissa Gueye? With regular monthly updates.

It does look good though.

Michael Kenrick
3 Posted 11/08/2022 at 16:58:53
Have you seen the stadium logo?

Has an unfortunate resemblance to a beached whale with its arse end truncated, squashing a tadpole. All part of the "simple logo" fad (for simpletons?)

Dale Self
4 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:05:28
Everton's design culture is a problem. They're not getting it and they are trying too hard. Stick with classic until you can design with flair.
Brian Williams
5 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:21:26
Michael, you're being infected by the TW negativity mate. I posted on youtube and I'll post the same on here. I think the stadium logo is SPOT ON.

Simple and easily recognised.

And the website itself is spot on, IMHO.

Some of those above, c'mon for fucks sake stop with the putting the club down at every opportunity.

Take some pleasure out of good things happening and stop being somebody who just want to piss on everyone's chips.

Look for the positives because I tell you, you're a long time dead.

Tony Everan
6 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:22:12
I still get goose-bumps when I look at it. I like the night-time artist's impression. The lighting around the dockside, the spotlights and the reflections in the water.

Night games are going to be very special, even more so when catching the spectacular sunsets you can get over the Irish Sea. It will form a spine-tingling backdrop that can't be bettered.

Brian Williams
7 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:23:11
Nice one mate. I'm with you!
Jim Lloyd
8 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:27:13
I was going to critcise this logo and the beached whale, i'll have a good think first.

As long as we see this stadium of ours lit up in Blue in the evenings and have the Liver Bird of our city on each corner, then I'll love the stadium.

Not too impressed with the logo, but I'll see if grows.on me.

Brent Stephens
9 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:29:10
Agree, Brian.

A fabulous new stadium, taking shape at pace, in an iconic location, part of a wider development of the old docks area, generating great employment opportunities etc etc etc. Exciting!

Please, let's stop putting ourselves down. We get irate when other teams' supporters and the media put us down – don't give them a justification for doing so.

Dale Self
10 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:37:52
Outrageous Brent (and Brian)! This is family talk. The minute I hear someone outside the family take a shot at us, this goes invisible. This criticism is only motivated by a desire for us to be a first-class club. I assure you both that I and others are not doing this out of exhaustion from the club's struggles.

Not getting excited here but I do cherish my opportunities to take a cheap shot for fun – especially when it is somewhat fair game given the target's disposition. All in good fun, I assure you.

Brent Stephens
11 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:42:48
Your outrage is outrageous, Dale!
Dale Self
12 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:47:55
Just between you and me, Brent, it's feigned.
Jerome Shields
13 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:48:19
I wonder how much it cost to design that logo? I hope nothing. There is a prize for anyone who can say what it is correctly though.

The stadium looks impressive and God bless all who sail in her, as long as they don't have a similar fate to Johnny Scott when he got back.

Brent Stephens
14 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:48:35
I know it is, Dale. Our secret.
Colin Glassar
15 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:49:23
Who give a toss about a logo? It's shite, I know, but the important thing is that it's starting to look like we are going to have a world class stadium on the banks of the eternal Mersey.

Build the fucker and they will come!

Michael Kenrick
16 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:50:00
I'm sorry, but for a logo to have any relevance or meaning, it should perhaps convey a sense of the item in question, don't ya think?

Stadium? Err... not really.

Whale? Well... unfortunately, a resounding Yes.

Try to think of it as "constructive criticism" rather than "negativity". Of course it's a bit late in the process to change it, but I wonder (just for shits and grins) if they ran this past the Fan Advisory Board or the Fans Forum?

Pat Kelly
17 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:54:57
The stadium is making great progress and it will be stunning when completed.

The squad is also making great progress, given the lack of funds. By the time the stadium is completed we should have a squad worthy of it.

As for the stadium logo, it's definitely a Captain's cap in keeping with the nautical location. These could be a sellout if produced and marketed by Everton. White with Royal Blue band!

Denis Richardson
18 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:55:05
Stadium coming along nicely but why does it need a logo? Genuine question.

The Everton logo would have been fine for me (as everyone would already recognise it as Everton).

Jeff Armstrong
19 Posted 11/08/2022 at 17:58:23
The logo looks like a pilot's hat...

“Come fly with me!”

Brent Stephens
20 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:01:26
Actually, the logo looks a bit like Donald Trump's hair, with a straggly "comb-over" piece that the wind has blown out of place.
Mike Gaynes
21 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:06:32
I'll take the Fifth Amendment on that, Brent.

Actually it sorta does, you know?

Kim Vivian
22 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:10:33
Okay people – off topic but get on the BBC Sport, Football page and find the "Who is the better manager Lampard or Gerrard?" article and get you votes in for Frank. He's lagging just now.

Stadium hype is getting me really excited for this and seems to be coming along in leaps and bounds. I wasn't bothered about the logo until someone mentioned Trump's hair.

Jack Convery
23 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:10:36
The last time I saw something like that, Peter Griffin was trying to save it!!!!!

Family Guy – Peter Saves Whale

Kevin Jones
24 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:15:50
The logo is fine. It's the shape of the east side of the stadium with the river flowing past it, I think!

Mark Ryan
25 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:32:28
Got excited seeing the terracing being lifted into place yesterday. Made up. The logo is cool, UTFT
Kim Vivian
26 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:32:59
I do actually think the logo is okay – although the first thought that struck me was Frank Spencer's beret. (I had just been watching a clip from "Some mothers..." though).
Colin Glassar
27 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:39:01
Kim, I voted but the Red Shite usually swamp these polls so let them enjoy their moment in the sun.
Brian Williams
28 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:40:15
Well, Michael, the logo IMHO is a simple representation of the upper metal shape of the stadium with the wave being a nod to its proximity to the river, its place close to the waterfront.

But hey, if you can't see it, Stevie Wonder! ;-)

Aaand another thing. Can you get any simpler than a big fuck-off yellow letter "M" and the whole world knows what that is when they see it, just as the whole world will know what the beached whale.... Ah fuck you've got me at it now!!

Pat Kelly
29 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:41:48
Denis #18,

The reason the stadium has its own logo may be for marketing purposes. It'll be a venue for all sorts of events, not just our ground.

Tony Shelby
30 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:43:48
Looks like a sperm wearing a cycling helmet.
Brian Williams
31 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:45:38
Hmmmm, very telling, Tony.

Lie on the couch please and tell me about your relationship with you mother.

Brian Wilkinson
32 Posted 11/08/2022 at 18:52:51
As far as I can see, the logo is the shape of the stadium, sort of a silhouette of how it might been seen at night time in the distance, not sure what the squiggly line underneath is for though, unless it represents the Mersey water.

In technology, logos are tricky and need to be kept simple.

Could be worse, could have been the Hummel logo, which one minute looks like and insect, the next a woman carrying two baskets.

Brian I was thinking the same about sat on a couch and describing the picture to someone in a suit, beard and glasses.

Mike Hayes
33 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:00:40
If it's anything like the club's streaming of the U21s matches, it'll be built in chunks with glitches along the way. 🤷
Neil Copeland
34 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:06:55
The logo looks fine to me but who gives a shit as long as we have our beautiful, fantastic, iconic, stadium by the Royal Blue Mersey.

Brent, have you sorted the pedalo yet?

Jack Convery
35 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:10:14
It actually looks like a Viking Longship sail that's too big for the boat, sailing on the Mersey.
Barry Rathbone
36 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:10:26
Logo??? Where's the millstone?
Brent Stephens
37 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:12:34
Neil #34: "Brent, have you sorted the pedalo yet?"

Been taking lessons, Neil. I have my test coming up next month. Been having trouble reversing around a cardboard facsimile of our beloved Chairman – for some reason, I keep hitting him. Tears all round.

Kieran Kinsella
38 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:17:45
Brian & Brent,

I was being ironic with the Arteta money comment in anticipation of actual negative comments. I am not actually legitimately in search of said funds.

As for the stadium, it looks great. But I was wondering, on the official site it has details of extensive restaurants, pubs etc. Will these facilities be open all the time or just on match days?

Is the idea to have the area as a destination in itself all week long, like you have say at Kathryn's Docks in London or is it just a day-of type affair?

Neil Copeland
39 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:18:40
Brent, careful with those paddles, wouldn't want the world's greatest Evertonian getting hurt.
Brent Stephens
40 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:20:49
Kieran: "I was being ironic".

I know you were, Kieran! Good man.

Billy Bradshaw
41 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:35:53
Brian @ 5, well said.

No doubt after we play our first game at the stadium, someone will come on here and say "I didn't see much of the game today, there was a post in the way."

Ian Bennett
42 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:49:38
Barry @36,

In the Directors Box. He ain't moved for 25 years...

Mick Hoban
43 Posted 11/08/2022 at 19:52:44
The logo looks like Casey Jones hat. Well - we've had the Banana Splits
Stephen Williams
44 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:00:46
The logo is absolutely fine. It's clearly the silhouette of the stadium on the bank (wave) of the river.

The fact that so many have commented on it both positively and negatively demonstrates that it's done its job – it is recognisable as the stadium logo. Some people will just moan at everything – they can't be helped.

But, as others have said, it's the build that matters and no-one can legitimately moan at that. Well done to the club. It will be stunning – in a way, it already is.

Bill Gienapp
45 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:03:26
I kind of dig the logo, even if yeah, it does sort of look like a whale watching charter service.
Will Mabon
46 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:16:12
The bow of the last ship, transforming into the stadium at the stern, with the wave representing the continued connection to the water displaced from the dock... maybe.

It's a bit light on the old footie connection though.

Paul Birmingham
47 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:22:48
I'm taking the positives, it looks like Everton is getting a plan together and will maximise the revenue potential of such an iconic location.

The logo, in my view, is a statement and a brand, and hopefully commercially it will catch on.

One day soon, Everton can be sitting at the top of the table.

Sean Kelly
48 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:29:21
Who modelled for the whale? Teary-eyed bill?
Kieran Kinsella
49 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:32:35
They need to have proper Everton themed traditional pub names too:

Southall's Arms

The Andy King's Head

The Golden Vision

The Cock and Bill

Michael Lynch
50 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:33:15
Yeah, it's definitely a whale.

Brendan McLaughlin
51 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:35:56
What's with the cap logo?
Nick Taylor
52 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:36:32
Being a big fan of the Alien film franchise, I quite like the logo.
Nick Taylor
53 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:36:32
Being a big fan of the Alien film franchise, I quite like the logo.
Geoff Lambert
54 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:41:51
Kim #22,

He's not lagging behind, he is getting his ass kicked – just had my vote.

Billy Bradshaw
55 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:44:18
Kieran @49,

On the pub theme, someone once asked me where the Kings Arms was?

I said, "I don't know, where?"

He said, "Around the Queen's arse!"

Glynn Owen
56 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:57:29
Shame there's no plans for a ferry pier, it'd be great way to travel to the match.
Neil Copeland
57 Posted 11/08/2022 at 20:57:46
Billy #55, get yer coat lad!
Billy Bradshaw
58 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:04:39
Neil @57, it's already on.
Neil Copeland
59 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:07:59
Billy #58 😁
Dale Self
60 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:12:52
Kieran, shouldn't that be the Golden Shower?

And for the colonials, what is the significance of the 'get your coat, lad' line? Thanks in advance.

Roy Mcleod
61 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:29:44
Michael @16.

"I'm sorry, but for a logo to have any relevance or meaning, it should perhaps convey a sense of the item in question, don't ya think?"

You mean like an apple with a bite taken out of it for computers...or a crocodile for clothing items..or an uptick for trainers?

Neil Copeland
62 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:33:21
Dale, ‘get yer coat lad' means stop talking shite, you are embarrassing yourself so, time to put your coat on and go home.

All intended in good spirit of course and this case a tad harsh because Billy's post was quite funny.

Dale Self
63 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:37:26
Thanks Neil, I think someone may have said that to me in other terms recently.
Michael Kenrick
64 Posted 11/08/2022 at 21:45:16
Yea, good catch, Roy. You can obviously have very successful logos (or is it actually the companies that are successful?) which bear little or no relationship to the product.

The giveaway here is they have had to put underneath in capital letters EVERTON STADIUM... you know – so that people don't mistake it for something else.

The test of time: we'll see if it's universally recognizable the world over in 25 years.

Don Alexander
65 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:08:19
To me it resembles half a billion quid trying to still stay afloat on a very thin raft of fan-owned dedication.
Dale Self
66 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:09:50
By the way, Neil, that line was attributed to Camara's father on the Gueye thread. Iakovos had a nice write-up of Camara's exit and that was his father's response, unless this is some Greek mythology Iakovos is laying on us.
Brent Stephens
67 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:13:32
Michael #64 "The giveaway here is they have had to put underneath in capital letters EVERTON STADIUM... you know – so that people don't mistake it for something else."

Michael, I think it's a process whereby over time, not immediately, the logo slowly becomes recognisable. And people can then identify with that (if they want). Take Prince Rupert's Tower - what's that all about? what does that symbolise? where did that come from? It doesn't matter - we see that and we can immediately identify with it (if you want). But it doesn't happen ovenight.

"The test of time: we'll see if it's universally recognizable the world over in 25 years."

What, like Prince Rupert's Tower? Immediately recognisable the whole world over?

Are we really debating a fecking logo? It's meant to symbolise something much more important to all of us (sorry, Barry) - the new stadium.

David Hayes
68 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:17:39
Hoodwinked, the whole build is a mega McDonald's drive through.

By the time it's finished and paid for, Everton will be in the Vanarama league, Rondon still the only centre-forward.

Anyone who thinks Claire Balding Gordon is ever going to score more than one deflected goal a season can apply for a double cheese stack at the mega outlet by way of compensation.

Neil Copeland
69 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:26:45
Dale, yes I read that post which I agree was very good and typical scouse humour. Same quote used in a different context
Will Mabon
70 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:32:43
Have read all the comments, some good varied views.

The main component here is Everton, the football club. It has a symbol and most in football would recognize it. Ditto most other clubs.

Why does a stadium need its own separate symbol? Shouldn't it just say "EFC/Everton" or the eventual stadium name, each with the tower or full shield next to them.

I'm trying not to be cynical, maybe it's all harmless enough and will go no further than being on direction signs to the ground (A white football on a blue background would suffice though and probably wouldn't need added words).

I hope it isn't the start of brand shift tinkering.

Michael Kenrick
71 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:33:25

"What, like Prince Rupert's Tower? Immediately recognisable the whole world over?"

I was thinking about that and wondering if there was a lesson there. I know that in America at least – which is probably the biggest markets for Premier League 'soccer' – if you showed our Prince Rupert's Tower to 90% of fans, they would not be able to associate it with Everton.

Mind you, their geography is so poor, most of them still have no idea where Everton is.

Eddie Dunn
72 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:33:56
Looks like a giant airstream caravan has landed on the dock!
Will Mabon
73 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:37:05
Michael, the new symbol would need as much promotion as the tower in any new market – but alone wouldn't directly represent Everton Football Club.
Brent Stephens
74 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:39:35
Michael, you're obviously not explaining our club logo sufficiently over there in the US of A!

Seriously, I wonder whether this logo is no more than a short-term gimmick related to the stadium while it's being built – and no longer than that??

David West
75 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:41:30
The logo is fine... C'mon, people, who's arsed really? It could've been much worse.

Roy @61 says it perfectly. The test of the logo will be if in a few years they can drop the words from it, and it will still be recognised as Everton Stadium, like the Swoosh or the Apple. To be fair, I don't know the logo for Wembley, Tottenham's stadium, or the O2 so I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it.

I think it's just a header for emails and correspondence. We are interested because we are Blues. I'm not interested in Tottenham's.

As another poster has said, I hope the stadium can be a location 7 days a week. World Cups, Euros, big boxing matches etc. If England were playing, it would be boss going there to watch games at sports bars.

That's where the potential is for maximum revenue growth. Things that Goodison Park has never been able to offer.

All the hotels and other developments that will spring up around Bramley-Moore Dock should be capitalised on by the club.

We don't just want burger and hotdog stands that will only be used match days. We need to have uses for the spaces, bars, restaurants etc 7 days a week. Having all them amenities and only using them every other week would just be a waste.

Let's be imaginative with what can be done when football isn't being played there, that's the real opportunity of having it on the waterfront near all the the tourist spots.

Dale Self
76 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:47:10
Will, I think it was Tony who offered the explanation that the stadium will host other events; therein lies the reason for the separate logo.
Chris Hockenhull
77 Posted 11/08/2022 at 22:52:16
Brian (5). Absolutely spot on
Will Mabon
78 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:08:13
Dale, that may be one answer, if the logo prevails.

Just trying to picture confused crowds of people that can't find a concert or similar event at a giant football stadium because it doesn't have a separate marketing logo... :o

David West
79 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:12:32
David @68,

Won't see you down there, then? On the banks of our Royal Blue Mersey?

Honestly, I feel like some posters are bogged down in negativity. We have had it shit for so long, let's be positive about something that could be transformative for the club and fans.

What's not to like about a boss new stadium?

Brent Stephens
80 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:14:46
Would the smart marketing thing be to use the same logo for EFC and for the stadium for non-football marketing purposes?? Cross-marketing?
Laurie Hartley
81 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:23:47
I do think the logo is sort of “nautical” and I like it. Have a look at this though – that is what matters:-
View from above the Boys Pen!
Will Mabon
82 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:24:05
Brent, I'm guessing that, when a deal for stadium naming rights is done, that name would be used across the board for all events as the main identity.

The logo discussed here may not last so long after construction, or stay as a sub-brand symbol without the wording.

As long as they leave our tower alone!

Stu Darlington
83 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:27:33
Come on, guys, are we really spending time and a whole thread talking about a logo, for God's sake, when we have got real football issues facing us?

Like where and when are we going to sign a striker or two to give us a solution to a real problem?

Martin Mason
84 Posted 11/08/2022 at 23:48:29
David @79

This stadium is the most staggering ground ever built in the UK because it is on the river. We are blessed indeed.

Danny O’Neill
85 Posted 12/08/2022 at 01:49:00
My take on the logo:

Looks nautical which ties in with the location and heritage of Bramley-Moore Dock. It also resembles the shape of the stadium, which I believe has been purposely designed to reflect what I've just said. A ship-like structure looking out to sea. The side concourses are built to look like the dock warehouses that once lined the Mersey. The "tail" is the river.

Wow, I sound like an art student interpreting what I see. Far from it, believe me!

I tend to agree with those who called out, it's a brand because the stadium will be used for other events. People will know it's Everton's Stadium; there are big obvious letters underneath stating that very loudly.

Ian Linn
86 Posted 12/08/2022 at 03:49:45
Tony @6.

Nice one mate. I'm with you!

Ian Jones
87 Posted 12/08/2022 at 03:55:09
Logo looks good to me. I think including Everton wording is correct. It gets our name out..

As Danny, above, says

"People will know it's Everton's Stadium; there are big obvious letters underneath stating that very loudly."

Also, just looked at the link. Clever how they have integrated Prince Rupert's Tower in the A of 'All'....

Ajay Gopal
88 Posted 12/08/2022 at 06:06:19
I am super excited about our new stadium. I would love to visit Liverpool city, attend a game or two at the Grand Old Lady – just to be able to soak in the atmosphere before we move away, then do a walk around the new stadium site. I would welcome suggestions from fellow TWers.

On the logo, I don't have a problem with it, but fail to understand its necessity. I also can't connect with the "ALL" brand – just the name comes across as very bland, although I understand what they are trying to convey. Couldn't they have come up with something more exciting?

On the whole, I am happy that the club seems to be moving very professionally with regards to the new stadium and the attempts to connect with the fans. I am just glad that I support Everton, and not any other football club.

Brian Williams
89 Posted 12/08/2022 at 06:09:54
Brent @74.

Seriously, I wonder whether this logo is no more than a short-term gimmick related to the stadium while it's being built - and no longer than that??

Hallelujah, at last someone's hit the nail firmly on it's head.

Brian Murray
90 Posted 12/08/2022 at 06:23:48
The logo design loosely coincides with the so-far limited tee-shirts you can get – albeit not from the club yet with the added words "On the Banks of the Royal Blue Mersey.

It's vital when the club is ready to sell merchandise that it includes them words – not just to rub salt in the neighbours' wounds (honestly) but, as Danny says, it adds to the nautical new Everton.

For now, it is simple and effective on its own but obviously so much more can and will be done with it to push the boat out (no pun intended).

Denis Richardson
91 Posted 12/08/2022 at 08:17:02
Pat @18

I guessed marketing has something to do with it just don't see the logic. It's Everton's football ground first and foremost so why not just use the Everton badge on the stadium?

It's already globally recognised and Everton would also get the benefit of any non-football events from a marketing perspective. I just don't see the point of having a new logo just for the stadium when its primarily EFC's ground.

Then again, I'm not a marketing person and I'm sure some clever consultancy was paid 𧲸s to come up with the thing (and no doubt presented and pitched heavily as to its future 'brand value').

Actual stadium looks great though.

Chris James
92 Posted 12/08/2022 at 09:21:41
Jesus, some of you don't half love a moan. You must be awfully thirsty in this weather with those perpetually half-empty glasses!

Logo looks fine to me, it's simple and will be vested with meaning by the project not vice versa.

As an aside I would love to see a spin off 'ToffeeWeb evaluates... Logo designs'

'This is just a bendy line it means nothing, they've also spelt Nick wrong!'

'I don't get it, why is there a bit of the apple missing?'

'God that mermaid is dead freaky and what's it got to do with coffee?'

'Why are all those letters different colours? What is a Google anyway? Why not call it Internet Search Thingy?'

'Hmm, it's just a bit of a castle isn't it, is there a castle in the football club? Don't get it...'

Etc, etc...

Paul Hughes
93 Posted 12/08/2022 at 10:07:20
To be honest, I couldn't give a stuff about the logos. Both the stadium and the All ones look inoffensive.

I'm more concerned that the super new All offerings have decent ale, quickly served, at a reasonable price. I don't want to see ٥.30 a pint, as is apparently the going rate at West Ham.

Chris James
94 Posted 12/08/2022 at 11:13:06
Lahndon prices, mate... innit!

I'm sure we'll still get a bottle of Chang for 3 quid in the new place! ;-)

Brendan McLaughlin
95 Posted 12/08/2022 at 12:44:36
Sorry but I can't get the image of Blue Bill's big bake grimmacing under the logo, saluting proudly complete with National Health Service specs and his protruding tongue... à la Benny Hill.
Darren Murphy
96 Posted 12/08/2022 at 15:41:32
100% Stu, we need Strikers. End of.
Dan Nulty
97 Posted 12/08/2022 at 18:06:57
Genuinely couldn't care less about the logo. We've got a new stadium coming, it is actually happening. I genuinely can't believe it.

Hoping by the time it is ready we will have stabilised and got an exciting team to watch.

Dale Self
99 Posted 12/08/2022 at 21:54:20
You know, now that you're bringing it up again after it was well beaten to death Soren I have to say that it isn't just us. There seems to be a shitty trend in European football similar to the whimsical offerings of the American breakfast cereal industry.

It looks like they are trying to appeal to younger types and us old fuckers won't really be able to assess whether it works. I'm guessing it doesn't, it's shit.

Btw, we came in 2nd place on FourFourTwo's list of shit kits. I thought it was a close call.

I know this was about the logo but the shirt fiasco is part of that overall thing.

Soren Moyer
100 Posted 12/08/2022 at 22:24:13
I just think we should call ourselves "the Royal Blue Whales" from now on Dale.

Also, today's name we're being linked with, according to the ever-growing list of clickbaits, is Benfica's Goncalo Ramos.

Brian Murray
102 Posted 13/08/2022 at 09:57:14
The tired and slightly nervous reaction best stadium in the championship sounds like if you got a state of the art extension and your neighbour had to do with a cack handed gazebo. Enjoy the view as you pass on mersey rail ha ha.
Tony Abrahams
103 Posted 13/08/2022 at 11:02:40
Funny thread this and thanks for that link Laurie. I've seen many pictures and videos showing us what Bramley-Moore is going to look like, but when I clicked that link, our new stadium looks like it's going to be absolutely brilliant.

One of the happiest days of my life was made even better by a bizzie, when I was lost and couldn't find my coach, just after we had beaten Watford to win the cup, and give me my first ever glimpse of Everton winning silverware.

“He said, Don't worry son, if you don't find your coach, I'm sure we will be able to put you on another coach going back to EVERTON” I told him “don't worry because I could fly home, mate” but his words have never left me.

Thinking about it now though, I think the club have definitely got to find room to build another Prince Rupert Tower, on the banks of the Royal blue Mersey!

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