Lampard confident that Gordon is going nowhere

31/08/2022 34comments  |  Jump to last

Frank Lampard says he is not worried about whether Anthony Gordon will be an Everton player come Friday morning because it’s now too late for the player’s sale to benefit the club.

Gordon has been the subject of serious interest from Chelsea who had two offers for the 21-year-old rebuffed and were believed to have informally discussed a bid as high as £60m, albeit in staggered payments that would have reduced Everton’s ability to replace him with sufficient quality before Thursday’s 11pm transfer deadline.

Gordon rose to prominence last season when, in tandem with Richarlison and Jordan Pickford, he did more than most to help the Blues avoid relegation. His passion, tireless work and a few vital goals, combined with what most in the game believe is a high ceiling of achievement given his tender age, has also attracted covetous attention from Tottenham and Newcastle.

He has also now scored twice in as many matches to help Lampard’s side stretch an unbeaten run in all competitions to four matches, even though they have yet to register a Premier League victory.

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Speaking after last night’s 1-1 draw at Leeds where Gordon scored what was a very similar goal to the composed finish he managed at Brentford last Saturday, Lampard indicated that the deadline he spoke of late last week by when Chelsea would need to make a firm offer that Everton couldn’t turn down has now passed.

“I don’t have to worry about him anymore,” Lampard told BT Sport’s Des Kelly, alluding to the fact that Gordon won’t be sold before the transfer deadline. “It’s a couple more days."

He expanded on that in his post-match press conference, saying: “I’m very confident he’ll be our player [after the transfer window closes]. The deadline to decide to sell him has passed.

“He’s too important a player. He’s shown his worth. What good would it do us to do anything with Anthony now?

"In the bigger picture, he has an affiliation with the fans. It is a process, can we build around that? The interest in him is because he is a top player and why we are so keen to keep him.

“He is our player, he has come through and will get better and better. Adding goals is the next step and the hardest step. He is a special player for me, I am delighted with him."


Reader Comments (34)

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Andrew Brookfield
1 Posted 31/08/2022 at 06:01:05
If we get a 㿨M bid an hour before deadline, I'd still snap their hand off. We're not going down and that money could be reinvested in a striker either in January or next Summer.
Bernie Quinn
2 Posted 31/08/2022 at 07:50:36
Andrew - must disagree, He already got a good fanbase in the Club - and call me 'oldfashioned', Possum, but he is becoming an Icon. With that new blond quiff hairstyle, and his looks, I can see a young Dave Hickson in him. He is even starting to score the goals as well!
Alan McGuffog
3 Posted 31/08/2022 at 07:53:41
Dear God Bernie...please not Dave Hickson, we'll never see the back of you know who
Jerome Shields
4 Posted 31/08/2022 at 08:01:05
Andrew, Everton have not reinvested the big money they have received for their higher value players in the past.Thev have squandered it.The ability of such players is not matched by the Management ability of those that run Everton football Ciub.
Mark Ryan
5 Posted 31/08/2022 at 08:08:01
Andrew @ 1, why not keep our own home grown talent. Do you want a bogof deal with another club ? spend just for the sake. That's Moshiris way, that's BK's way, just splash the cash. Not the answer with AG. We needed him last season and we need him now
Tony Abrahams
6 Posted 31/08/2022 at 08:17:25
Good on Frank Lampard, for sticking to his guns, because Gordon is a player I'd have personally sold for £35 million during the summer months. I thought Gordon leaving was going to be an absolute certainty, once Chelsea allegedly bid £40 million, but Lampard has so far managed to keep the chairman out of proceedings, and stopped history repeating itself for once.
Jim Lloyd
7 Posted 31/08/2022 at 08:28:29
Yep, I'd have seen the club selling him for £60 million as good business. Providing they got at least two good players in exchange. If he can add scoring goals to his game, then we'd have at least two players able to score throughout the season (potentially) as I think Gray can do the same. So if both can get around 10 a season, plus what DCL and the rest of the team can provide, we might just start scoring as many as we let in.

He'll have a long way to catch up to Dave Hickson's scoring exploits, though. His average was 1 goal in two games. I think he scored 111 goals in around 240 games. Only Dixie Dean had a better goal record.

Rob Jones
8 Posted 31/08/2022 at 08:45:53
I'd have taken the imaginary Gallacher, Broja and cash deal.

But as Frank has said, it's now too late.

If we can somehow bring in Gueye (even now, somehow, it's an *if*, such has been the endless delaying nonsense) and bring in Diaz, I'd say this has been a very productive transfer window.

More important than any incomings for me, however, is that Frank persists with four at the back. It made such a difference last night.

Dave Cashen
9 Posted 31/08/2022 at 08:58:13
I haven't lived in Liverpool for forty years, but I still come back for the match and family and consider myself 100% scouse.
I took real objection to claims on here that Evertonians were "obssessed" with local boys and would have taken 10m for Gordon had he been born somewhere else.

Evertonians are like the fans of every other club. They love a local boy making good, but you only have to look at the treatment Tom Davies receives to know their judgement will not be clouded.

10m for a player "who can't shoot or score goals" ? I sometimes wonder how Kenwright gets away with fooling such a large proportion of the fan base, but not often.

Let's hope AG can bag the winner against RS. His value could rocket to 12m in the blink of an eye

Rob Jones
10 Posted 31/08/2022 at 09:01:47
Dave, the treatment Tom Davies receives is thoroughly depressing. No fanbase treats their own youth players as poorly as we do, all for the crime of none of them measuring up to what Wayne Rooney could do at seventeen.

Tom Davies has never been coached properly, never been allowed to develop within a consistent and stable system or position, much of it because of the way our basket case of a club has veered from one disaster to another, almost since his debut.

At this point, his most notable contribution to the club will likely be the few million quid that his sale brings in once his critics finally get their own way.

Joe McMahon
11 Posted 31/08/2022 at 09:23:10
Rob, it's not just youth players. Look at the shit Iwobi got for several seasons, McNeil is now getting it, even though he's new to the setup. Managers also. Silva was getting loads of stick, he seems to be doing okay, and his teams score goals. Yet many still look on the 11 years of a manager who won us nothing fondly.
Bill Gienapp
12 Posted 31/08/2022 at 09:44:55
The fear in holding on to Gordon was that he'd fail to improve and we'd never see an offer like Chelsea's ever again. However, after witnessing those two goals he scored (both superb finishes, unlike his mostly scruffy deflections last year), I'm feeling pretty confident that he'll hit double figures this season and only increase in value.
Rob Jones
13 Posted 31/08/2022 at 09:52:07
Totally agree, Bill.

It's a gamble, for certain. If we stay in the division, and allow the boy to mature for another season, his value will increase drastically. Staying is absolutely the right decision for him, it remains to be seen if the club will benefit.

Steve Shave
14 Posted 31/08/2022 at 09:55:52
Dave, Rob and Joe, completely concur. Frank has done alot in terms of reuniting the team with the fans. He utilised Goodison last season and improved communication. Now the fans need to take a long look at the culture that has manifested and festered for years now.

The way some need to scape goat players, to jump on their backs the second they aren't perfect is insane and not replicated anywhere else (to the same degree) in the PL. We are the English Valencia, a sleeping giant weighed down by expectations created in the past. They are worse tbf, they wave the white handkerchiefs if the coach loses two in a row. Do we want to be like that?

The treatment of Tom and Barkley (yes I know he acted like a knob at the end and cost us a fortune with his skulduggery) was at times disgusting. Not homegrown but I have also been so disappointed in the treatment of McNeil, he's 22 and played 3 games FFS and only last night was he in a more comfortable position for him, I thought he worked hard and did OK, certainly undeserving of the popular knee-jerk narratives some spout on here. Why do some of you need a fall guy? Do they provide a focal point for your disappointments? People blame to give themselves a sense of control, that of course doesn't happen and their anger and frustration makes them feel more out of control. Whilst busy with that we miss opportunities for objectivity and understanding. It's unfair and unproductive.

Can Frank continue to unite us and encourage us to support in the right ways because lets face it we as a collective can be as incredible as we can toxic. I would be a hypocrite to say I wasn't tempted by some of the money mentioned for Gordon but I can see that him staying this season at least is the right thing.

I think with Gana Gueye coming (love him as a player) this solidifies our midfield for 2 years. Keeping Gordon means if there is any money left we should look for a versatile forward who can play up front as a two or drift out wide or even fill in as a 10 (any suggestions Robert and Sam?). I like the look of Gapko from PSV, looks like the big boys have had a sniff and don't see him as their option, he is versatile, would improve us immediately and could play with DCL and Gordon.

I doubt we have cash for that option now we are keeping our Anthony, Brereton-Diaz or Kudos might have to do. I wouldn't sniff at that but with Anthony staying and Gana coming I think it spells a less dramatic end to our window that we had suspected. Onwards. Frank, McNeil et al, you have my full support. COYB!

Eddie Dunn
15 Posted 31/08/2022 at 10:03:43
I also think to hold on to Gordon is the right thing. Lampard has seen enough over the years of playing with the best, to know what quality is.

Also, even if we did get a load of dosh for the lad, our track record on wasting money is spectacular.
Him staying gives us all hope.

James Newcombe
16 Posted 31/08/2022 at 10:31:42
I want to keep him. The ludicrous Gallagher + Broja + £25m rumour would have been too good to turn down; but apart from that we should be looking to build a team around the lad. I wonder how much truth there was in him wanting the move at this point?
Fran Mitchell
17 Posted 31/08/2022 at 10:42:46
he's currently our only attacking threat.

to sell him would be ludicrous and would help push us towards relegation. the cost of relegation would be fr higher than any fee.

we won't get a good replacement in time, so selling would be a disaster.

his value is going on one direction. he is a couple of good goals away from an England place for the world cup, and 10+ goals this season and he'll be at Jack Grealish levels of valuation.

keep him. offer him a massive new contract and try our best to build a team good enough for him.

and if we sell, ensure we get real top dollar. English attacking wingers are overpriced, so demand as such - in 2 years.

Dave Abrahams
18 Posted 31/08/2022 at 10:53:56
According to Lyndon's report the only condition that stopped the sale of Gordon's transfer was that Chelsea were insisting on paying for him with staggered payments which wouldn't have helped Everton buying new players in this window, if Chelsea really want Gordon then they will have to cough up the full amount today in order for Everton to get a desperately needed striker in along with another winger to replace Anthony.

If Anthony's going means we will get these two players in then I'd sell him because if Anthony is staying and the only new player coming in is Gana Gueye then we can look for a long fight to stay up this season and watching more ultra defensive football for every game we watch Everton play throughout the next eight or nine months.

James Marshall
19 Posted 31/08/2022 at 11:01:46
Dave - we also have DCL, Maupay, Townsend and Doucoure to come back into the squad. Even if we do only sign Gueye, the squad isn't as threadbare as you might think.

Personally I still think we'll sign one of the 457 players we've been linked with over the summer.

I've also just read that we're about to sign James Garner from Man Utd for 㾻m according to SSN which would be great news - he's an excellent all round midfielder.

James Newcombe
20 Posted 31/08/2022 at 11:31:14
Great news about Gana Gueye and Garner J (sorry) - surely this means we'll be dropping the 3/5 at the back with all these midfield options?
Denis Richardson
21 Posted 31/08/2022 at 11:47:27
Ultimately Lampard can say what he likes but if an OTT offer came in today, I doubt Gordon would be at the club Friday. Enough private jets about to take players to medicals at the last minute.

11pm tomorrow and the window shuts. I just hope Maupay doesn't end up being our replacement for Richarlison. He'll give 100% but he's not going to be bulging the net often and I can't see DCL lasting the rest of the season with no further injuries. Looking like a season where we'll be looking to grind out results.

I've written off the next two games so anything other than 0 points would be a bonus. Looking like we'll be on 3 points and no wins from the first 7 games - then our season really begins.

Would be good to get the likes of Gomes, Rondon and Keane off the books. Lampard doesn't rate Rondon at all so may as well save his wages.

Dave Abrahams
22 Posted 31/08/2022 at 11:53:54
James (19),yes fair enough,that's if we sign a striker and Garner, who looks very lively,alongside Gueye and the players you name to come back although I doubt if we will see Townsend until after Christmas.

I repeat though I don't want to watch this defend at all times with very limited attacking football which cost us points versus Chelsea, Villa and Brentford, I've had enough of the Tories without playing conservative football!!

Pete Clarke
23 Posted 31/08/2022 at 12:16:29
This time last week I thought Gordon was gone and I was gutted and hope he stays now because he is home grown, scores goals, creates chances and is full of running. There's absolutely no reason to sell.
Chances are if we had got 60 mil then Lampard would only be getting a portion of that and the players he brings in to replace Gordon would take time to settle into an already newly acquired team.
Let the money men worry about the finances and try to get some deadwood moved on rather than selling our best to accommodate the rest.
As for the football being played, it is difficult to watch and I don't expect the football to improve dramatically any time soon but what I am hopeful of is that results will come our way and we stay safe while Frank's builds this club back up.
It was not too long ago that Carlo Ancelotti was getting results for us with a crap squad but at the same time he struggled to get any decent football out of them. Shows how difficult things are with average players.
Tom Bowers
24 Posted 31/08/2022 at 12:55:09
Have to admit I would have let him go in the Summer with that bid as I maybe thought he was an unknown quantity but he is now showing a step up which is impressive.

Given, also one or two other seemingly useful additions to the offensive side of things I think there is real hope the team is shaping up and the lad could be the ace in the hole.

Jerome Shields
25 Posted 31/08/2022 at 13:16:33

Everton may be better suited to playing a top 6 side since they have more space to play in midfield. Against Lower table sides that set up shop and push up give them more problems.

If Maupay plays it will give Everton a better shape, helped by the four at the back and three in midfield.If they can get the Guyene transfer through it would be a bonus.

Gordon seems more confident.With the transfer shackles off he will be able to concentrate on his game better.

I am actually optimistic.Think Frank may have stumbled onto something without realising it.Some of the players coming in have decided what needs done and are doing it.

Maybe Frank is into Free Expression.

Bill Watson
26 Posted 31/08/2022 at 13:35:09
Denis #21

Much as I loved Richarlison's attitude and workrate, he wasn't exactly a goal machine!

Jim #7.

One thing I have in common with Boys Pen Bill is that we both idolised Dave Hickson. He was a defender's worst nightmare come true.

Years later I actually met him and we chatted about the time the Charlton goalie, Willie Duff, was sent off (very rare in those days) for punching Dave in a cup match at The Valley. Dave said,

"Yes, but I'd been battering him at corners and free kicks. Elbows, the lot. He must have been black and blue".

Surely the established Everton striker with the best goal-scoring ratio is Gary Lineker!

Tony Mace
27 Posted 31/08/2022 at 14:09:13
Fofana sold for 㿷M + 5M...

Surely puts Gordon's valuation at 𧴜M or thereabouts.

Broja and Gallagher plus 㿔M to 㿞M should do it.

Pat Kelly
28 Posted 31/08/2022 at 16:41:38
Gordon is now looking like a new signing. If he keeps it up we couldn't buy better.
Dale Self
29 Posted 31/08/2022 at 16:50:48
We really don't know what was actually on the table and for Frank to call them out, which was brill, signals some offer that was Boehly worth considering. Pfffffft, we'll take the goals and watch this kid inspire us for a few games and then we'll see ya back at the table. Well done Frank and Kevin. Given Anthony's response to this whole saga this could light up the locker room. Don't know how many caught Coady's post match interview but he was talking about as fast as a Scouser can and was talking no crap. He is excited to be here and that may be what Frank offers most while he grows into coaching. Remember, there are a lot of casualties in great players' attempts to be decent coaches in Europe and Frank could develop some of the nous while we build up a respectable squad.
David Currie
30 Posted 31/08/2022 at 18:00:41
I don't understand why any fan would rather have the money than keep Gordon. He is exactly what we have needed for years – young, hungry, speedy, technical and a ton of desire to get better.

We need to keep him as I see his value increasing. I would much rather have him than both Borja and Gallagher.

Ian Pilkington
31 Posted 31/08/2022 at 20:35:01
Andrew Brookfield @1,

The daftest post on here for some time.

When Rooney and Arteta departed on deadline day, can you remember how much of the money was reinvested by Kenwright on new players in the next window? Answer: next to nothing.

David Currie @30

Agree with you 100%, Gordon staying is excellent news.

Barry Rathbone
32 Posted 31/08/2022 at 20:45:27
Anyone know why Gordon celebrates his goal with the cupped ears salute?

It looks like he walks toward travelling blues with a face like a slapped arse as though to say "Sniff that, gargoyles!"

Brent Stephens
33 Posted 31/08/2022 at 20:47:56
Barry. We were at the other end. Gordon was doing that to the home fans.
Colin Glassar
34 Posted 31/08/2022 at 20:48:21
“I'm not listening”, Barry. The lad's loyal and he's ignoring the hype and hysteria.

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