NSNOW Statement on continuing pre-match protests

17/02/2023 31comments  |  Jump to last

The coalition of fan groups under the umbrella of NSNOW have issued the following statement regarding continuing pre-match protests and are calling on the directors to stay away from Goodison Park:

“Following a meeting on February 16th 2023, it has been decided that a peaceful march will be held against the running of our beloved club prior to every home game for the remainder of the season or until this board is removed. 

“The route for the march will remain the same, beginning at The Oak Pub and proceeding up Spellow Lane towards the Ground and finishing at the director’s entrance. It will always be one hour before the scheduled kick-off time.

“These marches will provide Evertonians with a meaningful and peaceful way to voice their opinions regarding the current board members and club owner, preventing such sentiments from spilling over into the game itself, where we will continue to support our team and manager wholeheartedly in our battle against relegation.

“Furthermore, we would like to make the current board aware that they are not welcome at Goodison Park this season or ever again.

“We demand that the board and owner refrain from attending any further games. Such attendance would prove to be an unwanted distraction for both the fans and the team. It is our belief that you are not fit to lead our club, and your presence would only have a further negative impact.

“Put your egos aside and leave match days to the fans who care about the club and will attempt, once again, alongside Sean Dyche and his team, to drag this team closer to safety at every opportunity available.

“If you choose to attend, you will be met with a post-match protest held outside the director’s car park following the game. We will make you aware once again that you are not welcome now, and you never will be again.

“We stand united in our efforts to safeguard the future of our club, and we implore the board and owner to respect the wishes of the Everton fanbase. Thank you.” 


Reader Comments (31)

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Barry Hesketh
1 Posted 17/02/2023 at 21:56:31
I can go along with the banners and marching, but I'm less sure of the demands and the post-match protests outside of the Director's Car Park, following the game – wouldn't this just play into the hands of the hierarchy and their 'threats to our safety' narrative?

Michael Kenrick
2 Posted 17/02/2023 at 22:35:06
I think this is an excellent statement, Barry, and fully support both the protests and especially the bold demand for them to stay away.

They have set the precedent. This grabs the initiative in telling them to continue to stay away. It is the best approach to take.

And the wording I think deliberately avoids any mention of peaceful protest or any risk of danger to the directors or anyone else.

Everton fan protests are non-violent and non-threatening — it goes without saying… literally!!!

Barry Rathbone
3 Posted 17/02/2023 at 22:52:21
Glad they've included the owner(s) on the list he/they have been the catalyst of this almost unprecedented decline.

Until our version of Hicks and Gillette are removed and replaced by a sheikh, a nation or a despot with unlimited funds, no meaningful change will result.

Replacing the board might temporarily assuage the apparent need for blood among some but would amount to zip-all in terms of required progress at this historic football institution.

Michael Kenrick
4 Posted 18/02/2023 at 10:02:52
Trevor Peers
5 Posted 18/02/2023 at 10:15:16
Good luck to all concerned.
Kenwright out! the man who has guided us to the edge extinction.
Brian Harrison
6 Posted 18/02/2023 at 10:23:21
While we all want change in how the club is run, and I support the protest march, I am not sure we do ourselves any favours in suggesting, if any do turn up, we will be outside the directors' car park after the game to make you aware your not welcome.

Just think it had a rather more threatening element to it. The fans are behind the protests – don't lose them by it not being a peaceful demonstration.

Michael, I don't think Anthony Gordon would agree about all our protests being non-threatening. I know it was only a few who spoilt it, but the press will highlight anything like that above peaceful protests.

Mike Connolly
7 Posted 18/02/2023 at 10:23:25
Agree with everything with the march; however, I'm a bit sceptical about seeking out the directors in the car park. we have now got the press onside.

Kenwright would pounce on that opportunity to put himself as a victim. it would take one knob head of a fan to do something outrageous that would undo all the good work.

Colin Glassar
8 Posted 18/02/2023 at 10:58:58
Fantastic news. It's about time Kenwright and Co were run out of town.

Kenwright Out!!

Tony Abrahams
9 Posted 18/02/2023 at 11:15:18
Don't come and let the fans, the real lifeblood of Everton Football Club, concentrate on supporting “their team”

It's sad that it's come to this, but as everyone can now clearly see, you told one lie to many, and finally showed your true colours.

You told lies about the only thing that is great about Everton football club, so it's only right, that the genuine supporters are now making their feelings towards you clear.

Do you remember your speech at Anfield William, what did you say again, about picking on the wrong people?

Pete Clarke
10 Posted 18/02/2023 at 11:20:39
Good on the fan groups for getting this on and I'm in full support for them to get the message across in a strong manner. We just have to go for the throat.

It is because of the lack of protest and deep criticism over many years that these idiots are still running the show and have us in this mess.

Win lose or draw we have to give it to Kenwright and let him have some payback for destroying our club. I would also be made up if somebody from the sports side or the media actually did a section on why Everton supporters are up in arms.

Danny O’Neill
11 Posted 18/02/2023 at 11:25:42
They have damaged any relationship they had with us beyond repair Tony.

There is no going back. How dare they accuse us when all ever do is put our life and soul into our club?

I only got home on Tuesday morning and I'm now on a train and won't get back until late tonight after todays match.

They don't deserve us and must realise they need to go.

I'll be around Goodison from around 1:30pm.

See you all there.

Getting a bit emotional as always,.

John Pickles
12 Posted 18/02/2023 at 11:25:47
10/10. Kenwright and his lackeys need to get the message that there's no way back for them. Ever!
Michael Kenrick
13 Posted 18/02/2023 at 17:44:23
Everton fans protest before Leeds game with stern message to owner and board

Starting outside the Royal Oak public house, the protesters made their way up Spellow Lane and along the length of Goodison Road in the shadow of the Main Stand.

I didn't recall seeing any shots of the Directors Box on telly during the Leeds game. Were they there or did they stay away?

Brian Hennessy
14 Posted 18/02/2023 at 17:50:16
A really strong and well-worded statement. A huge well done to all involved.

Michael #13, I saw a shot on TV of empty seats which I believe were the boards' so looks like they did stay away.

Michael Kenrick
15 Posted 18/02/2023 at 21:23:53
Thanks, Brian. Such a disgrace they turned up at Anfield (of all places). What an insult.

I'll go off on one, like Tony Abrahams, if I think about too much.

Rob Dolby
16 Posted 18/02/2023 at 21:36:24
When the chips are down, they have shown their true colours. Power and money corrupts.

It's self-preservation, whilst 40,000 Blues turn up week after week expecting the powers that be to put the club first.

I have sympathy with Moshiri – he has bankrolled the club and put his faith in supposed Evertonians. They have all taken the piss out of him and Usmanov's dodgy millions.

Tony Abrahams
17 Posted 18/02/2023 at 21:57:56
I remember Kenwright getting interviewed in the tunnel at Goodison when he was trying to move us to Kirkby; with his smarmy demeanor, he said "It's not for me, I'm okay, I've got a great seat up those stairs."

Well, if you were as genuine as the rest of us, William, surely you could have given your seat to a genuine Evertonian, or maybe some underprivileged kids, considering we come from one of the poorest constituencies in the country?

Or maybe you could have given it to someone out of EitC, which is the only successful thing the club has created during your very long and tedious regime?

Thanks for staying away, though, because every time you don't attend, a little bit more poison is slowly getting drained out of our pores.

Brian Hennessy
18 Posted 18/02/2023 at 22:04:12
What's great about the last few weeks is that the protests are continuing while we are winning.

You can bet our narcissistic, lying Chairman has told Moshiri and others that the protests will stop as soon as the team starts winning.

To have the protests continuing while we climb the table will hopefully get the message through to this despicable Board that there is no coming back for them, ever.

Jerome Shields
19 Posted 19/02/2023 at 12:04:28
The protest has to definitely continue because, no matter how well Dyche and the team does, the present Board's and Moshiri's inaction are a drag on progress – we will be in the same situation next season.

I agree that the Board and Owner should stay away and have posted so, only to have someone point out to me that everybody has to be on board, including the Board, for Everton to survive in the Premier League.

I think the relationship between the Fans and the Board has to be an on-going project, as outlined in the objectives of NSNOW.

Christopher Timmins
20 Posted 19/02/2023 at 12:17:17
The protests continue until they, and we all know who they are, go!
Danny O’Neill
21 Posted 19/02/2023 at 13:11:01
It was very vocal and there were hundreds all marching down Goodison Road. I stood outside the Winslow watching it. I have to say, the supporters acted with total dignity fuelled with pride and passion.

You lying bastards, get out or club.

Sack the board, support the team.

Two of many chants aimed at the probably non-existent board as the march were stopped close to the player's entrance.

And once the supporters got into the ground, they only had one thing in their mind. Very well done, Evertonia. You had our voice but done it with class.

Keep the fight going.

I know the priority is getting through this season, but you can't ignore this Mr Moshiri. Get your head out of the sand and sort it out.

John Raftery
22 Posted 20/02/2023 at 17:24:54
While fully understanding the frustration and need to protest about our plight, I am not sure two of the four board members deserve the vitriol being heaped upon them.

Graeme Sharp has only been on the board since January 2022 when he was given the brief of providing input to the club's football strategy. He can hardly be responsible for the gross mismanagement of the previous decade. If he was partly culpable for the mistaken appointment of Frank Lampard, he was not alone in believing he was the best of the three candidates available.

As regards Grant Ingles, he was hardly a household name in the household of even the most fanatical Evertonian. He was appointed to the Board just over 18 months ago in July 2021, inheriting the financial mess from his predecessor Sasha Ryazantsev, who had joined the board in March 2016. Given Ryazantsev advised Moshiri on the acquisition of the club, the minimum expectation ought to have been that he would safeguard the finances.

He appeared to do the opposite by sanctioning a crazy transfer spending spree which initially excited the fans but paid no heed to the club's financial well-being. It is only in the last 18 months since Ingles was appointed that the club has appeared properly to get to grips with the finances and in the process stay on the right side of Premier League rules.

Darren Hind
23 Posted 20/02/2023 at 17:35:00
John @22,

Get paid!

Rob Halligan
24 Posted 20/02/2023 at 18:01:48
Danny, if you're up for the Villa game, and stood outside the Winslow again, I'll keep a look out for you.

I've been in both protest marches so far, and will be in every one until “Kenwright and Co, it's time to go”, have gone!

Peter Neilson
25 Posted 20/02/2023 at 18:10:25
John (22)

Ingles started at Everton in 2006. Went to Australia for a couple of years. Returned to us in 2013 as Finance Director.
Moved to the RS in 2017 as Head of Finance and one year later came back to us as Finance Director in 2018 and as part of the Leadership Team.

All senior finance roles at the club. Appointed to the board in 2021. Regardless of when he was appointed to the board he's had the senior financial role at the club for the best part of 10 years.

I think it's the Premier League rules that have forced the austerity rather than Mr Ingles.

John Raftery
26 Posted 20/02/2023 at 21:22:53
Peter (25) He was not the senior though. Ryazantsev was given the title of Chief Finance and Commercial Officer from 2018. He scarpered in 2021 leaving Ingles to sort out the mess.
Dave Abrahams
27 Posted 20/02/2023 at 21:45:28
John (22),

Graeme Sharp has been Kenwright's puppet for a very long time in a variety of positions for his boss.

Deriding the Blue Union all absolutely genuine Everton supporters. Same with KEIOC, supporting Kenwright in the move to Kirkby.

He's been well paid by his boss and cares as much about Everton FC as his boss, hopefully he will reap what he has sewn and be discarded very soon.

Barry Hesketh
28 Posted 20/02/2023 at 21:53:48
Within the link below is another link to Everton's response to the questions recently put to it by the FAB. It's a pdf download link.

Fan Advisory Board

Barry Hesketh
29 Posted 20/02/2023 at 22:01:38
Once again on Saturday, for the third home match running, there was no input by any of the directors in the matchday programme, a very strange state of affairs.
Kieran Kinsella
30 Posted 20/02/2023 at 22:21:13
Dave @27,

Get paid!

John Keating
31 Posted 20/02/2023 at 22:22:26
John 22,

Sorry, John, can't agree with you regarding Sharp. In my opinion, he is as bad as any of them, in fact in a way worse!

A great player for us, no doubt, however, he's done well for himself with us after his playing days were over.

For someone who, apparently, had a great rapport with fans the slimy bastard has stabbed us all in the back.

He has, as is his right, chosen sides. It is not with the supporters.

He is not daft and knows what's going on and the increasing alienation of the fanbase by the Board. If anyone could have put internal pressure on the incompetents Kenwright and Barrett-Baxendale it was Sharp.

Judas took his silver and now he has to live with it. If he never crosses the front door of Goodison again, I'll be happy.

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