Everton Stadium on course to open in 2024-25

14/06/2023 103comments  |  Jump to last

Everton say that they hope the club's new home at Bramley-Moore Dock will be ready around the turn of 2025, with plans being put in place for a mid-season move from Goodison Park in 2024-25.

Though the stadium was initially projected to open in the summer of 2024 when the planning application was originally submitted, a 2025 date was deemed more realistic once construction on the waterfront ground began in 2021.

In a presentation to the Fan Advisory Board earlier this month, club representatives were told that “Progress on the build remains good but the club stressed completion is during 2024, not in time for (the start) of the 2024-25 season.”

Contractors Laing O’Rourke are understood to be working to a timetable that ends in December 2024 and, as things stand, Everton are looking to be in a position to be able to depart Goodison Park by the turn of the calendar year going into 2025.

“Discussions [with fan representatives] around a mid-season move versus an end-of-season move will be made if necessary once a completion date is known. Test events will be a requirement but it provides opportunities to engage fans.”

According to the Liverpool Echo, the club don't plan on commemorating Goodison Park in any way on the kit for the 2023-24 campaign, the release of which has been delayed due to Everton's protracted battle against relegation which meant they did not know which league they would be playing in next season until the final day of the season.


Reader Comments (103)

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Brian Williams
1 Posted 14/06/2023 at 14:54:53
"Cough cough."


Well who'da thought it? 🤔

Ralph Basnett
2 Posted 14/06/2023 at 14:56:50
Did we really expect anything else!
Paul Kossoff
3 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:00:27
What a surprise, no Euro's then. Fifa on the phone to the red shite. When are we going to get some positive news on here. Tell you the truth I'm getting a little fed up from the whole sorry fkg lot of Everton now. Any Tranmere tickets left?
Andrew Ellams
4 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:05:47
I thought it was already understood that it wouldn't be available for the season start.
Tom Bowers
5 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:05:55
We need a new squad before a new stadium. Let's worry about that first.
Gary Hughes
6 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:06:09
And this is after apparently the build is ahead of schedule? The club is just one fuck up after another. Never any good news with anything to do with them. Whoever is in charge should get them busting a gut to get it finished. The next thing will be After fans meeting it's been decided we don't won't to move in part way through a season and it will be 25-26 when we move in. WTF
James Hughes
7 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:06:09
Quite a few people stated the stadium was never going to happen, yet it is there growing day by day.

I would rather wait a few months to make sure it is fit for purpose and all 'snagging' is taken care of properly. £750 million and we want to rush it

But fuck it lets have a dig anyway

John Keating
8 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:06:49
Last thing we want to do is push things
If in doubt go for the next season not a mid season opener
I appreciate Goodisons' Safety Cert might not be valid but apparently it hasn't been for years!
Brendan McLaughlin
10 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:10:58
Not unexpected news given the departure of DBB.
James Flynn
11 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:15:57
Andrew (4) - Correct.
Dale Self
12 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:16:18
The good news is that creeping negativism has worked its way through other target topics to no avail and is now resigned to slagging future stadium disappointments. I get it. You gotta get some action where you can. Because you gotta. Has nothing to do with reasoned arguments.
Justin Doone
13 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:17:44
No one is surprised. We all doubt the completion date will be in 2024. But a 25-26 season opener makes sense and given everything else I'd be delighted and over the moon if this is the case and we remain a Premier league club!

Let's see what additional commercial events and gigs will be booked in as test events.. no, nothing?

Is Bill needed to sign-off on this, I'm guessing he'll be sticking around given the lack of good news.

Paul Hewitt
14 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:22:23
Jesus you can't blame the club for this. It's nothing to do with Everton. when it's finished. Who will be the first too blame Bill?
Mark Ryan
15 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:23:58
DBB will be in Wetherspoons laughing herself into a stupor. I expect she knew this but wasn't going to engage with us. Why should she ? She was only the CEO doing sterling work on the new stadium !!
I expect someones gone into her office today to clear it down and found this memo in her IN TRAY
Things to do.
Tell Bill that the new stadiums at Bramley Apples will not be match ready for 2 seasons
Memo from Laing O'Rourke, Dated Feb 2022
Rob Halligan
16 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:26:36
The stadium's inclusion for the Euros should not be affected, bearing in mind it's Euro 28, not Euro 24 that England are bidding for.
Barry Hesketh
17 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:26:53
It doesn't come as a surprise, but the cynical side of me thinks that another sell-out final season at Goodison and the same at the new place when it opens is all but guaranteed and that will suit the club just fine. Say the club did try to leave mid-season, they'd possibly lose some fans at the end of it, particularly if the team is doing as poorly as it is presently. I just hope most of us old-timers are around to enter the new place. as time waits for nobody.
Stephen Vincent
18 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:35:27
James #7, have you ever been to Valencia?

Mark Boullé
19 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:37:23
The precursor to an announcement later today that Kenwright will be staying on for continuity to oversee the stadium completion...?!
Kevin Molloy
20 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:43:31
Good., A few more precious months spent at Goodison. We will miss it when it's gone.
Dave Williams
21 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:48:48
Bill needs to lay his bricks more quickly- all his fault!!
Eric Myles
22 Posted 14/06/2023 at 15:57:29
Andrew #4, it was.
Joe Corgan
23 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:01:09
Prices are rising, materials are hard to come by and good tradespeople are hard to find.

It's something of a miracle that the project has progressed as quickly as it has. What other multi-year construction project, this one being built on a wet dock no less, is ever completed to the original timeline?!

Slightly disappointing but I really don't see this as a big deal.

James Fletcher
24 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:02:26
If it wasn't scheduled to be ready for the start of the 24/25 season then how can you be dissapointed when it's not...? It seems to be the one thing actually going to plan.
Russelll Smith
25 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:12:14
The club have never once said it would be ready for the start of the 24/25 season and have always maintained it would be completed in 2024. Don't understand the negativity. The final few months will be snagging and testing of all the infrastructure and it is sensible to build in a contingency for any teething troubles. This is a complex construction with state of the art electronics, 1000,s miles of cabling and telemetry, plus air conditioning, internal drainage and god knows what else. We have waited 30 years for this, a few more months to deliver a perfect stadium seems worth the wait.
James Flynn
26 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:12:40
This is old news.
Brent Stephens
27 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:12:56
I assume it would be easier to finalise such things as seat allocations, distribution of season tickets in whatever format, etc etc, over a (administratively) quieter summer than during mid-season which involves, inter alia, admin arrangements around away-game ticketing, transportation for away-games, liaison with other clubs and the police re match-day arrangements, cleaning the William Kenwright statue etc etc.

Season's end makes sense?

Brent Stephens
28 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:15:31
And the negativity around the assumed slippage date assumes a positive anticipation of moving to BMD! Hurrah! Even the negative can't avoid being positive!
Danny O’Neill
29 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:26:49
We knew this.

The decision will be whether to wait until the next season or move mid-season, which could prove tricky with season ticket holders. But not insurmountable with a bit of foresight and planning.

As Rob says, it doesn't affect the Euro bid as that is 2028.

Will Mabon
30 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:37:05

Difficult times - check.
Distraction possible - check.
Stadium news tactic - check.

Is Bill staying?

Pete Clarke
31 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:38:53
This is all planned by our sloppy jowelled leader.
When somebody mentioned the other day that Bill will leave the club on Wednesday they actually meant Wednesday 1st of January 2025 for our first game at BMD.
He will open the curtains on the new stadium to reveal a statue of himself and Denise.
This will be his two finger salute to us supporters and he will resign his post after the game.
Alex Gray
32 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:49:00
It must be those darn mob rule fans of ours, hounding out the builders. XD
Barry Hesketh
33 Posted 14/06/2023 at 16:55:32
That's the title of a hit musical if ever I saw one - "The Jowl In The Clown!"
Rob Rothwell
34 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:00:38
Delays due to the location of Kenwrights Statue? :-)

Spurs Stadium ran 95% over on Cost, and 50% over on Schedule. So nothing here to raise concern yet.

It's our only glimour of hope at present. Stay positive.


Christy Ring
35 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:00:52
Laing O'Rourke the contractors are on schedule, and their finishing date is December '24, so it was never going to be ready for the start of that season. Also it's still included in the Euro '28 bid. Don't understand the negativity.
Derek Thomas
36 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:11:36
Has many seasons of Grand Designs taught us nothing??

There are Always snags with funding, material, labour etc.

The initial plan / 'grand design' is almost always revised downwards due to the above.

It's Never on time.

And the cost Always balloons out.

Take L O'R at their word

Give Goodison a good send off May 2025.

Commission BMD July...Vs whoever - Big Kick Off August.

No Problemo.

Lyndon Lloyd
37 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:13:02
The way Michael originally framed this story made it sound like this was new, unexpected information. It's been common knowledge for ages that it wasn't going to open by August 2024 so the outcry here is bizarre.

And, frankly, anyone who has watched the other recent major stadium developments (e.g. the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium) should have expected the opening date to shift, not least because this is Everton we're talking about!

That said, I think the club and Laing O'Rourke should be commended for the speed and efficiency with which the stadium has gone up to date.

Barry Hesketh
38 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:23:53
Lydon @
Isn't that the perennial issue with all things Everton - everything is 'common knowledge' rather than an outright official declaration by the club, I myself always believed that completed in 2024 would mean we would start 2024/25 season in the new home - I understand I was wrong to assume that now - but the club isn't very good with clarity as they are with charity.

Alec Gaston
39 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:24:17
37 Lyndon - totally agree - amongst all the lies the stadium remains the only thing that has been delivered in line with the original timeline - I am more interested to see what time Kenwright goes today. How can he possibly stay on after his statement supporting the 3 Execs who left - to stay on surely he would have to have condemned them? Unless he has not yet signed a NDA which is the only reason that could justify not meeting the 48 hrs stated by the club. That's the root problem with the club, they make statements without knowing or caring if they can keep them and the implications of not doing so.
Jamie Crowley
40 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:24:47
Stadium will be amazing, and I've never known a construction project that finished on time.

My only concern about this is the mid-season move. I don't know how I feel about it honestly, but I just think any distraction during the season isn't good?

Then again if I paid the amount of money Everton has paid for BMD, I'd move in the second it was done! 😂

Mark Ryan
41 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:34:31
Has he gone yet ?
Tony Abrahams
42 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:42:42
You have been giving out quite a bit of good information recently Brian W, so reading this news doesn't surprise me. Neither does it surprise me that 48 hrs later Bill Kenwright, is still our chairman. Give us the good news Brian, how long before Chairman Bill departs for good?
Barry Hesketh
43 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:44:10
Mark @41
It will be "Another 48 Hours" and then "Nine And A Half Weeks"
Chris James
44 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:55:30
Jesus there really is a bunch of glass half broken miserable pr*cks on here isn't there? If all you can do is moan about how every little thing about the club is shit, I honestly have to ask why not just go and support someone else. It's as depressing as reading a daily mail front page on here at times.

Also please point to any major construction project that's delivered on time… ever… I've just had our bathroom done and that's taken 2 weeks longer than we planned! We've got an awesome looking stadium coming very soon and we stayed up. The board we pilloried is being turfed out and new investors pending. Sure the team needs an overhaul and we don't have a big budget we can spend, but if you can't be positive in the off season then really what is the point?

Tony Everan
45 Posted 14/06/2023 at 17:59:46
More concerned about the Kenwright delay than the Stadium delay , it's not news.

The 48hrs have been and gone .

Mr Kenwright playing hardball on the terms of his departure? A golden commode in the BMD main stand and three meat n potato pies at HT should do it.

Brian Williams
46 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:02:39
I had my bathroom done recenty. Estimated two weeks working Monday to Friday. Finished on the second Thursday.

So there's 'yer major project finished not just on time, but early!

That's Romanians for you. Non smokers, no tea breaks, no sitting in the van for hours!

Not all Romanins are non smokers like, but my Romanians were.

Brent Stephens
47 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:04:01
Barry #33 - superb!
Brian Williams
48 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:05:36
Tony that's one I've been trying hard to find out mate but the silence is deafening. sorry mate.
I'll keep trying though!
Chris James
49 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:09:49
Fair play Brian, we had some lovely Polish folks… probably didn't help the missus kept adding in new ideas, but still I think my point broadly stands… your bathroom aside.
Brent Stephens
50 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:09:53
Chris #44 "I've just had our bathroom done and that's taken 2 weeks longer than we planned! "

That's Laing O'Rourke for you, Chris!

Brian Williams
51 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:13:20

Apologies for my humour mate, it's not to everyone's taste................. or should that be "anyone's"?

Chris James
52 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:16:11
Not at all Brian, was funny.
Tony Abrahams
53 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:31:18
I never had Kenwright down, for leaving within the 48-hour timescale Brian. Hopefully it's soon or the irate Evertonians, might get him a load more sympathy from his sycophantic friends in the media.

But with Bury FC, starting up again, maybe Mr Kenwright can give them that couple of million quid he was looking to give them when they were thrown out of the Football League – and maybe even become their chairman.🤞

Brian Williams
54 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:37:12
As long as he goes soon mate.
And when he's gone let's start with a clean slate and give those who come in a chance!
Rob Halligan
55 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:53:40
The RS are putting a loft extension behind one of their goals……guess what, it's behind schedule, hence them asking for their first one or two games of next season to be played away. An extension, as opposed to a whole new stadium being built. I doubt many of them are moaning.
Danny O’Neill
56 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:53:55
In my experience, most projects overrun.

I was involved with Tottenham just as they were about to launch their new stadium.

They ran a test about 2 weeks before the first match proper with the U23s or U21s, with 20,000 in attendance.

I think we've done well to be almost on schedule. I've known Government projects run several years behind and some that ended up being written off.

See you all at the Bramley Moore, which the owners must have pound signs in their eyes about. Good luck to them.

They need the playlist from the Brick and the Winslow.

I guess that's why they call it the blues.

Maybe introduce Ray Charles' I can't stop loving you.

I'm getting carried away.

It is going to be very emotional when the time comes. But the time is coming.

Kunal Desai
57 Posted 14/06/2023 at 18:55:16
I think it was mentioned a while back the stadium would be ready at the start of 2025. When Spurs moved into there new stadium it was delayed by six months. These large scale projects very rarely run on time, costs plus iterations to scope. I imagine there will be rigourous compliance and safety checks and drills once the stadium is complete. I'd prefer to see out the season and move to BMD start of the 2025/2026 season.
Nick White
58 Posted 14/06/2023 at 19:11:08
I'm not concerned about the stadium delay, even if it's a move at the start of the following season. The club aren't on the hook for the costs if they increase as that is on the contractor. Loss of revenue is the only worry. I'm really looking forward to being there although sad to say bye to Goodison. I do worry though that Bills departure is delayed due to him wanting a stand named after him!
Jimmy I'Anson
59 Posted 14/06/2023 at 19:18:30
It is stated in the Construction Management Plan, as part of the planning application, that the project will take 150 weeks to complete plus 12 weeks for testing and commissioning.

So If it isn't expected to be ready until December then that would make it approximately 12 weeks over schedule. In the grand scheme of things, that not a lot.

The problem is however, the club have continuously insisted that the project is on schedule. Well, if it's on schedule, the original estimate is wrong and someone has been telling porkies all along.

I don't understand why they feel they have to lie. Just be straight with the fans, and tell us how the schedule is progressing. If it's a bit behind, fine.

Anthony Dove
60 Posted 14/06/2023 at 19:28:32
The longer we stay at Goodison the happier (and richer) I will be.
Robert Williams
61 Posted 14/06/2023 at 19:28:39
I understand the delay is the crafting of a statue in Bill's likeness.

The eminent chairman is holding out for it to be a nude a la Michelangelo's David - but there's a stumbling block over the size of his bollocks.

The sculptor is demanding proof of size but the sitter is wary of being caught out
with his pants down again.

If called upon fans will confirm that Bill's bollocks are legendary - and
if called to testify will call out in unison "What a load of Bollocks!!"

Michael Barrett
62 Posted 14/06/2023 at 19:57:18
What the fuck are you lot going to moan about after Bill's gone. oh wait it will be the new board...sorry.
Colin Glassar
63 Posted 14/06/2023 at 19:58:51
Of course it is. Where's former, ex, now defunct, chairman Bill? Has he absconded with the Arteta money that he had stashed away in his sock drawer?

All well and good the news about BMD but the news I want to hear/see is super leech has left the club.

If he wants some sort of legacy then one of the toilets at BMD can be named after him. Any suggestions?

Ian Hollingworth
64 Posted 14/06/2023 at 20:14:32
Christ we had DBB wrong didn't we
2 days after she's left and the whole stadium project goes back months

See 48 hrs has passed and no further statement as they stated
The slippery toad will be doing everything to stay.

Danny O’Neill
65 Posted 14/06/2023 at 20:20:34

We won't moan, but we can criticise where appropriate.

Kenwright got a chance early days by many. He royally screwed it up as the years went by.

What the fuck are we going to moan about it a bit insulting.

We were not far removed 9th time league champions not long after he got involved. More titles than Manchester United. We had not long won our first European Trophy.

They have made me and thousands others watch the decline of this club and suffer very traumatic last gasp escapes from relegation. Four of them to be precise.

A lost generation, my son and brother included. They have had nothing.

Goodison that has barely changed since the 1970s.

It's not "moaning", it is pointing out reality and having ambition to want our club competing where it should be competing.

David McMullen
66 Posted 14/06/2023 at 20:32:07
I find it odd as most informed reports seem to say the stadium was either on time or ahead of schedule. But then we were told a while back it wasn't going to be ready until mid-season.

On that, I understand a mid-season move would benefit financially but seems bizarre going mid-season I don't think Goodison should be waived off like that. Tottenham went mid-season but don't forget WHL had already gone.

Alex Parr
67 Posted 15/06/2023 at 01:45:49
I can't see the stadium unveiling and debut being in the pissing Mersey wind and rain in January 2025 somehow.
Eric Myles
68 Posted 15/06/2023 at 03:59:46
Jimmy #59,

"It is stated in the Construction Management Plan, as part of the planning application, that the project will take 150 weeks to complete plus 12 weeks for testing and commissioning."

But does it also state the Commencement Date of the project that the 150 weeks is to be measured from?

And maybe Laing O'Rourke have been given an extension of time due to additional works or changes to scope?

Julian Wait
69 Posted 15/06/2023 at 04:43:53
This is not really news. July 2022 the club said "Everton's new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock, due for completion in the 2024-25 season"

Verified here:

New Everton Stadium outline becomes clearer

Eric Myles
70 Posted 15/06/2023 at 05:50:54
If anyone is passing Bramley-Moore Dock, stop and take a picture of the site construction board, it would usually say the date of completion among other things.
Christine Foster
71 Posted 15/06/2023 at 06:12:49
The delay would appear to be caused by the requirement of design modification of the main stand, in particular the Directors seating arrangements which had been already installed with toughened glass screening and soundproofing.

The two-way black glass had been especially difficult to install and test to a level of expected noise or abuse. Removing the fixtures and the required extra strengthening of the area back to the original design, has proven difficult but is expected to be completed in time for the opening. – Rooters

Mark McDonald
72 Posted 15/06/2023 at 08:23:54
Just wish to know for certain,⁸ when we do move to BMD, what will the club do with Goodison Park?
Mark Ryan
73 Posted 15/06/2023 at 08:34:24
Mark @ 72, hasn't DBB made that crystal clear to everybody ?
No you're right she hasn't!
Perhaps some of the DBB supporters on here can let us know. I'm told she's the best. Let's wait and see.
Dialogue with supporters is not their strong suit but perhaps I've missed the finer details
Rob Halligan
74 Posted 15/06/2023 at 08:40:02
Eric # 68…………..Everton acquired “The Keys” to BMD in July 21, with work commencing July 26th. When you consider that the dock was not fully filled in until December 21, it was only then that construction commenced with the laying of 2500 foundations. In other words, did construction only finally start in December 21, and therefore it's three years from then, completion date December 24?
John Raftery
76 Posted 15/06/2023 at 10:49:20
We have known for the last fourteen months the stadium would not be ready for the start of 2024/25 season. Paul Joyce said so in the The Times and the subsequent silence from the club confirmed it.

Moving in mid-season would obviously mean selling part-season tickets to those on the waiting list. Trial events would be required while Goodison was still hosting home matches and there is bound to be some uncertainty about the handover date until fairly late in the project. My guess is the club will play it safe and wait until the start of 25/26 season before moving.

Geoff Lambert
77 Posted 15/06/2023 at 11:05:37
What a load of tosh it looks almost ready for the start of this season. get some astroturf down and don't bother with the seats.COYMB.
Eric Myles
78 Posted 15/06/2023 at 11:22:59
Rob #74, then that fits in with the completion date being on time if the construction period relates to Laing O'Rourke's contract only.

December 24, a nice Chrimbo pressie for the kopshites!!!

Daniel A Johnson
79 Posted 15/06/2023 at 11:37:00
I've been in the construction industry for 35 yrs, No way will it be a mid season 24/25 move it will be a start of the following season move. So should be ready for the 25/26 season.

Frameworks can go up quickly but it will be the miles of electrical cabling, plumbing etc that will take ages and no doubt it will hit snagging delays too. All big project builds do.

Progress though has been genuinely fantastic given how difficult a build it has been with draining/filling the dock. Being a really exposed site the good weather we've had over the last 18 months has really helped.

Laing O'Rourke should get a lot of credit at the end they are doing a brilliant job.

Paul Hughes
80 Posted 15/06/2023 at 12:17:55
The completion date has always been stated as the '24-25' season. I and many others, I guess, assumed that meant the start of the season, but clearly it doesn't.
It seems that Laing O'Rouke are contracted until December 2024.

Now can someone familiar with construction projects clarify the usual process. Does the contractor remain contracted after an initial handover, until testing and snag resolution is completed? If so, that would imply that the actual build completion would be several months before December.

Daniel A Johnson
81 Posted 15/06/2023 at 12:35:14
As long as the financial agreements are all in place, the contractor remains in place until the build is "ready".

We would need capacity test runs and safety inspections and all mannner of certifications before the stadium can officially open though.

Peter Mills
82 Posted 15/06/2023 at 16:25:34
It would be a mistake to move mid-season. Players, staff, fans, would be unfamiliar with surroundings, new habits need to be formed, the atmosphere would be strange.

Better to leave it until the start of the season, hold some U21 or youth games, friendlies and concerts in the interim, iron out any glitches, leave Goodison at the season's end and start anew in August.

Julian Wait
83 Posted 15/06/2023 at 23:45:10
@Peter #82 - agree fully unless it impacts Euros bid in which case may be a bit more complicate; however it shouldn't as that is still 3 years out.
Eric Myles
84 Posted 16/06/2023 at 04:07:18
Paul #80, there's usually a Practical Completion after which testing and commissioning will take place and during which period the snagging identified at PC is rectified.

Then the Club will have to do the capacity test runs and safety inspections and all manner of certifications Daniel (#81) refers to.

So a completion and handover by Rourke O'Laing in December then the Club doing its bits means there won't be any Premier League games played there until the beginning of 2025-26 season.

As it's a Design and Build contract I assume it's FIDIC Yellow Book but I don't have my copy handy to check the exact procedures for completion and handover.

Alex Parr
85 Posted 16/06/2023 at 18:45:20
Eric Myles, Daniel A Johnson, thanks for the objective info, really interesting.

Any chance you can provide more detail please? Or point me in the right direction to read up more on the processes myself? Thanks.

Jimmy I'Anson
86 Posted 16/06/2023 at 19:57:38
Rob (74), that's correct, work started on 26 July 2021 and according to Laing O'Rourke's Construction Management Plan the 150-week project included the infilling of the dock.

So based on this estimate, the project, including 12 weeks of testing and commissioning, was due to finish around the end of August 2024. Therefore, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the available information is that the project is behind schedule. So why have they consistently claimed otherwise?

Daniel A Johnson
87 Posted 16/06/2023 at 22:39:45
I genuinely wouldn't get fixated on things being behind or ahead of schedule.

You only need to look at the Spurs stadium to see how build estimates are often a work of fiction. It's done when it's done and it can't be rushed.

The Liverpool stadium extension is seriously hitting snags at the moment and they have a strict target deadline to hit which is likely to be missed.

I won't take too much glee in this as you never know what future snags may lie in weight for our new stadium. But progress thus far looks great. Just remember although outside from all the drone video updates at times it might seem that things are moving slow but remember things inside the stadium are also being done daily.

Eric Myles
88 Posted 17/06/2023 at 01:04:05
Jimmy #86, in post #69 you say 150 weeks plus 12 weeks, not including.
Jimmy I'Anson
89 Posted 17/06/2023 at 09:08:05
Eric (88), sorry I'm not sure what you mean. 162 weeks after 26 July 2021 is actually 6 September 2024.

To clarify, The original estimate in the CMP was 150 weeks to build (including dock infill) which takes us to mid-June 2024 based on a 26 July 2021 start date. Add to this 12 weeks for commissioning and testing takes the project to the beginning of September 2024.

So, if it's now not going to be ready until December, then it's behind schedule. Unless of course they came up with a new schedule after the original estimate in the CMP.

Mark McDonald
90 Posted 17/06/2023 at 11:47:56
I thought I would ask again, since I did not get a definitive answer last time (#72)

What will happen to Goodison Park when we finally move to the new Everton Stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock?

Does anyone know if the club has ever mentioned this previously?

Paul Hughes
91 Posted 17/06/2023 at 13:36:35
Mark (90) - the plans for Goodison were published at the same time as the BMD plans were.

There will be some (hopefully low cost) housing, a community centre, a health centre (I think) - EitC facilities. And a small community park where the centre circle is.


Mark Andrews
92 Posted 18/06/2023 at 15:33:42
Some proper strange, negative comments here.

The club have been saying it wouldn't be open at the beginning of the season, now people are complaining that they were right?

And the people complaining it won't be ready for the Euros are hilarious! If it's not ready for 2028, I'll join in with the moaning!

Brian Williams
93 Posted 18/06/2023 at 15:49:41
Mark #90.

The club actually deserve credit for the plans for Goodison Park – plans which were released right from the start.

Rob Halligan
94 Posted 18/06/2023 at 16:24:11
I was down at the new stadium on Friday afternoon. Those videos we can view from drone users do not do justice to the size of the stadium, because when you're stood outside it's absolutely massive.

There was plenty of workers on site, all beavering away, both inside and outside the stadium. I'm amazed at how much has been done since the construction actually started after the dock was completely filled in, and the foundations laid.

In other words, what we can see above ground level has taken around 16 months so far. So I'd say it's pretty much on schedule.

Oh, and by the way, whatever happened to that poster who was telling us for months and months and months that there is “no new stadium”?

Danny O’Neill
95 Posted 18/06/2023 at 16:26:22
I keep saying it, but what do we do with Dixie and the Holy Trinity?

Leave them or take them with us?

I'm torn to shreds.

And what of the Goodison Supper Bar? Relocate?

On stand naming, too many names of former players.


Keep it reflective of our Goodison heritage.

Can't think of a 4th right now.

Rob Halligan
96 Posted 18/06/2023 at 16:28:56

I've also been thinking about the Everton One store. Obviously that can't be relocated (or maybe it can), but will a new one be built and the current one demolished?

Brent Stephens
97 Posted 18/06/2023 at 16:42:53
Rob, there's also a great view of the new stadium from the train as you go from Bank Hall station to Sandhills. It's been rising above the skyline for months now.

Pity it will never be finished!

Rob Halligan
98 Posted 18/06/2023 at 17:09:15
Guess you're right, Brent.

So much time, money and effort wasted! 😂😂

Robert Williams
99 Posted 18/06/2023 at 17:17:39
Father's Day pressie: A brick on the Everton Way – it don't get much better than that.

Unless it's a couple of tickets to the 24-25 Champions League Final Everton V Barca.

Karl Masters
100 Posted 18/06/2023 at 00:13:06
The one really good thing that is happening at Everton just now and still we get the usual moaning and cry-arsing on here.

As this has been stated before, I can't see what the problem is.

Presumably, if you're this ill-informed about the new stadium, a subject done to death by the club, you're probably ill-informed about a lot of other things too? Might explain the current lynch mob mentality of some Evertonians on here which makes depressing reading.

Eric Myles
101 Posted 19/06/2023 at 03:44:34
Jimmy #89, you're right then if the schedule includes the dock infill which I thought was a separate contract.

So the December date must be when the Club has finished all its certifications and the stadium becomes "live".

Andrew McGreavy
102 Posted 19/06/2023 at 06:00:13
@ Danny 95

For the fourth side how about

"The Moshiri Main Stand" or what about

"The Good Times Kenwright Kop" or for the entire stadium based on her selfless work and leading inspiration

"The Barrett-Baxendale"Bowl"

Guaranteed to create an atmosphere and leave a very bitter taste in the mouth… 😂

Danny O’Neill
103 Posted 19/06/2023 at 07:07:13
Maybe the away corner (assuming it will be a corner), could be named the Boys Pen, Andrew?!

Rather than name after players, as there are too many, I'd just prefer we reflect our heritage. Maybe our future. Something as simple as the Bramley-Moore Stand.

Maybe even something more controversial that would be provocative and cause stir amongst reds and blues.

The Royal Liver stand.

The bird is blue after all!!

Justin Doone
104 Posted 19/06/2023 at 13:35:09
Unsure about a mid-season move, seems odd, but the sooner the club start to generate extra revenue, the better, so unless there's other winter / spring events to facilitate, I'd be okay.

Not sure how laying a brand new playing surface will take but I'm sure (not) it's been thought about.

Justin Doone
105 Posted 19/06/2023 at 13:38:01
Past player's don't generally generate money. So why not have different stands with different brands eg Pizza Takeaway, Airline, Tourism, Banking.

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