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Everton interest in Jesse Lingard

| 01/07/2022 97comments  |  Jump to last

Reports claim Everton are hoping to sign Jesse Lingard on a free transfer after his departure from Manchester United.

The 29-year-old is now officially a free agent after his contract at Old Trafford expired yesterday and he has been a target of former Blues boss David Moyes at West Ham after spending a productive loan spell at the London Stadium the season before last.

According to Paul Joyce of The Times and the Liverpool Echo, Everton have registered their interest in the England international who is attractive due to the fact that he wouldn't command a transfer fee, although he is rumoured to be seeking around £150,000 a week in wages.

The Echo claim that talks have already taken place for the attacking midfielder but he is one of a number of options being considered.

Reader Comments (97)

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Marc Hints
1 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Looks like Jesse Lingard will be the replacement, lots of reports he wants to move back up to the North-West and Everton have made contact.
Tommy Carter
2 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I'm surprised and disappointed with this link.

Lingard is 30 in December. His wage will likely be astronomical as he is a free agent and I can't see him signing anywhere for less than 3 years.

Atrocious decision making if the board wish to pursue this.

Mal van Schaick
3 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I would have at Everton. He gets into good positions, links up play and scores goals. Three year contract at most.
Marc Hints
4 Posted 01/07/2022 at

I think he is a good player but maybe a squad player not a direct replacement for Richarlison.

He still has two or three good years in him.

But maybe free transfers is all we can do at the moment until maybe the takeover happens.

Tom Bowers
5 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Would't be a bad signing on a free. Surprised he wasn't used more on his return to United last season after proving his worth with the Hammers especially as United weren't very impressive.
Kunal Desai
6 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Been a while since we had a Man Utd cast-off. Probably due one.
Colin Glassar
7 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I’ve always liked Jesse (not his social media antics) as a player. I imagine he would want to be on a huge wedge so if that’s the case I’d say, pass!
Niall McIlhone
8 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Doesn’t he play a similar role to that of Dele Alli? I must say, I do like the way Lingard runs from deep and stretches defences. I would like this signing, but his wages won’t come cheap.
Matthew Williams
9 Posted 01/07/2022 at
He seems to want £150k a week... jog on, Jesse!
Jim Bennings
10 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Not for me.

Had a decent spell at West Ham over a year ago now and yes he is a decent footballer but he's not the future.

It would be another very typically Everton move, offer a player a fat contract and a nice cushy place back close to home.

At a push I'd take him on a free or a loan deal (given his wages are likely to be well above what we should even consider playing)

Sam Hoare
12 Posted 01/07/2022 at
A short term signing like this would indicate to me that the club is failing to learn its lessons. He’s a decent player but is 30 in December and is reportedly asking for huge wages despite really only have 1 productive 6 month spell over the last 5 years.

If he was happy to take a £60k contract plus performance bonuses for 3 years then maybe there’d be some value there. But by most accounts he’s expecting twice that.

Let’s try and give playing minutes and money to players who will develop and improve and then be a sellable asset for the most part. A few experienced and inexpensive pros to help guide the youth is useful but we already have Townsend to do this.

Tony Everan
13 Posted 01/07/2022 at
He's a player who drifts into those No 10 positions, scores goals and can create. On a free at a “move on-able” (sorry) wage, as Sam says around the £60k pw level, he would be a good signing in this context only…

With regards to his attributes, they stray onto what Dele Alli brings. Are the club thinking that we can get Lingard on a free, then offload Dele to avoid the four £10M fees? If the wages are right, it could be a pretty shrewd move.

Jack Convery
14 Posted 01/07/2022 at
If he still fancies going to the World Cup, he could be a good bet. He might even get Alli going again.
Nathan Ford
15 Posted 01/07/2022 at
This may not be a popular view but I think we need Jesse Lingard. Our team is seriously low on players who can score goals and money to buy players. Say he signs for £120k for 3 years can that be any worse than bernard who contributed little to nothing.

It's easy to say play the kids and give them a chance but we need some proven Premier League players at the same time; otherwise, our near-miss flirtation with relegation will become the real thing.

Clive Rogers
16 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Lingard is no replacement for Richarlison. Has has scored 40 goals in 212 first class games.
Geoff Lambert
17 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I like him. Great composure in front of goal, slots the ball home with feet or head, 3-year deal, £100k a week, proven at the highest level. He would cost £15 to 20 million spread over the 3 years so better for our FFP budget.
Jim Lloyd
18 Posted 01/07/2022 at
It depends. Is this just a rumour. If it isn't why are we interested in him. The manager and DoF both think he can do a good job for a year or maybe two. This feller is a clasas act and has proven with West Ham, how valuable a player he is.

I don't think (if there is any truth in this) that it is a matter of our club failing to learn, I think Frank and our DoF think he is the best available. None of us know the financial situation we will be in come the takeover, and this coming season might be one of "Make do and mend." Not so much a matter of who's best for the job, but who is the best that we can afford. I think that what Tony Everan says in his 2nd paragraph especially, is very near the mark!

I hope that from somewhere, among all our other needs, we can bring someone in who can stick the ball in the net around the 15 a season mark, at least.

Then if we can get a midfield general, it would be a decent start for the coming season. Any other weaknesses that can be addressed would be a brilliant start.

Sam Hoare
19 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Be careful you don’t judge Lingard mainly on his purple patch at West Ham.

Over his career he has roughly 50 goals in 270 appearances. Around 1 in 5 (though some may be sub appearances). It’s pretty decent and better than most of our wingers but obviously not as impressive as his West Ham stint.

Like I said earlier he’s a useful player but I’d be wary of huge demands when really we should be looking to develop the next Lingard or similar.

Duncan McDine
20 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I’d take him without hesitation. He will obviously be demanding big wages, but for a two year contract, I’d say that he’s certainly worth taking. He might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he’s always impressed me.
Raymond Fox
21 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I'd take him, he has to be a useful addition to the squad, he will want more money just because there is no transfer fee, his agent will see to that.
The end of the transfer window is the 1st of September but better to get most the business done before the start of the season. Easier said than done though.
Clive Rogers
22 Posted 01/07/2022 at
He's looking for £150k per week apparently. Too much for us with FFP restrictions.
Peter Warren
23 Posted 01/07/2022 at
We seem to make lazy obvious purchases. Godfrey, Mykolenko and Patterson to some extent the exceptions.

We simply can't afford to keep going this way. We need to invest in unknown players and turn them into stars, sell one every year and keep rising in the league. I wasn't a big fan of Moyes as manager but clearly he did his homework on recruitment for the most part (Richard Wright, Diniya Bilyaletdinov, and Simon Davies I will forgive) with people like Lescott, Baines, Coleman, Jagielka, Fellaini, Cahill, Arteta and Pienaar all bought for relative buttons and all could be sold on for big profit.

There are players out there of this ilk, but our recruitment has been poor since Martinez took over. Yes, Lukaku was great, but still big money; Barry excellent (McCarthy not bad until injured) but our recruitment must be the worst in the league this last 10 years.

The only unknown quantity bought who has succeeded during this time is Calvert-Lewin.

Peter Warren
24 Posted 01/07/2022 at
John Stones of course last purchase of Moyes’ era
Steve Brown
25 Posted 01/07/2022 at
29 years old, high salary, squad rotation player, no resale value. What’s not to like?

He fits the bill perfectly for our recruitment model over the last 6 years.

Pat Kelly
26 Posted 01/07/2022 at
We're now being linked with Mr Humphries from Are You Being Served?

Apparently he's free.

Danny O’Neill
27 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I've never been convinced. He has never established himself and strikes me as a squad or impact player.

Boost the numbers and give us an option? Maybe.

But for those who are advocates of the buy young with potential and sell on value, he'll be 30 half way through this coming season and has never really established himself as a regular.

Worth a punt on loan? I'd say so. But not on a contract that I suspect we can hardly afford.

Craig Walker
28 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Did well at West Ham. Think he'd be a success at Everton where he'd be a bigger fish in a smaller pond compared with Man Utd. I'd like to see Zinchenko in and Gallagher but I guess it depends on our finances and the possible takeover.
Gary Jones
29 Posted 01/07/2022 at
If true, we learn nothing. We have Dele (especially), Gordon, Iwobi and Gomes all capable of playing the No 8 or No 10 role. As nobody plays with two central attacking midfielders, why do we need both him and Dele Alli sitting here on £100k+ a week for one position?

Hoping this is agents. However, I felt the same: "How will he play them both?" when we signed both Donny van de Beek and Dele Alli in January.

We also seem to be constantly linked to attacking midfielders elsewhere. Please Lord (Kendall), make Frank not be another Koeman who plays 11 good players and works out a system later.

Brian Harrison
30 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Guys, I have no idea whether we are interested or not in Lingard – just like all the speculation that we were going to sign Harry Winks, that so far has proved groundless.

Let's remember agents go into overdrive in a transfer window, feeding journalists all sorts of nonsense to keep their clients in the public eye.

Let's hope, with the new owners likely to take over shortly, then our DoF and Frank Lampard will be in sole charge of transfers, as should be the case.

How much dialogue is going on between our manager and our DoF with the new owners I don't know but hopefully they will allow them to pursue the players they are after as long as it comes within what budget they have set.

Jeff Armstrong
31 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Gary #27,

I didn't think I'd see the words 'Gomes' and 'capable' in the same sentence ever again after last season's performances.

Simon Jones
32 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Given our penchant for signing Man Utd cast-offs, this lad is one of the better ones we could go for. The years of us "Winning The Transfer Window" are over and freebies and the other players no-one wants are where we are at now.

If Lingard signs, then I can see us selling a midfielder as he's not a forward like Richarlison.

Anyway, I liked us better under Moyes when we didn't have a pot to piss in. We had a defined style, were organised and hard to beat. I wouldn't mind a bit of that next season.

Jim Lloyd
33 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Well, I'm hoping that Gomes and Alli both leave us and we at least lessen the wage bill and possibly get some money for Gomes.

My view though, is that, if the DoF and the Manager both are keen on him (again, if it is not a rumour, like the Spurs lad was), then I'd go with them, not fellow supporters. No slight intended but those two men, if they stay in their positions come the takeover, are going to rebuild this team.

The financial circumstances are, at best, very iffy. Then there's the problem of attracting good players to a possible relegation candidate this coming season. Good players want to leave us, not join us.

I haven't seen much to make me think Dele Alli is going to do what he was doing 4 or 5 years ago; and he might be going back to Spurs.

So I'm rather thinking that this club has learnt nothing, I'll wait and see what players we choose and what financial circumstances we're in…

Mike Gaynes
34 Posted 01/07/2022 at
First, let's put the reported salary demand in perspective. Paying Lingard £150k/week on a free is the same out-of-pocket cost (over the proposed 2-year contract) as paying him £100k/week and paying a £5M transfer fee. Or to use Sam's figure of £60k/week, a £9M transfer fee.

Now, is he worth that?

Sam #16, a whole lot of those games are sub appearances, and often brief ones at that. Lingard has 165 Premier League appearances, but they total 9225 minutes, or an average of only 55 minutes a game. In those games, he scores a goal every 318 minutes and has a goal involvement every 200 minutes, which is really pretty good for a winger. That's way better, for example, than Andros Townsend -- a somewhat similar player whom we signed on a free, and with whom most of us have been pleased.

I give this idea a cautious thumbs-up. If Lingard came to us with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove, as Gray and Townsend did, he could be a major contributor.

Christy Ring
35 Posted 01/07/2022 at
He has skill and speed, and as a free agent, wouldn't he be a good addition even to come off the bench?
Brent Stephens
36 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I wouldn't be unhappy with this. The above analyses of his contributions in terms of minutes, and the above comparisons of what this could cost us versus what it would cost if it were fee plus lower wage, all make sense.
Jay Harris
37 Posted 01/07/2022 at

You beat me to the punch with the point on amortization of a transfer fee which is also an upfront payment so does not help cashflow either.

A lot of players as we have found are now running their contracts down in the interests of getting a big salary (eg, Tarkowski).

My only question is are these the sort of characters to build a squad around and how the rest of the squad feel about these guys getting twice what they are being paid.

Sam Hoare
38 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Mike @32,

I expect on top of those wages there will be a hefty signing bonus. Maybe somewhere between £5M and £8M. I also expect he'd be on a 3-year contract surely?

Without doing the exact maths, it could be similar I expect to paying £16M for Keane Lewis-Potter (or similar) and paying him £50k per week. The difference is, at the end of 3 years, Lingard would leave for absolutely nothing and Lewis-Potter (or similar) may hopefully leave for £40M!!

You're right that Lingard's end product per minute is pretty decent. We've signed a lot worse. I'd be curious to see what he could offer Everton but, for the main part, I want us to move past these short-term moves.

Unlike someone like Tarkowski, Lingard's game depends to a degree on energy and burst of acceleration; something he'll begin to lose fairly soon aged 30 depending on how good a shape he stays in.

Just feels very much like the move the Everton of the last 5 years makes; I'm hoping to see a new approach.

Andrew Ellams
39 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Danny @ 25. One thing we have lacked for a long time now is an impact player. All the more important now with the 5 subs rule.
Martin Mason
40 Posted 01/07/2022 at
At this moment, we need to buy players for the present with a much higher priority than for the long term.

Nobody can say that he wouldn't be a good buy and he may be exactly what we need. I trust the club to do the right thing in the circumstances. We are in pretty dreadful shape and special things are called for.

Crazy as it sounds, a couple of tweaks and a good change in attitude and we could be a Top 8 side next season.

Mike Gaynes
41 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Jay #35, if I made a point on amortization, it was accidental. I wouldn't know it if I tripped over it.

With regards to your other point, it doesn't bother me a bit -- or speak to character issues IMO -- if a player tries to max out his income. I'd be more concerned about the character of a player who was jealous of somebody else's paycheck. But I really don't think it will be an issue. If Gomes being paid £112K/week for being useless hasn't incited a full-scale rebellion, nothing will.

Sam #36, I agree wholeheartedly, but any new approach will have to wait until we're out from under the current financial morass. I'm not hopping around the room with joy at the prospect of Lingard, but we have a lot of needs right now and very slender resources.

Jim Lloyd
43 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I think what we need in the form of players will not be the same as what we can afford.

When we had money, we messed up royally and I don't absolve the previous DoF either during the period he was here.

Martin (@38), I don't agree with you over Kenwright's influence in this club but I do agree with your post. In my view, it's easy to say what choice of player a poster fancies or says we should buy, but none of us have a clue on what monies will be available, what players will be available, who would want to come of be persuaded to come if we offer enough wages.

So, if the Manager and DoF reckon the player they pick is the best available at the money we need to shell out, are supporters already saying they don't trust this team to get the most suitable players in that they can?

Gary Jones
44 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Jeff #27 - fair comment, he has been awful. However, I thought Gomes did well in the more attacking role (i.e. an AM) Carlo gave him, so, if he is hanging about and still taking a wage, he'll do as a tiertiary option only.

Sam #36 - that Lewis-Potter argument is gold. Value at end, not dead money we are too used to writing off transfer fees we seem to now think it is ok to do so and can be offset against the wages.

Bill Gall
45 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Well with our position in the league and the way we have been run, plus the lack of funds we can use, I can't see Everton bringing a top-quality goal-scoring winger in. We have just lost a goalscorer, not only a winger but one that also can play as a central striker.

I would prefer us giving one of our own younger players a chance but, depending on the terms, bringing in Lingard, a proven goalscorer with an agenda to prove himself and on a free transfer, could be a good move.

We have a number of midfielders but none of them are goalscorers and we still need a Zinchenko type of midfielder to provide goal-scoring opportunities and this is the area, if we have the funds, where we need a quality player.

Jim Lloyd
46 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Spot, on Bill
Jim Bennings
48 Posted 01/07/2022 at
The only roll Gomes should be in is a fookin cheese and ham one, preferably ready to serve to a saltwater crocodile.
Derek Knox
49 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Jim B, Yeah, and make it snappy too ! Sorry, but what did you expect at this time of the day ? :-)
Neil Copeland
53 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Brent, thanks and yes realised that also. Senior moment I think…..
Will Mabon
54 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Chin up - we might be getting Jesse Lingangsta, innit.
Will Mabon
55 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Brian - Lingangsta on 150k sovs per week.
Clive Rogers
56 Posted 01/07/2022 at
There is no way we will sign him if he insists on £150k per week.
Jim Harrison
57 Posted 01/07/2022 at
I would treat a signing like this as I would Gray. Two seasons, sell for a bit of profit.
Tommy Carter
58 Posted 01/07/2022 at
What’s the score with the podcast?

Who’s running it? I’ve listened to a few episodes. I’d be interested in offering my own segment on talent spotting

It’s a topic I feel strongly about. Particularly amongst occasion where my football club is being linked with Jesse Lingard and Harry Winks.

Phil (Kelsall) Roberts
59 Posted 01/07/2022 at
He will not be on £150k a week.

The offer is £73k a week and £12M fee spread over 3 years.

That make you all feel better?

Sorry just read earlier threads and Mike Gaynes had already said similar although he then quotes Sam Hoare's figure which comes to £118k per week and his £132k per week.

We are probably all economists.

Phil (Kelsall) Roberts
60 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Oh sorry – it is a 2-year contract. I thought it was 3. Yes, figures are correct. Principle always was. Look at the total cost over the life of the contract.
Tony Abrahams
61 Posted 01/07/2022 at
A very good player on his day, but obviously not the most consistent player in the world
Si Cooper
62 Posted 01/07/2022 at
£12 million over 2 years is £500k a month, so why not average that with the £73k a week? Won't that still add up to well over £150k per week?

I know everything is relative but still seems like a lot of money for someone who could be nothing more than a bit-part luxury player if his appetite has waned.

Sam Hoare
63 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Leeds are apparently signing Mo Camara, someone I highlighted in my transfer article as a good ball winner. They've got him and Roca and Palace have got Cheick Doucoure. Wonder who the DCM we're aiming at is?
Steavey Buckley
64 Posted 01/07/2022 at
Did someone mention Gomes in a Everton future team? Have they already forgotten the Crystal Palace game when Everton had 10 men in the first half, but then had 11 players in the second half when Gomes was replaced with Dele Alli?

But will Jesse Lingard offer something better for the next couple of seasons? David Moyes has ended his interest in signing Jesse Lingard on a free. Not because of any West Ham financial problem… probably he just believes they would not get value for money for the money he wants; he is 30 later this year.

Stu Darlington
65 Posted 01/07/2022 at
This all depends on the terms of the deal surely. He's better than most players we've got at the moment and would do a job for us for two or three seasons. Okay, no sell-on value but if we get him on a free?? Worth a punt with the right deal, and a mix of young players around him.

A good alternative shout would be Sam's point about Lewis-Potter, but would Lingard's experience be better for us at the moment?

Still, what do I know... except he's better than Harry Winks!!

Simon Dalzell
66 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Yeh maybe. He may be good for us. We simply must get Zynchenko. Please!
Will Mabon
67 Posted 02/07/2022 at

The trouble is, Lingard's record over more than a decade suggests he won't do a job; not for more than a few months at a time. The same pattern through his whole career. Look at his loan history.

Man Utd rediscovered this when he returned from West Ham. Back amongst his "I'm gangsta" buddies in the North West. Rare great spell at the Hammers; comes back – nothing.

Ability without stability. I wouldn't fancy him for cheap. Even halving the kind of salaries mooted, it's way too much, even on a free.

Tony Twist
68 Posted 02/07/2022 at
This club's recruitment hasn't changed, they are clueless. At this rate we will be favourites to be relegated.

The knowledge of the market is diabolical, there are plenty of players worth buying who are reasonably priced and whose value will only go up but they only have eyes for deadbeat OAP players. It's pathetic. They never learn.

Stu Darlington
69 Posted 02/07/2022 at
I take your point, Will, but I would argue that he has never had a settled run-in in a team apart perhaps from West Ham, where he indisputably did a job.

Like I said, the deal has to be right and I wouldn't touch him at the wages that are being mooted.

Terry Downes
70 Posted 02/07/2022 at
There seems to be a few free transfer knocking about and we aren't in for any?

Personally, I thought Fraser Forster in a free was a no-brainer... again Spurs snapped him up. Now I read Andrea Belotti is going in a free? Weren't we once linked with him?

Anyway the silence from the board is deafening, as usual this time of year. We'll end up with the scraps on deadline day just to save a few quid on wages.

Gary Jones
71 Posted 02/07/2022 at
29 years old and “never had a settled run in a team” is about all we should need to know.

Much better value out there – Grillitsch, Isco, Eriksen, Belotti – all on frees.

Trevor Powell
72 Posted 02/07/2022 at
I remember when Coventry won the FA Cup in 1987(?) and John Sillett their manager was ecstatic and claimed after years of buying players at Woolworths, they were about to go shopping at Harrods!

To take the comparison further, are we now shopping at Poundland and food banks?

Peter Warren
73 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Martin 39# - why do you trust “the club” (by that, I assume those in charge) to do the right thing?

Genuine question. They've done the wrong thing time and time again for many years.

Justin Doone
74 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Jesse Lingard is free, athletic and at 30 he's a good age, not nearly over the hill.

I think (still not seen officially) Tarkowski is of a similar age and on a similar salary.

I don't think either is an upgrade or what we need so I'd swerve, but it's interesting to read more negative reviews about Lingard than Tarkowski.

Ian Bennett
75 Posted 02/07/2022 at
He's a player I would avoid. He will want a 3-year deal on £100k plus, for a player not wanted by Man Utd.

To me, buying a player on the slide, with no motivation is a bad mix. Yes, you can get a Gough or a Barry, but mainly you get expensive players going through the motion.

That £15-20M in wage commitments should be put into either a higher calibre player, or a player with more potential that takes us forward or has a resale value.

Jim Lloyd
76 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Look! If we have any faith in Frank Lampard and our DoF, then if they want him, they'll have already worked out what alternatives were available to do the job they want him for.
Soren Moyer
77 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Here we go again! So we only go for either Spurs or Man Utd rejects!? Sometimes you wonder why do we even have the scouting network!

Why aren't we able to find gems that other teams regularly unearth For fuck's sake!? What is wrong with this club?

Kevin Molloy
78 Posted 02/07/2022 at
If Lampard's recruitment this summer leaves us with a load of 29-year-olds on sky-high contracts, I think we can confidently say we will not have learnt a fucking thing from the travails of the last 6 years.

Paul Joyce is reporting this, so there must be some truth to it. if so, I suppose we can assume Dele Alli no longer fits the bill cos you would never surely have those two in the same team. And if that s the case, what the fuck was Frank thinking of when he bought Alli?

I thought Lampard was going to be a serious developer of players, and here we are stuck with Dele Alli on sky-high wages, and we are trying to get in Lingard on a similar deal.

And this is after Benitez was given less than £2M in transfer funds last year cos we've got no fucking money. If we end up with another bunch of mercenaries at season's start, he'll be out by Christmas, and round and round we go…

Danny Baily
79 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Kevin 72, Lingard can play out wide. Dele plays centrally. No reason why we shouldn't line up with both of them.

Gary 65, Belotti is a great shout.

Stu Darlington
80 Posted 02/07/2022 at

He may not have had a settled run in the team at Man Utd, but he would have walked into our team over the last 5 seasons.

Question surely is could he contribute anything now and is he worth the gamble? Like I said, depends on the terms of the deal.

Ed Fitzgerald
81 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Exactly the type of player we should be avoiding, a mercenary who wants a big payday.

It was interesting to read Brands speaking about the club and it's nonsensical recruitment policy.

Gary Jones
82 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Stu, he'd have got nowhere near our team in the last 5 years. Best place is cutting in from left attack, which has been Richarlison's position.

Once again, he's a 29-year old nearly man. I would much rather invest in a 20-25 might well be man.

Jay Harris
83 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Let's be honest, we haven't got a pot to piss in so any reasonable quality players with Premier League experience have to be of interest and hopefully we will get our marquee signing later in the window.

While I have no faith whatsoever in Kenwright nor Moshiri, I do have hope that Lampard and Thelwell know what they're doing.

Stu Darlington
84 Posted 02/07/2022 at

Who do you think would've kept him out? Are you saying he couldn't have played alongside Richie who very often was used up the middle?

Would agree about looking for young talent, but how old is Tarkowski again? Oh, that's right 29 on a 4-year contract!

Clive Rogers
85 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Lingard is looking for his last big pay deal before riding into the sunset. Looking through his stats, he had a good half-season at West Ham but, apart from that, has never established himself anywhere – playing only 212 games in 11 seasons.
Alan J Thompson
86 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Given the world and his wife knows how much Lingard wants and roughly how much we are paying Tarkowski, should we expect this will be wanted by all and any new arrivals?

Almost sounds like those asking if any others are interested buying Everton when we have/had an exclusivity agreement with the first interested party.

Mike Corcoran
87 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Lingard might want big bucks but I don't think he'll get offered more than £60k a week by any club that he thinks he's worthy of due to his career inconsistency. He'll be hanging round on transfer deadline day hoping he doesn't put the wrong postcode in his sat-nav.

I actually think he could prove a great signing for us but I think professional opinion may be that he is Tom Cleverley bar a 6-month spell at West Ham.

Grant Rorrison
88 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Dele Alli Mk 2.
James Flynn
89 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Two pacy midfield yard dogs.

We need to drop 20 goals from the 66 we surrendered last season.

With that, the only way Tarkowski genuinely improves the Side by himself is if his arrival gets Holgate out of the lineup forever.

Except Tarkowski in the line-up won't alone cut our goals conceded by 20. Him or any defender is going to have it tough if we enter next season still allowing platoons of opponents running wind sprints around and thru our midfield.

Fixing the defense first. Pacy midfield yard dog or two please. I'll settle for one.

And c'mon with Lingard,

10 years on, always done just enough to stay in a team and show just enough to get the next contract. A poster boy to justify, "They don't care. They just want to collect money, get the fast cars and girls, etc."

He has skill, so no doubt another paycheck is coming to him. Just not with us, please.

Barry Rathbone
90 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Just read Lingard has said Everton would be a last resort so even a player living in the north-west won't touch us with a barge pole, good luck Frank.
Neil Copeland
91 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Barry, maybe he knows that we won’t pay him £150k per week? There again, perhaps he just knows about us…
Neil Cremin
92 Posted 04/07/2022 at
BBC Gossip reports that Lingard is willing to join Everton “only as a last resort”!!

Why would we bother? Unless he feels he can bring something to the club, he should be shunned. Too many players with the same mentality at the club, just collecting a paycheck.

Gary Jones
93 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Neil, I doubt very much that Lingard said “I'd go there but only if I had to” as it's oxymoronic for him to kill the chance by doing so. This story appears to have come from The Scum newspaper.

Alongside that, we have The Mirror telling the world we may sell Gordon for £10M (and to null Dele £10M payment). Another load of shite.

We really are detested by the press, but we do ourselves no favours in allowing them to get away with it. I don't expect the club to comment on every bit of speculation, but a robust shoot-down PR statement now and then would be appreciated.

“Despite paid journalists reporting otherwise for column inches and this months pay packet, Everton are not going to be selling any of our players for anything other than the highest rates. We will also not be bringing any player in who thinks we are anything other than their primary choice” would do for now.

Maybe next owners can bring a real PR team to get ahead of the game and start getting the press backing us instead of belittling us. We are back to “plucky Everton” again. Fuck off, Bill.

Neil Cremin
94 Posted 04/07/2022 at

I hope you're right, but to me it looks like his agent is putting it out that, although Everton have offered him a contract (not what he was looking for), he is still open to offers.

Although I think he would be a good asset, as I have said numerous times, we need to forget looking at marquee players who are surplus to the Big 6 (that used to include us once) and find young, hungry, up-and-coming talented players, with big engines who will fight for the club (with hearts like Seamus and Richie).

Christopher Timmins
95 Posted 04/07/2022 at
No offence to the guy but he does not fit the profile of the kind of player we need to be signing.

We want young hungry players with potential to improve. We are looking for the next Broja or Gallagher, they are out there and it's the job of the DOF to find them.

Eddie Dunn
96 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Tony @12, you could be on to somthing there. His high wages are a concern but if Dele were to be moved on, we would swerve the costs linked to appearances etc.

Frank must have seen enough of Dele to have made his mind up. He barely used him in our relegation dogfight but perhaps Frank will now try to incorporate him with Richarlison gone.

Fran Mitchell
97 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Unfortunately, the fact is we came this close to relegation last season.

Players like Lingard are always gonna be looked on favourably by managers who are always 6 games from the sack.

He'll be signed as someone who can be relied upon, be good enough. A 20-year-old rough diamond is maybe too much of a risk.

Ideally if Lingard does come, he'd be joined as well by the 20-year-old.

A combination of experience and youth. but hopefully not just a lot of 29-year-olds.

Brian Murray
98 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Christopher @87,

Hallelujah, I'm glad someone agrees and knows the remit of a DoF because this is the third time of asking and so far we haven't seen it.

Robert Tressell
99 Posted 04/07/2022 at
As long as the wages aren't ridiculous and he is motivated, this could be a good signing. Occupies (or can do) a right-sided wing-forward role in a 4-3-3.

I don't want to only sign 29-year-olds on free transfers this summer, but him and Tarkowski might be good for the likes of Patterson. And it allows money to be spent on hopefully younger longer-term signings for the midfield.

Dave Abrahams
100 Posted 04/07/2022 at
If Dele gets a few games and proves he is getting back to the player he was, we will get a lot more than £10M for him. If he doesn't, we will be stuck with him for the next 2 years on £5M a year wages because I doubt we will be able to move him on with him getting those wages.

On the other hand, if he gets back to the way he was, he will be a big asset to us if he stays or goes.

Phil Lewis
101 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Dele has done little to prove himself yet, but he has pedigree if he can consistently recapture it.

I'm one of the few Evertonians who doesn't rate Gordon. The lad is all dash and effort, so I for one would be happy for him to be the makeweight in a Spurs deal for Alli. Assuming that is, that Lampard has seen something we as yet haven't.

I believe Lingard would be an excellent acquisition if we can secure his services. He was brilliant for the Hammers last season and could provide that missing ingredient we have so badly lacked for so long.

Tony Shelby
102 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Apparently Lingard told Everton that he’ll sign “when hell freezes over”.

Officials at the club remain positive and are tracking the weather forecast for signs of an unseasonal cold front.

Kevin Molloy
103 Posted 04/07/2022 at
If you're Lingard, you'd have to be a nutcase to choose Everton at this point.

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