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Everton in talks with Udinese for Brazilian defender

| 02/07/2022 57comments  |  Jump to last

According to Sky Italia's Gianluca DiMarzio, Everton are in advanced negotiations with Udinese for Rodrigo Becão.

The 26-year-old has been an important fixture at the heart of the Italian club's defence but if this report is correct, he could be lured away by the Blues who are seeking further reinforcements at centre-half.

Udinese reportedly value the 6' 3" player at between €15m and €20m and expect him to leave this summer but the Blues will face stern competition from Tottenham who are also said to be in discussions with the Italians.

Reader Comments (57)

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Paul Hewitt
1 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Must mean we are about to sell one of our centre-backs.
Jay Harris
2 Posted 02/07/2022 at

Let's hope it's not Branthwaite or Godfrey,

Brian Murray
3 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Has he any pace? We need a good foil for Tarkowski.
Tony Abrahams
4 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Buying before we sell? Central defence, has been a weak-link for way too long, along with the area in front of this position. Sort this out and our team will definitely improve. But by how much, will be determined by the calibre of the players Lampard is allowed to bring in, imo.
Marc Hints
5 Posted 02/07/2022 at
In advanced talks with Everton, according to Di Marzio. Very good defender, organiser and brings intangibles like mentality and leadership. Dragged Udinese through wins from his performances in tight games. Tailor-made in a back three — just don't play a high line with him.
Gary Jones
6 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Feels like Koeman and his 10 Number 10s again?

Branthwaite out on loan and 2 of Keane, Holgate, Mina and Godfrey on the way out for a profit – fair play. But surely central defensive midfield is a priority!

Tony Everan
7 Posted 02/07/2022 at
I thought one of Keane or Mina will go; now I'm thinking both.
Soren Moyer
8 Posted 02/07/2022 at
What I like most about this dude is his injury history. He has only missed 40 calendar days in 4 season altogether!!

I say bring him in.

Source: Transfer Market: Link

Colin Glassar
10 Posted 02/07/2022 at
I'd sell Keane (useless) and Mina (sadly, too injury-prone) and buy Koulibaly, or someone similar. Godfrey and Branthwaite could learn from him and Tarkowski.
Gary Jones
12 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Colin, is that the same Keane who scored the first of the three comeback goals against Crystal Palace, and who Lampard considers “one of the best finishers at the club”?

Mina (unfortunately), Holgate and Godfrey on the block for me…

Gavin Johnson
13 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Defence and central midfield are the priorities so I'd welcome this signing, but it must surely mean Holgate, Keane or Mina are on their way out. Personally, I hope we can sell at least two of them.
Gavin Johnson
14 Posted 02/07/2022 at
I hope he really is 26 years old. He looks well over 40.
Colin Glassar
15 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Gary, was Lampard drunk when he said that?

He's slow, he doesn't read the game well, can't jump, gets out-muscled and can't pass the ball to save his life.

I'd sell him in the blink of an eye.

Sam Hoare
16 Posted 02/07/2022 at
I've seen Becao described as a less injury-prone Yerry Mina. I don't think he's quick but he's tough and extremely determined; a good organiser and leader.

Neither him nor Tarkowski would seem suited to a high line so maybe Lampard is preparing us for a proper scrap. If so, then Becao sounds like the right guy.

Justin Doone
17 Posted 02/07/2022 at
Same, same, same..

Can someone please turn the page and urgently bring in two quality midfielders.

Gavin Johnson
18 Posted 03/07/2022 at
He hasn't even got a proper scouting video on YouTube. I know it's not an accurate barometer to judge a player but I thought all players playing at a high level had them these days.
Alan J Thompson
19 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Is it an unwritten rule at Everton that we must have at least half a dozen central defenders vying for one of two first-team spots?

Must really hearten the juniors knowing they have a future as one of six places mostly getting experience on loan. As I've said before, who leaves will be more telling.

Peter Warren
20 Posted 03/07/2022 at
To be honest, rather we spent money elsewhere and have a starting back 5 (which is clearly Lampard's preference) of Tarkowski, Branthwaite, Godfrey, Patterson and Mykolenko.

Unless the reserves or lad sent on loan last season is good enough, we need an additional player at left back too. The Ukrainian lad who plays for Man City seems versatile enough and good age, engine, clearly good enough for our midfield.

We then need a midfielder (Gallagher) and striker (Belotti) and I'd say we have a side that can at least compete then.

Paul Dewhurst
21 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Get rid of Mina – he is made of biscuits.

I think Keane will be a better player next to Tarkowski. But it looks like we will be playing a deep defensive line next season.

Gary Jones
22 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Colin, I think I was drunk when I was defending him last night, but I am grateful for his goal against Crystal Palace, and I do think that he has something to offer at both ends of the pitch. However, if someone came in with anything above £15M, I'd bite their hands off too.

Mina is made of glass and leaving next year at the latest, and I'm not convinced either Holgate or Godfrey are good enough in the air. They certainly can't play as a two together, so I think we could cash in and see one of them go (again with the right offer).

A starting back 3 of Bacao, Tarkowski and Mina next season would do for me. It's a bit slow, but it's intimidating and taking absolutely no prisoners. Keane, Branthwaite, and one of Holgate or Godfrey providing cover for injuries. If we can't shift them on, let Branthwaite go on loan, as he's Mina's natural replacement next year and needs games.

Whoever plays at the back, though, it will be pointless if we can't get a “stays fit" version of Delph to sit in front, tackle, and take the ball off them. That really needs to be a priority.

Danny Baily
23 Posted 03/07/2022 at
I'll be amazed if Mina isn't moved on by the end of the window. Big wages, little to no game time and probably has suitors.
Nathan Ford
24 Posted 03/07/2022 at
I still want Godfrey to be given a try in the central defensive midfield position. He's tenacious in the tackle, fast, brave can play the simple passes and has the engine to get up and down the field for 90 minutes a match. He could be given a Kante-type role at Chelsea.

Last season, he took a while getting back after Covid but I'm hoping he will have a great season. He played the defensive central midfield role at York City in his first season as a pro and had Player of the Season.

Mal van Schaick
25 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Keep up the good work, Frank, in recruiting, but don't forget we were not creative enough last season, so we need to address that, and get a good striker on the end of our chances.
Phil (Kelsall) Roberts
26 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Colin Glassar - are you serious about Koulibaly??

Everyone screaming on here about not signing Tarkowski because he is already 29 and there is no resale value and you suggest someone who is 31!

Not sure Frank and Kevin could cope with the death threats from ToffeeWebbers if we signed a 31-year-old on big wages.

Jay Evans
27 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Nathan 22, I couldn't agree more.

I would love to see Godfrey as a holding midfielder for all of the reasons you mention and more importantly, him playing there could negate the need to play 3 centre-halves (a system I don't like, especially at home) as he would naturally provide protection when other midfielders or full-backs went forward anyway.

I have thought for a while this could be a solution to our defensive midfield problems but, then again, I don't see Godfrey in training every day so maybe there is something I/we don't know.

I didn't know he had played in this position before which makes the argument even more interesting if you ask me.

Really interested to hear the thoughts of other blues on whether or not this could work.

Up them there toffees.

Winston Williamson
28 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Nathan and Jay:

I too have been banging this DMC drum for Godfrey. I think the only downside is his positional sense. He certainly ticks all of the other boxes though. That said, he may not fancy it himself?

On this potential signing. Anything that minimises Keane's involvement or allows his sale works for me. He coughs up chances and goals and he has a demeanour of a kitten!

Gary Jones
29 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Jay & Nathan,

I'd thought the same about Holgate, at least until I saw him play there. I think for the top-level holding role, it's not just about defending, but about spacial awareness, a cute turn, and quarterback passing. Fernandinho and the fouling Brazilian from the Red Shite are the type of players we need (younger of course).

Godfrey only has ¼ of those attributes from evidence to date. I think, if he could learn to cross, a right-wingback role could be a more worthwhile conversion. He did okay at left-back but, without a left foot, it's not his future.

Eddie Dunn
30 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Nathan & Jay, the only attributes that Godfrey has are pace and tenacity. He is poor in the air, his positional sense is lacking, he never scores from set-pieces and is underwhelming at full-back.

To think that he could play a holding midfield role in the Premier League based on one season at York City is ludicrous.

David Bromwell
31 Posted 03/07/2022 at
I am another who believes that Ben Godfrey has all the attributes to become a top-class defensive midfielder. He certainly has great pace, and loves to tackle and as things stand I don't think there is another obvious place in the team for him.

Let's hope Frank and Company give him a try. Far better than the boring three centre-backs that have been a frequent formation during the last two seasons.

Matthew Williams
33 Posted 03/07/2022 at
We need a young player with real pace next to Tarkowski... for me, the lad Bassey at Rangers would be the perfect signing, a real fucking beast of a player. I am sure the faithful would love him... sign him, Frank!
Robert Tressell
34 Posted 03/07/2022 at
I don't believe Godfrey could play midfield other than as a stop gap. He has useful physical attributes but the DCM we need needs to have a better passing range, discipline and ball control to combat the opposition press.

Godfrey looks likely to be our version of John O'Shea, providing cover across the back 4 but never quite nailing down a first team spot.

As for Koulibaly, there's no need to get worked up as he's not coming to Everton.

Clive Rogers
35 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Danny, 21, Mina is on £120k per week and is unlikely to be offered anything like that with his injury problems. He will most likely stay for his last season, then become a free agent. It's been reported he has said as much. Similarly, Gomes and Allan may not want to leave.
Nick Page
36 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Our major summer singing. Got relegated with Burnley. Good luck to him, he’ll need it.

Nice one Kenwright, you horrible fucking fraud. It’s back to the Moyes days. Without Moyes.

Alan Moss
37 Posted 03/07/2022 at
Nick, I'm not sure it matters if Tarkowski got relegated, it's a good piece of business – rare for Everton these days! He topped all the defensive stats for the Premier league last season and is an improvement on what we have. Plus he was a free agent.
Nick Page
38 Posted 03/07/2022 at
I’ll believe it when I see it, Alan.
Paul Birmingham
39 Posted 03/07/2022 at
For fuck's sake, this is a very good addition to Everton's squad.

Hopefully six or seven more signings to come, to provide scope and cover, improvise, adapt and maintain Everton's position in the Premier League.

Hope eternal, EFC.

Nathan Ford
40 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Honestly, Eddie?

I'd accept that Godfrey may be lacking in positional sense as that's something you learn playing week-in and week-out but with his pace he has the chance to recover better than most.

But with regards to poor in the air? As a centre-back, yes; as a midfielder, no chance – in fact, that would be a huge strength.

The fact you say he never scores from set-pieces? How many DCMs do? Kante at Chelsea and Gana when he played for us – do they score goals? No, their job is to stop goals, break up play, and work box to box.

I'm guessing but I'd think in a midfield role he would add extra height in both boxes and score a few goals.

You say he's underwhelming at full-back? That's why I'm saying move his position to midfield?? I think his pace in front of the two centre-backs would give the opportunity for both full-backs to attack and he could cover either full-back when pushed forward.

This game is always about options but I personally think the role would be fantastic for him.

Mike Gaynes
41 Posted 04/07/2022 at
I'm usually derisive of these position-change proposals based on physical skills, but I actually think Godfrey might be worth a shot at defensive midfield given his ball-winning talents and his ability to carry the ball through midfield with pace.

He's certainly shown adaptability in his brief career, playing all four positions across the back, so he might be able to learn the position quickly. And his weaknesses -- man-marking, back-shoulder awareness and winning headers -- would no longer be major negatives as they are to a central defender.

As Nathan says, he would certainly win most of his battles in the air against other midfielders... which he doesn't against strikers.

I remember the reverse move -- Jagielka came to us as a central defensive midfielder who, it turned out, couldn't pass the ball in tight quarters. So we moved him back. Worked out pretty well as I recall.

David Currie
42 Posted 04/07/2022 at
With the situation we are in, I think playing Godfrey in the No 6 role is worth looking at.

Mina I think is in his last year so any clubs interested may wait and get him on a free next year. It would be a bonus if he can stay fit and play alongside James Tarkowski.

Dale Self
43 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Nice you three above, I was just pondering that possibility at the end of the week but didn't see a place to chat it up.

If he has someone reliably dropping deep, I think Mike's point with that gives me hope. He can obviously win balls but, if he can develop that awareness of space, he could learn to be patient and find the midfield discipline would be an early concern but I really like the idea in a Frank Lampard possession system where you need the No 6 to chase down and disrupt the transition.

I think, with some reliability in the back four, he could develop defensively fast enough to tolerate the turnovers.

Derek Thomas
44 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Godfrey to Defensive Midfield – not happenIng on any sort of regular basis. Maybe if we've only 10 men...and 4 or 5 of them are defenders.

(IMO; before you even get to actual skill on the ball, he's not mobile enough, he hasn't got the legs for it over 90 minutes.)

Heard the same with Stones... the only candidate with half a chance. "That Pep, he knows the score, he'll will have him in midfield quick smart, nailed on, etc, etc" – still waiting!

All the time disregarding the fact that if Godfrey... and Holgate or Stones... had any aptitude for playing midfield, other than showing an occasional neat side-step or step-over for a big lad, they might have got the odd game in the lower Championship.

They Didn't

Stones couldn't even get a game at Barnsley at Centreback.

Mike Gaynes
45 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Derek, if there's one problem that Godfrey doesn't have, it's mobility. He's our fastest defender.
Danny O’Neill
46 Posted 04/07/2022 at
I don't see Godfrey being a defensive midfielder.

For me, that spot needs controlled discipline. I know he's quick and committed, but is his quality on the ball that good?

Since we lost the art of sweeping, it's a difficult position to fill. I thought Gareth Barry done it well towards the end of his career. I think it's too soon, but I can see Lewis Warrington sitting in there if he continues to develop.

It's not all about pace and aggression. Yes, that helps, but it's also about reading the game to anticipate trouble before you're having to chase after it. About being comfortable with the ball. About being able to distribute and pick a pass quickly. Quickly as in football intelligence and quick decision making, not necessarily pace.

I'm always wary about central defenders being used in that role. Thinking back, I believe Heitinga was an exception. He could do both. But I don't think there are many, and not Godfrey. The more I'm watching him, he's better suited to playing in a back 3 on either of the central player and can fill in very well at full back. But not central midfield for me. I would imagine he'd run around a lot but with little output or impact on the game.

Sam Bowen
47 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Can we all please put a stop to this ridiculous notion of Godfrey in centre midfield? Not happening, not now, not ever.

It's such a specialised position, all about close control, positional sense, reading the game, dictating the tempo, having quick feet, passing simple and getting yourself out of trouble with a trick or two. Tackling is important of course but defensive mids generally only make 3 or 4 tackles per game.

Can you honestly imagine Godfrey being on the ball 80/90 times a game? Do me a favour! Leave him to develop in his main position and allow him to improve. He's a decent centre-half who has the time and ability to get better at it if we stop messing his position around.

We need to concentrate on buying a specialist for that position.

Danny Baily
48 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Godfrey would compliment Tarkowski nicely in defence. Could be the first-choice pairing. That leaves £60M worth of transfer outlay as back up though! Hopefully we move Mina on.
Anthony Flack
49 Posted 04/07/2022 at
I laugh at the ‘defense' of Godfrey.

You don't have to look very hard to find persistent comments along the lines of "If only he could cross... had a left foot... head the ball."

In my view, he is a catastrophe waiting to happen – and happens all too often!

I worry a great deal if we are hanging our hopes on him. Nothing against him and hope I'm wrong!

Sam Hoare
50 Posted 04/07/2022 at
The only time that you could have Godfrey or similar as a DMC is in a match where you're expecting to have less than 20% possession. In such a match having someone purely to cover ground and win duels might be acceptable.

As for Becao my worry is by all accounts he's pretty slow and not especially great on the ball. We already have Mina, Keane and now Tarkowski who are not suited to a high line.

If we are buying another surely it makes sense to get someone a bit more mobile or comfortable in possession? Especially if Lampard is planning on playing a back 3.

You need centre-backs on either side who can ideally cover ground quickly and bring/pass the ball out. Evan Ndicka or David Carmo would be great, or Calvin Bassey or even Niakhate who Forest are close to signing.

Derek Thomas
51 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Yeah he's fast – but in a straight line... much like American muscle cars, probably an ace 200-m runner. But midfield (in fact, the whole Premier League is a middle distance event) is a stop, start, bob and weave one.

Again, if Stones can't get a game in midfield...

Marc Hints
52 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Blimey, breaking news, we have made contact for Armando Broja?

Why on earth? We really need midfield players?

What about Lewis Dobbin and Ellis Simms, more or less the same age and signed new contracts? I would be pretty annoyed if I was them – going for another striker the same age.

Robert Tressell
53 Posted 04/07/2022 at
I'm hoping it's a back 4, Sam, as you're right a back 3 or 5 does not suit our centre-backs at all unfortunately.

I thought Godfrey and Holgate might work well either side of someone like Mina but it hasn't played out that way.

I'd be open-minded if Frank does want to do a deep gritty defence now, having taken stock.

Didn't Moyes start off like that to shore us up with, I think, Stubbs and Weir? Before he brought in faster, more agile players like Yobo, Jagielka and Lescott to push us up the pitch. Someone will correct me if I'm misremembering.

It might not be pretty but it might be the best way to climb the table next season.

Keen to see how the midfield shapes up ahead of the centre-backs now.

Robert Tressell
54 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Broja even on loan would be a real coup, Mark.

Dobbin could play wide of him in a very fluid front 3 (like the RS use) so that isn't too much of a problem. Simms isn't in his class unfortunately – although may yet become a Premier League quality striker.

It's more interesting to me whether he could properly partner Calvert-Lewin and how the team would be structured with those two up front together.

Seems more likely that Broja would replace Calvert-Lewin – although I'm not sure who would buy Calvert-Lewin now. Maybe Newcastle?

Rick Pattinson
55 Posted 04/07/2022 at
Let's hope he's as good as the last defender we signed from Udinese!!!
James Flynn
56 Posted 04/07/2022 at
A few years back when the Barry to Schneiderlin switch became a disaster, there was discussion here about trying Baines in that role. His sprinting up the flank days were over, but he remained an intelligent, hard-working player, with long-proven ability to see and make a pass.

A couple could see it. Most couldn't. Club never tried it anyway.

Now, serious discussion on trying the pacy, hard-working non-footballer Godfrey in that role? I know it's silly-season talk, so harmless. But if we wind up with Godfrey there, Thewell needs to be fired.

Ben is 25 in January and whatever he has to offer, we've seen. He stays in the Team, it's only for how he's been used so far. A temporary sub when someone across the back-line is out. Then back on the bench. Great athlete, fights hard for the Shirt, God bless him, but is NOT a footballer.

Brian Murray
57 Posted 04/07/2022 at
We are talking to Broja at the minute according to Sky. At least half the Richarlison coin can go on that. Get it done, and Dennis.
Alan J Thompson
58 Posted 05/07/2022 at
Wasn't Godfrey tried in midfield at Norwich and was thought better in central defence while with us his best, or consistent, performances have been at left-back, or is that wing-back these days?
Mike Gaynes
59 Posted 05/07/2022 at
Alan J, no sir, not really correct. Godfrey was a full-time defensive midfielder for Shrewsbury Town (on loan from Norwich) in 2017-18. Played all 51 games there.

It's worth noting that with Godfrey at DM, Shrewsbury had their highest finish in the history of the club -- third in League 1, barely missing promotion to the Championship. They have never, before or since, finished higher than 15th in the third level of English football... and that's going back to 1890. (I looked it up.)

But when Godfrey returned to Norwich after that loan, they never tried him in midfield. He spent a couple of months on their bench and then won a fulltime job at center back and stayed there.

So it's not like he was tried and found wanting. When he did play the position -- albeit four years ago and two levels down -- he did very, very well.

Therefore, IMO, it's not a totally outlandish idea. We spent £25 million buying him. Let's not write him off as a backup utility defender until we give him every chance to make use of his natural talents.

Alan J Thompson
60 Posted 07/07/2022 at
Mike (#56); Sorry, I missed your reply but I'm not sure that you haven't made my argument for me but nothing wrong in trying him in training depending on who if anybody we sign.

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