Now that Dave Abrahams' issues seem to have been resolved, I'm changing this to a general thread where people can throw in any problems they're having on the site.

I'm sure I'll be aware of many of them (the text-size setting not sticking is one) but it's always good to periodically open up a page where people can raise issues.

For site slowness and cacheing/cookie errors, there's a Help page here that offers some solutions.

Cheers, folks!


Hi Dave,
I gather you’re using a Samsung phone to use ToffeeWeb?
If so, could you look to see if whatever browser you use is the most up-to-date version? I have an old Samsung unit that I used to test out the issues you and a couple of others were reporting and the problem went away when I updated the Internet app on the phone.
The other thing you could try is deleting all the cookies associated with ToffeeWeb on your device. If you need assistance with that, let me know.