Manchester City have launched legal action against the Premier League in a dispute over the league's Associated Party Transaction (APT) rules, which they claim are unlawful.

The rules, which were introduced in December 2021, are designed to prevent clubs from inflating commercial deals with companies that are linked to their owners. 

Man City claim that the rules have been approved by a vote of their Premier League rivals to stifle their success on the pitch as a 'tyranny of the majority'.

The club have accused rivals of 'discrimination against Gulf ownership' after the rules were implemented shortly after Newcastle United's Saudi takeover.

Rival clubs claim that City's appeal could destroy the competitiveness of the Premier League as it would allow rich clubs to spend an unlimited amount on playing squads and infrastructure, thus sidestepping current financial rules that limit allowable losses and expenditure.

Man City made the threat of legal action against the league's APT rules back in February,  with a date now set for a hearing on 10 June.

The Premier League's separate long-standing case against Manchester City over 115 breaches of financial and other rules between 2009 and 2018 is set to go before an independent commission in November, and is expected to take at least 6 weeks.