So, the day finally arrived, a day many predicted wouldn't happen.   Everton's magnificent new stadium on the banks of the Royal Blue Mersey opened its doors for the first time for a test event for 10,000 lucky blues who witnessed Everton U18s play their counterparts from Wigan.

Myself and a couple of mates had been lucky enough to be selected from the ballot back in January for tickets to attend the event with the intimidating South stand being the only stand open for the event. We got tickets for the upper tier.

I met Billy at Hunts Cross station to catch the 16:05 Merseyrail train to Moorfields, where we'd arranged to meet Steve and Paul. I'd suggested earlier in the day that we should go to Murphy's Gin Distillery, a five-minute walk to the stadium as they were offering discounted prices on drinks. Everyone agreed to this!  We arrived at Moorfields Station and met Steve and Paul at 16:25 and made our way towards Murphy's.

It took about 20-25 minutes to walk down there, not bad considering Billy has had two hip replacements in the last year. As we approached Murphy's, there was a queue out the door, a queue for the bar!! No chance we were getting in there, so went to The Ten Streets which is next door to Murphy's. We got in without a problem but once inside, the place was heaving, and the bar looked about five deep. Still, we were in and managed to find gaps in the heaving hordes and got ourselves to the bar. There was a singer on, singing mainly Beatles songs, and a fair few Everton songs, which got the congregation joining in, adding to a great atmosphere.

We left Ten Streets at about 18:15, anticipating queues at the gates in the wall entering the stadium footprint and also queues entering the stadium itself.  The walk up to the stadium simply blows you away. It looks absolutely enormous, and all lit up in blue, sending shivers down your spine.

Once at the gates in the wall, we sailed through, scanned our digital tickets, and we were in!! We'd heard, and also seen, that there were escalators up to the upper tier, but all we could see were steps up. We later found out that the turnstiles we used did not have access to the escalators which seems strange, as you'd think all turnstiles would lead to escalators? As we were in Block 213 last night, we had to use turnstiles number 13, so hopefully next season when we are in Block 209 we can use a different turnstile and have access to the escalators. Thinking more about Billy with his two replacement hips here!

Anyway, the climb wasn't that bad, and nowhere near as bad as that away end at Newcastle. We got up and wow... the difference between this concourse and the Upper Gwladys one is something else. The refreshment bars run almost the entire length of the concourse, and as it runs down the middle, you can get served on either side of it. There are breaks in the bars every now and then for access from one side of the concourse to the other. We decided to go and locate our seats for next season in block 209.

Again, upon entering the vomitories, it's the wow factor, seeing the pitch, the giant screens and all those thousands of blue seats reminds me of the first time I stepped inside Goodison. We're on row 36, but only about five or six rows from the front. We found our seats which were occupied by a lady with her son. We explained that we'd come to look at our seats, so she very kindly let us stand at them while she took pictures for us. After taking a few photos ourselves, we made our way to our seats for the game.

We were on Row 56, a bit of a climb up to our seats. Even though we were that far up, the view was absolutely amazing. Scanning around the rest of the stadium just knocks you sideways. I'm thinking could we do without the white lettering that we have at Goodison, and leave it all blue? The big screens were showing the construction of the stadium from the outset. Over 3½ years ago, something that some were saying would never happen, and now here we were, sitting in it!

18:55, and then it began – the siren, followed by Z-Cars, again, sending shivers down your spine, as the two teams came out. What a fantastic moment for both teams, to be playing the first-ever game at Everton Stadium. I'm going to ditch calling it BMD from now on. Wigan were the better team, looking far more physical than ours, but also maybe the occasion got to our kids. A two-goal lead at half-time for Wigan, followed by an early dart for literally hundreds of fans, us included.

It had always been our intention to leave at half-time. Like us, I guess most people only wanted to see inside the stadium, and if they have a season ticket in the South Stand, try and locate their seat, and get tons of photos. We made our way down to the concourse, and before leaving, had a look out the windows which look back towards the city centre. Truly awe-inspiring views!

We managed to find the escalators down and out, right by the Everton Way. More photos outside the stadium, followed by the walk back to the city centre for a couple more pints. The walk back was probably no more than thirty minutes. We were sat in Ma Boyles, for anyone that knows it, at 20:40, so the game would still have been going on. 

Just a final thought though. If anyone is thinking of going to Murphy's or The Ten Streets over the next two test events, make sure you get there really early. Hopefully, one of two more bars will shortly be opening around the stadium, and even around the fan zone on the East side, which is absolutely huge. 

For next season, we will probably stick around the city centre for a pint or two, then walk down to the stadium. I know the capacity was only 10k last night, so a further 40k next season could slow the walk down, there and back, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 

So there you have it. Our first experience of the new Everton Stadium!

Reader Comments (43)

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Brian Williams
1 Posted 18/02/2025 at 13:45:44
Nice one Rob!
Paul Kossoff
2 Posted 18/02/2025 at 13:58:12
Rob, you forget to mention that the little sh*thouse who scored the first goal at B M D is. a red! Here's how the BBC rubbed our noses in it.

Wigan's Harrison Rimmer - a boyhood Liverpool fan no less - made himself a quiz question for years to come by scoring the first goal at the new stadium. He made the most of the occasion by holding up six fingers, referring to Liverpool's six Champions League titles.

What a tw*t! Typical red, cant just love scoring a goal, has to wind people up in doing it. Why couldn't the dope who organised the first game had it between an ex blue team and the under 18,s? That way the first goal is an Evertonian and the first team to score is an Everton team, not rocket science his it? I wouldn't be surprised if Charlie Adams arranged it.

Let's hope that's the first and last cock up at BMD. Knowing us a plaque will be put up just to remind people who scored the first goal. Here's what I would put on it. Harrison Rimmer scored the first goal, held his fingers up to show he's a six time sh*t house.

Paul Kossoff
3 Posted 18/02/2025 at 14:08:05
Great report Rob, can we see all the pictures please? Also,people with health problems, how are they looked after in getting to and from seats? Thanks Rob.
Rob Halligan
4 Posted 18/02/2025 at 14:38:58
Paul, I’ve got loads of pictures but don’t know how to put them on here. I’m sure somebody else will put theirs on though. Regards people with health problems getting to their seats. As you know, there are the escalators up to the upper tier, but once up there, I’ve no idea. I guess they are on their own regards any assistance to their seat. Can only assume anyone with health problems will have bought season tickets nearer the front, meaning less steps to climb.
Mike Gaynes
5 Posted 18/02/2025 at 14:45:07
What a fantastic report, Rob! Glad you got the opportunity to be part of the first home crowd. No one more deserving.
Paul Kossoff
6 Posted 18/02/2025 at 14:51:09
Rob about pictures, send a email on her to the mods and they will tell you how. I've just sent them one asking so I'm waiting a reply but would love a posting your with all the pics.
Chris Keher
7 Posted 18/02/2025 at 15:13:29
I was there last night (Upper Tier in one of the corners). Genuinely thought it was the best stadium I've been to and I've been to pretty much every top tier stadium in the country except for Tottenham's new one.

You can tell they've got the acoustics spot on as well. There was a bit at the end when we were chasing the equaliser and it got very noisy despite it being pretty empty. I'm sure we will be able to generate an incredible atmosphere here based on what I witnessed.

The getting to and from it though does need addressing pretty urgently. I went with my dad by taxi and he really struggled as even gettting as close as you can it's still a fair old hike for him - too far really. Hopefully they're going to set up a load of buses that can drop you off straight outside by the wall.

I heard a few stories from people that had been through Sandhills and that definitely needs looking at. Based on what they said there's no way that can take 50k people and there's not many other ways to actually get there as it stands.

But that;s what these test events are there for hopefully - to highlight where the infrastructure is lacking at present so they can sort it.

Rob Halligan
8 Posted 18/02/2025 at 17:10:55
Well after what I said in my opening post about further bars etc, opening up, I be just seen this in the red echo, and looks really good. I’d heard from someone that Terrys Timbers had been bought out, and this is now the case……..

Kieran Kinsella
9 Posted 18/02/2025 at 17:18:49

It is funny you mention Tony Marsh and co. who thought this stadium would never get built. But honestly since the first days of ToffeeWeb the new stadium has been a talking point in its various incaranations: Kings Dock, some shared ground with the RS, Kirkby etc so it is amazing to finally see it up and running. Great report, Can't wait to get back over to England and see it for myself.

Peter Mills
10 Posted 18/02/2025 at 17:35:21
Respect, Rob - I’ve never seen the word “vomitories” before.

I’m glad you got to the first game there, and you have seen for yourself everything Dan Meis promised.

Andy Crooks
11 Posted 18/02/2025 at 18:05:31
Brilliant, Rob.
Pete Mills, maybe catch you on Saturday?
Scott Hamilton
12 Posted 18/02/2025 at 18:16:02
Great report, Rob.

Paul - Maybe it can read:

“This plaque is dedicated to the scorer of the very first goal at this stadium, Harrison Rimmer.

We understand that ‘Rimmer’ is his nickname not his surname.”

Peter Mills
13 Posted 18/02/2025 at 18:58:51
Andy#11, will you be at The Harlech? It would be good to see you.

I’m not sure of my plans yet, I’ve got a boys’ game with a 9.00am kick off at Hightown, but may be able to get to The Harlech for a quick one before Goodison.

Paul Ferry
14 Posted 18/02/2025 at 19:27:51
Rob, were you sitting next to Johnny Tasker by any chance?

I also clocked that Peter: "vomitories", great work Rob (and great report).

I think that there will be issues if the best way to get to the ground for most will be walking from town. I'm thinking of Rob's mate Billy and anyone else like him or let's face it, in a poorer state. There will be journos there in August whose main aim will not be to report on the match but everything outside our breathtaking stadium: access, transport, disabilities, parking, walking etc.

Danny O'Neill
15 Posted 18/02/2025 at 19:41:42
Thanks Rob, even on the tele, it looked absolutely stunning.

I'm going to be in the East Stand, in the corner next to the south stand and quite low down. I don't think it matters, there doesn't look to be a bad seat in the new blue house.

I too am confused about the word vomitory. It made me think of something else, that normally happens after a heavy night out.

Hopefully there will be more development of watering places around the ground, although it sounds like, as expected, there is plenty on offer inside the stadium. Even I might get served!!

Paul, immature stamping of the feet in a childish tantrum after last Wednesday has now turned to downright jealousy reading some of the comments I've seen this morning.

Well, get used to it red babies, the city is returning to its blue origins.

Andy Crooks
16 Posted 18/02/2025 at 20:34:43
Will be, Pete, I think. Timings down to Derek and Pete Moore.!!
Andrew James
17 Posted 18/02/2025 at 21:00:44
Thanks Rob, that really made me feel like I was there checking it out.

My main concern is the food and drink. Do they serve Bovril, because on a chill afternoon, that doesn't half warm the bones.

Peter Mills
18 Posted 18/02/2025 at 21:36:34
I’ll try my very best to see you, Andy.
Stu Darlington
19 Posted 19/02/2025 at 10:03:07
Vomitories I believe is the latin word used to describe the entrances to the Coliseum in Rome,ie the comings and goings of massive crowds entering and exiting gladiatorial contests being likened to a bad attack of Norovirus!
I know,I need to get out more!
Andy Duff
20 Posted 19/02/2025 at 14:12:41
Andrew 17... They do serve Bovril it costs £2.75. It is going to be needed during winter night games more than ever
Danny O'Neill
21 Posted 19/02/2025 at 14:43:07

Don't worry about it. I'm a history buff myself. But having lived near Rome and visiting their most years, I'd never heard that word.

Every day is a school day as they say!!!

Liam Mogan
22 Posted 19/02/2025 at 15:55:07
They were advertising Bovril but there were no hot drinks at ht on Monday (not sure if they'd run out or if there was an issue)

I didn't actually think it was that cold inside? It was bitter out and around the dock, but inside it felt quite sheltered. Didn't feel any wind or anything. I'd had 5/6 pints though so maybe it was that!

Brian Williams
23 Posted 19/02/2025 at 16:12:36
Liam. I'd agree. Despite it being (with wind chill factor) -4 outside with quite a strong wind, there was no wind to be felt inside. So those who feared the worst can rest assured that you're well protected, certainly from the wind, inside the stadium.

Stu. Not so sure about the "being likened to a bad attack of Norovirus" certainly not by the Romans anyway as Norovirus wasn't identified until 1968.

Think the Romans had effed off by then mate.

Andy Crooks
24 Posted 19/02/2025 at 16:41:52
Andy @17, never mind the Bovril ( Pistols album?) is there a decent fig roll to be got anywhere?
Danny O'Neill
25 Posted 19/02/2025 at 16:49:52
I wasn't there Andy, but I've seen plenty of photos and comments about a nice lemon pepper and chicken, sticky Korean chicken and a loaded hot dog that had so much going on, you wouldn't know it was a hot dog!
Liam Mogan
26 Posted 19/02/2025 at 17:07:30
The food looked decent. My nephew enjoyed the sausage roll. There were plenty of staff behind the counters and queues will hopefully be a rarity.

My 75 year old father was struggling with the concept of £6.95 for a pie. 'It should only be £1.50 for a pie'. I don't think he's bought a pie at the match since about 1985.

Colin Crooks
27 Posted 19/02/2025 at 18:29:42
£6.95 for a pie ? I hope I read Brian Williams post wrongly on another thread. I'm sure he said 6 quid. At this rate we'll be paying a tenner a pie.

I do like Danny pointing out that you can get sticky Korean Chicken. Dont mind paying or decent food

Sounds like we are going all Arsenal and are now officially posh.

Liam Mogan
28 Posted 19/02/2025 at 18:33:13
Maybe it was £6.50 a pie? It was 6 quid for a plain sausage roll.

Hope they get some decent beer, maybe an IPA or Guinness. Not just lager swill. They must be planning to serve all game? Or after the game.? Whereas they close at HT now.

Brian Williams
29 Posted 19/02/2025 at 18:37:14
Pies were £6.20.
Liam Mogan
30 Posted 19/02/2025 at 18:45:52
Cheers Brian. How much are they at Goodison. £5.20 rings a bell.

Can't believe I'm posting about the price of pies 🫣

Rob Halligan
31 Posted 19/02/2025 at 18:57:34
All this talk about pies…….kinda appropriate we played the Pie Eaters in the first game at the Everton Stadium!
Brian Williams
32 Posted 19/02/2025 at 18:58:00
Me neither mate. No idea how much at Goodison!
Dave Abrahams
33 Posted 19/02/2025 at 19:15:51
Brian (32, 1shilling 3 pence, about 7p new money, last time I bought one Brian, at Goodison —daylight bleedin’ robbery never bought one since, that’s why Tony has got one arm longer than the other, me dragging him past those food stalls!
Brian Williams
34 Posted 19/02/2025 at 19:30:08
I hear ya Dave, I hear ya. 🥧
Liam Mogan
35 Posted 19/02/2025 at 19:31:52
Had a chicken balti pie at Wembley in 2009. That was well nice. Although I'd probably had 10 pints (recurring theme) so anything would have tasted nice.

I'll probably never buy a pie at BMD, so not going to mention them again.

Cmon Villa!

Andy Crooks
36 Posted 19/02/2025 at 20:16:23
Dave, one and three for a pie!!!???
I remember my my old dad taking to my first game, Distillery v Bangor. He wasn't content with "lifting me over", he actually told them" my boy's handicapped"and we got a free cream bun.
Dave Abrahams
37 Posted 19/02/2025 at 21:07:19
Andy (36), Well Andy you can’t beat quick thinking, your dad didn’t eat the bun did he or did you get one each!
Stu Darlington
38 Posted 19/02/2025 at 21:32:36
The references to Wiganers being referred to as Pie Eaters
Is often interpreted as them having a fondness for said culinary delicacies.
In fact it harks back to a coal strike in the Lancashire coalfield back in the 1920’s. The Wigan miners were first to break the strike,hence eating “humble pie”and returning to work.
Ever since Wiganers have inherited the title PieEaters.
I know,I know but I have to do something now I’m not worrying about Everton being relegated!!
Brendan McLaughlin
39 Posted 19/02/2025 at 21:39:22
Dave #37

"Quick thinking" doesn't come close... Andy was 23 at the time.

Don Alexander
40 Posted 19/02/2025 at 22:49:35
Unfortunately, I recall way too many games leaving Goodison feeling like I needed a vomitorium – and I never bought a pie there either.
Mark Murphy
41 Posted 20/02/2025 at 10:37:03
Great stuff Rob, I'm glad you got to experience that. I'm WAY down the waiting list for STs so I guess I'll be relying on general sales or my membership or the kindness of strangers. Hopefully, given that I usually get a ticket these days for Goodison*, I'll still be lucky once the newness wears off, for tickets in future, especially given the extra capacity. Does everyone think we'll sell out every week?
Very pleased to hear they sell chuffin Bovrill.
I think, given I'm relatively fit, I'll opt for the walk in from the city - probably one in the Denbigh Castle or/and Shenanigans on the way. I guess by the time were well into the season there'll be other bars on the walk in?.
Re that gobshite - he'll be long forgotten by the time we finish our first game - I just hope its not another gobshite who scores the opening Premier League goal there.
I never knew my uncle Paddy had a bar down there - I'll see if I can wangle a vip pass to the front of the queue.
*talking of home game tickets I desperatly need one for the Arsenal game and theyve not come up for sale on the membership yet. IF anyone on here has a resale for that game please let me know Murph - 07708 615684
Tony Abrahams
42 Posted 20/02/2025 at 11:13:09
If I’ve got the time to meet Andy on Saturday, Brendan, I’m going to have to go to sayer’s and get him a cream and jam donut now!
Dave Abrahams
43 Posted 20/02/2025 at 11:18:07
Brendan (39)Cracker that Brendan! Although I think Andy and his dad might have been a great double act!

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