Season › 2024-25 › News Everton are caught between gloom and hope — Farhad Moshiri must ‘take a haircut’ and sell Chris Bascombe 22/08/2024 19comments | Jump to last Each failed takeover deal brings cataclysmic predictions but it feels business as usual under Sean Dyche’s smart management. This Telegraph article is behind a paywall but presents the current situation at the club in a Dickensian tale of stark and conflicting contrasts: "Everton’s current predicament is a tale of two football clubs. About the worst of times under majority shareholder Farhad Moshiri amid the hope of the best of times when the team moves into a £500m new docklands home in 2025." "The extreme differences make Everton the most contradictory of institutions." "The honest assessment – one shared by many within Everton – is that only Moshiri knows how perilous the club’s financial situation truly is, and whether repayment deadlines need satisfying within months or years." » Read the full article at The Telegraph [£] Reader Comments (19) Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer () Allen Rodgers 1 Posted 22/08/2024 at 09:01:03 I've read the Telegraph article in full and it's just another recap of latest events or non-events. Another false dawn. Pat Kelly 2 Posted 22/08/2024 at 09:10:03 I've posted my comments behind a paywall. Ian Pilkington 3 Posted 22/08/2024 at 09:22:59 RS supporting Chris Bascombe is normally unable to allow himself to write a balanced report or article about Everton, but on this occasion he has succeeded.It is noticeable that no other media source followed up the clearly bogus Guardian “exclusive” other than the Echo, which quickly reported denials from club sources. Michael Kenrick 4 Posted 22/08/2024 at 09:50:30 I think it's one of the better articles on the mess that is Everton (RS gobshite notwithstanding).I wonder which online 'financial expert' inspired this excellent paragraph?Whatever Moshiri's next move, the apocalyptic visions regularly prophesied since Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov was banned from continuing his investment have not materialised, despite brushes with relegation. Every failed takeover attempt brings more eruptions of fear — only for Everton's Merseyside branch to go on the front foot to reassure us that the wounds are overhyped and temporary. Fred Quick 5 Posted 22/08/2024 at 10:42:33 The issue the club, the fans and the media have, is that Moshiri is such a closed shop, nobody but him and perhaps his very rich friend know what is actually happening. The various 'stories' that appear in the mainstream media would appear to be leaked to certain journalists, and then once it appears on X etc, the 'story' gains credibility until it becomes obvious that much of it is untrue. Our former Chairman has taught our current owner some useful tips on how to manipulate the fans and the press. The timings of many of the stories often occur when Farhad might be expecting some flak from fans for whatever reasons. If Moshiri was deemed fit and proper, it would seem that anybody with money can be invited to own a football club, but we already knew that — didn't we? Standby for the owner of X or similar to make a bid, only to slink off into the darkness a few months later. Denis Richardson 6 Posted 22/08/2024 at 12:23:49 The one main comfort in the whole takeover (non-)saga is that no current stakeholder benefits from the club going under. For this one reason alone, I cannot see us going into Administration; someone will step in — unless we get relegated. So, until May 2025 at least, we'll still be here plodding along. The ownership story will resolve itself at some point. The team just need to focus on getting points on the pitch — that's the most important thing imo.Right now, I'm not bothered who the new owner ends up being as it can't be worse than the last decade or so. So many have been linked that I can't get that excited anymore. Too many false dawns. Analogous to players, until he's holding the scarf aloft having signed, nothing new to see here. John Pickles 7 Posted 22/08/2024 at 12:54:52 I think you can read it here at MSN, with no paywall:Everton are caught between gloom and hope — Farhad Moshiri must ‘take a haircut' and sell Derek Knox 8 Posted 22/08/2024 at 17:26:28 Take a haircut?Moshiri has displayed that he has no interest whatsoever in Everton Football Club, but like the Maggot that got him involved, only interested in himself, and what he can get back, or more ! Declan Brown 9 Posted 22/08/2024 at 17:51:02 GreetingsIn my ongoing and continued search for a good outlet for football related stories in the newspapers I had a subscription to The Telegraph (the cheap £20 for a year, how anyone pays £15-£20 per month for that is beyond daylight robbery). It disappointed greatly in the aforementioned search.The writer of this article — Chris Bascombe — is about as friendly to Everton as John Aldridge is to Everton. Article after article where he couldn't be more nice to Liverpool and Klopp. His articles about Everton seem to bait a few of the lower IQ'd batch of our red cousins to come on and troll the Everton fans who comment on any of his articles. It's become pretty predictable and I've been surprised by the very poor quality of articles — I thought The Telegraph would be way above the likes of the Daily Mail when it came to football reporting.Seriously guys, this article by this sports writer Bascombe in The Telegraph — file it under the same respect you would give to The Sun. Not even good enough to be tomorrow's chip paper or wipe your backside with.Any suggestions for a good news outlet for football-related stories and online debates will be most welcome, for Everton this is the best place to come, but I haven't found any outlet that has adult-aged conversations or differences of opinion to date on other football topics (about other clubs). Barry Rathbone 10 Posted 22/08/2024 at 18:00:43 I haven't mentioned this before but I know Moshiri — we've met at the same hotel a few times and he always has a few words to say. Last time it was "Get out the fuckin' way!"I'll see if I can work out what's going on… Derek Knox 11 Posted 22/08/2024 at 18:15:05 Barry @ 10, Last time it was "Get out the fuckin' way!"So he knows you well then? :-) Colin Glassar 12 Posted 22/08/2024 at 18:55:01 Is it okay to say, I hate Moshiri? Thanks to him, and his deceased partner, this club is royally screwed. Paul Birmingham 13 Posted 22/08/2024 at 19:50:39 Colin, yep, for sure, he and they have taken Everton to Hell and back. The steps of emotion they have put Evertonian through can't be measured.In these troubled waters, the Spirit of the Evertonians transcends the malaise the two jokers have caused. Soon, there will be better days, with a clear course to better times. Barry Rathbone 14 Posted 22/08/2024 at 21:14:06 Derek 11Ha! Probably the only judgement Moshiri has got right. Ajay Gopal 15 Posted 23/08/2024 at 14:07:52 I take on a counter-view here regarding Moshiri — yes, he didn't deliver on what he promised when he came, ie, that Everton would be competing for trophies. We never came close to it during his tenure. But… he promised us a new stadium, and that is very close to being a reality. Every video that I see of the new stadium, I am in awe of not only the structure itself but the very professional way in which it is being built. Moshiri never pulled away from that commitment — yes, for his selfish reasons primarily, but the truth is that he delivered. And if that is the only thing that he has given us in his tenure, then I believe that future Evertonians will be grateful to him for that. (Obviously, the caveat being that we don't get relegated.) John Chambers 16 Posted 23/08/2024 at 14:28:44 Ajay, I have to disagree. The professional way it is being built is because of the skills Colin Chong has brought to the table, the skills of Laing O'Rourke, their contactors and workforce. The financial commitments he has made have also been minimal to the stadium, why else would we be saddled with around £500M of loans? I appreciate he did put money into the club initially, but that was largely on the poor player acquisitions with inflated fees and contracts that got us into the PSR mess we have been in for 3 years. John Wilson 17 Posted 23/08/2024 at 15:47:28 By the sounds of it, Textor is going to burden the club with more debt, according to Simon Jordan. Another £200M to Friedkin will probably be on finance. Moshiri might take a haircut in the short term but he'll probably get his money back in the long term, assuming the stadium is successful — and no reason why it wouldn't be. Roma haven't even got their own ground and neither a spade to dig for one. Impulsive Friedkin just changed his mind, so fuck him. Textor will be better than 777 Partners, at least one hopes… 666 would have been more apt. Derek Taylor 18 Posted 29/08/2024 at 19:46:11 Textor is a disaster at Lyons and has achieved nothing at Crystal Palace. Only another fool would meet Moshiri's demand of £50M for his shares and £200M to pay off the old 777 Partners debt!On to the next one. John Chambers 19 Posted 29/08/2024 at 20:02:28 Derek, Whoever takes over the club will have to pay the £200M 777 Partners debt, the only question is who to? Add Your Comments In order to post a comment, you need to be logged in as a registered user of the site. » Log in now Or Sign up as a ToffeeWeb Member — it's free, takes just a few minutes and will allow you to post your comments on articles and Talking Points submissions across the site. How to get rid of these ads and support TW © ToffeeWeb