07/10/2024 35comments  |  Jump to last

In a significant step toward completion of their Everton takeover, The Friedkin Group have registered a new holding company that is expected to take over legal ownership of Farhad Moshiri's Everton shares, which are currently held by Blue Heaven Holdings. 

According to Companies House, Roundhouse Capital Holdings Limited was incorporated on 2 October 2024. It is registered at 21 Golden Square, London – the same address that The Friedkin Group International Limited is under.

In addition, Roundhouse is owned by Toffee Investments LLC, which is registered at 1375 Enclave Parkway, Houston, Texas. That is the address for TFG’s headquarters where it controls other businesses including Gulf State Toyota and Imperative Entertainment.

So far, there have been two company directors registered for Roundhouse Capital Holdings. One is Analaura Moreira-Dunkel, who is a director for The Friedkin Group International and has served as a Roma board member since TFG’s takeover in August 2020. The other is Marcus Arthur Watts – president of TFG since 2011.

Companies House documents also confirm that Dan Friedkin is an ‘individual person with significant control’ in Roundhouse Capital Holdings. It states that Friedkin ‘holds, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the shares in the company’, ‘holds, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the voting rights in the company’ and ‘has the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the board of directors of the company.


Reader Comments (35)

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Paul Hewitt
1 Posted 07/10/2024 at 10:53:40
So TFG have registered Everton under their name at Companies House.

I'd say it's all but done if they have done that.👍

Michael Kenrick
2 Posted 07/10/2024 at 11:33:54
Err... that's not exactly what they have done, Paul. In fact, it will never be that clearcut owing to the layer upon layer of corporate shenanigans involved.

At best, Dan Friedkin will be the ‘individual person with significant control' in Roundhouse Capital Holdings, which will hold the legal ownership of Everton Shares … if or when the takeover is approved and confirmed.

Christine Foster
3 Posted 07/10/2024 at 12:06:41
Ground work being laid, interestingly, is 75% intended to be the actual amount Freidkin will have or is this just a confirmation that he holds enough shares to essentially, and legally, do as he wishes?

If the former, is a deal being done with other parties regarding investment or debt management? I guess we will have to wait and see what transpires.

Hugh Jenkins
4 Posted 07/10/2024 at 12:33:15
There is only 1 issued share in Roundhouse Capital Holdings Ltd and that is owned by Toffee Investments LLC an American Limited Liability Company.

Dan Friedkin is named as the "Person with significant control", so it is reasonable to assume that he holds at least 75% of the shares in Toffee Investments LLC.

Graham Fylde
5 Posted 07/10/2024 at 16:32:32
Christine #3, I think 75% is significant in that it allows you to pass special resolutions without the need for any other shareholder. In this case, as you surmise, it just shows he has enough shareholding to do whatever he wants.
Mike Gaynes
6 Posted 07/10/2024 at 18:54:48
Toffee Investments LLC. I like it. Simple, basic, tasty.

The establishment of a Holding Company means Tarkowski's foul can be legally justified as a corporate event.

Brian Cleveland
7 Posted 07/10/2024 at 20:29:46
Taxi for Mr Gaynes, please, that was a groaner.
Colin Glassar
8 Posted 07/10/2024 at 20:57:54
I just hope this is done and dusted before WWIII starts.

That would be so Everton.

Dennis Stevens
10 Posted 07/10/2024 at 21:17:44
WWIII, Colin?

Only if Everton unexpectedly win the League!

Colin Glassar
11 Posted 07/10/2024 at 21:30:27
Dennis, correct me if I'm wrong but, weren't Everton Champions in 1914 and 1939?

If that's a terrible coincidence, I'm quite happy to defer our next title win for at least another 100 years or so.

Jerome Shields
12 Posted 07/10/2024 at 21:50:31
I am just glad that it looks like Everton are going to be taken over by someone who can and is proven to be able to manage a business.

I don't expect The Friedkin Group to initially go beyond sorting out the existing loans, which are a mess and not connected to proper operation of the club.

When they do make funds available, it will have to be properly justified and be within a proper strategic plan with budgets and accountability, with quality being a central objective. That is the way they run their existing business.

Dennis Stevens
14 Posted 08/10/2024 at 00:33:56
Not quite, Colin, it was 1915 & 1939. The Great War was meant to be "over by Christmas" so they didn't suspend the Football League straight away. The 1939-40 season had kicked off but was abandoned upon the declaration of war.

Therefore, Everton held the Football League title until football hostilities resumed after each war. Consequently, Liverpool still haven't been League Champions as long as Everton, although Manchester United have finally caught up with us.

Sean Kearns
15 Posted 08/10/2024 at 00:42:10
Does Man City winning today's case mean Danny Boy can pour more money into us?

I'm glad we backed City on it, I think owners of a business should be able to spend and invest whatever they want… It's like buying a house and not being able to do any renovations. Bollocks to it.

If Danny wants to sponsor us with one of his other companies and give us loads of dosh, then so be it…

Also glad Man City won because now they have pissed off the Premier League who'll hopefully go after them harder for the 115 charges. Get the popcorn out either way…

Also American owners nearly make up 2/3 of the Premier League, which is what's needed to change laws and whatnot. I think it's been their plan all along and have thought it for years. They are colluding to get 2/3 ownership in the league and change the laws deffo.

I suspect getting rid of relegation is top of their list somehow, also playing regular season proper Premier League games in the US too which I don't think would be a terrible thing.

Personally, I can't ever see relegation getting scrapped but they'll have games in America within the next 3 seasons deffo. Brady wants in, so do the Hollywood Bros at Wrexham but they are going about it another way.

Ernie Baywood
16 Posted 08/10/2024 at 03:21:46
It also looks like 777 have gone bust?

We owe them money don't we?

Stephen Williams
17 Posted 08/10/2024 at 04:35:20
Whilst the setting up of a company indicates that a potential buyer is laying the foundations for a deal, it is nothing more than that. It is such a simple process and costs c £150 to set up a new company at Companies House – no big deal.

Also, don't get hung up on the 75% designation. There are tick boxes for 25%, 50% and 75%. If someone holds 100% it will still only show up as 75%+.

Having said that, without having any inside knowledge, I believe that only a rejection resulting from the Fit and Proper rules will terminate the deal.

Paul Ferry
18 Posted 08/10/2024 at 05:15:33
Sean Kearns, I genuinely enjoy your posts with their whacky nonsense about conspiracy theories and ‘club moles’ and one error after another. It’s fun waiting to see what you will come up with next.

We have a new one now!

(17): “Also American owners nearly make up 2/3 of the league which is what’s needed to change laws and whatnot. I think it’s been their plan all along and have thought it for years. They are colluding to get 2/3 ownership in the league and change the laws deffo”.

I love the “deffo”.

The first thing to do as usual is to correct your mistakes and hyperbole. Americans as I type own less than half of the PL clubs not “nearly” two-thirds.

The next, of course, is to think WTF as your conspiracy unfolds. “Their plan”. Who are they Sean? Who comprises your “their”? Is it the Americans who acting on their own bought the clubs?

Did they in fact as your streams of sound imagination now claim act as one in some sort of grand collective design to buy up PL clubs to change the rules? A bunch of well-off Americans working closely together as one cohesive Goldfinger unit with their cross-Atlantic tight and secret networks of finance and financial whiz kids, crack lawyers, sharp corporate brains trust, public relations, conniving merger advisors, plotting consumer eggheads, media consultants, sport administrators and managers, communication experts, and last but not least underground “moles”.

How did I/we not see this?

Questions Sean. Answers might help your seemingly whacky theory.

Who is Mr. or Mrs. Big Sean, who hatched this fiendish plot? Who are they as in “their plan”? You have thought all this for years Sean? For how long? When did the true horror of this fiendish Yankie imperialism dawn on you? How big is the network? What can we do? Have you tipped off the North Wharf Road crew Sean or Downing Street or the FBI or FIFA?

There could be a medal in this for you Sean.

Paul Hewitt
19 Posted 08/10/2024 at 05:15:50
Having been one of the teams that supported City against the Premier League, I can see TFG somehow failing the fit and proper test.
Paul Ferry
20 Posted 08/10/2024 at 05:20:16
Go back to bed, Paul. It's early.
Paul Hewitt
21 Posted 08/10/2024 at 05:35:43

It's time to go to work.

Derek Knox
22 Posted 08/10/2024 at 06:44:11
Paul H, " Early? It's time to go to work."

You have a leaking roof to fix somewhere in Bramley-Moore Dock area? :-)

John Wilson
23 Posted 08/10/2024 at 10:10:57
Ernie at 18. Nobody answered your question.

The answer is either A-CAP, who loaned 777 Partners, or Leadenhall, who are currently suing 777 for breach of contract and fraud, but only if it proves A-CAP is fraudulent.

Currently, Friedkin apparently has an agreement in place for 10% of Everton Football Club with A-CAP, as the £200M loaned from 777 also apparently is now valued as £66M and the rest in equity (real money, or capital). Leadenhall will not have any claim, if any, to Everton than 777 – per the original deal with Leadenhall.

Leadenhall also is said to have a lien, a claim to possession of 777 assets only until debt is paid, secured against money owed. The lien is thus temporary and secures product or property in transit between dispatch and delivery.

Dave Waugh
25 Posted 08/10/2024 at 10:49:35
Sean#17 - "get rid of relegation" ???

What will we have to celebrate at the end of each season if there's no relegation to closely avoid ?

Shane Corcoran
26 Posted 08/10/2024 at 13:26:31
In Sean's defence, he's been posting on this site for a while, so he's possibly caught the conspiracy bug.

You know the ones where the Premier League (presumably spearheaded by the Americans) have been trying unsuccessfully to relegate our beloved club since the league's inception. This despite Everton doing 90% of the work themselves.

I think this particular one is relatively mild.

Mark Taylor
27 Posted 08/10/2024 at 15:57:25
I don't think Sean's comments about US owners' plans falls remotely into conspiracy theory, as Paul F suggests. It might be speculation but it is founded on a reasonable premise.

US ownership of Premier League clubs is high and still growing. The three seriously rich Gulf states already own a mega club each and while I would not rule out an attempt to own another, there is likely a natural limit.

Our American cousins on here have explained the rationale for the presence of big bidding Americans. They have monetised the NFL to a massive degree, well over double the revenue of the Premier League. But despite best efforts, American Football is geographically limited and does not ever look like being exported significantly elsewhere.

But imagine if you could do the same commercial job on what is a genuine global sport like football. While I think some of the bids and plans are over-optimistic, I can see the basic logic there.

Perhaps there isn't a plot for Americans to own 2/3 of Premier League clubs but, regardless, it is heading that way quite quickly and I'm struggling to see how they would not then want to implement as far as they can, the model they know has worked, including removing relegation (I think they'll pass on the idea of a franchise).

I'm not saying this is certain to happen but the pathway to it doing so is very well lit...

Bill Hawker
28 Posted 09/10/2024 at 03:52:29
"One is Analaura Moreira-Dunkel, who is a director for The Friedkin Group International and has served as a Roma board member since TFG's takeover in August 2020."

Unreal, I went to university with Analaura over 30 years ago. Hadn't heard the name since then and now I'm seeing it on an Everton website as part of the takeover group.

That's wild.

Duncan McDine
29 Posted 09/10/2024 at 06:10:36
That's pretty cool, Bill, what was she like?

Perv that I am, I read her name as AnalAura. To your knowledge, was there an aura?

Mike Gaynes
30 Posted 09/10/2024 at 06:38:10
Bill #28, sounds like you two will have a lot to talk about at the next class reunion.
Bill Hawker
31 Posted 09/10/2024 at 07:28:36
Haha...she probably wouldn't remember me at all as I'm pretty unremarkable. Neat seeing someone work their way up to a position like that.

I really hope this takeover by TFG is a huge lift to Everton FC and most importantly, the supporters.

Danny O'Neill
32 Posted 09/10/2024 at 07:32:02
You have connections, Bill.

Ask when the takeover is happening!!!

Mike, I've got an Army reunion next month. A mix of Everton, the obvious, Villa, United, City, Leeds, Newcastle,Tottenham, Hull, Huddersfield and Exeter City.

Should be lively!!

Tony Abrahams
33 Posted 09/10/2024 at 08:27:44
I didn't realize it was for that long, Shane, but they definitely tried their best last season though mate!

I'm glad it was last season and not either of the two before but I can understand the conspiracies because they have definitely created a cartel at the head of the circus.

Derek Taylor
34 Posted 11/10/2024 at 20:37:53
I wonder what's happened to Uncle Bill's few remaining shares? I haven't seen them advertised.
Michael Kenrick
35 Posted 12/10/2024 at 10:14:37

I would imagine they may well be locked up in probate for Kenwright's hugely inflated 'estate' – thanks to Moshiri giving him top dollar to the tune of around £40M for his shares that were sold.

That left Kenwright with 1,750 shares, which might be worth a cool £6.5M if sold privately at £3,700 per share! But Moshiri's shares currently appear to be valued at a fraction of that if the takeover stories of Moshiri taking a severe 'haircut' prove to be correct.

John Wilson
36 Posted 12/10/2024 at 15:15:30
Dan Friedkin is worth: US $ billion dollar: more than [former and may be installed, President] Donald Trump 4.9b, as Dan has 7.6b (Sept 2024), and Moshiri 2.7b. Textor allegedly has 3.3b. Wiki: Dec 2023, Dan 6.1b. 2020/ 2021: Dan 3b.

Friedkin seems to think 7.6b is enough to run Roma and Everton, maybe true if Moshiri can run Everton with 2.7b. He seems to be making nearly a US $ billion or more every year.

Fred Quick
37 Posted 14/10/2024 at 14:54:06
I was wondering how the date that the takeover would be ratified by the various bodies was arrived at, most seem to think it will be concluded this December, but when Moshiri agreed to a deal back in February 2016, it was less than a month before it was given official status.

Are there more hoops to jump through today, compared to back in 2016? Is it due to the complications of 777 / Leadenhall issues?

If the takeover is to pass regulatory muster, the club needs it done sooner rather than later, doesn't it?

Michael Kenrick
38 Posted 14/10/2024 at 15:27:56

That was then and this is now. It was always going to be longer than 1 month – more like 8 to 12 weeks.

Yes, there is a new stage to the approval process as well. I think it's described as an internal or independent review of the approval decision by the Premier League – but conducted internally. This is new I think from last season.

Since The Friedkin Group appear to have negotiated an agreement to pay off the 777 Partners/A-CAP loan(s), that should be resolved… but the Premier League may want assurances that Everton are immune from the Leadenhall lawsuit.

Everyone says approval has to be done quickly but obviously it won't be. Businesses don't like uncertainty, we are told… but life itself is chocka full of uncertainties. I'm sure TFG will continue to front up cash each month for as long as it takes.

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