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Everton Shareholders Association
November 2001 Meeting

John Shearon was Guest Speaker on Everton in Chile 


 November 2001 Meeting

I attended the Shareholder's meeting on Tuesday 20 November 2001, along with about 70 others.  Not all were Shareholders since guests were in attendance and the Chair made a point of making everyone welcome even the Lavender Hill Mob!

The event was programmed to take the following format:

  • Questions from the floor to the Association re the Club
  • Collation of Questions to be asked at the AGM on 3 December 2001
  • Buffet
  • Guest Speaker / Questions & Answers.

Not having attended such an event before, I was not quite sure what to expect.  I now know that the Shareholders Association are almost as much in the dark as the ordinary fan in the street but at least they have the ear of the Club and can channel concerns / queries / complaints.  They are not and should not be the only avenue for such communication, however the Fans Forum being another such mechanism.



The questions from the floor were many and varied but all seemed to have a similar thread running through them the Club do not appear to be keeping the fans informed enough about most of the things that concern them. To be fair, I don't think the Shareholder's Committee could shed much light on any of them but they were noted and I suppose they will be asked at the AGM.  From memory the topics covered were:
  • Kings Dock / Kings Waterfront Development
  • A New Fans Trust!
  • Plans of the Youth Academy

The final question put to the Shareholders Committee related to respect or lack of it that the Club shows to us, the fans, who through shite season after shite season drag the Club back from the drop.

This was from Ian MacDonald who was told he could put that to the AGM himself probably because there was no one else in the room who could have summed up the feelings of the average supporter so well.



The talk on Corporacion Deportiva Everton in Via Del Mar, Chile, went well.  This is what Ian MacDonald said about it:  

"If you could bottle John's passion and commitment to giving the Everton in Chile more high profile, you'd make a fortune.  As John states, this is a unique link in modern football not a plastic 'Let's make money' deal like Man Utd and the New York Yankees.  There is a real bond there waiting to be awakened in a manner fitting to John's endeavours."

To learn more about Los Ruleteros, visit my website all about The Other Everton.



The Q & A session I thought was excellent.  So many positive thoughts, questions, suggestions coming from the floor.  Gain & profit were not top of the agenda but ideas for links and sharing common goals.  This element will also, I hope, be passed on to the Everton Board at the AGM.

I remember at the previous meeting we were polled for our questions and a list was put together to be asked on the night.  Unfortunately bricks on the M1/M6 put an end to that, but if anyone is keen to have a topic covered then I'm sure the members of the ToffeeNet Mailing List who are prepared to attend could ask it for you.


John Shearon


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