Fans Comment
Divided we fall Terence Leong expresses his concern that negativity won't help the Everton cause 7 February 2002
I have been an everton fan for about 17 years now. Toffeeweb is one of the best things for an Evertonian, as football fans outside of England can hardly get their hands on news, prior to Sky TV and the Internet.
I visit Toffeeweb at least once a day. I salute all you for creating an environment for fans to interact. I don't know much, but I gather you guys do it 'free of charge' and willingly [ToffeeWeb most definitely runs at a loss! - Ed], for the 'love of the game' and the love of the club.
I recognise the need for an independent voice. However, I am increasingly concerned that the site may become a place for people to express their angst in a mindless and uncritical fashion. Yes, we need to make our voices heard loud enough so that the powers that be do something. Like many of us, I believe the rot started in the eighties: If not, how did we let so many Everton fans turn up and become Liverpool greats e.g. MacManaman, Fowler The top management was probably getting too comfortable, not moving forward, and now we are caught in a rut.
However, I feel that many criticisms are levelled in a far too shallow fashion. I state categorically that I do not agree with everything that Walter does. However, I find it disturbing that disgruntled fans are almost blaming him for everything.
Almost every [fans] article that is put up on the site is anti-Walter Smith. I remember that the editors of the site had mentioned before that they are merely representing the views of the fans, regardless of their own beliefs.
Yet, the overwhelming majority of articles are filled with unconstructive negativity. Either most of the fans are totally negative, or that the editors seem inclined to publish them. I recognise the efforts made by some of the supporters to put forward constructive suggestions. I get the feeling that some of them are already disheartened by the perceived lack of response from the powers that be.
I think that if the editors are not careful, the site can become a meaningless avenue for angst and to throw a 'pity party'. Let's not adopt - in sociological terms - a stance of "symbolic resistance". It will get us nowhere.
Let's push for constructive suggestions. Constant streams of mindless negativity will not rally everyone together to 'rise up against the bourgeoisie'. In fact, when people get all negative, skeptical etc. nobody is going to rally around. They'll drop out and become disinterested.
Merely stirring the 'class consciousness' (if I may stretch the application of the term' will not solve the problem.
What we want is for everyone to work together for the good of the club.
Let's keep the virtue of the community where Evertonians can come together and work (in whatever fashion) for the good of the club. Thank you for your time in reading this. Once again, thank you editors for your labour of love!
Terence Leong (Letter posted by permission)
A word from the editors:
While there has been a spate of less than positive articles about the state of our beloved club submitted to us here at ToffeeWeb Towers in recent weeks, we would like to assure you that we are in no way censoring or holding back views sent to us for publication that are pro-Walter Smith or positive in nature.
We always welcome the views of fans, whether it be informally through the Feedback page or in the form of written comment articles, from all sides of any current debates. It just happens that most of the articles we receive from our readers are on the negative side, more often than not the product of deep hurt at the state Everton finds itself in.
We can quite categorially state that we have no anti-administration or anti-management agenda; we provide this website to you free of charge and for no monetary gain indeed, since the web advertising bubble burst last year, we have been running the site at a loss because we feel as deeply for our club as you do.
If you feel that the overall tone of content at ToffeeWeb is unnecessarily negative, we actively encourage you to submit your own thoughts for publication on the site. If you feel that there is a balance to be redressed, the channels are open. Simply e-mail your submission to and we'll be happy to publish your views.
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