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The Liverpool Echo

It's not as if there's a pot of money we are withholding
By David Prentice, 21 May, 2004

PART TWO of our exclusive series with Blues' deputy chairman Bill Kenwright, answering the questions Evertonians have been asking in the wake of one of the worst seasons in living memory at Goodison.

Chief Sports Writer David Prentice asks the Blues' owner: What has gone wrong at Everton?

1. Do you personally think it was right to raise season ticket prices this season?

I have fought long and hard to keep the season ticket prices down for many, many seasons now. In the main we have really succeeded in this. Last summer I read in the ECHO a couple of letters complaining that by NOT increasing prices (to aid revenue streams) we had shown a "lack of ambition".

A no-win situation if ever there was one. I decided then, and indeed after the best season we've had for years, to support a price increase. We had to get closer to other Premiership teams.

Timing is, inevitably, one of the most important things in life. The fact that we have put our prices up, after a wretched season, is very difficult for fans to take - but this was a step that simply had to be taken.

2. Why is the club in such a weak financial position? Are we still recovering from the mistakes made in the past?

Of course mistakes have been made in the past. What club, or indeed what busi-ness, hasn't made mistakes? I personally don't think we have ever truly recovered from what must have been a £15m downside on Williamson and Bilic - but there is no point in looking backwards. Unless it's to learn from your mistakes.

We are obviously 'in such a weak financial position' because we have not got enough money in, and let too much go out. It can only ever be that simple. This is something that is constantly under review.

The restrictions of Goodison Park have long since been debated, so I suppose the next word I constantly have on the 'hit list' from fans is 'marketing'. There is no doubt, as other clubs have shown, that there is money to be made from clever, smart and professional marketing.

Our head of marketing, Andy Hosie, has spent the last 12 months or so assessing the club's needs and effecting changes in personnel policy to meet those needs.

Things are changing - for the good - in terms of marketing commercial bonds, and I honestly believe that it will not be too long before we start to reap the rewards.

3. Is the share issue not being considered simply because you do not want to dilute your own shareholding?

Absolutely not. We have looked, and continued to look, very closely at the possibility of a rights issue. This isn't quite as straightforward as it might sound. A rights issue, first and foremost, would have to be underwritten by somebody. If we launched an issue to raise, say, £15m (as was suggested some months ago) any shortfall would have to be picked up by underwriters.

Now that, clearly, represents a major financial gamble for all but the wealthiest of people, and institutions. The other problem is, I'm told, during the time that this would take, we would not be in a position to explore any of the other avenues for financial investment that we are now.

So, in short, I'm advised by people I trust that right now it is not the best option for Everton, but a share issue has to be a possible option.

4. David Moyes and Wayne Rooney are the future of Everton. What is being done to secure their long-term futures at the club?

Regarding David, I strongly doubt there is a mutually more supportive and open relationship in football than ours. David Moyes is a special man - I realised that the very first time I met him. He wasn't born an Evertonian but he has now been bitten by the bug - and he certainly has the passion.

Like any manager, David suffers the frustrations, but I honestly believe that he is totally determined to set this club back on to the right course. He's intent on staying around long enough to complete the task he has started.

Yes, we have sat down and discussed an extension to his contract - something which pleased us both at the time - and I know that when the time is right we'll both say 'let's continue that conversation'.

With regard to Wayne, I think I'm correct in saying that not once since he burst on to the scene has he ever indicated a desire to leave Everton. Wayne is a blue through and through.

As everyone knows Wayne still has two years left on his current deal; I have what I believe to be a good relationship with Paul Stretford, and I believe Paul when he tells me he too wants to see Wayne stay at Everton. Without any doubt we will be sitting down during the summer to continue talks on extending Wayne's contract.

5. Have you ever seriously considered your own position? Have you ever considered stepping down?

I consider my position every single day and night! There isn't, in all honesty, a day that goes by without me considering what it is I'm doing for the club. Not a day when I don't ask could I do more. Not a day that I don't ask whether I should stay or go. If there was someone better out there I'd move aside.

6. Are there any major problems you have difficulty dealing with?

Yes - the pain of the fans, and the Merseyside rumour factory. This week alone I have heard that David is going to be sacked, Wayne has definitely signed a pre-contract agreement with Manchester United, and that I won't speak to potential investors. All three statements are garbage.

I know that Evertonians worry themselves sick when they hear them. I had an early morning phone call from a female Evertonian on the Wirral who told me that she had been crying all night because of them!

I also heard that a certain newspaper had announced that David was getting 'A meagre £1.5m cash injection for new players next season'. That didn't help much either!

When I told my morning caller that the main part of yesterday had been spent meeting an investment bank and a financial house in the city in the morning; talking to a Liverpool lawyer about 'a consortium' (abortive) at lunchtime; talking to half a dozen fans who 'know somebody' in the afternoon; sharing several phone calls with Paul Gregg about a potential investment; even more with David about the squad and finally ending up at midnight with a real plus - a successful Evertonian now living in LA who seemed interested in investing - she seemed a little happier.

7. You must be asked questions all the time. Which is the one that puzzles you most?

"Where does the money go". It's as if those who ask that think there is a hidden pot of money somewhere that we are deliberately withholding from our fans.

That we are not spending every penny of income (and more!) on the football club, and that there is some hidden draining mechanism that is taking all of the season ticket money, and the Sky money, the merchandising etc. etc. away from where it belongs.

For once and for all - this is simply not true. Every penny that comes into our football club remains in that football club in some way or other.

The grand portion, obviously, goes on to footballers' salaries and transfer costs. I also don't know of any other Premiership club where not one director receives one penny in salary - and where three directors buy season tickets for their families.

Having said all of this, though, it is obvious that everyone connected with the club should consider their performance in this current predicament. No-one, including me, can sit back and not question themselves.

Things have to be improved. I don't want to over simplify but all income and expenditure has to be reviewed (what more can we make - what more can we save) and we have to continue to explore all avenues.

We all know that no matter what strides we might make elsewhere (our Football in the Community department this year was correctly heralded as the best in the league) what matters at any football club above all else is what happens during the 90 minutes of the game.

It's that 90 minutes we are all here to support. And it's success on the field that brings fans, players, management, staff and directors ultimate happiness. I hope we can achieve this together.


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