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Fans Comment
Kevin Sparke

Is it time to unthink the 'unsinkable'?
24 November 2005

Captain of the Titanic:  So youre telling me weve hit an iceberg, are holed below the waterline, 5 of the 8 watertight compartments are flooding, weve three hours until we sink and the nearest ship is not responding to our distress calls?...  Still, it cant get any worse can it?

Chief Engineer:  Have you counted the lifeboats captain?

Captain:  Shit!

Last weekend's WBA game was dire for Evertonians, especially the second half.  On balance, I thought during the first half we had quite a bit of meaningful possession (possession that could have led to a couple of chances on goal) but were either unable or unwilling to use it due to lack of skill, taking the wrong option (time and time again), or being over-cautious and not wanting to lose overall possession (which we inevitably did due to players putting themselves under pressure by retaining personal possession too long).

The second half was hell on earth.  Im not going to take the obvious route and blame the referee for yet another baffling decision against us, because The Baggies had a genuine call for a spot kick minutes earlier (handball).  It would have been a harsh decision, but Ive seen 'em given before.

What was noticeable was the body language of the players as they took to the field in the second half.  I dont know what had gone on the changing room at half-time, but it didnt seem to be inspirational.  Ive a feeling that there is a real rift in the Everton team ranks and that this rift is growing by the game.  Players seemed to be either reluctant or incapable of working for each other and producing chances through accurate passing and making space for each other to achieve this.

So, what is to be done?

Well, despite all of our expert analysis, bellyaching, conspiracy theories, poking holes in the air with our fingers in righteous indignation  Moyes will be in charge of Everton until either Moyes or Bill Kenwright says otherwise.  And, Bill Kenwright will be Chairman until someone else with more money than sense replaces him.  Unless youre the type of dickhead who turned up at the hospital bedside of the late Peter Swales learn to live with this uncomfortable fact.  Though, for you people who want success at any price, Im quite sure that there is some bent business consortium or plutocratic oligarch considering laundering their/his ill-gotten gains in the murky financial cesspool that the English Premier League has become; who knows, it might be our turn next.  (Nice recent corner piece, by the way, Colm).

If you honestly believe that wed be a better team under a different manager than Moyes, I respect your belief and your right to voice it.  Despite my protestations of optimism, Ive always considered that there might be some validity in this view.  (Im also certain that the prophets of doom and professional caterwaulers would be out in force screaming for the next managers head as soon as we lost two games on the run!)

However, I cant get away from three stark facts that trouble me over sacking Moyes:

  1. Who would we replace him with?
  2. Who would want to come?
  3. Would there be any more money for this manager; or would he have to work with players he inherits from Moyes?

Im wavering, but Im still backing Moyes in the very near future, because the alternative is too dark to contemplate (Bobby Robson?... ha ha yeah right!).  Nevertheless, even my patience is wearing thin; if the next three games bring less than 3 points, I think Moyes will probably resign or depart by mutual consent.

My problem is I really do want Everton, through Moyes, to come good and perhaps this wish has blinded me to the obvious.  I still believe weve enough players with talent to avoid the drop the problem being, do the players still believe this?  If not, Moyes will eventually need to consider his position and someone who can inspire belief needs to replace him.  (Who?...  Havent the foggiest...)

Finally, Rome was not built in a day but it was burnt down in one who wants to play the fiddle?  I certainly dont.

In Moyes I (reluctantly) still Trust  Dont let me down eh?


Kevin  Sparke


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