I thought long and hard about penning this piece; by publishing an earlier article I'd put together, ToffeeWeb had given me my platform; I'd had me say. But a lot of people seemed to believe I was trying to skirt the real issues. Colin Fitzpatrick's points hadn?t / couldn?t be challenged. The message was loud and clear: put up or shut up.
Let's just cut to the chase, and tackle them:
1) Colin claimed that in 2009 ?we were firmly establish as the team leading the pack to break into the top four.? He then tell us ?our stock had never been higher in recent years.?
I can't help wondering how he squares that with the fact that we had been struggling around the relegation zone for years before Kenwright took the reigns and although according to him, this period had been a complete disaster, our stock somehow ?had never been higher.?
2) Colin tells us Many ?Evertonian`s went to bed like passengers aboard the Titanic that night, ?blissfully unaware? that their optimism was about to be sunk.
Again I`m struggling to understand his argument, after years of struggling at the bottom of the ocean, under whose Stewardship did we experience this new found optimism?
3) Colin attacks the club's sell-to-buy policy.
With the possible exception of Chelsea, Man City and Real Madrid, every club in the world has/is or will sell to either buy, or pay off debt... that's the nature of the industry.
4) ?Evertonian`s have long since acclimatised themselves to the club's business strategy under Bill Kenwright, that is of asset disposal in order to fund the business.?
The squad assembled on Kenwright's watch is the most valuable in the club's history, the sale of just one of them could be enough to buy back any ?sold asset?. In real terms, the assets are where we want them ? on the pitch.
5) ?Moyes is only here due to Walter Smith's recommendation.?
Not according to Moyes. Walter's recommendation may have gotten him an interview, but Moyes recently stated that several people were interviewed. He claims it was Jenny ? Kenwright's partner ? who was impressed and urged Bill ?not to let this fella go?... besides, a couple of years ago, Moyes was offered a very lucrative contract. Whether you want Moyes as manager or not, or even if you think he earns too much, it was Kenwright who made him the offer and is therefore the reason he is at the club.
6) ?Kenwright's appointment to the board in 1989 coincided with the clubs decline.?
Sorry, that's just unfair and deliberately misleading. Other people were calling the shots for a decade, blaming Kenwright for errors made in the early nineties is like blaming Elstone for Kirkby.
7) ?The failure to secure the £30M from NTL is often overlooked by commentators.?
Err... no it isn?t but, the fair-minded will feel that wasn?t Kenwright's fault. Sir Philip Carter publicly stated that proposed investment from NTL was withdrawn literally hours before the money was, handed over. That part of the NTL organisation had gone belly-up; Kenwright couldn?t be held responsible for that. As for spending millions of it prematurely on players? Well, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
8) ?Kenwright's refusal to allow Paul Gregg to deliver the financial package which would have secured the iconic waterfront stadium, albeit dispensing with Kenwright as the owner, left the Everton board looking amateurish unprofessional and untrustworthy.?
Ah, the famous ?reverse? mortgage... Look, Kenwright was a prick, he should have admitted he couldn?t raise the money long before he did; attempts to buy time with this ?ring-fenced? shit were embarrassing... but Gregg? ... Paul Gregg? Did you not read what Lord Grantchester had to say about him shortly afterwards? Untrustworthy doesn?t begin to cover it; Gregg was later to slink away with his tail between his legs.
9) ?The Greggs later took a back seat.?
Tail... legs... between ? but not before they had convinced Trevor Birch that he couldn?t work with them.
10) ?Trevor Birch`s resignation Highlighted the near catastrophic debt situation at the club.?
Okay, Colin, give us a factual account of why Birch left the club, only forget supposition and innuendo. If you don?t know, just say so.
11) Having acquired the land to build the state-of-the-art training facility at Finch Farm, Kenwright ?sold to ROM Capital, a development company, Everton now rent the £8M complex for a figure in excess of 1 million a year over a 50-year lease agreement.?
Everton actually sold the land for over £2M, got a state-of-the-art training facility, and have a buy back clause in the contract.
12) ?The chairman has recently begged the new council to approve the latest more modest application for Bellefield.?
Na... he didn?t need to beg anybody, it was a shoe-in and has since been approved.
13) Kenwright was complicit with the sale of Duncan Ferguson.
Err... no he wasn't.
14) ?Moyes was Blackburn-bound?
Again, No he wasn?t.
Colin made a lot of points in his original article, I have disagreed with about half of them and I have said why.
I have called this piece A Coach and Horses for two reasons, not because I think I've driven one through Colin's article. Having listed my points I now accept that we merely have a different view of the same events.
I would like to think I have driven a coach and horse through the preposterous suggestion that, if you don?t believe ALL the allegations levelled at Kenwright, you are some sort of rabid apologist ? the bizarre idea that if you don?t agree with Colin on one point, you can't possibly agree with him on others. It's all or nothing, ?Apologist? or ?The Enlightened?
I was passionately against the idea of Everton Football being dragged out to Kirkby, I supported anything and anybody who opposed it, even wrote a couple of articles on this website... So I'm still scratching my head at some of the posts from Colin's friends who seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that I and others are somehow bitter because DK had been kicked into touch... What???
Colin Fitzpatrick is a talented writer, his adept use of words like ?apparent?, ?claimed? and that old Fleet Street favourite ?purportedly? give him a persuasive edge and can win hearts and minds, but his ?with me or agin' me? attitude dilutes the impact.
People who don?t believe Kenwright is to blame for EVERYTHING are dismissed as ?apologists? or ?unfortunates?. That may well work on the easily led, but in the long run will only serve to divide the self-proclaimed ?enlightened? from the free thinker. Many have long since given up responding to articles that strive only to find an even darker shade of black with which to paint Kenwright.
That said, Bill must shoulder his share of the blame for our manager having to try to operate in a straight jacket. For the lack of any recognisable plan, and for the deception. It's when he is repeatedly blamed for things that have quite clearly happened outside of his control, that people who feel a sense of injustice leap to his defence... thus ? somewhat perversely ? another ?apologist? is born.
The second reason for the title is I wanted to drive a Coach AND Horses through the notion that Colin's article quite simply couldn?t be countered. It can, and it has been... and whether you believe Mr Fitzpatrick's truth, mine, or anybody else's is immaterial ? it's important to recognise there is ALWAYS and alternative view.
And so to Colin's final point: he describes the attempt to move Everton Football Club out to Kirkby as the darkest period in our history. Well it's certainly up there... Seldom could the fans of any one club have been so bitterly divided. It was civil war! The AGM being perhaps the greatest casualty.
So who was responsible for this? Who silenced the small shareholder? Kenwright? Well he certainly shouldn?t be exonerated ? after all, he had painted himself into this particular corner... but I can't help wondering how much outside pressure influenced this decision? Literally millions of pounds were at stake and not all the players cared too much about Everton.
From the outside looking in, I always felt this was a kinda back handed compliment to Colin and the others. I hate censorship of any kind, but I have to confess, if I I had millions riding on Kirby getting the nod and had no interest whatsoever in Everton Football Club, I'd have wanted them silenced too. The damage is done, I don?t see the decision to abolish the AGM being reversed under Kenwright. Even now, a year on, there are still apparently scores to be settled.
Seeing Kenwright turn up all over the country to watch the team leaves me in no doubt that he loves this club, but that doesn?t alter the fact that he's neither use nor ornament, the need for change is obvious. The problem as we all know is, getting him out; he would fight tooth and nail against being forced...
The Spurs supporters need to be paid off; they're going nowhere without their pound of flesh. Then maybe Kenwright could be persuaded to move upstairs out of harms way, a ?lifetime? title (suggestions on a postcard), and a permanent seat in the Directors Box from which he can still look very important might just do the trick.
Earl, Green, and, for that matter, Kenwright, will all remain here until somebody with the necessary wedge and desire to remove them comes along.
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So we can safely say that you agree with Colin on the more substantive allegations about Kenwright. I'm glad that's sorted then.
Oh, I don't know... Sophia Loren in a bikini, or an Everton player celebrating his hat-trick against Sunderland??
In particular, I take issue with point number 4; In my view, our squad is valuable only in the minds of misguided Evertonians. Apart from Jack Rodwell, we have no-one we could sell and replace with assets left over to strengthen. I am afraid you have valiantly attempted to defend the indefensible.
It is 4:30 am, outdoors it is 50°F with a forecasted 100°F before lunch and I cannot be bothered with this latest episode of the Kenwright saga.
Much praise to contributors from both sides. It shows we have concerned people who care passionately about our club.
If I were to make a comment it would be only to emphasise the OUR in my previous sentence. Coming from someone 12,000 miles away that may seem odd yet my love for our club is stronger than it ever was.
Before the sand gets too hot for walking on I am off with my dogs for a dip in the Indian Ocean. Jeez it's a bastard of a life eh'.
I know the support is split on BK but up to now I am still waiting for someone to disprove any of Colin's comments. Your certainly haven't.
Nobody gives a shit about Bill Kenwright, except in that they think he is good, or has been good for the club (often in comparison to what's gone on at other clubs). Now he may not be good for the club, but that's you disagreeing with their opinion, I don't understand how you go from that to making up other people's opinions that clearly can't be correct.Dave's interpretation of the situation and Kenwright's record may be different to yours, but this piece taken on its own (I haven't read every single post on the other threads this follows on from) is an attempt to balance out a discussion, defending Kenwright where he thinks the criticism is unfair and criticising him when he thinks it is warranted. It certainly shouldn't be described as 'pathetic' just because he thinks different things to you.
In this country, the onus is on the accuser to prove the guilt of the accused. So sorry, mate, no proof, I was just giving my opinion ? like ColinI just hope that people who dont subscribe to the "Guilty of one thing, therefore he`s guilty of everything" will look at the points I`ve made and draw their own conclusions.
Your definition of comprehensive differs from mine, Colin wrote a very long article, some of it indisputable fact, some of it disputable supposition, some of it guesswork at best and some of it pure fantasy, and that is where the problems of this divisive issue lie in my opinion. I am not interested in what Colin personally thinks about any given situation, I am interested in what's true and what's false.
Comparing us to the victims of the Titanic? Really? The lurking shadow director pulling the strings? Really? Picking a majority shareholder as new Chairman elect that has been behind Kenwright in every decision he has ever made? in spite of making a case for basically blaming Kenwright for everything bad thats ever happened to EFC, Colin would back the election of one of his fellow bad decision makers as our new Chairman because? "he's a proper Evertonian" {a bit like grounhog day this isn't it?}.
Instead of using thousands of words to make the same tired old points that we all know about, just say it like it is: Colin and his supporters want Kenwright out at any cost good or bad.Micheal 36.You don't upset me mate, you do annoy me though, your comments preceding this article were uncalled for and unneccasary, why not just publish the article then comment on it as you see fit?
I'm aware of why Colin wrote the piece, and it wasn't to do with backing up his claims, it was a response to an overseas supporter wanting to know the the off-field history of the club, I believe.
So it would depend on your definition of history, I suppose. History to me means something that actually happened in the past, it doesn't mean someone guessing what may have happened, or someone speculating on a theory that exists only in the mind of the writer. History usually works for me when it's based on fact, perhaps you're less demanding as long as it suits your mindset?
You say Colin presented his case with aplomb; I say it was more like a party political broadcast on behalf of KEIOC, and like most party political broadcasts, is slanted towards making the party look to have all the answers.
As I've already said above, if we could just stick to the facts instead of throwing in the odd fantasy director here and the Titanic disaster there, then maybe the debate would move on a bit.
Oh and you assume I am a defender of Kenwright? Well maybe or maybe not... Colin's shadow director fantasy would leave him totally blameless would it not?
My point being that this is just a fantasy to embellish an article. Why do we need it? Deal with facts, maybe you'll recruit some new disciples.
"Keith Wyness resigned as chief executive amid concerns over Sir Philip Green's unofficial influence over Everton's finances." ? is that something that passes your high standards of veracity?
Did he? This is Keith Wyness, the much maligned and discredited liar {according to KEIOC} all of a sudden he's telling the truth, must try harder with your facts, Micheal.
In addition to this, you have to firstly question why Paul Gregg was paid by Philip Green for the shares now allegedly owned by Robert Earl, shares that currently reside in the ownership of a BVI company.
Secondly, what was the source of the money provided to pay Anita Gregg? Could it have been from the same source that paid Paul Gregg? On top of all that, I believe it is perfectly normal to question why directors of this football club need to approach Philip Green on matters that should be no concern of his. It?s amazing that you have faith in the qualities of the British journalist yet, when it suits, choose to ignore the plethora of information provided by them where they identify Philip Green as the very definition of a shadow director. I would suggest the reason why you do not question any of this is, despite your earlier protestation to the contrary, your accommodation of everything uttered by the Board and hatred of anyone and anything associated with KEIOC, which is well known ? particularly under your alter ego on Kipper. Questioning Keith Wyness?s statement immediately following his sudden and abrupt departure is a poor attempt to shore up your paper-thin argument but not as hopeless as your tea lady analogy in which you clearly plumb the depths of desperation; you?re well aware that professional advisers, bankers, solicitors, accountants etc are exempt from being categorized as shadow directors, the high court identifying only those who exert real influence on the affairs and management of a company.
And yet you described this article as seminal, there are a number of issues in the article that we could debate, I started with the shadow director bit because it was the easiest.
When you describe an article as seminal you must agree that to the outsider it would add gravitas, it may even imply that it is the absolute indisputable truth, you now admit that it isn't and some of it at least is based on someone's supposition rather than fact, now bearing in mind that this article was to give an overseas supporter an insight into the off-field goings on at EFC, would you say that the article is a true reflection of the past 10 or so years? Or merely someone's opinion of that period?
Colin makes some valid points and presents a good case for Kenwright's removal as Chairman, but in the same breath suggests J V Woods to replace him, based on? Oh yeah that's right: Woods was outside the Public Enquiry with a big banner supporting the anti DK group wasn't he? No? Oh well then, it must be because he's always been the dissenting voice on the Board when Bill was railroading his policies through? No?
Perhaps Colin can enlighten us as to why he would be a better Chairman than Kenwright is. Or maybe just say it how it is without trying to hide his obvious disdain for Kenwright, by saying "we'll have Woods as Chairman just so Kenwright isn't and even though that changes nothing, so what?"
You know very little of the role of a shadow director and are using definitions that you've found on the net based on legality rather than the way companies are actually run; you didn't like my tea lady analogy?
What about the RBS having a say in the way LFC was eventually sold... shadow directors? Not in the court's eyes but do you think they didn't exert a real influence in the affairs and management of a company?
I'm not questioning Wyness's statement, well not as much as you have in the past, so maybe when you did it, that was also a poor attempt to shore up your arguments? Or does that not count? And on the subject of hopeless analogy's, mine may plumb the depths, but surely not as deep as the Titanic?
Now just admit that your shadow director theory is just that, as I said before ? deal with what we know, not what you think. Let's face it, you've already been wrong in three parts of your response already.
A tactic you seem to use quite often in your responses to people who hold an alternative view to yours Colin, it's getting a bit tired and repetitive but also confirms your paranoia that gives rise to your more "out there" theories on the make up of Everton's hierarchy.
Answer me this: Do you think it possible that Bill Kenwright borrowed a significant sum of money from Green to facilitate the purchase of his Everton shares? Do you think that Green has financed the purchase of Everton shares by others, as Colin suggests?
Colin always uses his accusation of alter ego on another site blah blah blah, you hate KEIOC blah blah blah, as a diversion away from the debate. Watch Question Time on Thursday nights, you'll see it getting used quite often. It serves to put people like you on his side and by definition, me on the other side before any debate has actually taken place, and you have proved the tactic works quite well.Colins assumption/accusation that I must be a person who follows him around various websites in order to attack KEIOC, displays a certain paranoia don't you think?
What is of more importance, I think, is what happens now? I note that GP is being re-developed in part, all funded by the people who sell the pies and flog the shirts? R Elstone proclaims that this is entirely self-funding (sounds a bit like DK); the last time I came across self-funding was the Bernie Madoff 'ponzi' scheme, for which he is now serving life... It can't be that surely?!
This is worth looking at in another thread, since I have serious doubts about 'self-funding', It would have been helpful to all fans if Mr Elstone elaborate somewhat the means of paying for this development (at the same time excercising commercial caution) as well as which bit of EFC is offered as security whilst 'self-funding' goes ahead... but I suppose we will never truly know...
Thanks for your input, so we're all agreed that nobody knows whether Green's a shadow Director or not.
Just to clear up a couple of your points: The other Steve Smith was a bit upset about everyone knowing who he was, so if that was me, it would probably be best not to call myself Steve Smith again! Don't you think? You listed your "supporting evidence" I see, but just a fantasy in your mind I'm afraid Colin and I can prove it! quack quack!
I see you're using and repeating your rabid hatred blah blah blah lines even though you said you don't need to earlier in your post. So just for the record, I reserve my hatred for much more serious things than a football debate. I don't hate you {even though you said I'm a twat} I don't hate KEIOC, I do hate Maggie Thatcher {I know it's been yonks since she was PM but I can't let that one go} I didn't agree with DK, I think KD was the biggest mistake in the club's history, I do think Kenwright should step aside, but I also think it would serve us all better if we deal with facts.
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