Column Crestfallen – The Undermining of the Everton Brand The custodians of the Everton brand are displaying a gross misunderstanding of our club's traditions, aspirations and image. It also doesn't seem like they are listening. The new badge is an abomination and should be stamped out now before it really is too late. Lyndon Lloyd 25/05/2013 108comments | Jump to last If it ain't broke... Much of being devoted to a football club is an irrational business. The intensity of the passion, the depths of depression at the lows, the soaring elation at the highs... there's not much logic to it but at the same time it's perfectly in keeping with the human condition. The community, the feeling of belonging of Being Blue, being an Evertonian, however, is more obvious on its face. There are so many reasons why we were drawn to this special club, chosen as the passage we have adapted and adopted as our own goes, and at its heart is an identity. That identity revolves around the famous club crest. Perhaps only the iconic image of Dixie Dean which was cast in bronze outside Goodison Park or the Prince Rupert's Tower itself can come close to rivalling the crest as a single unifying, visual hallmark for Evertonians. We paint it on the side of our houses, use it as wallpaper on our computers and smartphones, as avatars on social media and forums, and we lovingly tattoo it on our bodies. Though elements like the year of the club's founding and the word "Everton" itself have been added in recent times, the core, ever-present elements first envisaged by Theo Kelly have formed that unifying identity and, until now, it was our emblem. Any decision to modify or evolve it should not have been taken lightly. As the most visible and omnipresent marker of an organisation's identity, its logo is an inextricable part of the brand. It should express the character, vision and mission of the organisation. There is a science to logos. The design of corporate marks is an industry itself; companies pay professional agencies thousands of pounds (sometimes tens of thousands) to design them, to construct a brand message, to convey the organisation's soul to the world. As the standard-bearers of the club's hopes and aspirations and unashamed revelers in its history, Evertonians envisage Everton's brand as encapsulating prestige, tradition, success, longevity, resilience, pride and elegance. School of Science, anyone? Theo Kelly's 1938 design Kelly "puzzled" over his original 1938 crest design for four months and the result of his patient deliberation was an encapsulation of the spirit of Everton FC: the Tower on Everton brow in the centre, "two laurel wreaths resplendent", Olympian symbols of "success", on either side, and underneath a heraldic shield, the motto "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum" which has, until recently, been the guiding principle of one of English football's most enduring and pioneering insitututions. At a time when Everton's Marketing and Communications department has been making great strides in terms of innovation, particularly in the branding and digital arenas, the tacky nature of the new badge is wholly at odds with much of the Club's character. (Perhaps it's not surprising that the change in identity was led by two non-Evertonians in the form of Director of Communications, Paul Tyrrell, and Commercial Director, Dave Biggar.) Big expenditure on branding by no means guarantees the creation of a successful or attractive mark, of course — the logo for 2012 London Oympic Games cost in the region of £450,000 and was roundly maligned for its ugliness — but by choosing to go in-house as Everton, a multi-million pound company operating in a multi-billion pound space, apparently have, the club have compromised the brand by delivering a badge that cheapens its image and erases decades of tradition, seemingly for commercial expediency. The rationale as explained on Everton's official website is that the old crest was "difficult to reproduce" in the digital age — a perplexingly contradictory argument, especially given the intracies inherent in the likes of Manchester City, Newcastle United and Manchester United's crests — and suffered from frequent misrepresentation in the media, with some of the floating external elements like the motto and the "1878" characters being left out. Rather than use the pretext of "modernising" the crest as an opportunity to tighten up the design to mitigate these complaints, they opted instead for sweeping simplification that casts aside tradition and plunges headlong into the aesthetics of low-budget clipart. If, at the behest of our overlords Nike and Kitbag, the driver is iron-on convenience, why not just float the existing badge (or a version thereof) in a larger heraldic shield? But then, if it's a third party driving your branding decisions, you've surrendered control of your brand anyway, undermined your own image and, judging by the reaction so far to this enormous mis-calculation, alienated a large portion of your customer base. Re-branding through corporate identity is a monumental decision with huge implications — re-printing of merchandising, advertising hoardings, placards, kit ranges, stationery, etc — but with merchandising orders already placed, that process is already underway and reversing this decision — as sense would seem to demand — is not going to be without its costs. It's not impossible or without precedent, though. Four years ago, orange juice producer Tropicana performed a very public but ultimately effective volte-face in response to a customer backlash to their logo and packaging redesign. Some of the feedback that Tropicana received through emails and letters described the new packaging as “ugly” or “stupid,” and resembling “a generic bargain brand” prompting the company to restore the original design, choosing short-term financial pain over long-term harm to the brand. Neil Campbell, president of Tropicana North America, explained the decision saying: "We underestimated the deep emotional bond” they had with the original packaging. Those consumers are very important to us, so we responded." Of course, had the leak of the logo to the wider audience of Twitter and Facebook — and, by extension, fan websites like ours — come earlier, this whole mess could have been avoided. In 2010, as part of it's own attempt to represent its evolution, US-based clothing manufacturer GAP floated the "trial balloon" of a new logo on the Web and quickly abandoned the idea after receiving overwhelmingly negative feedback. "We heard the message loud and clear," said Louis Callagy, a spokeswoman for GAP said at the time. "It's clear we did not go about this the right way. In the future, she said, the company would make more of an effort to "engage with the online community." Brand damage and enormous cost averted. Having allowed the process to get as far as it has without casting the net of consultation wide enough to catch the first whiff of supporter disapproval — the Fans' Forum was either too small or too sycophantic a sampling of Evertonians or they just weren't listened to — this could be a costly mistake for Everton whatever happens from here, depending on how much effect the new badge will have on merchandise sales. At a time when many Evertonians are becoming increasingly disillusioned about the running of the club and its place in the current Premier League order of things, and feeling particularly uncertain about the future following the departure of David Moyes, this controversy is certainly ill-timed. How the club reacts, if they do so at all, will speak volumes for its relationship with a large spectrum of the fanbase. As it stands, the custodians of the Everton brand are displaying a gross misunderstanding of our club's traditions, aspirations and image. It also doesn't seem like they are listening. The new badge is an abomination and should be stamped out now before it really is too late. What can you do? To contact the club with your reaction to the new badge, email or send a tweet to @Everton. You can also sign this petition and follow @NoToNewEFCBadge on Twitter. Follow @Everton1an Share article: Reader Comments (108) Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer Steve Ferns 1 Posted 25/05/2013 at 23:23:25 Done. Dave Kelly 2 Posted 25/05/2013 at 23:16:29 The new Badge, just like many other ill conceived ideas presented by the Club appears to have outraged large swathes of our support. In a bizarre twist of fate, it may ultimately bring together a fractured fan-base. The Peoples Club could potentially face a Peasants Revolt this summer. The Board have so many decisions to make over the coming weeks with the appointment of a new manager and the EGM to name but two.Whatever happened to the stability we once enjoyed, hey. Chris Regan 3 Posted 25/05/2013 at 23:40:24 Do nothing, the club won't listen. You are wasting your time. Gavin Ramejkis 4 Posted 25/05/2013 at 23:34:55 The amusing excuse of difficulty in reproduction and expediting a quick result have been blown out of the water, it took 30 minutes to produce this which quit literally wipes the floor with the childish and amateurish effort produced by the club - The EGM is going to be a rocky ride despite only the specified agenda to respond to plus the backlash this rubbish has caused. Mark McDonald 5 Posted 25/05/2013 at 23:51:14 I am not 100% sold on the new badge but excuse the pun but I think it will grow on me.I just hope the club (BK) uses the same logic and forward thinking approach in appointed our new manager.The badge is modern yet BK said last week Everton was an old-fashioned, hard-working industrial club.Interesting times ahead! Gerry Quinn 6 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:03:56 Let me understand this - is it just a badge for the shirt, or will it be used on everything to do with the club? Robin Hunuki 7 Posted 25/05/2013 at 23:57:29 I feel embarrassed and somewhat disgusted with the design they've come up with! Yes, I understand that modernising certain areas of the club is needed but not our crest. I feel that the crest represents who we are, how rich our history is and I'm certainly proud to have the word Nil Satius Nisi Optimum displayed on there. I'm up for change but not with the rubbish that they've produced!Here's something they can attempt to modernise, try some areas of GP! Joke! Gavin Ramejkis 8 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:15:09 Well if you think the new Everton badge is shite, let this guy know exactly what you think of it, apparently only person on the planet who does rate it and a member of the Fans Forum who are responsible for it - Si Cooper 9 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:11:52 Replacing the laurel leaves with '18' and '78' I could live with, but by widening the shield and truncating the tower to accommodate the 'Everton' they have produced an crude and ugly image. Dropping the motto is unforgiveable, but I don't suppose many who work for the club actually believe it anymore. Patrick Murphy 10 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:15:28 Lyndon a well written piece and may I suggest that you send a copy to the Club, Nike and Kit-bag even if it doesn't have any effect it is worth trying everything in our power to at least let them know how we feel.For those that say it is just a badge, well I don't understand you, I suppose it wouldn't matter if we moved to another City or another Country or renamed the club Liverpool Seconds, or if we just faded away and became another Accrington Stanley - who I think have a complicated badge which nobody thinks is difficult to reproduce - if the people who support the club don't care about what happens then I really don't know what the point of being a supporter is. Derek Thomas 11 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:17:39 short version; why am I not suprised. Matt Traynor 12 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:31:55 Gerry #130, it's for everything. They've already done the signage inside Goodison. Yet to replace the outside brands. Eugene Ruane 13 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:33:20 Patrick - "if the people who support the club don't care about what happens then I really don't know what the point of being a supporter is"Absolutely, there are so many responses I see on all kinds of issues that are.."Who cares?" "move on" "Is it important?" "does it matter?"Well look at the petitions, twitter, facebook, TW etc etc - it's Everton, of COURSE it fucking matters. Karl Masters 14 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:32:02 It's amazing how something like this is unifying many supporters. Sadly for the Club it's another own goal as it is exposing their disregard for the fans. There is ONLY ONE WAY to make these people listen. DON'T BUY ANYTHING WITH THIS BADGE ON IT. I have had the programme subscription since 1982, but that stops now as does the purchase of any kits or merchandise. That badge is embarrassing. Quite honestly EFC are embarrassing. They are fucking useless! Patrick Murphy 15 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:40:46 For those who are too young to appreciate the meaning of the Laurel Wreath here is a brief synopsis. A laurel wreath is a circular wreath made of interlocking branches and leaves of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), an aromatic broadleaf evergreen, or later from spineless butcher's broom (Ruscus hypoglossum) or cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). In Greek mythology, Apollo is represented wearing a laurel wreath on his head. In ancient Greece wreaths were awarded to victors, both in athletic competitions, including the ancient Olympics made of wild olive-tree known as "kotinos" (κότινος),[1] (sc. at Olympia) and in poetic meets; in Rome they were symbols of martial victory, crowning a successful commander during his triumph. Whereas ancient laurel wreaths are most often depicted as a horseshoe shape, modern versions are usually complete rings.In common modern idiomatic usage it refers to a victory. The expression "resting on one's laurels" refers to someone relying entirely on long-past successes for continued fame or recognition, where to "look to one's laurels" means to be careful of losing rank to competition.I wouldn't be surprised if the person responsible for removing the Laurel wasn't given a Hardy hand-shake by Mr B Kenwright - the old jokes are always the best. Andy Crooks 16 Posted 26/05/2013 at 00:41:12 It matters. It is an issue where the view of Evertonians can be upheld without it being in any way detrimental to the club. If the club continue with this it a resounding "fuck right off you don;t matter " to every Evertonian who understands that Everton were here before the premier league began. Noel Early 17 Posted 26/05/2013 at 01:15:24 RIP The People's Club...... Just who are these idiots on the supporters forums that gave the club the thumbs up to this design? I would feel better if they just came out with the truth and said it was done to save money with printing costs etc etc..... Well guess what, stupid board — it won't because Evertonians will boycott this new badge because it's horrific. Chris Bentham 18 Posted 26/05/2013 at 01:15:53 Get over it.. The crest needed changing as it didn't work in a commercial world. Nil satis nisi optimum will forever be our motto and part of our history but the new market don't feckin understand it... It's Latin. We slag the club off for not being commercially aware then we critize when they act proactive.. By the way wether u like it or not Nike the masters of marketing advised us.Oh they never consulted the fans.. I don't blame them reading half of these comments.Get over it.. You all will. Karl Masters 19 Posted 26/05/2013 at 01:32:43 Chris Bentham. Club plant? Phil Bellis 21 Posted 26/05/2013 at 01:38:58 LyndonFrom an earlier thread - the riposte, cut me to the quick"Nick Armitage096 Posted 25/05/2013 at 22:22:04Phil Bellis - Because I don't care about a badge, and let's face it, plenty them have been shite down the years, this means I don't understand? A well reasoned and rational argument"We've got no chance - the mind boggles! Si Cooper 22 Posted 26/05/2013 at 01:51:43 Chris Bentham - even if the crest needed replacing (debatable point) the club needed to replace it with something better, not immeasurably worse.Even when attempting to attract new fans the heritage and traditions of a football club should not be cast aside lightly.Saying things have changed before doesn't actually justify changing things now. The only criteria that really matters is whether the result is an improvement that went before or not. Ian Black 24 Posted 26/05/2013 at 01:20:25 The new badge looks like the sort of badge they would create on the computer game ISS Pro-Evo, when they're not allowed to use the proper badge. Maybe this is the way the board see our future direction? Create a 'brand' (I so hate that word) that any generic, impartial viewer/gamer can immediately identify with and form an immediate bond, so as to widen our fan-base. The new badge is more striking in the respect of being quicker for the eye to interpret and imprint in the mind, which of course is the reason why it has been dumbed down; who needs to see a latin phrase which requires interpretation? To reach out to new 'followers of the brand' this would make sense; as these new followers who watch the games have no regional bias and if they can see a badge or label that is easy to identify with, then they may feel more comfortable with associating with that in the future.However, this way of trying to branch out to untapped markets doesn't consider the retained market. Those that are hooked on the brand and are going to stay loyal, come what may, are having their opinions marginalized to the point where they don't matter. The board will probably reason that no lifelong blue is going to suddenly change their allegiance due to a badge change that is similar to the original; albeit it looks like it has been haphazardly etched into the pebbledash, by the clawed fingernails of Rod Hull falling off a roof. I personally don't believe any blue will support another team due to this badge change. I also believe the board know this and this is why they are bulldozing this through, whether cajoled by Nike/Kitbag or not, as they feel it will improve our global 'brand'. Also personally, I think this whole things shits on us fans, the ones who will be here, whatever the weather, the ones who make Everton Football Club what it is. Why not go the whole hog and change our name to the 'Merseyside Blues'? Dan Dorrington 25 Posted 26/05/2013 at 02:48:03 Likes of Tottenham and (unfortunately) Liverpool did their rebrand with a bit of class. Everton inevitably stumble arse over foot over something really not that difficult and concoct that abomination. Amateurish. Gavin Ramejkis 26 Posted 26/05/2013 at 03:38:14 Chris Bentham, utter crass. Take a look at many historical logos still in use to the present day, look at the coins in your fucking pocket. Look at the logo of the Royal Air Force - per ardua ad astra - meaningless? Look at the logos of the clubs playing in the tournament in USA this summer, apart from the obvious new kids on the block all are traditional well known club badges of many years standing, the mind does indeed boggle. Companies have pissed away small fortunes on this rebranding bollocks before and had to back track, the club has far more pressing concerns such as its lack of a first team manager, piss poor marketing and retail, piss poor shirt sponsorship and will have wasted an not insignificant amount with this utter dross. Patrick Murphy 27 Posted 26/05/2013 at 03:49:47 Hi Gavin a relation of mine lives in your neck of the woods, she lives not far from the Stanley public house, I'm going to visit them in the next few weeks and thought if you live close enough to her, it would be an idea to meet up. What do you think? Michael Penley 28 Posted 26/05/2013 at 04:39:19 It seems to me the best way to demonstrate that the club listens to and consults with their fans is to reinstate the old crest. If over 90% don't like it, how can the club claim that they consulted with fans? Either they used an extremely small and biased group or it's not true that they asked any of the supporters at all.This is a fantastic opportunity for them to show how much the opinion of the fans means to them. Listening to this kind of feedback would generate much respect for the club. On the other hand, ignoring us would do the opposite. At the very least a response should be made by the club. Either it will be that they listened and took action to restore the old crest, or it will be that the opinion of the fans don't matter and that designers and a group of "experts" know better. Brian Cleveland 29 Posted 26/05/2013 at 05:11:15 I've sent my message including the phrase "I cannot kiss this badge any more than I could kiss Steven Gerrard (a Kirkby kiss maybe!)".... strong enough? Peter Leslie 34 Posted 26/05/2013 at 07:09:13 Trying to think rationally about what, if anything was 'wrong' or dated about the previous crest...I've been through design/rebranding processes like this professionally and learned a few things along the way. The 1983 version was, to be fair, actually a bit shit if we're honest. The point is, is this an improvement...Firstly the colour: this was not Royal Blue, which always bothered me: it was a horrible mid-blue, and worse, from a reproduction point of view, the background had a cheesy looking fade and drop-shadows that are supposed to give it depth, but make is less crisp and clear: these needed to be addressed.What else? The word Everton - which used an awful, generic font and hence looked crap. Subliminally, using this name at all betrays a lack of confidence - like "you won't know who we are unless we tell you"Next, the laurel leaves - inside the shield, up-top and small, they would disappear if reproduced at a small scale. Then the 1878: if you use a font in a logo, use the same one - a heritage font for the numbers and a crap modern one for the name, it looked crappy. And the motto: there was a (weak) argument for sidelining it, based on its lack of 'modern-world relevance' - but this was a big miscalculation: you are what you project yourself to be: so a motto that stands for the vision of the club, and positions us as a proud, tradtional, authentic founder member should have been accentuated, not done-away with. This is the biggest crime of the lot. The tower: this could have been argued to be a bit detailed or out of proportion to the real one - but the use of heavy and pointless shading makes it worse than it was. And finally, for me, the yellow border, which just looked crap, and should have been removed. So having done some analysis of what to keep, what then?To craft a successful logo it needs to be crisp, sharp, clear and recognisable at all scales, from the size of a twitter avatar on a mobile phone, to an embroidered shirt or hat badge, up to a billboard or a huge flag. And it should reproduce just as clearly in monochrome / black and white / grayscale. And it should 'work' as an icon alone, or with optional associated textual elements (think Nike swoosh +/- the word Nike, or the Liver Bird +/- LFC)So does this revision work on any level?Well, for me, they got the blue right. And that's it. Otherwise, they have retained, accentuated or emphasised all the worst aspects, and destroyed or diminished everything else that speaks to tradition, heritage, values and authenticity, while STILL not achieving the necessary clarity, simplicity and crispness needed for the revision to be a) justified or b) accepted by the brand's customers / owners. In marketing/design speak, it is a horrible fucking abortion, and don't even get me started on the "consultation" process. In my view, all those responsible for conceiving, designing, managing, endorsing or approving this process and its final outcome are traitors to Everton and deserve to be set on fire.Once again we are humiliated and compelled to decide whether to hurt our club by voting with our wallets and rejecting this insult in all its forms. When will Evertonians wake up and fucking DO SOMETHING to take our club back from these muppets, or at least send them a message in a form that hurts and humiliates THEM and not the Club?...Sit-down protests on the pitch, or on Goodison Road? Blockade the directors' car park and Club Shop on match days? Stop buying all merchandise, right down to programmes and matchday pies... Email all the club's sponsors and service providers to tell them this boycott will extend to all THEIR products too (Sky, Nike, Kitbag, Chang, StubHub..? Unsubscribe from all forms of Club social media/emails...? All stand and Point at the Directors Box on 18 and 78 minutes...Whatever you do, commit to DO SOMETHING, and stuff the happy clappers if they don't like it. Nick Armitage 35 Posted 26/05/2013 at 08:34:31 Phil Bellis - perhaps you should elaborate as to what the riposte was. You implied that I don't understand, well I beg to differ. Look at some of the old crests and emblems down the years, they look like they have been drawn by a 10 year old. I agree that this one also does but I really don't care, the club have far more important issues, like the ESA called shareholders meeting and the new manager. Like it our not we will be dictated to by massive commercial interests, and I don't like being at the behest of Nike, but look at the flip side, we are entering a summer tournament that we could only have dreamt of a year our two ago; I strongly suspect Nike had a hand in this.I don't like this crest, but then again I thought the last one was over fussy. Arsenal went down the same route years ago and I remember their vehement protests; it ain't made much difference to them has it?Unlike everyone else I really don't care about this crest. But insinuating that I don't understand because I am not outraged is simply infantile and pathetic. Phil Sammon 36 Posted 26/05/2013 at 08:57:24 Nick'Unlike everyone else I really don't care about this crest. But insinuating that I don't understand because I am not outraged is simply infantile and pathetic.'The fact that you 'don't care' is certainly a worry. If you passionately liked the badge or even thought it was ok, I could appreciate your view. But to not care? You don't care about the identity of the club you supposedly love? Well what else is there to care about? David Marsden 37 Posted 26/05/2013 at 09:32:38 Well, sorry gents but I like it. It definitely a shock but think about it compare to others with an open mind and you might just too. Remember it ok to fear change! George McKane 39 Posted 26/05/2013 at 09:44:49 Modernism.Brands.We are told continually that "we have to move on - be up with the times". Can't stand it all.When you argue or disagree vehemently with some items on ToffeeWeb you are asked"Are you an Evertonian".I am - 56 years+ going to Goodison - now with my 42 year old daughter and 21 year old Grandson - steeped in history.If you allow yourself to accept hype on one thing - - like acceptance and "topping your hat gratitude" of being grateful for finishing in the top 8 for a few years - then do not be surprised that the "powers" believe they can sell you anything.I am 64, a Blue, and like Marlon Brando when he was asked "what are you protesting about now" - - Brando answered "what have you got".Never trust Marketing Men, Consultants, anyone in a double breasted suit wearing brown brogues.Long Live The Luddites. Anthony Flack 40 Posted 26/05/2013 at 10:23:22 I tweeted to the club as soon as I saw it, polite and appropriate but not published. I emailed but doubt it will be read. Next they will ditch Z cars, rename Goodison and Kenwright will get an MBE for services to Football. I would not give him a fucking CSE.These working groups who look at this sort of thing give themselves a self gratifying sense of collaboration. But they end up suffering from something called group think (look it up it can fuck up a lot more seriously than our club badge). I worked for a bank which very nearly launched a bank account the brand monkeys wanted to call "the working women's account" only when it got to us dullards in IT was there any suggestions it might be misinterpreted... Nick Armitage 42 Posted 26/05/2013 at 10:35:33 Phil Sammon - I have said, I don't like the badge, but then again there are plenty in the past which have been equally poor.And when did I say I didn't care about the identity of Everton? Read what I have written and don't put words in my mouth. I have said I don't care about a badge, one badge in a long succession of generally poor and uninspirational badges, NOT the identity of a football club. I do prefer the last badge, but I can understand in these times why the club has changed it.If Kenwright hires Martinez there won't be a backlash of this magnitude, and we all should find that far far more worrying. Don't let me not caring about a badge worry you. Alan Clarke 44 Posted 26/05/2013 at 10:47:35 Talk about an overreaction. It's just a badge. I read some knobhead on twitter comparing our new badge to the Kings Dock and Kirkby fiascos. It seems people have no perspective. The reaction by Lyndon and the rest who are so disgusted by the new badge is ridiculous and it cheapens the valid arguments most of us have with the club.For years, there've been hundreds of posts on this website criticising the club for not doing enough to maximise the potential of the American and Far East markets. This badge is designed to help do that. The previous badge had no clear brand. If you sold a shirt to an American, they'd have no idea who the hell we were. If you sold a shirt in China, why would they give a shit about a Latin motto? Football in the PL era is different now, we need money to compete. It's no longer about local fans and because of that some 'traditions' will be sacrificed. Money is made through the foreign markets so we need to appeal to them with a clear brand. It's probably why the club didn't consult with local fans about the badge.As an owner of my own company, having a clear and precise brand is very very important. If you see a van with the brand 'Brilliant Plumbers' on you know what they do rather than 'Clarke & Sons'. Unfortunately Everton is not the same as Manchester or Liverpool because apart from the local fan base no one knows where the hell it is. Hence why the new badge is designed to tell everyone who we are, especially Americans. We can't trade off our place name.It is no coincidence the new badge was announced on the same day as announcing our involvement in a high profile tournament in the US against some illustrious European teams. Because of their history, Real, AC Milan and Juventus are already well known. When we play against them, US fans won't know who we are.Out of interest, our old badge was only introduced to the shirt in 1991 so it's hardly like the club are doing away with some time honoured tradition. I note from the names criticising the club now, they're the same people who criticised the club for not doing enough in America.We shouldn't be arsed about this, there are far bigger fights to be had. The appointment of our next manager is the biggest one and anyone moaning about a new badge rather than focussing on real football matters needs to have a serious word with themselves. Sam Fitzsimmons 45 Posted 26/05/2013 at 10:19:14 By the fourth week of the new season will anyone give a rats ass on the merits or not of the rebrand. Will it have any relevance to who will be managing us next season, the players we selll or buy, performance or league position. The next time I'm buying a wool hat with the new logo I probably won't think that's a shit logo so I'll not bother, or if some oil rich oligarch is decidng to invest he's not going to say I'll not bother because the club have crap logoThe re-branding is a simply a marketing decision with no doubt a sound commercial rationale that's aimed at a wider global audience, we're not going to stop supporting the club becuase of a few tweaks to a logo so why get ourselves wound up by it. Heritage and tradition? Gary Mortimer 46 Posted 26/05/2013 at 10:40:40 Nick #227. You say (quite rightly) that there are more important issues, but that is the whole point.We have no managerWe have no investmentWe have an old crumbling stadiumWe have increasing discontent with the board - EGM's etc..It's all right thought, here's a new badge! That'll cheer the fans up . . . . apart from the fact that the new design is far too basic and looks very cheap in comparison to the current one. The Board have their priorities seriously wrong if they thought that the badge needed revamping was really important to the fans..It's all about money and that money is not going to be invested into the team. Robbie Muldoon 47 Posted 26/05/2013 at 11:34:10 I can stomach vastly different opinions on what each of us see on the pitch because that's football - it's open to interpretation to a large extent and we are only spectators. But this bastardisation of the club crest is something else. I have just read a comment saying the new badge, 'will grow on me'. Yes mate, and a cancer will grow on you too. It's ironic that what this badge completey symbolises now is the ineptitude of the current board and decision makers at the club. EVERTON FC is a club ran by a group of people with a SMALL CLUB MENTALITY. This now, is undeniable. I was looking forward to the excitement of a new manager, but now I realise we are at the mercy of a group of clowns who can't be trusted to do ANYTHING right. The way we are heading right now is scary. In a couple of years will any of us be able to identify with this club still? Carl Sanderson 48 Posted 26/05/2013 at 11:31:55 Karl 165:Perhaps he's Shane Duffy?Tim 213:I think this new badge is part of the Club's tendency to massage our expectations downwards.Removing the laurels seems to signify that they no longer expect to win anything. As for removing the Nil Satis Nisi Optimum... well, it speaks for itself, doesn't it?Liars, charlatans, hypocrites, amateurs - losers, basically - run our Club. James Stewart 50 Posted 26/05/2013 at 12:06:03 @128 that badge wipes the floor with the official one. Ray Roche 51 Posted 26/05/2013 at 11:59:12 Chris Bentham @ 163Chris, Si Cooper hits the point bang on, if change is needed, change for the better, not the worse. I hope to God that you are not one of the "fans" the club claim to have consulted about this badge, you appear to be one of the only ones who regard it as an improvement. If "being commercially aware " is producing something as dire as this, words do, indeed, fail me. As for not consulting the fans, what is a club WITHOUT fans? Pathetic comments. Joseph Foster 52 Posted 26/05/2013 at 12:12:28 The new badge sucks. Maybe the old badge was considered as false advertising. Rob Pursglove 53 Posted 26/05/2013 at 12:14:44 For anyone interested in how other clubs have gone about redesigning their crest, take a look at design Roma, Nice and even Crystal Palace have managed to update their crests without totally butchering them. As for Everton's effort, well, it's just shite.One of the more amusing aspects of this whole debacle is that the club claim they used an in-house design team because an outside agency wouldn't understand what the crest meant to Evertonians. Peter Truin 54 Posted 26/05/2013 at 12:39:03 Peter Leslie 225I totally agree with every piece of your post and have already decided to do something; although my only merchandise buying only stretches to buying the shorts and socks to wear at the gym, which stops now, I have also made the biggest decision with regards to Everton to date....I will not set foot inside Goodison Park until the current regime has gone. The Everton I see today is unrecognisable to the one I chose to support in the late 70s, even though my father and brothers were following THEIR team to unstoppable glory. Joseph Foster 55 Posted 26/05/2013 at 12:41:21 I also think the timing for such a change is wrong. We have just had the biggest change a club can have with Man Utd sleeper agent, Comrade Moyes, being activated by his handler at OT. It feels a bit like the club is being dismantled. BK will not be happy until the crest is just a picture of his teary-eyed face. Eugene Ruane 57 Posted 26/05/2013 at 12:54:56 Rob (303) - Re Palace. To show how supporters more often than not despise these meaningless changes, I have two mates who support Palace (and I'm sure they're not the only ones) who STILL shout "Come on The Glaziers!" Palace only became 'The Eagles' in the early 70s coz flash bastard, manager Malcolm Allison wanted something 'more modern'. Ognjen Mojovic 60 Posted 26/05/2013 at 13:26:28 What can we do to save the old crest? I know that I'm a bit boring, but I just want to suggest that we maybe should 'unlike' the Everton FC Facebook page until they bring back the old crest. NSNO Robert Jones 62 Posted 26/05/2013 at 13:30:46 I quite like it. Reminds me of the badge from 1978-82, which was on my first kit as a lad. Wasnt the incorporation of the motto on the badge a relatively recent thing anyway? Phil Bellis 63 Posted 26/05/2013 at 13:45:48 Robert, you've got a poor memoryVisit... to near the end to see the badge(s) you refer to - nothing like And take a look at the classy, clean 1991 version, while you're thereContrast and compare to the new abomination Christine Foster 64 Posted 26/05/2013 at 13:51:31 Frankly its just a further example of the club doing what it wants to do, bastardising the brand, seeking the views of David Moyes more like, not any supporter.Anyway, think about it: this is the management team that brought you Kirkby, Kings Dock, lied to you, misled you, prevented its shareholders from asking difficult questions. An now, cheapened a brand of quality. It wasn't broke so why did it need fixing? Are they so out of touch? Do they really think they know better than the views of just about every Evertonian? The door is firmly shut to fans at Everton FC. Leadership? Kenwright – you're a disgrace. Elstone?? Where are you, you spineless wimp? I am all for change; change that is considered, wise and justified. So, come on: Justify it. Where was the huge call for change? (Hard to reproduce??? My god they must still think we use Singer sewing machines...)To hell with them all.. All we need now is a nice manager from a northern town with no money or another Scot with no qualifications. Peter Laing 65 Posted 26/05/2013 at 14:17:25 How much will this re-branding cost with new signage, letter heads, design and consultancy etc etc, considering Everton are allegedly cash strapped surely this money could have been put to better use. Maybe this disastrous waste of money will be filed under the escalating other operating costs. Robbie Muldoon 67 Posted 26/05/2013 at 14:24:47 Does anybody else feel sorry for the lad who designed this? They kept it in house so the person responsible for all Everton's marketing materials was also tasked with one of the biggest jobs you can face as a designer. It should have went out to a design agency, but apparently the club were scared to offer it to somebody outside Everton because of the risk they don't get us. Same philosophy with the managerial searc and it will have the same results. We're are a laughing stock right now, a real embarassment. Anthony Flack 68 Posted 26/05/2013 at 14:27:48 Alan Clarke 272 I do not agree with you but suspect you are right. The attachment to features like the Latin, the scrolls or the year are important to the established consumer but not to new audiences..... John Crook 71 Posted 26/05/2013 at 14:52:42 I guess the push for the new badge is looking from an international branding perspective. As in trying to increase awareness of the Everton brand by actually using the name Everton in the logo. I wondered how well the Everton brand is actually known throughout the world. Very little is the probable honest answer. However, like everyone else, I'm very annoyed to see the removal of Nil Satis Nisi Optimum. Surely Nil Satis could've been added to the the left and Nisi Optimum to the right? I don't think there would've been as much uproar if that was the case. And if that is the only adjustment then surely it won't be too complicated to add to it. Paul Gladwell 72 Posted 26/05/2013 at 15:01:17 Cannot get my head around these blues claiming its just a badge, just like some said Goodison is just where we play, FFS the only thing we have which other fans do actually envy is our heritage and these fuckers are destroying that.The current badge has been on the kits since 79, my mates Dad has it on his grave, these fuckers have ripped it apart, fair enough alter it a bit with class, not like a Primary school competition. Danny James 73 Posted 26/05/2013 at 15:05:45 I don't think this new logo has been designed for the core Everton fans This seems to me to be designed solely for the benefit of overseas promotion and marketing. Many countries wont have a clue an everton logo is an everton logo unless they see the word everton actually on it. It seems very American. I don't see the fuss. Our badge has changed so many times over the course of our history. To me this will just go down as one of the times our badge is a bit crappy. It is the pink strip of badges. Phil Sammon 75 Posted 26/05/2013 at 15:20:48 What has annoyed me most of all is this blatant lie that the club has 'consulted the fans'. The club has its little nest of hand-picked nodding dogs who claim to be fans and these people are supposed to represent us. Now maybe these people are 'real fans' but they are put in a position where they either say "I love it" or they are booted out of the group and a more compliant fan is brought on board. We all know the big Everton fan sites - couldn't the club cast an eye over the opinion polls and see what a resounding bashing the crest was getting even before its release.I had to laugh at the Everton Twitter feed when they announced the new crest - they had purposefully lined up about 5 tweets to announce it, justify it and then list a host of top clubs who have also changed their badges in recent years. They were obviously expecting the backlash they received. The final tweet actually showed Barkley wearing a top with the new motif on - it was fucking enormous. If they are that size on the kits then god help us. Brent Stephens 76 Posted 26/05/2013 at 15:38:57 Phil #357 "We all know the big Everton fan sites - couldn't the club cast an eye over the opinion polls and see what a resounding bashing the crest was getting even before its release".That just shows me how inept they are. Either not to look at those sites, or to look but think they could just ignore the strong feeling against the new design. Phil Sammon 77 Posted 26/05/2013 at 15:53:15 I think that's it Brent. They've seen the reaction and thought, 'Fuck 'em, they'll have what we give them.' Ross Edwards 78 Posted 26/05/2013 at 15:45:09 Send in the clowns, oh wait they've already arrived. It's a circus, the last two weeks at this club have confirmed that. Our ringmaster has gone from one joke to the next. It's painful to say the least. It is embaressing to be an Evertonian at the moment.To say they consulted someone, were they even shown the design? The propaganda on the OS is just a load of crap. "Evolution"?, it looks like a beehive stuck on a sheriff's badge for christ's sake!A 5 year old using an Etch a Stetch has created that. It reeks of bumbling, embarressing amateurism, which reflects the last 14 years under these morons. No doubt the primary school children that created this got their £5 pocket money from Uncle Billy.They'll be a double blow with either Stubbs, Weir or Wheeler Dealer being appointed tommorrow. The board are at the moment torturing us, stabbing us in the you know where's with a pin, and enjoying every moment. Steve Jones 80 Posted 26/05/2013 at 16:24:37 Why are we changing our crest?. Because Nike tell us to. If we had professionals in the team we tell Nike to get stuffed and talk to Umbro. As we have half-wit amateurs in the hallowed offices of Goodison we accede to Nikes 'suggestions'.The target to hit at is obvious...and its the organ grinder not the monkeys. We need to make it financially unwise for Nike to push the change on us. We boycott Nike gear across the fanbase, not just the club gear but everything, and make it clear to them why we are doing this maybe it'll be worth their while to pull the puppet strings and make this one quietly go away.The Director of Marketing for Nike UK is one Nicole Hubbard. Her email appears to be Dont know what the rest of you plan to do but I've just mailed her outlining the mistake Nike have just made and the fact that myself and my family wont be buying Nike gear for a while. Paul Gladwell 81 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:17:50 Danny, I just got back from two islands on the caribbean today and our badge was very well known by the locals, that badge has been on our shirt since 78, that's 35 years of our history minus those couple of years in between but even then the badge was still our badge even when it was not on the shirt. Tony J Williams 82 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:16:04 It's shit, that is all. Where was my questionnaire about it? Ask the fans? I assume he meant to ask all season ticket holders? I must have missed mine! Brent Stephens 83 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:37:10 Steve, I've just emailed her as well. Robin Cannon 84 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:34:05 I saw the various posts criticizing the badge before it'd been announced, and I genuinely thought they were premature panic-mongering. I simply didn't believe that the club would pursue such a cheap, tacky and appalling "rebrand".Turns out I was absolutely wrong.The announcement on the club site is downright insulting. Not only is it terrible, but even the reasons they give for the change are outright shit. "Consulted with fans" - strange, given that 90%+ think it's terrible. "Easier to reproduce" - crap, utter utter crap. It's just a lie to say this. "Other clubs have done it" - oh, great, so we'll just act as sheep, then? Phil Sammon 85 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:48:38 SteveI've sent the following:Hello NicoleI write to both complain and inform. I don't know if you have had any personal involvement with the design or commission of the new Everton badge, or whether Nike as an organisation have suggested it. However, whilst understanding the need for change, I feel the badge to be more befitting a child's colouring in book than the shirt of an illustrious and historic football club. Had I been alone in my opinions I would have accepted the design and accepted myself to be a minority. However I have not spoken to a single person who thought it to be anything other than 'absolutely terrible'. An online petition has started up and received over 11,000 signatures in 24 hours. Every available form of social media has been exploited to chastise the design and its imposition on us - the fans. Perhaps most alarming for you is the threat it poses to merchandising. Swathes have already announced their refusal to purchase any form of clothing/kit/merchandise until our original badge is reinstated. Others have asked for their season tickets refunded in protest to this blatant disregard for the very people who support the club. Again, I must stress, we are not against change. However, images of the badge were leaked weeks ago and the response was entirely negative from the fanbase. The club obviously knew they were pressing ahead with plans that would upset people, yet they didn't care a jot. We all feel very let down and hope that something can be done to at least raise some concerns in an official manner. Many thanksPhil Sammon Peter Truin 86 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:49:07 Robin 394Other clubs have invested and shown ambition too.Bit of a pity we can't act as sheep and follow Man City and Man Utd. Mike Hughes 87 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:42:05 My usual stance on forums is taken from a line in a song:"Say something once, why say it again?" (Psycho Killer, Talking Heads)However, on this occasion I'll break my rule.That new badge is shite.Shite (italicised and underlined). Peter Truin 88 Posted 26/05/2013 at 17:55:36 Mike Hughes 403.Concise and to the point.I love it; email it to that Nike bird. Pete Gunby 89 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:02:14 If it ain't broke ......So many problems to deal with and the brain trust at Goodison decides to 'fiix' this.Dissapointing and predictable. ..should be our new logo Pete Gunby 90 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:04:52 motto,not logo. Steve Jones 91 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:02:30 Good mail that Phil. Key point made that Evertonians arent going to buy Nike stuff with this badge on. I'd like to try and amplify that to get Evertonians to, more generally, boycott Nike kit until Nike put pressure on the club to reverse the decision. Maybe something the BU can take up??? Richard Dodd 92 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:17:13 Next step is a tie-up with a Chinese company who tells tthe club Blue is an unlucky colour and we must play in RED !It happened to The Bluebirds of Cardiff-it could happen here! Ross Edwards 93 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:26:10 At least they consulted the fans Doddy.... Paul Gladwell 94 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:33:50 Even Bluekipper has a statement slagging the club off for this. Peter Thistle 95 Posted 26/05/2013 at 18:54:14 The worst part about this new design is it will replace the logo on the outside of Goodison Park. Imagine seeing that clipart rubbish on a 30 foot version. I feel sorry for the people who live in the road opposite, they will have to see it every time they leave their house. Brent Stephens 96 Posted 26/05/2013 at 19:10:01 Phil, well put. Tom Hughes 97 Posted 26/05/2013 at 21:16:47 The results of the ToffeeWeb Poll on this issue tells you all that you need to know about the new design. In my opinion it is a weak carricature, almost cartoon representation of our emblem. Personally, I almost don't care if we have a badge on the shirt or not. When I first went the match we quite famously didn't have a badge...... everyone knew who we were in those days, and perhaps it might be a refreshing and quite unique approach.( In fact I think "nothing" might be better in this case). However, the club always had a badge (at least they had since 1938). I have not yet seen a valid argument for its replacement. I attended the meeting with the shareholders association, and said I would reserve judgement based on the fact that I wasn't sure if I had seen the genuine article yet. Part of me thinks this whole episode is some kind of joke.... a distraction from the multiple major issues even. Judging by the reaction I don't think it can be viewed as anything but a spectacular own goal. I think if the club commissioned a design competition amongst its fanbase, the junior-school supporters would beat this effort with ease. A tweak is one thing, but this is a demolition job. Why? John Keating 98 Posted 26/05/2013 at 21:48:52 Apart from Dumb and Dumber at the Echo I have written and e-mailed a s many people - including Ms.Hubbard at Nike - to express my disgust at this abomination.I would urge like minded supporters to do similar.It possibly won't change anything but we must at least try.It wouldn't surprise me if the next article from either Dumb or Dumber extols the Clubs Marketing Dept for their foresight and the fact that " Everton Supporters Universally Aclaim the Rebrand "Next it'll be wearing red shirts and coming out to a song from One Direction ! Simon Harris 99 Posted 26/05/2013 at 22:07:23 Peter #434 - I luckily got a photo of my daughter (her 1st game) and her Grandad on Goodison rd last season with THE giant crest behind them. For as long as I can remember it's been a nerve tingling feeling turning the corner to be confronted by the iconic Everton crest looming in the distance. I fear next year will be a disappointment. Danny Broderick 100 Posted 26/05/2013 at 21:56:15 I was feeling sorry for anyone with a tattoo of the badge. Until I realised I have the crest outside my front door!Beyond belief - how can they just decide to change it like that? Sadly I'm not 100% surprised they decided on this course of action... Colin Glassar 101 Posted 26/05/2013 at 22:40:11 Most of the nationals will be reporting on the fans discontent re the badge tomorrow. BK's mask is starting to slip. Kevin Hudson 102 Posted 26/05/2013 at 23:12:31 Lyndon,In light of both your position, and the overwhelmingly-hostile reaction amongst your readership, I'm wondering if either yourself or MK would consider a subsequent boycott of any future display of the crest on ToffeeWeb..? Patrick Murphy 103 Posted 26/05/2013 at 23:25:35 Tofferweb gets a mention on NBC website and there is another opportunity to vote against it if you so wish. Harold Matthews 104 Posted 27/05/2013 at 02:01:14 It's all quite sad. Mike Keating 105 Posted 26/05/2013 at 03:41:15 What a way to celebrate 50 years as an Evertonian (my first game was a 3-1 drubbing of the shite).I sent this to the club but don't really expect a reply;"I don't know who you you consulted about this but it certainly wasn't me or the 90% of fans who think it is trash. I would like to know how much you paid your in house team for this - a five year old Liverpool fan with a working knowledge of Photoshop couldn't have done worse.As we approach my 50th season as an Evertonian, I couldn't be less impressed."Sent from my iPad Michael Brien 106 Posted 27/05/2013 at 09:59:29 Personally I can't see what was wrong with the old crest. When that was introduced and featured on the 2000-2001 kit I thought it looked very impressive, in my opinion it has been one of the best " interpretations" of the Everton crest that there has been.The question to ask is is it being replaced by something better ? Well in my opinion it certainly isn't, the new crest looks like something that I would've done when I was 13 or 14!!!!! It looks like we have been given a " text speak" version of our crest- no need to put on the motto eh lads ??! Not very good in my opinion and hopefully the club will get the message. We are a club with a proud tradition and history and I am afraid that this new "intrepretation" of our club crest is one of the worst that I have seen. Robin Hunuki 107 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:16:28 sure how legit this is, however definitely shows that the Club had completely ignored the fans... Chris Rudd 108 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:26:16 Robert Jones - "Wasnt the incorporation of the motto on the badge a relatively recent thing anyway?"Yeah, 1938...that's fairly recent! FFS!The words "In-house design team" - that tells you all you need to know about this club. Michael Penley 109 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:40:21 BBC article to see this getting so much publicity, shows how important it is to us. Ernie Baywood 110 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:32:33 Just rewatched the video on the site. Looking back on it, the fans forum rep doesn't seem too enthused and stops short of saying that he or the group actually liked it. Unless there's another interview with him, I'd say he was careful about what he wanted to say about it. Carl Sanderson 111 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:37:58 EFC state that they consulted "a representative fans' forum". I don't know about you, but the fans' forum doesn't represent me, or indeed anyone I know.It is a charade of consultation, so typical of the hypocrisy, arrogance and contempt that characterise this Board. I could swallow those characteristics, if the people concerned were competent. But they are not competent: they are fucking useless. Shaun Brennan 112 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:45:32 Chap's it's made number 1 of the most popular stories on the BBC Ernie Baywood 113 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:46:24 By the way, where exactly are they selling merchandise with the new logo? The Everton Direct store has nothing but the old logo... or have I been looking at the wrong store for the last few years? Carl Sanderson 114 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:45:09 Chris 681:Ironic, isn't it? They've outsourced every other part of the operation - kits, etc - but kept this re-design in-house, with the result that we have seen.Why does a football club need a design team anyway?Everton - a disgrace to their own heritage. Dean Barton 115 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:51:38 This is a copy of the pointless email that I have just sent to the clubTo whom it may concern.I would like to make my feelings known about the re-branding of EFC. As the peoples club I would expect fans feelings toward the change to be taken into account.I feel the new crest is not befitting of a great and traditional club such as ours. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I am not alone with this viewpoint respect the feelings of the majority and make a U-turn on this. It is an unnecessary change and quite frankly I am astounded by the clubs stance on this.From a 4th generation season ticket holder and from next season my son will become the 5th...... Please do respect mine and the rest of my fellow Evertonians standpoint and do something about this.Regards Dean Barton Dean Barton 116 Posted 27/05/2013 at 12:56:48 Shaun 686RevolutionWe will win this guys.......KEEP FIGHTING Paul Gladwell 117 Posted 27/05/2013 at 13:05:18 Strange these people that are defending it in their few make comments like 'its only been on the kit for less than 20 years' erm 35 and that it's not that new a badge erm 1938' read your history first. Tony Draper 118 Posted 27/05/2013 at 15:20:04 The opening 3 paragraphs of this item are frankly some of the best assembled words EVER about our beloved EVERTON.Mine may NOT be genius, but by FUCK I mean them !I don't want smart n shinyI want GOODISON PARK !I don't want "lucky in the far east"I want ROYAL BLUEI don't want to sit next to Japanese/Norwegian/Cockney tourists on a once in a lifetime experienceI want the grumpy old guy from Garston who travels on the 68 that saw WILLIAM RALPH DEANIF I did want shiny, red & NorwegianI'd have buggered offI haventI'm a BLUEAnd if that irritates ANYONE then I DGAF !I want2 laurel wreathsNil Satis Nisi OptimumRoyal BlueZ CarsGrumpy from GarstonAnd kenwight OUT !Cos I understand !For ME there is NO EXPLANATION ! Shaun Brennan 119 Posted 27/05/2013 at 16:37:04 It's the Kirkby Stadium of all badges. Tony Draper 120 Posted 27/05/2013 at 15:33:19 kenwrightget thisThe traditional EVERTON Shieldwith96 in itTHAT WE WOULD DO'cos WE have dignityBut you, "weeping william"You have NONE ! Tony Draper 121 Posted 27/05/2013 at 16:41:29 Mick KeatingYou said diffrently much of what I feelThanks. Brent Stephens 122 Posted 27/05/2013 at 16:48:04 Our crest is fallenWhats with Bill and his pen?Oh for my Latin Gavin Ramejkis 123 Posted 27/05/2013 at 19:32:23 The retweeted picture shows exactly what these arseholes had planned'History' , 'Tradition' , 'Heritage' , 'Relevance to Fans' = REMOVE Chad Schofield 124 Posted 27/05/2013 at 22:56:30 I've just written to Nicole from Nike too. Although tempting to suggest the "design team" responsible for this gash would probably redesign the Nike swoosh by getting Suarez to run a dkid matk down a shirt, I was very polite. I pointed out the far reaching negativity this has received, how their brand being so prominent next to this shit was damaging and how it was being suggested that Nike actually played a part in this mess. Hopefully they'll distance themselves from this mess (no not the team), and the board will haveto back track. Michael Penley 125 Posted 28/05/2013 at 02:21:49 Can someone show me an example of the crest being "badly reproduced"? I honestly don't know where they got that from. Even if it's true it seems to me it would be harder to reproduce it badly than correctly, since all you have to do is stick a picture file of the crest and you're done. This isn't the 1920s, it's the electronic age and you don't have people drawing out things by hand anymore. Gavin Ramejkis 126 Posted 28/05/2013 at 11:40:32 Michael if anything this abhorrence is easier to copy - the fat Barcelona type shield and the bastard offspring of the tin man from the wizard of oz and an Everton mint Conn Prosser 127 Posted 28/05/2013 at 12:10:21 When we're bottom by Chrismas, we won't blame the loss of Moyes or Conchita Martinez, or the players, or even Kenwright and the rest. We'll blame this new logo.I honestly don't feel disenfranchised by the club's insistence on this cheap looking badge. I'm just disappointed that it really does look weak. I understand the need for change and the value of appealing to a global audience, but I also understand the necessity of spending a bob or two on one's image. In-house design team means cheap and it shows.i'd rather have an iffy logo and a good manager, so get perreira in and this will not matter. 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