Club provide season ticket update

, 6 May, 27comments  |  Jump to most recent

Sales approaching 25,000 after Guarantee Your Seat period

Everton's Guarantee Your Seat deadline for 2016/17 Season Tickets has now passed and the Club can confirm almost 25,000 Evertonians have secured their seats for next season.

Supporters were given an extended 48 hours in which to renew for the 2016/17 campaign in response to high last-minute demand on Tuesday evening.

Tuesday was the best day of Season Ticket sales the Club has experienced in over a decade, with more than 3,500 Season Tickets purchased by supporters.

In total, the number of Season Tickets purchased since the Early Bird window opened on Monday 21 March is almost 25,000, up more than 1,000 on the numbers achieved at the corresponding stage of the sales period last year (approximately 24,000), these numbers are also tracking ahead of 2014 sales.

However, it is not too late to join those who have already pledged to be there to back the Blues in 2016/17.

A host of great Season Ticket seats are set to be released from 8am on Thursday 12 May, allowing those supporters yet to buy a Season Ticket to snap up some of the very best views the stadium has to offer.

On top of that, the Early Bird window will remain open until Wednesday 25 May, meaning you can still take advantage of our discounted prices.

Earlier this year, the Club announced that all Season Ticket prices across the stadium had been either reduced or frozen.

Adult seats for 2016/17 are available now from only £420, a move that represents a ‘free game' when compared to 2015/16 prices — and means on average across the stadium, a Season Ticket bought during the Early Bird window for the 2016/17 season is cheaper than a decade ago.

Season Tickets for young Evertonians in Junior and Infants schools and aged 11 and under remain at £95 — just £5 per game — and are available in any stand.

The Club has also lifted the upper age limit for young Blues from 16 to 18-years-old and prices for those young fans are currently £149 throughout the stadium, less than £8 per game and a £50 price reduction for this age group in all stands with the exception of the Family Enclosure, where the price has been frozen at £149.

Fans aged between 18 and 22, at university or college, on apprenticeships or in their first jobs, or trying to find work can buy a ‘Young Adult' Season Ticket fixed at £299 across all stands, replacing this season's price of up to £382, and costing our young adult fans less than £16 per game.

Prices are also reduced in the Senior category with a Season Ticket in any stand in the stadium reduced to £299, representing a saving of between £29 and £83 for the 3,000 fans in this age group.

Despite the close of the Guarantee Your Seat window, online sales are continuing for any new Season Ticket purchasers and the only seats being held are those Season Ticket seats which will form part of the Great Seats Released campaign.

To buy online now, click here. Or, for more information about Season Tickets, including key dates, a full pricing grid and payment options click here.
Please note, the Great Seats Released date has been moved back 48 hours from that originally advertised.


Reader Comments (27)

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Chris Regan
1 Posted 06/05/2016 at 19:56:23
I really struggle to believe this is correct. The apathy and anger I hear from so many Blues these days is unsurpassed, even by my recollections of the Smith and Walker eras (errors). I'm surprised people want to pay up hard earned cash to when there's a chance BK will try to keep Martinez. If anyone saw SSN today withSharp and Graham Stuart coming out in support of RM and excepts or believes their endorsements they seriously need their heads testing.
Mike Byrne
2 Posted 06/05/2016 at 20:40:04
I agree with Chris Regan - the stinks of Kenwright's bullshit
Bernard Smith
3 Posted 06/05/2016 at 20:40:21
My first time at Goodison was back in the 1950 s and over those years if I had a pound for every time somebody said they were never going again I could buy a new ground for Everton. Yes people say they are disillusioned but they still support Everton through thick and thin.
Patrick Murphy
4 Posted 06/05/2016 at 20:49:43
Couldn't it just be the case that the supporters of the club put their money into the club because it's their club? They may not all agree with who the manager is or how the team plays but they do turn out in significant numbers and have done for over two decades despite seeing some pretty average fare during that time.

Those who have purchased Season Tickets, should be applauded because it would be far easier for many of them to say to hell with Everton. I do hope the board can see past those figures and start pre-season on the right note and not forge the tired old path that they have done for so many years and give their loyalty to where it belongs to the fans.

Ian Riley
5 Posted 06/05/2016 at 21:15:32
Find it surprising considering the club gave two extra days to secure your seat deadline. Let's face it the price is fantastic. Aston villa are offering a similar price for championship football. West Bromwich Albion are a similar price.

If nearly 25000 have renewed. It's out of real hope. If Martinez stays. He will be out by the half season tickets are announced. Or having a season ticket in the premiership for the last time could happen.

What do we expect people on the payroll to come out saying. There not millionaires. There salaries pay the bills.

Ray Robinson
6 Posted 06/05/2016 at 21:30:58
I have renewed because I firmly believe that the phenomenal one will be gone by the start of next season. However, clearly Evertonians have masochistic tendencies.
Chris Regan
7 Posted 06/05/2016 at 21:50:28
Patrick, as I said, I find these figures surprising as so few blues I speak to are happy with the current status quo.
James Flynn
8 Posted 06/05/2016 at 22:02:18
Patrick (4) - "Couldn't it just be the case that the supporters of the club put their money into the club because it's their club?"

This is the exact reason.

Peter Gorman
9 Posted 06/05/2016 at 22:18:07
Yesterday the KCNA (press agency of North Korea) released a report on the successful conclusion of the 70-day campaign with a great victory to be specially recorded in the history of the Korean nation under the guidance of Marshal.

Successes claimed by the Party include but are by no means limited to the following;

Self-defence capabilities have been remarkably bolstered and the campaign plan has been over-fulfilled 44 percent in terms of industrial output value, and industrial production has grown 1.6 times as against the same period last year.

Workers in the four vanguard fields have performed labour feats in the van of day-and-night campaign. Those in the field of power industry honoured their 70-day campaign quotas at 110 percent.

The Ministry of Coal Industry carried out its coal production plan more than 10 days ahead of schedule and results of capital tunnelling and preparatory tunnelling have jumped several times as against those in the past.

The field of railway transport carried out the plan for the transport of major freight at 124 percent.

More than 70 farm machines of over 20 types have been invented and manufactured, typically potato harvester, self-propelled sprayer, combined plowing machine, combined soil governing machine, small multi-purpose farm machine and combined rice thresher.

The plan for the production of machine tools has been over-fulfilled more than 60 percent and index-specific campaign plans have also been carried out in the machine-building industrial field.

Workers in the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex and Hungnam Fertilizer Complex produced 1.2 times as much fertilizers as before.

The nationwide cement production plan has been carried out at 141 percent and a boost has also been recorded in the production of varieties of building materials including glass.

Workers of forestry stations and mine pillars production stations honoured timber production plan set by the Ministry of Forestry at 137 percent.

Officials and workers in the fishery field have over-fulfilled their plan for fishing and seaweed culture more than 10 percent when the results of the Ministry of Fisheries are taken as a whole.

A number of consumption goods producers have hit their goals for the first half of the year or the yearly ones. Some of them even set a record by fulfilling two-year production quotas.

Those in the field of land and environment protection and workers and other people across the country including youths and students planted hundreds of millions of trees in mountains covering more than 100 000 hectares.

Baby homes, orphanages, orphans' primary and secondary schools sprang up across the country and the Mindulle Notebook Factory was built.

Scientists and educators across the country registered three times as many research achievements as against the same period last year to be conducive to the economic development of the country and the betterment of the people's living standard.

The report concludes by noting; "The 70-day campaign of loyalty clearly showed the world how the great Kim Jong Un's Korea is advancing toward the eminence of the century."

What is the point of me posting that you wonder? To be blunt, and without wishing to belittle the suffering of the people of North Korea, I am simply more inclined to believe anything published by KCNA over Everton FC and their risible website.

Damian Wilde
10 Posted 06/05/2016 at 22:26:08
I renewed as I have a great seat and didn't want to lose it. However, I will not go whilst he's still in-charge, starting against Norwich. I can't stand going to watch a team managed by him.
Dan Davies
12 Posted 06/05/2016 at 23:03:35
Peter#9. Some post that you must be mightily pissed off mate.
Mike Hughes
13 Posted 06/05/2016 at 23:44:44
Mr Moshiri, let's be incredibly frank here.

In the first season we got a phenomenal record points haul for Everton. Phenomenal. Just missed Champions League by (holds finger and thumb close together).

Then second season syndrome. You know. I know. It happens. But all the media pundits loved the football. The School of Science was back. It was amazing, beautiful. The stats showed we averaged 63.45945% possession. Amazing, I think you'll agree. (smiles warmly).

The third season we got to two incredible, incredible semi-finals, losing only to big-spending Man City and Man Utd. The fans love it – look at those amazing ticket sales, a record I think. Mr Moshiri. The future is bright, no? We are in an incredible moment. About my contract ......

Christopher Dover
14 Posted 07/05/2016 at 05:17:07
Why did I renew my season ticket?
I did a short piece on that and while not a lot of reaction to it the vast majority said should go for it.

This season was my first since a kid, I have the time and could afford it, the down side was probably the worst football seen at Goodison for years.

I was adamant that I would not renew while Martinez is manager, now the but, I wanted to keep my seat, the price drop is hugh( pensioner rate) and I just have to believe that Martinez will go before next season.

If he does not go I can see my seat being left empty on a number of matches and will not renew the following season as championship football as said by RM is not for me.

Paul Andrews
15 Posted 07/05/2016 at 06:56:31
This is why nothing changes.
They have us hooked and they know it.
Tony J Williams
17 Posted 07/05/2016 at 07:37:09
X 68 Lower Gwladys is now free for someone to get.
Great seat with a great view, right next to an exit and the end of a row.

I hope whomever takes it enjoys themselves.

Unfortunately some nuggets sit near by.

Peter Murray
18 Posted 07/05/2016 at 08:12:24
It's called "loyalty".
Brent Stephens
19 Posted 07/05/2016 at 08:19:42
Tony #17 "right next to an exit". Is that the main attraction these days?!
Dave Abrahams
20 Posted 07/05/2016 at 09:02:51
Brent (19) I think it helps when you are in your seventies,and definitely if you watched Everton last season,makes it easier to get out for an early dart.

Must confess though I always stay to the end no matter how bad they are,and last eighteen months they have been dire.i still haven't renewed my season ticket yet.

Brent Stephens
21 Posted 07/05/2016 at 09:28:16
Dave #20 I also stay to the end, come what may. Have renewed my ST but it's still a novelty to me to be a ST holder the last 4 years, having been living / working away for many years.
Bob Skelton
22 Posted 07/05/2016 at 09:29:28
Nothing else to do on a Saturday, so I've renewed, mind you I am into a bit of Bdsm so that could explain a lot....
Jay Tee
23 Posted 07/05/2016 at 12:30:50
Can't believe it either. My son and I have already purchased but, on asking him if he definitely thought Martinez would still be there next season, he said he would not have renewed. I think the extensions etc are due to poor sales, myself.
Dave Ganley
24 Posted 07/05/2016 at 12:46:56
Ive had my season ticket for years and as Patrick says, I support Everton and not the manager. I renewed a few weeks ago, I didn't see the point of umming and ahhing as eventually I knew I would renew. It will take more than Martinez to drive me away. I will be here long after he is gone. I like where I sit and I like all the people around me, all of whom have been there as long as I have.

We all want Martinez gone and maybe if I hadn't been going to the game for so long, I may have had the urge to go and do something else with my cash. As it is, i'm a lost cause regarding Everton goes. I never leave early and still expect us to be challenging for the title (see, I told you i'm a lost cause). Its the people who stay behind after the Norwich game to applaud the lap of dishonour (and there will be quite a few I assure you) that need their heads looked at, not the people who buy season tickets in the eternal hope that something may change.

Damian Wilde
25 Posted 07/05/2016 at 13:23:05
How come you gave up your seat, Tony, 'cause of the deluded one?
Ian Hollingworth
27 Posted 08/05/2016 at 08:01:24
Unfortunately BK takes blues passion to go to the game as a direct endorsement of both himself and Martinez.

If that is not the case then please vocally let them know that at the Norwich game.

David Graham
28 Posted 08/05/2016 at 17:22:13
I've not had a season ticket in years but, if I had, then I too would probably be gullible enough to renew just because of the love I have for our club.

Like many other blues, I support the club, not the manager; with a bit of luck, Bill and the Board of Directors are letting him make more of a fool of himself. I further hope Sunderland and Norwich turn us over... as I said, I hate saying it... but, if it gets rid of Martinez quicker, then I will take it.

Keith Harrison
29 Posted 10/05/2016 at 07:54:46
Why does it take 6 days after the 'extended' deadline to then make the remaining seats available?

Is some poor gal marking the sold seats off with a Bingo dibber before handwriting the ones left on a scrap of paper? This would then be photo-copied in town and given to all the telesales girls in the Goodison Box Office.

Peter Laing
30 Posted 10/05/2016 at 19:25:55
I've had a season ticket for the best part of 20 years, 2 juniors in addition for the past 5 years but to be honest I haven't renewed. The past two seasons have been painful, it's been like watching the slow death of a much loved dear relative. Even the Cup runs, City and Chelsea games aside have been miserable. The kids are bored attending, arse about for most of the games and with precious home wins at a premium I really can't be arsed at the moment such is my apathy. If we hear some concrete news from the board and appoint a new Manager I might have a rethink.

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