Be a part of the Everton Fans Forum

, 29 September, 0comments  |  Jump to most recent

Evertonians are invited to apply to become members of the Club's official Fans' Forum.

Four Evertonians are being sought to serve a three-year term on one of the most active and engaged Fans' Forums in the Premier League.

The new members chosen will replace existing Fans' Forum members who have served their tenure.

The Forum, which meets monthly, helps shape Club policy on fan-related matters as well leading on a number of club/fan-related projects. Over the past year, projects the Fans' Forum have been involved with have included helping to set ticket prices, improving the matchday experience, helping to design new branding and signage around Goodison Park, devising and delivering fan events, leading on the new Holy Trinity Statue, providing feedback for the Premier League's Away Fan Initiative and making improvements and contributions to the matchday programme.

For this intake of new Forum members, the group is seeking creative and dynamic individuals who will be available to meet monthly as well as get involved in individual project groups that meet their interests.

Nick Mernock Chair of the Everton Fans' Forum said: “Supporters are the lifeblood of any football club and this is a great opportunity for Everton fans to get involved, share their views and ideas with the Club's decision makers and help their fellow Blues in the process.

“We're seeking fans who can help continue to take the Forum forward as we build on a successful 12 months. The coming year is an important one for the Forum as we work alongside the Club to deliver the Holy Trinity Statue, the new branding of the concourses around the stadium and beginning to work with Club retail partner Fanatics on new ranges designed by the fans for fans.

“I would urge all passionate Blues — from all walks of life — to apply and make a difference to the Club.”

To learn more about the work of the Forum please read the terms of references which can be found on the Fans' Forum Section of the Everton website

To apply, simply complete the application form explaining why you would make a suitable candidate. The application form is available at the bottom of the webpage here.

The closing date for applications is Friday 14 October at 5pm and all applications are greatly appreciated.


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