Season › 2021-22 › News Guidance issued for fans attending Goodison Park this season Thursday, 5 August, 2021 100comments | Jump to most recent Everton have provided guidance to fans who will be attending games at Goodison Park that they should have proof of double vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test in the last 48 hours. Everton, along with all the Premier League clubs, are preparing to welcome back capacity crowds for the first time since March 2020, and are anticipating government rules on large gatherings that are expected to come into effect at the end of September, when higher levels of vaccination will provide the major tool in combating the pandemic. The requirements are outlined in a statement posted on the Official Everton Website: All Season Ticket Members and match ticket purchasers will be able to attend without social distancing restrictions in place and will be provided with the necessary guidance relating to COVID-19 protocols ahead of matchday to ensure the matchday is as safe as possible for all supporters. As part of these measures to maximise safety, minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and follow government guidance and Premier League protocols, fans should be prepared to present, if asked when entering the stadium, their COVID-19 vaccination status or proof of a negative COVID-19 test result within 48 hours of the match.Fans can learn more about how to link their vaccination record to the NHS app here.Supporters should also bring a face covering to wear when in the stadium, in line with government guidance on gatherings in enclosed places, and should arrive at the stadium in good time.All payments inside the stadium will be contactless, to speed movement through concourses and minimise contact at all points of sale. Supporters should not attend Goodison if they have returned a positive Covid-19 test within 10 days of the Southampton fixture, if they have any Covid-19 symptoms — including a high temperature, new continuous cough, or a loss of sense of taste/smell — or if they are required to self-isolate. The full guidance is contained in a Supporter Code of Conduct that can be accessed via the link below. Full guidance can be found at Reader Comments (100) Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer John Beesley 1 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:14:25 When will we be free? Charles Brewer 2 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:18:18 The sooner all government advice is universally ignored, the better. Dale Self 3 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:27:06 It's looking like one of two paths to freedom. Ignoring advice from those who read more than you is indeed one of those paths, you should take the other. Steavey Buckley 4 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:33:43 Government advice is a way forward compared to last season when there were few games were Everton fans attended. Now, next season, many more will be allowed in. Brent Stephens 5 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:34:16 Charles, you sound like an expert on this!"Ignore the experts!" Brian Williams 6 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:35:07 Looking forward to a week on Saturday!Full house, Messi at Number 10!Iradiated pie at half time!Magic. Michael Lynch 7 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:40:30 My suggestion is that anyone who thinks Bill Gates will make their cock fall off by remote control if they have the vaccine, take a lateral flow test next week instead. Mal van Schaick 8 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:54:23 More rules off the pitch than on it. Brent Stephens 9 Posted 05/08/2021 at 21:59:33 Sad case (not the only one like it) of a super-fit guy living here in Southport, John Eyers, who refused to have a covid jab. He contracted covid and has died. Before he was ventilated, he said he wished he'd been vaccinated. Robert Tressell 10 Posted 05/08/2021 at 22:16:33 Michael, I enjoyed that post more than any I have read on TW for ages. 👠Bill Watson 11 Posted 05/08/2021 at 22:53:36 Michael #7,My cock hasn't fallen off since Bill Gates took control of my DNA but, rather worryingly, I've become a dab hand on the laptop and now spend inordinate amounts of time on social media and ToffeeWeb. Brent Stephens 12 Posted 05/08/2021 at 22:58:16 Bill, I have to tell you that it's not you who are posting. You've had a chip implanted in your body through the vaccination and you're now being remotely controlled.God, these conspiracy theories are pure comedy gold! Peter Mills 13 Posted 05/08/2021 at 23:02:43 This is a serious issue. There are highly respected contributors to this site who are undecided about whether they should attend, people who desperately want to be at Goodison on 14th August but are concerned for their well-being and, no doubt, the impact on their families should they fall ill. Good luck to them in their decision making. Mike Gaynes 14 Posted 05/08/2021 at 23:07:49 Bill #11, just don't cheat on your wife. The divorce could cost you $65 billion. Colin Glassar 15 Posted 05/08/2021 at 23:33:07 Bill Gates stole my wife!! Kevin Prytherch 16 Posted 05/08/2021 at 23:42:28 Unfortunately, for anyone who refuses to have the vaccine, this is a consequence. Although I do believe it shouldn't be a mandatory requirement to have the vaccine, if you refuse then you run the risk of individual establishments not allowing you to enter. Mike Gaynes 17 Posted 05/08/2021 at 23:54:43 Colin, you can get her back if you want. Just hit Ctrll + Alt + Delete. Or the little back arrow thingie. Paul Kernot 18 Posted 06/08/2021 at 01:06:33 Bill's cock obviously fell off during vaccine trials, hence the divorce. Jack Convery 19 Posted 06/08/2021 at 01:49:18 Surely the advice should be: Stay away for the sake of your mental health!! You have been warned!!!Seriously though, for those still isolating to protect a family member, I feel your pain. May we all be free soon. Benn Chambers 20 Posted 06/08/2021 at 06:13:18 Michael #7 Laughing my head off!! Brillliant!! ðŸ˜On a serious note though. Does anyone know how I am supposed to prove a negative result? Bring the test result in my pocket? Show a photograph on my phone of it reading negative??? I have a supply of the flow tests but they don't come with certificates so, in terms of proving it, how am I supposed to and what method of proof is the club accepting? Has anyone faced this before and if so, what proof did you present? Duncan McDine 21 Posted 06/08/2021 at 07:51:19 Benn, if you Google ‘register lateral flow test result', you'll find the government website which allows you to log your negative result. Each of those little pregnancy test thingies have a unique number that you enter. As long as you do this within 2 days of the match, you'll get an email confirming it (which is what you'll show at the turnstile). It's open to abuse, of course – it relies on people being honest and actually taking the test. I had to do this when I went to watch a golf tournament recently and my thoughts are that it'll cause a massive delay getting into Goodison… everyone on their phones sifting past Argos receipts and other junk mail to find the bloody negative test result! Andrew Ellams 22 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:02:31 Anybody who thinks Bill Gates will be tracking them via a vaccine injection probably shouldn't spend too much time out in public anyway. Tom Richards 23 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:14:59 Are the rugger and tennis chaps having to do the same?York races coming up. Any rules for the people attending? Tom Richards 24 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:19:21 Just checked requirements for racing at York Racecourse. (It's a sell-out, by the way.) York Races Official Website:The Prime Minister's confirmation that formal Covid-19 restrictions ended on Monday 19 July means that the remainder of the York season looks set to operate in a far more familiar, effectively “normal†manner. This includes racing at York for the Welcome to Yorkshire Ebor Festival (18-21 August) and the four racedays in September and October.As the Prime Minister stressed, the coming weeks will require a significant degree of personal responsibility. Our recommendation is that all racegoers voluntarily do a self-administered Lateral Flow Test on the day of, or on the day before, racing for their own peace of mind. Neither proof of vaccination status nor proof of a negative test is required to gain admission; this is an aspect that all sports and venues are continuing to discuss with Government. John Chambers 25 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:35:57 Tom, I think the point is the Government have more or less already said that, by the end of September, there will be rules in place for any event with more than 20,000 that makes it mandatory for double jabs and/or negative tests. I think this is just Everton, along with other Premier League clubs, testing the position for then Allen Rodgers 26 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:45:23 To quote EFC: fans should be prepared to present, if asked when entering the stadium, their COVID-19 vaccination status. So we may or may not be asked? Danny O’Neill 27 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:50:46 I have no issue with any of this. As always, I'll comply with what is asked of me.I appreciate the Government and any Government of the day is in a challenging position on decision making. But there is irony in that until September we can keep calm and carry on but after that we must be checked?This is the problem with putting dates on things. Slightly light-hearted, it made me think back to my time in Afghanistan. We were instructed to start taking our malaria tablets on 1 February and then advised we didn't need to take them after 1 November.I often wondered whether the experts had consulted the mosquitoes on that one? Clearly they didn't bite between November and February!!Flippancy aside, I guess it's always difficult making decisions and it's ultimately a risk management exercise. It's challenging to implement rules quickly, especially in a society that has, in the main, always been governed by compliance and buy-in. And you're always going to be playing catch-up in crisis situations.I'm happy to do what's needed to get life back to normal. But my instinct is what was mentioned above: personal responsibility and individual decision-making. The vast majority will do what is right and what is asked of them. Benn Chambers 28 Posted 06/08/2021 at 08:55:53 Duncan #21Thanks mate. ðŸ‘🻠Martin Nicholls 29 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:20:50 Kevin #16, With that in mind and in the light of Delph's anti-vax stance, I wrote to DBB to ask if the requirements demanded of fans will apply equally to players and staff. A week on, I've had no reply... so it looks like the useless lump will be allowed into the stadium!Duncan #21, As you say, it (ie, testing) relies on people being honest. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the unvaccinated will be anti-vaxxers – based on a number of this group within my wider family, they can be less than honest over this! Each of them routinely claimed medical exemption when not wearing masks in shops, on public transport etc despite none of them having any health issues that would prevent them from doing so. Dave Abrahams 30 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:29:41 Thanks to Bill Watson, I phoned 119 and, after giving my details, I received my certificate to prove I had the two jabs. You need basic details: Date of Birth plus National Health Number, although that wasn't vital. It came after five working days.I also got one for my wife at the same time who said “I'm not going to see Everton, what do I need it for?†She was joking, I think. I said “You never know, the Grafton might open up again and you like dancing, don't you?†I think I saw the hint of a smile!! Martin Nicholls 31 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:31:13 Many fans pass their season ticket to a friend if unable to attend personally. Obviously in such circumstances the name on the ticket will not match that of the person attending (and his/her vaccination proof) if a comparison is made. Will this in itself present problems? Again, I've written to the club and await a response.Masks – why the requirement for these when none are required in pubs, nightclubs etc? Danny O’Neill 32 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:37:24 Martin, a very good point.I spent a very active life in the military and playing a lot of football to a decent standard. In 2017, after decades of putting "a tight chest" down to running on a cold winter morning, I had a pretty bad breathing problem and found out I was asthmatic. Bit of a shock to be honest. I now carry an inhaler.To your point, I could have legitimately claimed exemption, but I didn't. I played the game whilst routinely watching a lot of people "complying" by wearing a face covering only that it was hanging off their chin and not covering their mouth let alone nose. People challenged to understand clearly marked one-way systems. And many who simply didn't study hard enough in maths at school to work out distance.Sorry, it just grates me when I seen the Mayor of London making political statements about continuing to wear face coverings as if everyone has been compliant throughout. Most have been. Most have done what is right and will continue to do so. But don't turn it political. Hollow statements, although I guess the intent is to get the majority to follow. You'll never convince everyone, not unless you go down the police state model, so I do understand that side.I personally think the UK approach (and let's be honest, it was cross-party) from the onset was to focus on the vaccine.Anyway, whatever I need to do to get into Goodison on 25 September and join the ToffeeWeb catch-up at the Bramley Moore, I'll follow!! Ray Roche 33 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:40:20 Here in Wales, where it's still 1953, we don't have a NHS App, we can apply for a paper certificate by going through a series of instructions and requests for information, Date of Birth etc, before we have to download a photo of your passport, driving licence, ration book, whatever. Then you're required to face your computer and repeat some numbers which have appeared on your screen as if by magic. If you haven't got a camera or mic on your computer, you're Donald Ducked. You can, of course, sit there and chant these numbers until you're blue in the face but it doesn't help.My surgery can't help because they're snowed under with an outbreak of rickets so, later today, I have to call 119 for help... HELP!!My surgery could have helped because they have all my details because they vaccinated me in the first place. It's clearly too easy to just print it off, charge me a tenner, and let me skip happily off into the sunset. No. Let's put some fuckin' obstacles in the way. And for Heavens sake, don't do anything that might look like we're following England. App my arse! Martin Reppion 34 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:41:24 Covid is not a joke.I haven't seen my wider family for 18 months. (I am on the clinically extremely vulnerable list.) My partner contracted Covid in April, was off work for 8 weeks, and still can't taste anything.Any measures that may prevent further spread of the virus should be supported. You do not have to have the vaccine. But, if you choose not to, then, as the vast majority of the population do not share your minority views, they have the right to insist that you do not put them and yourself at unnecessary risk by being in an enclosed space with them.Democracy is based on the principal of the views and benefit of the majority, not the minority.(Regarding York races. The crowd at a racecourse is spread out over a larger area and in more open spaces than in a football stadium, so the risk is less.) Tom Richards 35 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:48:24 Martin,You obviously have not attended the York race meeting. Shoulder to shoulder in the bars. Mark Murphy 36 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:53:53 I live way down south and get my away tickets from my season-ticket holding brother-in-law. Can't I do this any more? Steve Carse 37 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:54:39 Danny (27),"I'm happy to do what's needed to get life back to normal." The thing is, as the restrictions we adhere to (irrespective of their lunacy in many circumstances) get drawn out for longer and longer, they become the normal. The mindset of the majority of the population appears already to be one of acceptance that restrictions and continued loss of freedoms are here to stay. Andrew Ellams 38 Posted 06/08/2021 at 09:58:30 Martin @ 29, not Everton related but Ole Gunnar Solskjær at Man Utd is in the news today stating that some of his players are still dubious over having the vaccine... So the answer to your question is probably No, it's not the same rules for them. Steve Brown 39 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:02:44 Martin @ 34, I agree with your balanced post. Individual liberty doesn't extend to endangering the health and wellbeing of others.Singapore, where I live, has made the regulations rigorous – masks mandatory everywhere, trace together app mandatory for all, maximum groups currently 2 pax, safe distancing mandatory in all places including work places, mandatory 14-day hotel quarantine on entry to the country, entry approval required to visit the country. Penalties for non-compliance are massive fines and/or imprisonment. We had the interesting case study of an expat Brit who repeatedly refused to wear a mask, including to court. He made a 'cry freedom', rambling speech to the court on Thursday and got committed to a mental hospital. The country has had 40 deaths in total due to COVID-19. It has driven me mad in occasion, but without doubt it has kept the country safe. Tony Abrahams 40 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:11:05 I think that your argument about there being less risk on a racecourse only tells half a story, Martin, unless you have to prove that you are Covid negative or have been double-vaccinated to get into one of the countless bars that are inside the course.I was at Wembley the other week, they checked to see if you qualified to go into the stadium, which wasn't really an issue, but then to get on the tube after the game obviously went against every rule in the covid-book. If I was worried about catching Covid, I'd be more worried about my form of transportation, rather than sitting in the stadium to watch the game.For the sake of humanity, we definitely need to get moving again though. None of us have benefited from the last 18 months, and a lot of us are still to realise how much it's actually taken out of us, especially because the word ‘Covid' is often followed by an opinion or an argument, as I stare out of my window and look at the pissing down rain. Paul Hughes 41 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:13:16 The way I read it is, when you are sat in your seat, face mask isn't required, as you are outside. But while in the crowded areas under the stand, it is. Makes sense to me. Haven't we all, over the past year, got used to having a face mask in our pocket and putting on when needed? Personally, although not mandatory, I still wear one when going into shops. The same principle will apply here – it just seems sensible. Stephen Brown 42 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:15:55 I normally take my 6-year-old son to the game. Has anyone stumbled across the rules that might apply to him? I presume he's exempt from tests? Paul Smith 43 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:17:26 Steven Brown, great point: “Liberty doesn't extend to endangering the health and well-being of othersâ€. I work in the NHS as a manager and some of my staff have refused the vaccine and there's no redress, formally anyway. "Bonkers", yee say... yes it is. I'm currently in Czechia on a medical stay; getting out of the UK was stressful and expensive, documents and PCR tests galore, they never batted an eye lid on entry to Cezchia, probably why it's on the amber watch list. One thing: they all wear the same face masks out here, FFP2 but very few other measures in place. Brian Williams 44 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:19:37 Ray #33.In your post, you mention an app which I guess refers to an app on your phone? How the hell did you manage to sneak a phone into Wales, mate? Derek Thomas 45 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:24:54 Andrew @38, Given you don't see many footballers on Mastermind and you do see them, ad nauseam, on social media, these vaccination doubts come as no surprise... Even people who you'd think should know better are sucked into this dangerous claptrap. Tom Richards 46 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:26:44 "Even people who you'd think should know better are sucked in to this dangerous claptrap."Would you put the 15% of NHS staff who are refusing the vaccine in that bracket? Andrew Ellams 47 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:33:15 Tom, yes absolutely. Tom Richards 48 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:40:24 Can you quantify that Andrew please.People on the front line of NHS, watching the developments, seeing the response to the vaccine and you are dismissing thier take on it? Dave Abrahams 49 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:42:23 Stephen (42), Phone Everton up to ask about your son and his requirements, if any. Use the Telephone Number on your season ticket. I got through pretty quickly a couple of weeks ago. Steve Brown 50 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:42:43 Tom @ 46, yes they are completely unprofessional and reckless. John Chambers 51 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:45:57 Ray #33, You don't have to go through the full registration process. There is an option to select Domestic for your registration. If you do that, you can go to the app whenever you need to and download a QR code to your phone that is valid for 48 hours. Martin Nicholls 52 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:46:14 Danny #32, As an ex-service man yourself, you'll probably see the irony in the fact that one of the anti-vaxxers I refer to who claims medical exemption is a fully fit, 40-year-old veteran who, like you, has served in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as doing security work in East Africa. Not sure how the anti-vaxx stance worked there!Ray #33, Do you have access to the MyGP app in Wales? If so, that might work for you.Martin #34, Excellent post.Mark #36, Maybe not if a name is put on that ticket (highly unlikely, I'd think) and it was matched to proof of Covid vaccination status.Andrew #38 and Paul #41, I suspect you're both right. Tony Ateman 53 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:46:27 Tom (46). What's your source for the 15% figure? Andrew Ellams 54 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:47:10 Tom, yes I am.And you seem to be under the impression that they are all medical staff, but for those that are it should absolutely be mandatory if they want to keep in close contact with patients, many if not most of whom will be extremely vulnerable to the effects of Covid. Danny O’Neill 55 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:50:15 We'll get back to normal, Steve. In my experience of the past few months, there is a difference between the bubble that the condescending media live in and what's actually happening on the street. I'm seeing pretty much normal life when I go out. And forget the likes of me. Great to see young people enjoying themselves again.Most of us do what we've always done. Take the advice and guidance. Understand the gravity of the situation and do the right thing, even if not all agreeing with it.We do have to learn to live with this, just as we have with other illnesses. I am sympathetic, I have been compliant, but quite honestly, I've had other family health issues this year that have made me slightly bitter about the attention this has received while other longer term and more enduring issues have been parked to the side. That's another conversation and I don't wish to dismiss or disrespect anything. Anyway, we're here to talk Everton. If I have to show I'm vaccinated (I am) to get into Goodison, I'm more than happy to do so. As I will do so when I travel to Rome later this month, Berlin in September and go to watch Schalke in the Autumn! Tony Abrahams 56 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:57:11 He said this, and she did that! People who don't get vaccinated will die, people who do get vaccinated will die, but with the data showing that over 90% of the people in this country now have antibodies, I just hope this means that we can stay on top of Covid now, and slowly begin to try and enjoy our lives once again. 🤞 Brian Williams 57 Posted 06/08/2021 at 10:57:20 Seeing the response to the vaccine and you are dismissing their take on it?Seeing what response to the vaccine? Quantification? Danny O’Neill 58 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:02:24 Absolutely Tony. Amen!I was at a memorial 2 weeks ago for a dear friend who got blown up & killed aged 34. He was literally in the wrong place at the wrong time.Life is life. Enjoy it while it lasts. And try (try) to enjoy Everton!! I'm booked into the Atlantic Tower for 25 September and hopeful my nephew has a shift in McDonalds on the Speke retail park as he has me named as being able to use his season ticket if he doesn't go!! Dave Abrahams 59 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:03:08 Don't know where to put this but: Official members of the club can now apply for tickets for the Southampton game, there are extra tickets for this game because Southampton are only taking a limited amount, there will places in The Upper Bullens Road stand, which is a very good place to watch from.Any fans who are not Official members can apply to join at the same time as purchasing tickets for this game. Danny O’Neill 60 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:06:34 My son tipped me off last night, Dave A. Sushhhhh!! Tony Abrahams 61 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:12:13 Let us know, Danny, because my son and his mates are going to London to watch Anthony Joshua fight that weekend, so I'm hoping to get a few of their tickets for the Norwich game.Life is life, always gets me thinking about the greatest player that's ever lived imo, Danny. I'm over 50 now, and often ask myself why do so many things always take me back to football! Danny O’Neill 62 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:25:25 Thanks Tony, appreciate that. My son is now serving and going away in October for 6 months, so hoping we can get up to watch Everton before he does. If I need I'll give you a shout. Grateful for your offer.Because football is the consistent escape in our life! I used to try and explain to my poor wife, when I walked on the pitch, everything else went away. I just had to focus on football. Nothing else.She shakes her head at me. She follows football and Villa, but she's not a stupid Evertonian like me!! Tom Richards 63 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:38:03 Tony.Revealed: wide variations in Covid vaccination rates among NHS Trusts Martin Reppion 64 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:42:53 Danny, I like the comment she follows football and Villa.Villa not really football then? Emma Day 65 Posted 06/08/2021 at 11:52:15 One thing never mentioned is those who are genuinely needle phobic, people like me.After having operations as a child, where I was held down by doctors so they can administer an injection, I have not been able have a needle anywhere near me, to such an extent I don't have injections at the dentist, I let them do what they have to do. 4 times I have booked my first dose, 4 times I've queued up, 4 times I've broke out into absolute panic and flash backs of being held down as a child and I've ran off. There is no help out there for those who are severely needle phobic.What happens to us! Rennie Smith 66 Posted 06/08/2021 at 12:12:05 What about kids, do they have to present a negative test to get in? Doesn't say anything on the website and I thought the vaccinated-only entry came into play in September or October? Jim Lloyd 67 Posted 06/08/2021 at 12:28:00 Tom Richards, not all NHS staff are "On the Front Line". There are many thousands of Admin and Anciliary staff. I'm not saying that they are against getting the vaccination; but some may well think they are "safer" so don't need it. If some survey has said 15%, my guess is that the figure will be much lower, as most of them will have seen, or been involved in, the battle to save people's lives. Every nurse and doctor that I've spoken to have made it abundantly clear that this virus is a killer and it is a long and nasty time in a ventilator for those that is has affected badly. For those that survive, they could well suffer for months with after-effects. Danny O’Neill 68 Posted 06/08/2021 at 12:28:25 I can only speak for the wife and the in-laws, Martin. They are a passionate bunch but they're not Everton. They seem to be able to leave it and move on. I spend days deliberating; it's a good job I've got the dogs. They listen to me.The wife was taken aback at our sheer desire to do football and how much it meant to us when she met the family and moved to Liverpool. Probably shocked, I would say.The alarm bells were ringing early. When she came to my Army barrack room, my friends had posters of Sam Fox and other Page 3 girls of the 80s on the wall. I had Kevin Sheedy on the wall and a framed picture of Graeme Sharpe next to my bed.She likes football but thought I was odd. She still does. After 29 years, she's finally stopped asking who I love the most. Everton is a different type of love. I told her that then and I tell her that now. Don't compete or make me choose!! Ray Roche 69 Posted 06/08/2021 at 12:56:24 Brian@44Careful Brian, you'll have the Taffia on to you. You'll find a sheep's head on your bed…,John, Martin, thanks for your help, Mygp might have done the trick🤞🻠Brian Williams 70 Posted 06/08/2021 at 12:58:12 Don't anybody say it wouldn't be the first time I've had a sheep in my bed!!It would be baaaaad for you! Brian Williams 71 Posted 06/08/2021 at 13:00:09 Emma#65.Speaking as a fellow sufferer I'm surprised you haven't sought help already, unless you have?I can now get needles but still can't even watch someone in TV getting one.Try: Emma Day 72 Posted 06/08/2021 at 14:16:16 Brian 71.Ive tried all sorts, hypnotherapy, counselling, distraction techniques etc. They'll have to sneak in my house while I'm asleep and do it. Danny O’Neill 73 Posted 06/08/2021 at 15:24:03 I've called that out previously Emma. What about those who genuinely, for whatever reason, can't be vaccinated?We've never excluded those who can't or won't be vaccinated for other things, so it's an interesting subject. Tom Richards 74 Posted 06/08/2021 at 15:31:02 Its more than interesting Danny.It is taking the civil rights away from the people who are not having the vaccine if made mandatory. The vaccine has not even achieved a license to date. Purely experimental at the moment.People who choose what they put into thier bodies is surely simply that. "Thier choice"Each to thier own, I wont force my opinion on you, please allow me the same courtesy. Andrew Ellams 75 Posted 06/08/2021 at 15:38:57 Tom, what really makes me angry about the anti vaxxers is selfish comments about that "what about my civil rights?"What about the civil rights of all of those decent people who they will be putting at risk every day? Why don't you give a toss about them?And I just want to point out I don't include somebody like Emma above in this. Her situation is a long way off the civil rights/conspiracy theory crackpots. Andrew Ellams 77 Posted 06/08/2021 at 15:56:59 No Tom, I didn't say anybody not having a vaccine is a crackpot. In fact you cut and paste the part of my post where I pointed that out.The crackpots are the clowns spouting dangerous conspiracy theories and harping on about their own civil rights without giving a toss about anybody else. Tom Richards 78 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:02:03 I havent had the vaccine Andrew.I don't spout conspiracy theories. What bracket would you put me in? Martin Nicholls 79 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:06:56 Emma Day - genuine question. How would you cope if, like my daughter (who has had tens of thousands of injections) you were Type 1 (ie, insulin dependent) diabetic?Different matter – I have two anti-vaxx nieces who are happy to fill their faces with botox and have "boob jobs" – can anyone explain that one!!! Tom #76, I think you'll find that, whilst vaccination does not stop transmission in all cases, it does significantly reduce it. As we all know, no vaccine is 100% effective. Brian Williams 80 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:07:20 Emma #72.I'd love to help as I know what it's like. I still never like it but I can handle it now. Andrew Ellams 81 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:08:00 Pathetic would be up there. You keep spouting about your choice and your rights well guess what, Everton Football Club and any other business or organisation has the choice to exclude you and probably will for the foreseeable future.The sad thing is, you seem to think that you have achieved something against society by not having a vaccine and you should be lauded for some sort of quest against social injustice. Tom Richards 82 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:11:35 Pathetic?You and your emotion again. "The sad thing is you seem to think that you have achieved something against society by not having a vaccine and you should be lauded for some sort of quest against social injustice." More emotional posting. Can you not just post your reasoning behind you accepting the vaccine? Brian Williams 83 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:12:23 Tom #76,Tom, you have every right to choose not to have the vaccine and I fully support that right.I also support the right of businesses, establishments etc to choose to refuse you admission.I suppose, with a lot of choices we make in life, there are consequences. Andrew Ellams 84 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:16:32 Tom, I – like the vast majority of society – had the vaccine because it's the right thing to do.I often wonder how many of the people who come onto pages like this or social media sites and claim they haven't really have but they love a bit of attention. Tom Richards 85 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:17:13 Always consequences Brian.My own take on it is that you will not need a Covid passport to enter a football stadium. They will cajole and threaten in an attempt to make more young people get vaccinated in the run-up to September. Then pull the plug on it. Brian Williams 86 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:23:35 Tom #85.That's very possible. They'll probably work on the premise that enough people have been double-jabbed to reduce the risk of infection down to manageable levels or even less.Those that can then attend without any vaccine would pose less of a risk anyway due to the greater numbers who have been. Michael Lynch 87 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:28:03 Without going into the whys and wherefores of anyone's decision not to have the vaccine, I actually don't see what it's got to do with this thread. Just stay away from Goodison, if that's what you sincerely believe.People have gone to jail for their principles, been sacked for their principles, been turned on by friends and family for their principles, died for their principles.If you refuse to have a vaccine on principle, then it's hardly a great sacrifice to miss a football match, or not go on holiday abroad. Boo hoo and all that. Tom Richards 88 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:33:29 Michael Lynch."I actually don't see what it's got to do with this thread."Can I, gently, suggest you scroll to the top and read what this thread is about Tom Richards 89 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:38:02 Brian 86,Thats the way its headed in my opinion.Reading a report today that in some UK postcodes only just slightly over half of the poulation have been double jabbed. Michael Kenrick 92 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:48:45 The unequivocal evidence of millions successfully vaccinated and the pandemic finally being brought under control point to a rather successful 'experiment', I would have thought?And that's saying nothing to the outstanding brilliance of the scientists who have made the vaccine happen. But no, we have still have to listen to the anti-vaxxers and their self-righteous posturing. I find their utterly shameful arrogance disgusting. Michael Lynch 93 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:51:23 Tom RichardsCan I equally gently suggest you do the same. This thread is about the requirements to go to the match. It's not about whether it's fair to discriminate against anti-vaxxers. EricPlease could you leave the stuff about the Holocaust at the door. Do you know what - missing a match is hardly the same as the mass murder of six million innocents, so the comparison is just a touch offensive. Brian Williams 94 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:54:48 Michael #92.Good points, Michael. I'm just pissed off that the flavour the thread headed in has reared its ugly head again.It's like Groundhog Day! Paul Hewitt 96 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:56:29 Just heard on the radio the vaccine has little effect on the Delta variant. Brian Harrison 97 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:57:46 I think the bottom line is, Everton have decided that to enter their ground you will have to abide by the rules they have stipulated or you don't go. For decades, there have been restrictions in visiting certain countries where you are not allowed in unless you can prove you have been vaccinated for a myriad of diseases, and you either have the jab or you don't go to these countries. Many clubs used to and may still insist you wear a tie to get into their establishments; again, you either comply or you don't get in.So I don't see how it invokes anybody's liberty – they are given a choice to abide by the rules of establishments or countries, or don't visit them. Brian Williams 98 Posted 06/08/2021 at 16:59:20 Brian #97.I've was once turned away from a nightclub for having an offensive girlfriend!I thought she was tidy myself.Good sport too. Not many girls'd get the bus home on their own while their boyfriend went to a nightclub. Emma Day 99 Posted 06/08/2021 at 17:04:38 Martin @79.In all honesty, it would be my worst nightmare, and I don't know is my only answer. I genuinely feel for your daughter. There is an MP, can't remember his name, now who publicly said he was severely needle phobic too, and is waiting for a tablet to be produced until he can get vaccinated. Dale Self 101 Posted 06/08/2021 at 17:14:29 Just read on TW that Paul Hewitt does not know how to find reliable sources for information. Stuart Sharp 102 Posted 06/08/2021 at 17:15:21 Michael #92I agree. But some people aren't interested in real evidence. They just look for the numbers which support their views and ignore everything else. There is no arguing with most of them. For example, pointing to the small proportion of front-line workers who have refused the vaccine rather than the majority who have taken it. All of the front-line workers among my family and friends are frustrated if not angry about the huge amount of time, resources and emotional energy being directed at people who have refused the vaccine. In my view, it's absolutely scandalous.As others have said, I broadly agree that a person should have the right to refuse the vaccine. I just don't think these people should be allowed to put others at risk. Hopefully, places like Goodison will keep a strong stance for as long as possible. Sadly, selfishness always finds a way to survive. John McFarlane Snr 103 Posted 06/08/2021 at 17:16:02 Hi Tom, various posts, I have no desire to get involved in a slanging match but find it necessary to point out, that while the headline of this thread reads, "Guidance issued for fans attending Goodison Park this season." It then goes on to state that the ''requirements'' are outlined in a statement posted on the official Everton website'I imagine that 'People like Emma' [72] would love to have a vaccine and I sympathise with them, but for people like yourself I have no sympathy, as a selfish stance could endanger others. I appreciate that the main reason for having the vaccine is for self protection, but it also lessens the risk of spreading this horrible virus, in my opinion a small sacrifice. Anthony Dove 105 Posted 06/08/2021 at 17:18:01 Michael @42. That's pretty nasty stuff really. I have had my jabs but would defend until my dying daythe right of others not to have them. Would I feel comfortable that unvaccinated people are barred from Sports or any other public venues?No. Would I be concerned that maybe 10% of my fellow spectators were unvaccinated? No.I get in the car everyday in the full knowledge that probably a quarter of the other drivers on the road are either incompetent or plain dangerous. Does that stop me getting in the car? No.Serious slippery slope time for this Country. The indoctrination process is well advanced now. Kristian Boyce 106 Posted 06/08/2021 at 17:26:07 To be honest, at least the UK and the club are being proactive about things. After spending a week in one of the world's top Delta hot spots last week to watch us play a couple of games in 30+ degrees heat, getting very sweaty and in close proximity to 100's. I am glad that I've been vaccinated, as there was zero covid protocols in place at the games. Florida was averaging 25K new cases a day in just the state alone while the team was over. I wonder if this was another reason why Delph didn't go as he maybe the only unvaccinated of the group? Add Your Comments In order to post a comment, you need to be logged in as a registered user of the site. » Log in now Or Sign up as a ToffeeWeb Member — it's free, takes just a few minutes and will allow you to post your comments on articles and Talking Points submissions across the site. About these ads