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Ancelotti wants Richarlison at Real

| Saturday, 27 July 2024 98comments  |  Jump to last

Carlo Ancelotti fancies reuniting with Richarlison by signing him for Real Madrid according to reports.

ESPN Brazil are claiming that according to their sources, Ancelotti has asked the hierarchy at the Bernabeu to explore the possibility of signing the Brazilian forward this summer.

However, Real's financial difficulties mean that it's hard to see how they could afford Richarlison, with Everton in the driving seat in terms of valuation.

Reader Comments (98)

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Steve Dickinson
1 Posted 07/07/2021 at 18:36:27
£100 million and he’s yours, Carlo
Pat Kelly
2 Posted 07/07/2021 at 18:38:18
Don't sell to that snake.
Soren Moyer
3 Posted 07/07/2021 at 18:53:51
£100 + Benzema. You get Iwobi as sweetener too Carlo!
Alex Gray
4 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:08:56
Madrid have no money. There’s no chance they could afford him.
Barry Robson
5 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:12:33
If he was going to Madrid don't think he would have pushed to play for Brazil in the Olympics.
Jeff Armstrong
6 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:14:37
Isco rumours resurface, next it’s Richie to Madrid, they have no dosh as we know, so we end up with THEIR deadwood to add to ours, we could have a great bonfire 🔥
Chris Williams
7 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:16:59

Maybe that’s why we gave him permission!

Lewis Barclay
8 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:24:49
£100m and for Richie and Delph.
Anthony A Hughes
9 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:32:22
What – you're valuing Delph at £80 Mill, Lewis! :)
Gary Smith
10 Posted 07/07/2021 at 19:54:01
After the Super League palaver I think all teams should consider them persona non grata, and refuse to do any business with them. Don't buy. Don't sell. Anyone or anything.

Tax dodging, greedy, Don Carlo suits this greedy arrogant club so well – it's little surprise he ran back and done over those who trusted him. The fact he's tapping up players illegally now by phoning directly is just as telling of the man and this club.


Christy Ring
11 Posted 07/07/2021 at 20:56:52
Richarlison puts his country first, you can't fault him for that, but if he wants to go, sell to Carlo for €80m, but has to include Delph, Iwobi and Sigurdsson.
Matthew Williams
12 Posted 07/07/2021 at 23:24:36
Tell Madrid to fuck right off, no more deals with those greedy pricks… but by God sell him please, as he's just taking the piss out of the club. We need players that are 💯% commited to our cause for a change.

Seems like Cashflo is more of a fucking snake than Moyes, no wonder he's had so many clubs... and he's still fucking clueless!

Colin Glassar
13 Posted 07/07/2021 at 23:43:06
He can have Iwobi for free if he likes.
James Flynn
14 Posted 08/07/2021 at 01:31:51
I'm for keeping him. Definitely keeping him.

Just the same, if Real Madrid are serious, let them present Brands a menu, a full menu of their players for him to choose from. In lieu of a transfer fee, we pick three players we can use. Three players.

Derek Knox
15 Posted 08/07/2021 at 01:42:43
Colin @ 13, Aw come on Colin you'd miss him!

I think Richarlison is very much a Marmite type of player, personally I like him, and think we would struggle to replace him easily, my only beef/dislike with Richarlison, is the easiness he goes down when no real need to, and the apparent sulkiness maybe that's an act I don't know. I also think Carlo (The Not So) Magnifico has shown a total disrespect for us knowing he is one of our very few assets and wanting to whisk him off, after declaring his admiration for Everton and Crosby not so long ago.

Be interesting to see what does actually happen both with our current players, the good and bad, and of the course the odd ugly ones, and who we actually do seriously get in to 'improve' us.

It was inevitable I suppose that the Euros would have to finish before much activity occurred in the Transfer Market. Yet Leicester have made additions early, which could prove to be astute, as we have been linked with Soumare hitherto. Wish they would get a move on as the clock is ticking, louder and louder!

Alan J Thompson
16 Posted 08/07/2021 at 05:59:23
All this, "only if they take so & so with him" is not even funny, childish at best.

If they've made an offer, we should look at it as they have a big squad and a "B" team so in among that have they got a decent young right-back, a striker and possibly a midfielder and tell them we'll take them and £70M as if it is true they are cash strapped under FFP (and they wouldn't want to fall foul of UEFA again) then you hold the upper hand.

It might sound like replacing one good 'un with three unproven but it will let us see if Mr Brands and Benitez's list of 3000 are worth anything.

Mal van Schaick
17 Posted 08/07/2021 at 07:20:47
Do you think that he will sulk if he doesn’t get his move?
Lester Yip
18 Posted 08/07/2021 at 08:17:57
Honestly, when Real Madrid calls, the player will want to go. The question is at what price?

I totally agree with Alan, there must be some players on the fringe but are really good (eg, Digne). Brands needs to identify those and drive a hard bargain.

Richarlison and Calvert-Lewin in combination hasn't been working well. Not a bad idea to cash in on one when the price is sky high and find the next Coleman.

David Midgley
19 Posted 08/07/2021 at 08:40:46

If we cash-in, we need another forward who can put the ball in the net. Not a full back.

Mick O'Malley
20 Posted 08/07/2021 at 09:36:57
Richarlison is a decent player but no way is he a £100 million player, if he wants to go let him he stunk the gaff out last season and this Brazil national team nonsense is a pain in the arse, let’s be honest he’s hardly prolific, I don’t mind him on left wing in a 4321 but I’m not having him as a centre forward
Rob Halligan
21 Posted 08/07/2021 at 09:45:20
Mick, Real Madrid have no money. They can’t afford him, so they will try and give us about 2 or 3 players who they no longer want, their cast offs etc. We hold all the cards here and with Richarlison still having three years of his contract left, we can value him at whatever we want. £80M - £100M is a fair price for me, and if they want him that badly, then they will have to pay the asking price, or a cash plus player(s) exchange for players we want from them, not who they want to get rid off.
Steavey Buckley
22 Posted 08/07/2021 at 11:03:20
"Carlo Ancelotti has reportedly called Everton star Richarlison over a move to Real Madrid, according to the The Sun." For Ancelotti to be allowed to discuss a transfer with Richarlison, Everton would have first sanctioned Ancelotti discussing a transfer with Richarlison.
Dennis Stevens
23 Posted 08/07/2021 at 11:08:56
Mal #17 - would anybody notice?
Steve Shave
24 Posted 08/07/2021 at 11:37:28
I don't honestly think Richarlison is good enough for Real Madrid. I am sure, however, if they came calling, Richarlison would jump at the chance and I couldn't blame him for that.

I don't believe for a second this is true, Richarlison didn't perform for Carlo last season so why would Carlo use most of his budget on him? We should be looking at north of £70m, we could do worse than spend some of that on a Malen - Dumfries double deal from PSV, spend the rest on a winger.

I know I am playing football manager there but both players are for sale, PSV is Marcel's old club and there must be some good relationships still there for him, they seemed gutted when he left! I want Richarlison to stay another season personally, and we buy Malen and Dumfries. :)

John Chambers
25 Posted 08/07/2021 at 13:27:06
Whilst I would like him to stay it would be a chance to give Kean on opportunity if PSG aren’t prepared to buy him. If they both go we must be looking at around £100m for the pair that should give Brands a good war chest along with anything else we can get for a number of others, Delph, Bernard, James etc (or at least get them off the wage bill).
Rob Halligan
26 Posted 08/07/2021 at 13:53:38
Everton reject another loan deal for Moise Kean from PSG. Seems like the final decision was made by Benitez. So unless PSG, or any other club, stump up about £50M (?) then Kean will be staying.
Barry Rathbone
27 Posted 08/07/2021 at 14:10:59
If true it looks like further confirmation of just how limited Carlo is.

His scouting must be non-existent if Richarlison is part of his Real Madrid plan although the euros show what a dearth of star quality there is at the moment.

As baffling as the Gravesen signing

Jay Wood

28 Posted 08/07/2021 at 14:41:10
Rob re: Keane.

I'm curious why we don't see him, Allan and Bernard in the pre-season training clips on the club site.

I've already speculated elsewhere this could be due to forced isolation having returned from an amber or red zone country. (Talking of which, are you in isolation Rob on returning from Madeira, or does the UK consider it an 'OK' destination? Did you try the Port-like Madeira wine? Good gear!).

Or... do any of the named players know they are on the move and won't be seen at Finch Farm again…?

On a transfer note that Dave Abrahams I'm sure will be interested in, Liam Walsh has just left Bristol City on a free and been snapped up by Swansea City. Any one ever tell you, Rob, that Swansea has a manager fit for the Everton job..?

Liam Walsh Joins Swansea City

Jay Harris
29 Posted 08/07/2021 at 14:41:13
I don't believe this story for one minute.

Carlo has enough on his hands trying to get his existing set up back on course while working for that snake Perez, and secondly Real Madrid don't have a pot to piss in… so, for me, it’s no deal and another click-bait story.

Terry White
30 Posted 08/07/2021 at 14:53:59
Jay (#28),

I saw Michael Keane in the videos and photographs reporting for training on Monday. The other two are in isolation, I believe, as you say.

Ajay Gopal
31 Posted 08/07/2021 at 14:58:50
I have been waiting for Richarlison to have his break-out season with us, but it hasn't happened so far. Unlike how Lukaku really burst into the limelight with 2-3 seasons of consistently scoring about 20 goals per season.

However, Richarlison is a much harder working footballer, and he has suffered at Everton by having to work under different managers.

We should definitely keep both Richarlison and Calvert-Lewin and if James stays another season, and more importantly, if he can stay fit, I am hoping that our front 2 (possibly supplemented by Moise Kean) will be more lethal than they were last season.

Bill Gall
32 Posted 08/07/2021 at 15:02:27
If it is true that Ancelotti called him up personally, isn't that called tapping up, and that is supposed to be against the laws of Fifa?

This sounds to me like more lazy journalism, unless they can tap into Ancelotti's phone, and that is illegal.

Jay Wood

33 Posted 08/07/2021 at 15:02:30
My bad on the Keane spelling, Terry. I of course meant Moise Kean that Rob referred to.
Michael Boardman
34 Posted 08/07/2021 at 17:19:20
Bill, there were laws against a breakaway "Super" League. Only Everton, Wolves and the occasional Sky 6 team (ie, Chelsea or Man City when it impacts on the more fashionable Sky 6 teams of Man Utd and Liverpool) are ever charged for tapping up.

Bill Kenwright is still using the Arteta money to repay the Mike Walker fine given the interest that has racked up.

Sean Roe
35 Posted 08/07/2021 at 18:03:16
I couldn't care less if he went, I've never taken to him. He spends most of his time looking like he wishes he was elsewhere.

But then I'm pretty much done with top-level football anyway, the players are so far detached from the working class people that pay to watch them, it's unreal.

Rob Halligan
36 Posted 08/07/2021 at 18:15:42

Madeira is classed as a green zone, so no need to quarantine on our return. Had to have a covid test 72 hours before our departure from Madeira, but we had ours on the Monday morning, flying home later that evening.

Then had to have a PCR test on Tuesday. Both tests were negative, so that's the end of all tests for now.

Yeah, we had the Madeira wine, but only as a free drink given out when we went to a restaurant. As you say, good stuff but the missus was not so keen on it. Jeez, there's that word "keen" again!! 😁😁😁

Jay, would that be some bloke called Steve Cooper from Swansea?

Dave Abrahams
37 Posted 08/07/2021 at 19:14:50
Jay (28),

Thanks for that, I hadn't heard anything about that move. It seems that, after a very good season with Coventry City, Liam went back to Bristol with good expectations of making a success of his career, but once again Lady Luck didn't smile on him with a succession of more injuries that have plagued him on and off since he was a teenager.

Now, he is 24 and looks like he has run out of time to make it and yet Swansea have offered him a 3-year deal having been let go, so he must have a certain reputation in football circles. I just hope the dice start landing on 7s and 11s instead of 2s and 3s.

Andrew Bentley
38 Posted 08/07/2021 at 19:36:38
Got to remember that these days most transfer rumours are designed to suit the player in mind. No one knows who these sources are. If this were to be true then the only people agitating for Richarliosn to move would be him and/or his agent and so it's likely they would be driving this, not Real Madrid.

Rumours like this can be used to flesh out other bids for clubs, or based on the story he wants to play in the Olympics then a rumour like this can be extremely useful when negotiating with Everton about him being released.

Next rumour, please……

Bill Gienapp
39 Posted 08/07/2021 at 19:54:35
Barry (27) - he definitely doesn't have a laptop with 3,000 player profiles on it!
Paul Birmingham
40 Posted 08/07/2021 at 20:55:51
Gary @10, spot-on.
Sam Hoare
41 Posted 08/07/2021 at 21:00:20
I can't believe Palace have signed Michael Olise for only £8M; he's a really interesting talented young player. Exactly the sort people would like at Everton. Massive bargain I'd say.

Palace getting him and Eze for a combined £24M is exactly the sort of business I hoped Brands would do. But instead, he bought Iwobi for £28M! Really hope to see a better summer from the recruitment department this year.

Paul Birmingham
43 Posted 08/07/2021 at 21:04:35
Good to see Liam Walsh getting a good deal at Swansea.

At the time in the 2016-17 League Two season, for me he was the best player in that team. But injuries and bad luck seem to have hindered his progress. Hopefully now he will find success and grow his career.

Paul Birmingham
44 Posted 08/07/2021 at 21:09:24
Sam, hope eternal, let's see who comes in.

It looks like Delph will be here till his contract runs out. Iwobi, not even getting tapped by the Chinese League.

Hope eternal.

Alex Parr
45 Posted 08/07/2021 at 22:14:02
I've said sell him for a while. The false value of him, if believed to be £80M upwards, is far more than he is worth to us.

The fact Ancelotti ever suggested he would win the Ballon d'Or one day made me laugh. I often joked about it with my Man Utd season ticket-holding girlfriend. He will never win that as long as Phil Foden or Pedri have two legs, never.

He's a limited player and I would get rid if the prices quoted are right and reinvest. I'd rather keep Kean than Richarlison.

Robert Tressell
46 Posted 08/07/2021 at 22:54:16
Sam, too right, the Olise signing is a bit of a sickener. An absolute bargain. And such a talent too.

There's a few now who have moved on for very reasonable fees who would be a good fit for us – Mwepu to Brighton, Soumare & Daka to Leicester, Trincao to Wolves, Gonzalez to Fiorentina, Gerson to Marseille, Bade to Rennes.

Hopefully, we will get in on the act soon.

Sam Hoare
47 Posted 08/07/2021 at 23:04:44
Robert, yes indeed; thinking we might have signed Bade, Soumare, Olise and Trincao on loan all for around £40m! Add a decent right back to that and it could have been our best summer in years.

Definitely some bargains to be had this summer. Let’s see what Brands has up his sleeve.

Peter Roberts
48 Posted 09/07/2021 at 08:45:58
Meanwhile, the gossip column suggests we are looking at Clement Lenglet.

Plus ça change...

Gary Smith
49 Posted 09/07/2021 at 08:58:16
Would be cool if ToffeeWeb moderators set up a “general gossip / rumours” page for stuff like the Lenglet rumours.

Some of the notes around that interest suggest he believes both Holgate and Godfrey are “too young”…. if that's true, any patience I may have had for the man is already gone.

Robert Tressell
50 Posted 09/07/2021 at 09:54:32
Gary # 48 - nice idea. Because, with the Euros almost over, the transfer window / rumours should go into overdrive.

I'm guessing (hoping) the Lenglet rumour is more about Barca trying to offload a player than any genuine interest.

Dave Abrahams
51 Posted 09/07/2021 at 10:10:33
Andrew (38),

Yes, a lot of these rumours are what they are, rumours, added to a lot of guesswork. Some of them are genuine stories which come from ordinary supporters who are very close to the story and have connections to reporters they know and make a few pound from relating these true transfer deals.

Kim Vivian
52 Posted 09/07/2021 at 10:11:51
Peter #47,

I can smell a player plus ££s in the air here with Richarlison going the other way. If so, I hope Brands & Benitez have a striker lined up (and I'm not thinking Kean, but in addition to Kean).

Peter Roberts
53 Posted 09/07/2021 at 12:16:26

Lenglet plays for Barca so that's a non-starter.

My frustration with that rumour is we are buying the cast-offs from other teams that just aren't good enough. Every time I have seen him play, he's been a disaster waiting to happen, like Koscielny.

Mark Ryan
54 Posted 09/07/2021 at 12:44:45
Barca are not just trimming their squad but hacking into it because they have to find the finances to allow them to structure a deal to re-sign Messi. He's not left the club but is a free agent that they have first dibs on and he is a player who wants to stay with them.

But they need to really trim down their wage bill to accommodate him. Players at Barca are not all has-beens or cast-offs but I admittedly know nothing about this French lad.

Robert Tressell
55 Posted 09/07/2021 at 13:24:17
Peter #52,

Nothing wrong with other clubs' cast-offs per se. Henry, Vieira, Coutinho and many others were cast-offs – albeit they were young, talented but unable to break into a team full of established stars.

Lenglet, as I think you're saying, is more your Schneiderlin style cast-off – high wages, high cost and having been found out as not quite good enough for his present club. Exactly the sort of player we shouldn't be signing.

Kim Vivian
56 Posted 09/07/2021 at 13:25:29
Peter - yes of course he does. Brain fart there! I was thinking Real Madrid.

I'll go back to reading the rumours.

Tony Everan
57 Posted 09/07/2021 at 16:03:17
One or two spurious rumours about us being interested in Mikkel Damsgaard. He's only 20 and looked very decent for Denmark. Anyone watched him play for Sampdoria? Another future Champions League standard player along with the 19-year-old Jeremy Doku.

I think the club needs reinvigorating and energising with one or two signings of this type. Benitez talks about balance, and I think bring some energy and pace into the side is definitely what we need to redress the balance of what we've currently got.

Jay Wood

58 Posted 09/07/2021 at 20:01:14
Earlier speculation around missing players confirmed.

Everton Quartet Isolating

Robert Tressell
59 Posted 09/07/2021 at 20:14:45
Tony, always a bad idea to buy players on the strength of an international tournament and the values will be over-inflated too. But Doku in particular has looked very good for a while now and Damsgaard has stepped up to Serie A well. Unlikely they would be poor buys but potentially very expensive right now.

Another option is just to buy the next version - like Sulemana the teenage Ghanaian in Denmark who will end up at a big club soon. Just as Barca have done with the 17-year-old Austrian Demir, who looks like a fabulously talented little playmaker.

James Flynn
60 Posted 09/07/2021 at 21:10:23
Robert (58) - "Tony, always a bad idea to buy players on the strength of an international tournament and the values will be over inflated too. "

There are studies done on this proving your statement here is one to heed.

Si Cooper
61 Posted 09/07/2021 at 22:33:07
Damsgaard was effectively ruled out as a Premier League player by Guillem Balague due to being too lightweight and not quick enough.

I don't often agree with Balague but I share his reservations on this occasion. You have to be amazing – not just good – to really compensate for those deficiencies. International football may be more forgiving in that regard.
Mind you, Balague has been bigging up Benitez so perhaps his assessment is to deliberately put off others so Benítez can swoop in?

James Flynn
62 Posted 09/07/2021 at 00:01:48
Si (60) - "Damsgaard was effectively ruled out as a Premier League player by Guillem Balague due to being too lightweight and not quick enough."

Yeah, so? Better he spell his name Blague

Just another click bait nobody.

I prefer Sam Hoare over this "Pay me money." bullshitter.

Alan Johnson
63 Posted 10/07/2021 at 08:49:47
Kurt Zouma being mentioned.

I really liked him when he was here.

Danny O’Neill
64 Posted 10/07/2021 at 09:18:45
I've just read that too Alan.

He's still only 26, so still scope for development and yet to hit his peak as central defenders don't do that until they are beyond 28 and approaching 30.

Robert Tressell
65 Posted 10/07/2021 at 09:36:33
To me Zouma was the pace / power to accompany the more plodding but intelligent Keane. Not perfect but a good duo, especially with Gueye hunting the ball in front of them.

Godfrey now looks our best CB - but none of Mina, Holgate or Keane look like the right partner. Godfrey needs someone commanding in the air (about 6 foot 2 or over), mobile but not necessarily electric pace, a really good reader of the game and good on the ball.

That's not Zouma. Especially the reading of the game.

Koulibaly is obviously in that category. Other longer term options might be Elvedi and Akanji, Milenkovic and possibly Demirel. We've been linked heavily with the latter - Moyes likes the look of Milenkovic, who is entering the final year of his contract at Fiorentina and will be good value.

Either way, I think we're much better off investing in forward options this summer and making do with a selection of good CB options for the time being.

And if we play a back 3 fairly deep then Godfrey, Mina and Holgate look like a good trio to me.

Danny O’Neill
66 Posted 10/07/2021 at 09:42:49
Robert, you've triggered my Koulibaly thing! I've been shouting that quietly since rumours first surfaced back in January.

I thought we'd lost the chance when Ancelotti departed but then he played under Benitez right?

Problem being is our failure to secure European football. I think that might have swung it if there was anything in those rumours.

Brian Harrison
67 Posted 10/07/2021 at 09:53:30
I have no idea if Ancelotti wants Richarlison, or whether it's just journalists making up a plausible story without any substance. But as Mr Benitez knows more than anybody, it's very difficult for a small club like Everton to keep its best players. Jeffers to Arsenal, Rooney to Man Utd, and of late, Gueye to PSG.

So, seeing we have a Director of Football who believes in signing young players, then let's follow the pattern that they have in Germany, go and spend what money we have on the best 16-year-olds that are out there. Not that we will be able to keep the very best as they get older but it will help us financially and hopefully let us gradually establish ourselves as a Top 6 side.

Robert Tressell
68 Posted 10/07/2021 at 09:56:03
Danny, If Benitez is to go shopping in Naples, probably more likely we'd end up with Hysaj, the Albanian right back they've just released. Good player.

Would Koulibaly come to Everton to play for Benitez? I might be wrong but that's a bit like asking would Van Dijk go to Sampdoria if they hired Neil Lennon?

Danny O’Neill
69 Posted 10/07/2021 at 10:08:12
Well, your realistic perspective has popped me like the proverbial balloon Rob!

I think we realistically lost out on any chance of Koulibaly once Ancelotti went and if there was any lingering chance, when we didn't qualify for Europe.

That's of course if there was ever any truth in the links. At the end of the day, it is mostly speculation and guess work.

Interesting call on the right back. Obviously a priority for us, even though Seamus isn't completely done yet. At least now we (well us fans) have different options. At one point, everyone seemed to have their bets hedged on the lad from Norwich, who I don't know too much about to be honest.

Robert Tressell
70 Posted 10/07/2021 at 10:14:33
Sorry Danny. I really might be wrong! Sabitzer too, keep hoping 👍
Danny O’Neill
71 Posted 10/07/2021 at 10:23:49
Kick a man when he's down, Rob!! Dumfries, Sabitzer and Koulibaly. Now that would be something.

I'm in fantasy Danny dreamland. Don't worry, the reality will hit me shortly!!

Trevor Peers
72 Posted 10/07/2021 at 10:32:12
It would be madness to let Richarlison go; we need him badly.

There's a suggestion in some media outlets we might be keeping Moise Kean. I for one would see that as a poor decision and one that could quickly backfire on Rafa.

The lad has no interest in playing for the Blues and has openly said as much, he looked out of his depth at Everton and in the Premier League. This could put an early question mark against Benitez. Kean rarely looked like hitting the net last time out; I can't see there being any difference this time.

Sam Hoare
73 Posted 10/07/2021 at 10:39:43
I tend to agree with Robert that centre-back is not a priority. I think what we have at CB may suffice especially if Rafa intends to play a deeper line. Unless someone out there puts in a decent bid for Keane or Mina.

Right-back, right-wing and possibly a centre-midfield upgrade. Or striker if Kean leaves.

Knowing that Brands was negotiating in Holland recently, I'm thinking Dumfries, Boadu and Antony. The latter especially is a really exciting player!

Also read today that Boubacar Kamara might be available from Marseille for only £12M; very talented young player at that price, able to play centre-back or as a sitting midfielder.

Danny O’Neill
74 Posted 10/07/2021 at 10:51:42
I agree, Sam, and I've been consistent in my viewpoint. I don't think centre-back is a priority if we keep the ones we have.

My thought, when I saw us linked with Koulibaly was that if you can improve in any position, you do it. Hypothetically (won't happen anyway now), had we brought in the 29-year-old Koulibaly, we would have sold the 28-year-old Michael Keane or more likely Mina. So we are upgrading a position, but because we are buying and selling, it wouldn't or shouldn't impact other priority areas.

Our defence is currently good. But not good enough. To repeat, if we get the chance to improve it and do so by wheeling and dealing, then why not? In my opinion.

Sam Hoare
75 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:01:52
Danny, yes, I guess it depends on the opportunity cost and possibly the disruption to the team. If you could sell Keane for £20M and buy Koulibaly for similar then of course that would be great. But if the latter costs £20M more than Keane and costs you the chance to buy a really excellent right winger then it's a bit different. Either way, I suspect if Koulibaly moves it will be to a better team than us.

There has been internet chatter that Benitez doesn't like the look of Mina; almost definitely baseless but maybe a new centre-back might be on the menu if the Colombian moves.

Danny O’Neill
76 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:21:43
Agree again, Sam. I do and I don't like to get carried away with the rumours, but both when Ancelotti was in the chair and now Benitez, there have been centre-back rumours.

It makes me think something is going to happen in that area and that maybe Brands is now leading on the transfer front?? That's a question by the way!!

Tom Harvey
77 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:25:11
Richarlison's form last season was average at best and when you combine this with the fact that the pandemic has significantly reduced buying power of the clubs, then if he is sold it will be for a not-so-juicy price. We may well see at least a third of the price come off.

Is it worth selling him in this buyer's market? That's the question?

Brian Williams
78 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:29:28
Richarlison didn't have a great season, it has to be said, but thinking about selling someone who I believe is the most technically gifted player, after Rodriguez, is madness.

The lad takes a lot of stick from some ToffeeWebbers but I still consider him a top, top player with his best years still ahead of him.

Tom Harvey
79 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:36:51
Brian @ 77,

"Best years ahead of him"

You're absolutely correct and I'll bet he'll soon want to spend them in the glow of the Champions League, most of the pundits back in Brazil are shouting he's wasting his time with us.

I believe he would have gone anyway this window had it not been for the pandemic, but the price we could get right now might just be too low.

It's only a matter of time though.

Tom Bowers
80 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:43:20
Richarlison wasn't great by any means last season but many of his teammates weren't either.
The fact that he has done well alongside Neymar for Brazil or that Ancelotti wants him doesn't mean he is suddenly an exceptional striker.

If Everton can get the right fee, then I say let him go and use the money to get someone else who will contribute more up front.

Danny O’Neill
81 Posted 10/07/2021 at 11:44:20
A lot gets said of Rodriguez's inability to play every game or feature for 90 minutes Brian.

I'm of the opinion that, in the context of the modern squad concept & rotation, or if he performs for 60 out of the 90, we have a special talent our hands who I want to see in the new (awful) Everton kit.

I think back to City with Augero. I don't recall him eating stick because he disn't play every game.

Surround someone like Rodriguez with better players and when he does play, he will influence games. We need better players and a deeper squad to benefit from players like James.

Alternatively, we could always go and by the next up and coming Lee Carsley or Marcus Bent because they try hard.

Deliberatley and shamelessly flippant of me, and no offence to those type of players. I would finish by adding that Lee Carsley seems to be growing in his reputation as a coach. Good on him.

Howard Sykes
82 Posted 10/07/2021 at 12:49:55
Just tell Carlo the Snake he can have James for a nominal fee to get him off the payroll.
Howard Sykes
83 Posted 10/07/2021 at 13:00:15
Brian (66) don't forget Ball to Arsenal.
Brian Williams
84 Posted 10/07/2021 at 13:01:35
Danny, your dogs have just had a quiet word with me and basically said "Tell that numpty on the end of the lead this is about Richi not James." Woof!
Steve Brown
85 Posted 10/07/2021 at 13:49:17
Danny @ 80, I think we have been so indoctrinated by mediocrity for 30 years that we can't get our heads round having a truly talented player like James. The fact the Bent, Stracq and Niasse are more popular with supporters is evidence that we value perspiration over inspiration.

Now when the red shite pundits claim he isn't the right fit for us we believe them. Reality is they dislike Everton signing truly talented players. They prefer us back in our box so they can pat us on the head and tell us we are lucky to have Benitez.

Dave Abrahams
86 Posted 10/07/2021 at 14:09:02
Watford did very well out of Richarlison, bought him for just over £11M, he played every league game for them in the one season they had him, he scored five goals very early in that season and then dried up, never scored another goal,so five goals in thirty eight games then we jumped in and bought him for £35M plus add ons, I don’t think there was any other club, anywhere, who were interested in him.

Since then he had some good games, scored some very good goals but has never been consistent, surprises me that any top club would be interested in signing him, especially for the fees quoted by fans on this site, I see a player making the same mistakes now that he has done since he came, see no improvement in his game,I take the Ancelotti interest in him with a large dose of salt, Ancelotti has just watched him for nearly eighteen months, why would he have the slightest bit of interest in him.

If Everton sell him and get any profit on him they will have done very well, very well indeed.

Barry Rathbone
87 Posted 10/07/2021 at 14:27:02
Steve 34

The players you mentioned always looked appreciative of playing for Everton James doesn't give the same vibe.

His gleeful pics from a private jet showed clear detachment from the club, team mates and fans and was a monumental nob'ead moment. Scousers don't suffer fools so if he continues having days off with "fatigue" the faithful won't be happy no matter how talented he is.

Needs to pull his finger out if he's staying

Jay Wood

88 Posted 10/07/2021 at 15:04:07
Tom @ 78. This.

'most of the pundits back in Brazil are shouting he's wasting his time with us.'

No they're not.

Kevin Molloy
89 Posted 10/07/2021 at 16:17:46
his contribution in the derbies alone secured us a win and a draw. For a free transfer that's just fine as far as I'm concerned. He's the best player I've ever seen in blue, and Carlo talking about 'fatigue' was nonsense, as the colombian medics ruled him out for the whole tournament.
Jeff Armstrong
90 Posted 10/07/2021 at 19:50:12
Danny O’Neill
91 Posted 10/07/2021 at 22:41:47
Brian, I think you understand my dogs better than me!

They do worry about me. But we do have very deep and meaningful conversations about Everton every morning!

Brian Williams
92 Posted 10/07/2021 at 23:16:52
I am the dog whisperer. 🐶
Mike Gaynes
93 Posted 10/07/2021 at 23:25:39
So, anybody over there gonna stay up into the wee hours and watch Rich try to win himself a trophy with Brazil? 1am for you boys I believe.
Mike Gaynes
94 Posted 10/07/2021 at 23:47:44
I guess I'll take that as a "no".
Don Alexander
95 Posted 11/07/2021 at 00:36:26
Mike, if I didn't have to put some lard on the cat's boil I might have done.
Steve Shave
96 Posted 11/07/2021 at 09:06:49
I'm still seriously pissed off we let Olise go to Palace for £8m!!!! Check out this highlight reel
Sam Hoare
97 Posted 15/07/2021 at 14:33:24
Palace also bringing in Guehi for £16m. One of the best CBs in the championship last season, very good young player. Viera building a team with some really interesting young talent without overpaying.
Francis van Lierop
98 Posted 16/07/2021 at 13:28:06
I heard something a week ago, but couldn't find a spot to place it.

We, as we all know, are interested in aquiring Denzel Dumfries, but it's not as easy as it sounds.
Mino Raiola is involved, not most people's favourite agent by a long way.

PSG have bought Inter Milan's right back Achraf Hakimi, and it appears it's between Inter and us to get Dumfries.
Apparantly we're waiting to sell Richarlison to get the funds necessary.

Paul Jones
99 Posted 21/07/2021 at 23:29:57
I remember once reading that Real Madrid would not sign Ronaldinho because
he was not good looking enough although their two best ever players Puskas and Di Stefano were no oil paintings so maybe Richarlison is similarly rated very highly by them.

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