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Cenk Tosun rejects move to Hull City

Sunday, 01 September 2024 55comments  |  Jump to last

Cenk Tosun has rejected a move to Hull City in the Championship because he prefers to run down his Everton contract which expires in the summer, according to journalist Gökmen Özcan.

Tosun has made only two appearances in all competitions, one of which came against Hull in the FA Cup earlier this month.

He joined Everton in 2018 from Besiktas and has since scored 11 goals in 59 games, along with spending loan spells at Crystal Palace and his former club in Turkey.

Reader Comments (55)

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Vijay Nair
1 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:07:12
Of course, why work for a living when you can sit on your arse and do nothing whilst still getting paid?
Dave Williams
2 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:09:12
Sums him up. He would dash on to the pitch as a sub and then do absolutely nothing. Not really good at anything apart from sitting down.
Sam Hoare
3 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:17:03
Walcott and Tosun for around £50M plus some substantial wages. A real indication of Everton's approach over the last 5 years. Poor scouting, poor investment, poor decision-making.
Si Pulford
4 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:36:12
I honestly think he's better than Rondon. Still nowhere near good enough but it really makes a 2-year contract for Rondon look astonishing when Tosun's goals-per-game ratio is better. Rafa really has done a job on us.
Martin Reppion
5 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:37:44
To be fair, he'd have to be in Hull.

It's not like he's been offered the chance to go to somewhere decent!

Rob Halligan
6 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:39:36
In 5 months time, Tosun will be a free agent, and could face the prospect of nobody wanting him, so why not take a chance on signing for Hull?

Well, we all know the answer to that! Having said that, he will still end up back in Turkey.

Colin Glassar
7 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:54:35
Was it Bogarde at Chelsea who was the first player to refuse being transferred or loaned out? Maybe not the first but the most famous refusenik, at the time, who didn't play a single game for about 3 years, until his contract ran out.
Brian Murray
8 Posted 28/01/2022 at 09:58:33
Is there any way the club or Lampard (if it's him) can force losers like Delph, Tosun and yes, Sigurdsson out the door before Monday or do we have to be drained to the death on their contracts. Yet another Bill-inspired call, ably supported by the useless big Sam, no doubt.
Peter Neilson
9 Posted 28/01/2022 at 10:00:56
Dave (2) you're being very generous to use 'dash' and 'Tosun' in the same sentence. He sprints in slow motion. Described as the Turkish Harry Kane when he signed. One of our worst signings and another reminder of the terrible costly recruitment of the past 6 years.

Colin, yes Bogarde at Chelsea, I read he used to commute from Holland to train.

Rob Halligan
10 Posted 28/01/2022 at 10:04:32
Brian #8.

I've yet to see a players contract ripped up because they are shit. I think we just have to bite the bullet and let them run their contracts down for the next five months.

By the way, I see Andy Carroll is having a medical at West Brom. What's wrong with Rondon???

David Nicholls
11 Posted 28/01/2022 at 10:05:13
Harsh on Sigurdsson there, Brian. While he is not everyone's cup of tea, he was one of our most productive in terms of goals and assists, and was rarely injured…
Tony Everan
12 Posted 28/01/2022 at 10:05:22
Shocking transfer business: £27M, £15-20M in wages, no impact for the first team, no resale value and can't even move him on for nothing to get his wages off the books.

I'm not having a go at Cenk, he tried, but the scouting and recruiting of players like Niasse, Iwobi, Walcott, Tosun and many more, is just too bad to be true.

Great form in Russia or Turkey doesn't necessarily hold up in the Premier League. The other two Arsenal fringe players, lightweight and mostly ineffective – both a joy to play against. All on huge long contracts, mega wage deals.

These and other catastrophic scouting and recruiting decisions are central to the club's demise to this day.

Gavin Johnson
13 Posted 28/01/2022 at 10:18:14
Another leech sucking the blood out of the club.
Brian Murray
14 Posted 28/01/2022 at 10:24:34
David @11. Sigurdsson epitomised the Sky Everton. One game in four. Too slow and mentally weak. Granted, he turned up more than most.
John Graham
15 Posted 28/01/2022 at 11:06:16
They need to put him in with the U23s and then fine him if he refuses to play.
Michael Kenrick
16 Posted 28/01/2022 at 11:17:45
John, that thought seems a reasonable response but I suspect it's not going to happen.

Apparently, the players (especially foreign ones) have it written into the contracts they signed with Everton, expressly saying they will not play in the U23s. At least that's what we've been told on here.

I find that quite remarkable... but at the same time fully believable given the cast of motley characters we have accumulated amongst our playing staff – and a definite contributing factor to the widening gulf between U23s and first team that we are struggling to bridge.

The possibility should be available to managers and coaches especially as part of rehabilitation and regaining match fitness. However, using it as a punishment in the way you advocate seems purely spiteful and may be counter-productive... even to the point of being one reason for that clause in their contracts!

Dave Abrahams
17 Posted 28/01/2022 at 11:20:07
The DOF Walsh and Allardyce both scouted this player (sic) and agreed he would be a good signing – this from Walsh's mouth at an Everton AGM.

Most of us with a smattering of football knowledge, after just one look at Tosun, would have realised he never had the pace to play in the Premier League and would have swerved him.

Dave Abrahams
18 Posted 28/01/2022 at 11:25:06
Michael (16),

Niasse was one exception to not playing for the U23s and was one of the main reasons we won the U23s league that season, scored quite a few goals that season, although I accept that in general first-team players never turned out for the U23s.

Gavin Johnson
19 Posted 28/01/2022 at 11:27:24
David, yes, you're right about the Icelandic fella. We have desperately missed his goals, assists and link-up play this season. Midfield is where we are desperately short, and that's why I feel very let down.

And if he is found guilty, I think the club should take him to court and get back every penny they've paid him this season.

David Bromwell
20 Posted 28/01/2022 at 11:54:17
This Guy has cost us a fortune in every way possible: transfer fee, wages, medical expenses and unpublished perks. He is not and never has been a Premier League player and how and why we signed him is yet another illustration of the Clubs general incompetence.

Let's hope we don't make another error today. Surely it's got to be Lampard – he at least is untarnished and has a pedigree of success. At this late, late stage, any other appointment will make us look like a complete basket case.

Tom Bowers
21 Posted 28/01/2022 at 12:03:06
Tosun like many before him and still here has been a waste of space.

Injuries are unfortunate but I really question Everton's scouting ''experts'' over the years regarding some of these signings.

There have been more ''bums'' passing through the gates of Goodison than any other Premier League club and this I fear has led to the current situation.

Gbamin is another who doesn't appear to have what is necessary to make a real impression in the Premier League. Others have only the occasional half-decent game.

It may not happen but any new manager along with Moshiri must instigate a real Spring cleaning exercise to get rid of the dross earning big money for nothing.

Gavin Johnson
22 Posted 28/01/2022 at 12:04:04
David, #20

Unpublished perks?!

Like the club paying for Tosun's magic hair foam?!

Bill Gienapp
23 Posted 28/01/2022 at 12:11:52
I'm surprised Besiktas haven't offered to take him loan – with us covering roughly 75% of his salary, of course, as they desperately plead poverty.
Alan McMillan
24 Posted 28/01/2022 at 12:22:57
The problem isn't Cenk, it's the fools who:-

a) scouted him; and
b) gave him a ridiculous contract.

He was okay...ish in spells, prior to injury, but useless after that.

And what a ridiculous attempt at having "hair".

Tony Abrahams
25 Posted 28/01/2022 at 12:40:59
I wasn’t aware of that Michael K, and if true this just sadly epitomizes how much power the players have got nowadays. When it comes to footballers, I always used to think of a line from a famous Fleetwood Mac song, — “players only love you when they’re playing”.

Money makes you lazy, is probably one of the few things that Marcel Brands said, that turned out to be correct.

Ajay Gopal
28 Posted 28/01/2022 at 13:00:12
This club has been cursed for the past 5-6 years, I am convinced of it.

I remember that Tosun was having a decent loan spell at Crystal Palace and there was talk that Palace would make an offer to Everton to turn his loan spell into a permanent deal, but then he suffered a serious knee injury scuppering any chance we had of getting him off our books.

Think of the injuries to Gbamin, Delph, Doucouré, Davies, Simms, Branthwaite, Calvert-Lewin, Richarlison, Mina and before that Bolasie, Gomes, Coleman, and I am sure that no other club has suffered as much bad luck as we have.

A bit surprised that Tosun has turned down a chance to play for a club owned by a fellow countryman.

Michael Lynch
29 Posted 28/01/2022 at 13:10:22
It's a bit galling watching all the transfer business going on - Villa seem to be buying a whole new team, and the Barcodes are like a drunk man in a brothel waving fifty pound notes around - while we have only two fit midfield players and are treating the search for a manager like a fucking dating app, swiping right manically until someone agrees to go out with us.

Who'd be a blue eh?

Benjamin Dyke
31 Posted 28/01/2022 at 14:21:33
There is not much more to be said about this recruitment other than it's symbolic of everything that has gone wrong - it was short term, by a manager employed short term and gone not long after, did not work even in the short term (did Tosun's goals mean the difference between relegation or not, or Europe or not? No), was never ever going to be sold for more than he was bought for even if he was a success, was obviously not built for the PL (not physically imposing nor fast - name successful forwards in the PL that are not one or the other, there aren't many), was not proven in the PL - I could go on it makes you mad. At the same time you can't argue with the player himself. He won the lottery multiple times over!
Pat Kelly
32 Posted 28/01/2022 at 15:39:35
When Moshiri took over every joker in the business, from managers to agents to players, knew there was a huge pot of money to be tapped from someone who knew nothing about the game. And boy did they cash in. The Club is still being drained by some of them. No sympathy for Moshiri. Unfortunately it was Everton he decided to play with.
Niall McIlhone
33 Posted 28/01/2022 at 15:40:59
Although Tosun is a Turkish international, he was actually born in Germany as far as I am aware, but not a single team from the top two divisions in Germany has come in for him. What does that tell you?
Turkish clubs will be like a pack of hyenas when he's out of contract, but he will probably end up back at the permanently skint Besiktas on a modest pay level, having made his millions sat on his arse at Everton. If ever there was a totem for the sheer profligacy of the last five years of EFC, it is Cenk Tosun.
Benn Chambers
34 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:06:54
I can’t wait to see the back of this fuckin little parasite.

The likes of him and that other cockroach, Delph, is partly why we’re in this mess.

Little blood sucking ghouls who got offered a meal ticket they didn’t deserve and are clinging on to it for dear life to the very end. Players like these make me sick.

Barry Hesketh
35 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:12:47
Benn @33
I don't blame Tosun or Delph for sticking with their contracts to play for Everton, I blame the people who agreed to the length and size of those contracts.

I know if I had a contract of a similar nature, I wouldn't be in a hurry to switch employers.

Have those two players given value for money to Everton?, quite clearly they haven't, but the club is to blame not the players.

Andy Crooks
36 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:26:15
The stupidity that scouted Tosun and Delph is not their fault, but Benn, I have been thinking what you just said. Any of us on here would play for Everton for buttons. Tosun is a hired hand who got a lucky meal ticket, same as the fella who signed him.
We deserve better than the sad manager sacking specimens who wear the shirt.
Mick O'Malley
37 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:37:15
Just cannot for the life of me understand why a professional footballer would sooner sit on his arse doing sweet F.A than put himself in the shop window with a loan to another club, he has done nothing here at all except boost his bank absolutely hopeless signing by Allardyce and Moshiri.
Alan McGuffog
38 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:42:43
Mick...did you not just answer your own question ?
Alan McGuffog
39 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:42:48
Mick...did you not just answer your own question ?
Mark Ryan
40 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:51:19
Lazy, useless, parasite who offers fuck all when he comes on. His hair some the bell-end up. Not very good at all, slightly awkward, an expensive waste of time
Justin Doone
41 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:51:28
As a pure out and out striker, I would back him above anyone else currently at our club to hit the target 9 out of 10 times.

The problem being we didn't create enough chances or have any other forwards or runners to help create space for him.

His injury has also sped up his decline as whilst he was never fast, he was sharp around the box.

Whilst he hasn't been a success I could see the talent. Certainly not one of our worst buys.

Also foolish to loan him if Simms and Dobbin are both to be loaned out.

Peter Carpenter
42 Posted 28/01/2022 at 16:53:04
Lucky Hull.
Iakovos Iasonidis
43 Posted 28/01/2022 at 17:08:24
Here lies the biggest problem of this team. It is full of bloodsucker parasites and weak characters. Of course someone bought them to be here. I never despised so many Everton players as I do the last 3-4 years. No ambition at all. No manager can save this mess, it is down to luck from now on.
Christy Ring
46 Posted 28/01/2022 at 18:07:05
Brian #8 Agree with your sentiment, but sadly Tosun, Delph and the unmentionable will run down there contracts, which thankfully are finished this summer because no one would be foolish enough to match our wages, sadly Iwobi has another 30mths to go. I still don't understand how Silva/Brands spent nearly £10m and £90k a week on a player constantly on the treatment table at City. The amount of money thrown away on transfers and wages for average players, from the start of the Moshiri era is staggering, Koeman probably the worst.
Ian Bennett
48 Posted 28/01/2022 at 19:08:52
Vlahovic going to juve for £65m. Going to further limit Kean's chances. Another unhappy loan player with limited chance of getting money back.
Eddie Dunn
49 Posted 28/01/2022 at 19:37:24
Harsh on Tosun. He is a finisher, can't run the channels or anything in the air. He was unfortunate not to have a partner who he could build up an understanding.
All players need a run of games.
He had a bad injury after a good start at Palace. The lad doesn't want to play 2nd tier, he's an international. He will see out his contract and most happy to play when called upon.
He's still far better than Rondon.
Phil (Kelsall) Roberts
50 Posted 29/01/2022 at 00:22:14
Never mind playing him in the U23s - just lock him out. Don't spend one second with him. Let him lose all the fitness he has left, no access to fitness facilities, no access to trainers or physios. And tell him if he leaves the UK before 30th June, he gets paid nothing.

Let's get a bit harder.

Kieran Kinsella
51 Posted 29/01/2022 at 00:24:00
Phil 46

Totally agree. Total chancer just using us as a cash cow.

Jim Harrison
52 Posted 29/01/2022 at 12:51:41
For the club it's crap, but for the player it makes sense. He's on good wages. Try and stay injury free and secure a longer contract elsewhere. He may even get a signing on fee.

Whilst he isn't of the level Everton need, he will find suitors, not least back in Turkey.

A shocking signing. Danny Ings cost similar in his past two transfers. A different class to Tosun. Fat Sam should never have been given £50 million to spend.

Chris James
53 Posted 29/01/2022 at 13:44:06
Terrible player, terrible signing.

Pretty much every time we deal with a Turkish club we get our trousers taken down. Never again please.

Also note that Big Sam signed Walcott and Tosun. The absolute nadir amongst some pretty poor transfer records over the last 6 years. By contrast, Benitez did rather well in that respect at least (Digne and Rondon aside).

Tom Harvey
54 Posted 29/01/2022 at 18:22:42
Bill Gienapp @ 23

"I'm surprised Besiktas haven't offered to take him loan – with us covering roughly 75% of his salary, of course, as they desperately plead poverty."

Have you seen the condition of the Turkish economy lately? They'd be paying us with about 10 trillion Lira in used notes, this is about £12.50 and that's about all they can afford.

Gerry Killen
55 Posted 30/01/2022 at 05:28:52
Our two new full-backs are each on 5-year contracts, they may – and I hope they do, turn out to be World beaters but I think it's time to limit contracts to 3 years at the most and try to get young untried players on a 2-year contract. At the end of such we and they will know if it's a good fit for both the club and player.
Terry McLavey
56 Posted 30/01/2022 at 09:11:06
It's really a shame that a manager can be sacked in the wink of an eye but an unproductive player can hang around like a bad smell draining the clubs resources and living like a king for as long as there contract runs.

Isn't it about time things changed?

Steve Carter
57 Posted 01/02/2022 at 03:15:46
For those dissing Niasse in comparison, his goals-to-games ratio (8/35) is better than Cenk's (11/59).

Now, I know that, in the case of the former, most, if not all, came as a result of the ball bouncing off his arse while he was looking the other way, as compared with unopposed tap ins in the case of the latter, but hey.

Bob Parrington
58 Posted 02/02/2022 at 07:48:46
There needs to be an examination into and changes made to contract law that enables sports clubs at whatever level to sack players who don't perform to the standards required of them.

We've suffered (are suffering) with too many tossers with us not being allowed in law (able) (ready) to get rid. Yes, as many of us would agree... The law can be an absolute Ass!

Trevor Powell
59 Posted 03/02/2022 at 19:25:31
Let me see, who would I prefer as a back-up striker?

[a] Cenk Tosun
[b] Omar Niasse
[c] Brett Angell
[d] Salomon Rondon
[e] John Spencer
[f] Bernie Wright

Answer: All five are/were crap but at least Brett Angell tried and cost far less.

Don Alexander
60 Posted 03/02/2022 at 19:44:07
Trev, add Stracqualursi, Traore, Jo and Rod Belfitt to that list, ha-ha!


Derek Thomas
61 Posted 04/02/2022 at 08:45:17
Bernie and The Stracq might have lacked skill at top, top, level but they never lacked effort and never took a backward step. They wore the shirt, trod the turf and scored the odd goal so fairplay to them.

Tosun, however, sits on his arse and takes the money, can't even be arsed going somewhere for a run about just for the fun of it... it's not Timbuctoo distance-wise... and I believe he would get just as much wages only with Hull chipping in a bit to save us some cash.

Typical of the lazy 'Gold Bentley' mentality of some players... and we seem to have more than our fair share.

But that said, they didn't sign themselves, nor set the their own wages – that was all our own fault, well, Moshiri, Martinez, Walsh, Koeman, Alladyce and Uncle Tom Cobbley.

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