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Newcastle set their sights on Calvert-Lewin

| Tuesday, 16 July 2024 93comments  |  Jump to last

Dominic Calvert-Lewin has emerged as a top target for Newcastle United as Eddie Howe draws up his shopping list for this summer.

The 25-year-old has had his season wrecked by injury after making a flying start with three goals in three games but he has slowly been making his way back to fitness.

Strong links with Arsenal appear to have cooled in recent weeks as the Gunners turn their attention to Manchester City's Gabriel Jesus which makes Newcastle the leading suitor for Calvert-Lewin if a report from The Telegraph is true and Everton are open to selling him.

The former Sheffield United striker exploded onto the national consciousness last season with a raft of goals and a call-up to the England squad and he remains one of the Blues' more saleable assets.

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There has been talk that he was keen on a move to Arsenal and Luke Edwards suggests in his report for the Telegraph that Calvert-Lewin would be interested in what Newcastle have to offer.

The Magpies are expected to spend during the close season following their acquisition by Saudi owners earlier this season.

Original Source: The Telegraph  

Reader Comments (93)

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Paul Hewitt
1 Posted 12/05/2022 at 19:09:01
If Newcastle want him, it's £60 million. They can afford it.
Si Pulford
2 Posted 12/05/2022 at 20:48:34
Sell and re-invest. Could be a few of our ‘big names’ on the way out. As long as we’re smart and thelwell has a list of cheaper alternatives then we should let him go. Never a great one on one finisher but fantastic in the air.
Allen Rodgers
3 Posted 12/05/2022 at 20:57:11
If he goes anywhere it won't be Newcastle. I just don't see him in a donkey jacket and flat cap.
Paul Hewitt
4 Posted 12/05/2022 at 21:05:02
True Allan. But them skirts will be cold in winter, so I'm told.
Denis Richardson
5 Posted 12/05/2022 at 21:07:07
Please be true. Anything north of £50M and I'll drive him there myself. No idea what's happened to him this season.

Reinvest wisely please.

Kevin Prytherch
6 Posted 12/05/2022 at 21:32:48
Didn’t a few posters, when Calvert-Lewin got injured, come on here and explain that the type of injury he got would take a full season before he was back to anything like full fitness because of the persistent niggling injuries that often happen when coming back from an injury like that?

I’m hoping they’re proved right and, with a rest and full pre-season behind him, he comes on strong again next season.

Of course, it might help if we hadn’t sold our 2 main players who can either cross a ball or play a decent through ball - and that the only ones left at the club who can do either are either on bail or injured.

Sam Hoare
7 Posted 12/05/2022 at 21:44:05
Not sure we'd get as much this summer as we would have last summer. Which is why he will probably stay another year.

But I suspect 1 if not 2 out of Pickford, DCL and Richarlison will be sold this summer to balance the books. Richarlison is probably the likeliest to receive and enticing offer.

If I was Newcastle I think I'd target Toney above Calvert-Lewin. Probably cheaper and possibly as good (or better?!).

Robert Tressell
8 Posted 12/05/2022 at 21:45:18
Possible this, I think Newcastle will be looking at players like DCL and Richarlison who are top performers outside of Champions League clubs.

Probably get about £60m if this happens.

We won't get a better player as a replacement - at least not immediately.

Joe McMahon
9 Posted 12/05/2022 at 21:55:33
If they want someone good in the air and handy around the 6-yard box, then if anything North of £40 million, then yes.

Surely Howe will know he can't do one-on-one's or 25-yarders.

Terry Downes
10 Posted 12/05/2022 at 22:02:41
Personally if DCL goes i’d go for Pukki he’s a far better finisher than DCL and he’ll be quite cheap ?
Paul Smith
11 Posted 12/05/2022 at 22:08:44
Terry filling a team with relegated players makes relegation more likely. Their confidence is shot and we have enough of them already.
Terry Downes
12 Posted 12/05/2022 at 22:21:47
Paul I agree to a point but Pukki has always looked a good finisher in a poor team ? I’m not saying he would be the answer but think he would be a good fit for us especially in the box.
Paul Birmingham
13 Posted 12/05/2022 at 22:31:30
For me this is the annual Media Scavengers whose going-leaving blag.

I don’t see by game time alone, if this if and how any team would buy DCL, he’s had no game time, this season, so in theory, and by stats a risk purchase?

Richarlison, is a Gladiator, in the player, whom, try’s and fights for the Everton cause, every game,

I really hope he stays, as he has been the catalyst for the team and to secure their best form this season.

But wtf, do I know but like us all, on TW, I care like he’ll about Everton FC.

Ideally if it has to be, then all out going transfers of Everton’s best players, go abroad. But in business, money comes first.

But let’s see, all in, the last month, the Evertonians, have demonstrated the uniqueness, of being an Evertonian and for those whom play and are Everton players, and have played like they do care for the club.

“Whats Our Name?”


Robert Tressell
14 Posted 12/05/2022 at 22:43:52
Pukki signed a contract extension with Norwich this month. He's going to stay for another season by the looks of things but there was talk of him going to Fenerbache.

He is a good finisher and it would have been good to have him this season, certainly.

No point spending, say, £10m on him now at his age (32), though, when he's likely to deteriorate fairly fast now and be worthless in 2 years. For free, yes definitely. But not for a fee. Shame he signed the contract extension.

Unfortunately the rebuild is about getting us back in the top half. We are miles off troubling the Rich 6 unfortunately - it is more likely to take 3 years of careful building than 1 summer. So younger is better.

Phil (Kelsall) Roberts
15 Posted 12/05/2022 at 23:05:25
If we are looking at players from relegated sides then how about Josh King from Watford??
Will Mabon
16 Posted 12/05/2022 at 23:13:00
Phil - cup tied.
Gary Jones
17 Posted 12/05/2022 at 23:14:57
Fully believe we have the upgrade already in Simms, just needs the platform. If we could use the doe for a Brereton/Broja, the next Gana Gueye and a powerhouse CB, it’s a must.
Geoff Lambert
18 Posted 12/05/2022 at 23:54:59
Ismaïla Sarr would be a decent buy if we sell one of the othe two.
Steve Griffiths
19 Posted 12/05/2022 at 00:00:09
If DCL is going anywhere it is to London & probably Arsenal. The fashion houses & modelling agencies of the capital will be lining up for him & is where he will maximise his old the field income. I imagine they’ve already been in his or his agents ear, turning his head. If anyone wants to know what has happened to him, that’s it in a nutshell. Another young lad who has lost his way because he has taken his eye of the ball & forgot about the thing that got him to were he is in the first place. Shame cos he was really starting to look the part in a blue shirt & Carlo in particular was getting a real tune out of him. Sell for £50 - £60m definitely.
Lester Yip
20 Posted 13/05/2022 at 02:42:03
Wouldn't mind selling if price is right. Surely Lampard has contacts with Chelsea and can loan or buy some youngsters who want opportunities? Gone are the days to spend big on players at their prime but invest in the future.

Lampard was not shy to use youngsters at Chelsea. He can attract some good young players.

Peter Warren
21 Posted 13/05/2022 at 06:40:06
You've got to say we would be open to selling anybody. We are dire and can't spend money without selling.

I don't particularly like Richarlison as lone striker, hate the theatrics, but yet he works his absolute socks off and he is the one player we will really miss if he leaves. Hope he wants to stay but unlikely.

Christopher Nicholls
22 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:31:45
Our best goal scorer last season and chronically injured this season.I hope he's with us next season.

And yes as someone else mentioned, let's get some crosses in. Our wingers prefer to cut inside, fall over or slice it into the stands.

Christopher Nicholls
23 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:32:47
Although once a season they nail a worldie, so that's all good.
Christopher Nicholls
24 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:33:50
Our 'front' 3 at Watford seemed to be called Huff, Puff and Bluff.
Christopher Nicholls
25 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:35:19
Fluff also works.
I'm off to bed.
Danny O’Neill
26 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:37:54
I've said elsewhere on these pages, I don't care who we sell as long as we reinvest. This disjointed squad is a reflection of our disjointed approach to management. It hasn't worked so change it. Don't fear change, embrace it.

Trying to keep our current favourites, however good they are (and we have different opinions on that) isn't the answer.

Let the manager and DoF make the decisions and rebuild for the future. If that means selling our so-called best players then so be it.

Now that he has an Everton Passport, I can see Frank and our ever evolving background team leveraging their Chelsea links given the tendency for them to loan players out. I wouldn't be surprised to see Gallagher at Everton next season.

Once we stay up, I can see big changes at this club. Long overdue, but welcome.

That's for the summer. Brentford at home & 3 points. That's what matters right now.

Christopher Nicholls
27 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:42:28
No fear of change and we've a good'un with Frank.
I fancy he'd like to keep him and if he can bring Dele back, I quite fancy that pairing.
Terry Downes
28 Posted 13/05/2022 at 08:49:37
Gary @17,

Good point; everyone seems to have forgotten about Simms. I hope Frank hasn't and he gets an opportunity pre-season.

Trevor Peers
29 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:00:13
I'd be surprised if the fee was for DCL was anything more than £25 to £30 million, he just hasn't scored enough goals to justify anything higher. The real loss would be Richarlison who works hard and is capable of scoring a goal out of nothing. He would be a massive loss.

Just quite where this leaves us for the start of next season remains to be seen. It will need some pretty shrewd summer signings to get us to compete and score the goals we will need next season. Ominously, we don't have a very good track record when it comes to signing strikers.

Michael Lynch
30 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:01:11
Danny @ 26, I totally agree that we shouldn't be afraid to sell any of our current players. It's a dog's dinner of a squad (apologies to your dogs) and needs a rebuild. We just have to hope our new DoF and manager aren't as useless as the previous regimes, and that they can stand up to the ownership.

Having said that, I'd be amazed to see Gallagher at Everton. Surely he'll either spend another season at Palace, or go into the Chelsea squad?

Dave Abrahams
31 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:09:02
Christopher (25), Tough doesn’t fit but “ not enough” or “ had enough” can be used!!
Martin Mason
32 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:30:08
Just read that Spurs are aiming to sign Richarlison, Ben Godfrey and Anthony Gordon in the summer window. They are exceptionally well managed now.
Tony Waring
33 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:30:28
IRegardless of who we sell I just hope we hang on to Richarlison. He's class, works his socks off and scores goals; what more can you ask for except perhaps non slip boots !
Dave Abrahams
34 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:36:26
Martin (32), Are you still buying yesterdays papers Martin?
Finn Taylor
35 Posted 13/05/2022 at 09:49:19
How long before Mykolenko is touted with a move away? Be so Everton that.
Danny O’Neill
36 Posted 13/05/2022 at 10:06:09
A few judged him after one or 2 games Finn.

I see a good player in Mykolenko and he's only 22.

Those who prefer a more traditional full back, he's your man. But with Ashley Cole coaching, he can potentially turn into something more rounded.

He has the attitude and commitment from what I've seen so far and plenty of time to develop.

Mal van Schaick
37 Posted 13/05/2022 at 10:32:26
Last season I enjoyed watching him play and score goals.

Whatever is going on in the background appears to make him want the move to London. He’ll fit in better there with his dress sense, and London clubs tolerate sick notes more.

Take the 50M and let Frank buy a couple of decent strikers.

Alex Carew
38 Posted 13/05/2022 at 10:37:24
The one positive of Newcastle being interested is that I doubt he will go there but they might drive up the price. I’m not really bothered but it’s a shame as like always, a call up for England and they get in his ears and affect his mindset and that has totally swayed his interest in our club.
Jason Broome
39 Posted 13/05/2022 at 10:44:00
Never a fan. 50 Million and let Moise Keen leave for 25 Million.

Keep Richarlison because he's a hardworking, game changing winger and invest in a decent striker and CB. We need to keep our best players IMO.

Dave Lynch
40 Posted 13/05/2022 at 11:17:56
Frank will know how good our youngsters are.
But he can't risk playing the atm, we need seasoned pros to secure our place in the Premier league and hes getting some sort of tune out of them.
Imagine if we went down playing kids... he'd be slaughtered.
He's going with what he's got for now, we'll see a much different team next season.
Ben King
41 Posted 13/05/2022 at 11:18:44
Hi Mal #37

What is the evidence that DCL wants to move to London? Can you share please because I haven’t see. Anything.

If indeed you’re basing your opinion (like so many other on here) on the fact he has an outside interest in modelling/fashion and the fact he’s been turd since a long lay off with a serious injury then that’s NO evidence.

In which case pipe down and shut up and start supporting our players. Surely you’re bright enough to have seen what SUPPORT enables them to achieve over the last few matches?

Dave Lynch
42 Posted 13/05/2022 at 11:24:51
Imo if he's on the bench he's fit!
The last time he was on the pitch he was rank and showed a complete lack of interest and desire imo.
I've never been a fan of his, his shooting is woeful and his positional awareness is also poor.
Hes not a natural striker, never has been and never will be.
The above has nothing to do with his outside interests.
Mike Doyle
43 Posted 13/05/2022 at 11:27:24
Trevor #29] Don't lose sleep over the start of next season. Rondon will still be here and, after a year of full training, may be able to last as long as 25 mins.
Ajay Gopal
44 Posted 13/05/2022 at 11:44:59
Between Richarlison and DCL, Richy is the better player at the moment, but we absolutely have to sell 1 to generate funds, I would keep DCL if only because he will not generate good enough money to replace with an unproven striker. I think he and Gordon will strike up a good partnership. And with Iwobi coming into something resembling a PL player, we will have continuity with a new player (Richy replacement), Simms, Gray as backups.

If I am allowed to play fantasy football, I would sell:

Richarlison 60 million - replace with a cheaper version such as Brereton Diaz (left over funds about 25 million)
Pickford 60 million - replace with a cheaper version such as Sam Johnstone/Nick Pope/Dean Henderson (left over funds about 20 million)
Mina -15-20 million
Doucoure - 15 million

With about 75 million to invest in 1 CB and about 2 midfielders, and 1-2 players on loan, we might just have enough to stabilise ourselves in mid-table next season, and a platform for revival of our club.

Alan J Thompson
45 Posted 13/05/2022 at 11:45:17
Now come on, lads, 50-60M for the man who deputised for Harry Kane with England and scored 4 in 11 games,
open talks at 75M minimum. Or to put it another way, who else, comparably, are they likely to look at?
Kevin Molloy
46 Posted 13/05/2022 at 12:03:35
Frank will never have to buy a pint for as long as he lives if we stay up. Having said that, his recruitment strategy already raises concerns. He brought in £80m worth of footballer in January, and neither is good enough to bring on as a sub for our galaxy of superstars. that is really concerning. Benitez on the other hand, looks to have been extremely shrewd. the fullback swaps already look good business and we haven't even seen Patterson play yet, and Gray was flying on a £1.5m outlay. Still, we are where we are. One thing is for damn certain. I ain't gonna be following transfer rumour garbage all summer, I will clock in here on the first day of the season proper to find out who came and went, and hope for the best.
Alan McGuffog
47 Posted 13/05/2022 at 12:09:46

Are you a lion tamer in your spare time. Coming on here and being positive about Benitez. Cojones or wot!

James Hughes
48 Posted 13/05/2022 at 13:14:57
I would be very surprised if Calvert-Lewin joined The Barcodes unless they offered him a massive paycheck. I really hopes he stays another season at least, or maybe two – I think he could beat Lukaku's Premier League record.

Also, the guy is very into his fashion and that isn't Geordieland and he is yet to show any interest in retro '90s or vintage styles. Calvert-Lewin also appears to be able to walk without dragging his knuckles on the floor. So, all round, he really would not fit in on the Tyne.

Iain Latchford
49 Posted 13/05/2022 at 13:23:51
If a team is to be interested in one of your players, you probably want it to be Newcastle. They'll just pay the money.

If Arsenal offer £50M for Calvert-Lewin, they won't think twice about offering £60M. Plus they'll pay him more.

Ideally, you want a bidding war, so the more clubs that come in for him, the better. Personally I would sell.

Kevin Molloy
50 Posted 13/05/2022 at 13:32:23
I don't think about the danger, Alan. guess that's just the way I am.
Soren Moyer
51 Posted 13/05/2022 at 14:42:54
Pukki!!!? You are joking, I assume!
Alex Kociuba
52 Posted 13/05/2022 at 15:45:14
Pukki is the most ridiculous and uninspired suggestion I have ever seen on this website. He's not only average at best but 32 years old.
Danny O’Neill
53 Posted 13/05/2022 at 15:57:43
It depends on the direction Lampard and Kevin Thelwell take the team / squad.

For Calvert-Lewin to flourish, he needs supply he used to get from the likes of Digne. Without it, he is an isolated figure and ineffective. I'm not being harsh and appreciate he's been injured, but he needs good supply from either of the flanks as he's not generally the type of striker who will drop deep and create for himself. He's a decent finisher if supplied.

We currently don't have the wide players or types of full back to do that for him.

Given the importance of the striker in any successful team or team with ambition the questions is if he that good that you want to build it around him? Or do we start again?

I like him and he's good. But I'm not convinced he is that good.

Ed Prytherch
54 Posted 13/05/2022 at 16:11:24
It looks like Leeds are going down and they will have to sell Patrick Bamford.
Mike Gaynes
55 Posted 13/05/2022 at 16:20:31
Ed, it's not just Bamford. Raphinha and Phillips also have lowball release clauses written into their contracts if Leeds take the drop. All three will be on sale at half price or so. And they are certain to want to go.

I believe Leeds turned down a £50-million offer for Bamford or Raphinha in the last window. Mistake. Big mistake.

Iain Latchford
56 Posted 13/05/2022 at 16:20:54
I think Calvert-Lewin's game is very limited. Look at Kane, for example (granted, he is a top-class player). His passing is great, he drops deep and puts defence-splitting passes though, he shoots from distance, he can beat a man, scores with his head... the list goes on.

I would say even the likes of Antonio, Watkins, Jimenez, or Toney are as good, if not better.

Calvert-Lewin only seems effective when he's given "service". To me, that means the ball is either put on his head, or he taps it in from 6 yards. To be a top-class Premier League striker, you need a lot more to your game. I just don't see him as a £50M player.

Andrew Ellams
57 Posted 13/05/2022 at 16:38:54
Iain @ 56, spot on. He's extremely limited. It's no coincidence that, as soon as he was surrounded by players who want to run at defenders with the ball at their feet rather than those that are just going to pump balls into the box, he was pretty much redundant.

He's a throwback who had a purple patch up to October last season that will unlikely be repeated. Considering the player reach that Newcastle will have now, I'll be stunned if this comes off... and I have never believed the Arsenal rumours.

Danny O’Neill
58 Posted 13/05/2022 at 16:50:07
No two players are the same, Iain, so I don't always like making like-for-like comparisons.

But as I've said previously, Harry Kane in some ways reminds me of Graham Sharp because he has that more complete striker in his locker. Can score in the box, can hold up play, can strike with power from distance.

We don't get that from Calvert-Lewin. To coin the phrase Wenger prematurely placed on Francis Jeffers, Dominic is a more physical and athletic "fox in the box" type of striker.

Ben King
59 Posted 13/05/2022 at 16:56:40
However good or bad we think Calvert-Lewin is, he's our best chance of 15+ goals and I'm amazed that we believe a ready-made replacement or someone better is:–

a) out there;
b) affordable;
c) able to be identified by our scouting team; and
d) would want to join us.

If we can identify and pick up the next Ollie Watkins, Danny Ings, Patrick Bamford, Tammy Abrahams, then great… but it'll be a risk: Calvert-Lewin has outscored all of this lot. The trick is to play to his strengths like Carlo did absolutely to get him fit & firing Oh… and to support the lad. We've all seen what support can do to players.

Dave #42 – as you fairly point out, your thoughts are based on opinion – so you don't know.

So, being a reasonable bloke, you'd concede that actually being out for 6 months can take some time to get properly fit? Especially if said player may have rushed his recovery to help out? Especially if it was a serious injury?

I just don't know why we're knocking him and saying he's disinterested because of a few poor games when he was coming back to speed.

This is exactly the point Ben Foster was making about some Evertonians: we don't support the players, we slam them.

Danny O’Neill
60 Posted 13/05/2022 at 17:03:14
I'd like to keep him, Ben.

But it comes down to what the new management want to do when we secure top-flight football. Sell English players at an overpriced premium and pick up talent from Europe at a knock-down price? That's where I'd be going personally.

Massive profit on Calvert-Lewin based on what we paid for him and pick something up from the continent at about half the price we sell him for. If that's what we do.

Robert Tressell
61 Posted 13/05/2022 at 17:39:11
We have just 3 players who more successful clubs than us are genuinely interested in:

1. Calvert-Lewin
2. Pickford
3. Richarlison

These are consistently our best players when fit – although Mykolenko and Gordon are catching up (I'd say Gray too but he's become very inconsistent).

That's why more successful clubs want them.

For some reason, a lot of fans really do detest our best players – like Lukaku and Stones before them. These are the guys we will struggle to improve on if we sell.

I'm well aware of Calvert-Lewin's limitations but he's a very good player.

Ben King
62 Posted 13/05/2022 at 17:56:37
Danny #60 Robert #61

Agree with both of you

I'm well aware of his limitations but it winds me up when others say he's disinterested: it's ridiculous

Even from just a selfish perspective (eg, getting his England squad place back, goal bonus, attracting a new club), it doesn't make sense for him to not be interested. He has to prove he's fully recovered from the injury to get a big money move.

Plus he comes across as nice guy. Why wouldn't he want to help the club that ‘made him'?

I think the subtext is people don't like the fact he has a modelling career, wears girls' clothes, and was admittedly crap in his first few games back. So now he's not interested and is desperate to leave?

Jay Harris
63 Posted 13/05/2022 at 17:57:24
I think Nathan Broadhead, Ellis Simms and Lewis Dobbin are as good as the likes of Pukki and will have more energy and potential.
Iain Latchford
64 Posted 13/05/2022 at 18:03:57
Ben, it isn't that I don't support our players. I just don't think he's that good. Buying someone for £2.5m and then selling them for £50m would be great business. He's no better than Bamford, who'll probably be available for half the price if Leeds go down.
Robert Tressell
65 Posted 13/05/2022 at 18:20:42
Jay, I think Dobbin has proper Premier League potential.

With Simms it not yet clear. He has 7 in 19 for Hearts and some excellent strikes too. However, he's miles behind where DCL was at the same age (21). No England recognition, and no first team appearances (apart from 1 as sub).

With Broadhead, he's 24 and just hit 10 in 20 for a good team in the third tier. That places him in 34th place in the third tier scoring charts (albeit he's played fewer games than than others).

I expect him to have a good career but there's nothing really to suggest Broadhead will ever be a Premier League footballer.

Danny O’Neill
66 Posted 13/05/2022 at 18:33:41
Robert, good call out on Lukaku and Stones in particular. A young defender learning his trade at the time. Well Pep saw enough but obviously he isn't as footballing savvy as the Park End.

Conversely, we pick on our own. Hibbert and Osman spring to mind. One a traditional full back that many crave for, the latter a very technically gifted footballer.

I get frustration, it effects us all and we are all allowed our space to vent. I also think that it's okay to sell as long as we reinvest wisely. Most successful clubs do that. We've sold in the past but reinvested badly, sometimes not at all. And then when we got money, we just went stupid and threw it around like an irresponsible lottery winner who didn't know what to do with it.

Mykolenko. Let's keep an eye on him. I like what I'm seeing and think we have a player there.

Soren Moyer
67 Posted 13/05/2022 at 18:38:31
Yes to Raphina and Phillips by all means but a big no to Bamford from me. Unless you want to keep our physio busy the whole season!
Nick Page
68 Posted 13/05/2022 at 19:03:44
Selling Calvert-Lewin …. fine. Problem for Everton is reinvesting the cash (see Lukaku). Some clubs spend years trying to bring in a good striker and then others like the poxy red shite spend sixty years all bar one (Benteke) with loads of them. The jammy bastards. If it is Newcastle then we have to squeeze them hard.
Raymond Fox
69 Posted 13/05/2022 at 19:05:16
I don't see DCL going to Newcastle, he'll prefer London but if they wave enough money under his nose he might end up in the NE.
The transfer market is why all bar the usual top 6 struggle most seasons.
They have their pick of the best players from the also rans each season, how you overcome this handicap I have not a clue.
Our players and us have had a torrid time and I can imagine one or two of them wanting away.

What our squad will look like next season is anybodys guess.

Brian Wilkinson
70 Posted 13/05/2022 at 19:07:32
When fully fit Bamford is a quality centre forward, a few injuries of late a big concern though.

If the price is right and available, I would look at Tami Abraham, plus Dave and Tony could have his name on their shirts, even if he leaves after a few seasons.

In fact if both Calvert-Lewin and Richarlison leave, I would certainly look to tempt Abraham and Saint-Martin to fill their places.

Jamie Crowley
71 Posted 13/05/2022 at 19:14:54
Soren -

I don't want Raphina anywhere near Everton Football Club.

He's a snarky little shit. I honestly can't stand him. I don't care how "good" he is, he drives me insane! Hate that little cheap, whiny, annoying shit of a player!

Never. Please, please do not bring that fella to EFC!

And we don't want any injury riddled player! Injuries did us in this season (along with Rafa). No to Bramford!

Tony Everan
72 Posted 13/05/2022 at 19:24:48
I think it would be a mistake to sell DCL, we need to be thinking about how we can create more from the midfield and wide players around him. He is a proven PL goalscorer coming into his prime.

I want to see Dominic in the box for the next five years getting on the end of De Brunye style crosses and assists. The problem is not DCL it the service. If we need to sell to buy, sell other players and buy some who can provide for him.

Sort of related , Alex Iwobi has been playing better recently, particularly with the energy and effort side of his game. I’d like to see him take it up a level and get some more dangerous balls into the box from around the penalty area, I think he is capable of creating more chances. Can Frank unlock a bit more from Iwobi ?

Robert Tressell
73 Posted 13/05/2022 at 19:56:39
Why would Tammy Abraham leave Roma to join Everton?

I admire the optimism but really we have neither the money nor the pulling power.

Same with St Maximim, Phillips and Raphinha unfortunately, I expect. They'll all have better offers.

This is the trouble with buying established Premier League players. The only ones we can get are the ones who aren't really good enough to take us forward.

Look to the Championship, the reserves, academies and abroad. Lots of talent. Good value too.

Soren Moyer
74 Posted 13/05/2022 at 20:59:53
Lol Jamie. Just Phillips then!
Stan Schofield
75 Posted 13/05/2022 at 21:10:18
Some comments on this thread remind me of how fickle many football supporters, including some Evertonians, are.

Before this season, DCL was an increasing threat going forward, continually developing, scoring plenty, and playing and scoring for England. He was never injured and always reliable. Always gave his all for Everton.

This season, he’s struggled with injury, as most players eventually do from time to time. And what do some Evertonians do? Criticise him, make crass personal remarks, and want to get rid. And now to Newcastle. Newcastle for fuck sake!!

The attitude of some Evertonians reflects the state of Everton: Acceptance of mediocrity, willing to let top players go (in this case to some shit North East club who’ve been bought by an oil State), and constantly start the whole mediocrity cycle once again from scratch.

No wonder we’re fucked.

Jamie Crowley
76 Posted 13/05/2022 at 21:10:22
Sold! Phillips it is!
Jim Harrison
77 Posted 14/05/2022 at 03:09:29
Need funds for transfers and he seems a good candidate to generate them.
He has improved massively but his best spell came when James and Digne were in the team. He thrived on balls into the six yard box. I also think that teams looking to nullify him simply packed the box.

He isn’t a creator.

If we could get a good price for him and bring in Toney from Brentford at a decent price I think the attack would be improved. His work rate and tenacity is superb.

Kieran Kinsella
78 Posted 14/05/2022 at 05:06:15
Couldn’t care less who we sell as none of them have lived up to their transfer fees or wages. If we survive it’s down to the fans. If anyone comes in offering decent dosh for any of them I’d take it.
Chris James
79 Posted 14/05/2022 at 12:37:42
I do agree with a chunk of what you're saying about the fickle fanbase, Stan, and Calvert-Lewin was definitely decent for us, and improving. That said, he's far from a club legend, we've only had 1 'star' season from him and for me, he's never been the same since the Euros England camp (a problem we've had before where decent players get their heads turned).

Considering the performances put in since return from injury (where he frankly hasn't look bothered whilst many of his team-mates are fighting for their lives), there's really no great loss here.

So, on reflection, I'd say let's get the £50M+ in the bank and another £20M from Kean and see if we can find someone decent alongside Richarlison. Of all the players we have, he's proven to be one of a few we 100% need to keep hold of.

Frank Crewe
80 Posted 14/05/2022 at 12:59:37
All that cash to spend and the best they can come up with is Calvert-Lewin? If I were Newcastle's owners, I would bin Howe and get a manager who knows how to spend a big budget and attract big-name players because Howe is too parochial.

Of course, if they want to pay over the odds to get Calvert-Lewin, it wouldn't bother me. I think Calvert-Lewin is a one-dimensional forward. He lacks movement and any real skill on the ball.

Would he get into Liverpool, City, Spurs, Chelsea sides? I seriously doubt it. But he appears to be good enough for Newcastle or us.

Derek Moore
81 Posted 14/05/2022 at 13:05:57
Great comment Frank. (#80)

Howe getting DCL gives me the Sparky Hughes at City vibes - signing Bellamy, Santa Cruz and Jo.

Still money can fix a lot of problems. Unless you're Everton of course.

Mal van Schaick
82 Posted 14/05/2022 at 13:21:39
#41. Ben. Rumour mill. West Ham and Arsenal are sniffing for him.
Geoff Lambert
83 Posted 14/05/2022 at 13:45:56
If only someone would offer us £50 million for Calvert-Lewin... if only? He is a £30 million player at best and dropping in price all the time. Sell, sell, sell.
Ed Prytherch
84 Posted 14/05/2022 at 13:54:38
Jamie,<>Bamford is out because he tried to return too quickly. He was playing with pain-killing injections. He is not a sick note. His style and intelligence would suit our system with wingers who like to cut inside.
James Newcombe
85 Posted 15/05/2022 at 16:27:25
Brian 70, the thing that always struck me with Abraham at Chelsea - he needed a lot of chances to score. And Frank's Chelsea used to lay them on a plate for him, with lots of short passes around the box. I just don't think we'd create enough for him, unless his game has improved by a long way!
Justin Doone
86 Posted 16/05/2022 at 09:09:03
Neither Dom or Ric are natural strikers. Ric is more flexible as a hard working forward so I'd rather keep him.

Dom has improved massively and he'd be a huge asset to any club that play attacking football and can actually deliver crosses into the box for him.

Newcastle would suit him and for £75M that allows us to invest in several positions that need 1st team ready players.

Derek Knox
87 Posted 17/05/2022 at 06:20:04
I feel a song excerpt from Frozen coming on (adapted): "Let Him Go, Let Him Go, Let Him Go!"

He had a great season, now whether that was a one-off but, despite the long injury, hasn't displayed anything since, I would cash in. Besides he doesn't seem interested in scoring, unless it's a Catwalk or a Louis Vitton Sale.

Danny O’Neill
88 Posted 17/05/2022 at 07:06:16
The question, Derek, is whether he is irreplaceable.

If the answer is No, then we can sell and reinvest.

No player (apart from Kevin Sheedy) is irreplaceable.

Brian Murray
89 Posted 17/05/2022 at 08:21:35
Danny. well for the large part kevin richardson came in and more than made up for sheeds when he was injured but yes between him and brady best left footer in my life tone.
Matthew Williams
90 Posted 17/05/2022 at 17:32:13
No great loss...they can have him!
Tony Twist
91 Posted 21/05/2022 at 08:39:07
I have no problem with DCL going for good money. We have suffered this season without him but I feel we have seen as good as it gets from him the season before for our type of play. Richy leaving is going to be a much harder pill to swallow. I would like to see Simms having a go in place of DCL. More of a goal scorer but less of a hold the ball up front man. Simms and dele might be a good combination. Centre midfield will need to be strengthened, if we get that right then it will make the world of difference.
Annika Herbert
92 Posted 22/05/2022 at 13:28:07
It’s eye opening reading other peoples opinion on some of our players. Obviously we all view things differently but I am still surprised at some comments.

Toney is a better player than DCL? Really, where is the proof of this because it’s certainly not in the goals scored column. How many has Toney scored from open play this season? In a team playing pretty good football.

I just wonder who people think would replace DCL and please don’t make me laugh by mentioning Pukki. If we do sell I would much rather one of our promising youngsters is given a chance.

Ajay wants to sell most of our best platters and just assumed we can buy ready made replacements. If only it was that easy!

Raymond Fox
93 Posted 22/05/2022 at 14:02:40
How are we ever going to have a top side if we keep selling our best players - its one reason why we keep finishing down the league.
The other reason is that the best players don't want to come to a club with our recent record who are not playing Champion League football.
Yes we have spashed plenty of cash but with the exception of one or two up and coming players all have turned out to be at best good players not the top players that we need to challenge your City, Chelsea etc.

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