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Mallorca interested in Rondon

| Saturday, 27 July 2024 56comments  |  Jump to last

Real Mallorca are reportedly looking to sign Salomon Rondon, with the striker likely to be surplus to requirements at Everton following a disappointing season back in the Premier League.

MailSport claim that the Spanish club's manager Javier Aguirre hopes to reunite with Rondon a decade after the Venezuelan striker had the best spell of his career at Malaga.

Rondon returned from stints in Moscow and China when Rafael Benitez signed him for Everton last summer but just one goal in 20 League appearances represented a poor return and his last contribution this season was to get sent off for an ugly tackle against Brentford.

He has another year on his contract with the Blues but the Mail's report suggests that Frank Lampard has designs on changing his attacking options around Dominic Calvert-Lewin and Richarlison, both of whom he hopes to keep at Goodison this summer.

Original Source: Daily Mail  

Reader Comments (56)

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Michael McGrath
1 Posted 27/05/2022 at 05:17:49
Good to hold the ball up in attack, distributes well and was unlucky not to score more. A good sub for the final quarter off the bench. Everton might have played him more.
Martin Reppion
2 Posted 27/05/2022 at 08:53:08
He came in unfit and was expected to get time occasionally to build up his strength as a support striker. The injuries to Calvert-Lewin and Richarlison thrust him into the spotlight earlier than was ideal.

Having said that, if we have realistic alternatives in our sights, particularly young players, he should go. By no means as bad as his record this season suggests, but he won't get into the first XI and a rebuilding of the squad has to start with removing those who aren't going to play much of a role.

Pat Kelly
4 Posted 27/05/2022 at 08:56:10
We'll miss his goals. But then so did he.
Ray Roche
5 Posted 27/05/2022 at 09:08:19
Martin, Rondon took months to get anywhere near fit enough for Second Division football, never mind Premier League. He was as mobile as a tree and ranks right up there with Rod Belfitt (shudder) and the hapless Brett Angell in the list of failed signings.

But he's very good to his Mum.

Mal van Schaick
6 Posted 27/05/2022 at 09:25:51
I think we can safely say he can go. He's not up to the pace of the Premier League, and reminded me of a good old-fashioned goal hanger. Not mobile enough and we need to do a lot better with our recruitment.
Derek Knox
7 Posted 27/05/2022 at 09:27:53
Best of luck to him running his new Mobility Store in Mallorca! Wonder if any Evertonians will get a generous discount at Saloman's Scooters and Rondon's Wheels?
Tony Everan
8 Posted 27/05/2022 at 09:36:09
If we can't get a more mobile and more effective back-up than Rondon we may as well throw the towel in.

Dobbin, with his pace and bursting enthusiasm, would cause more problems from the bench. Or bring someone in with aerial ability who can play a bit, in the mould of Giroud, who would give defences a big headache off the bench for the last 20 to 30 minutes.

He's put in a few good shifts once he eventually got fit, and that effort is appreciated, but surely he will be allowed to move on if he's wanted by Mallorca or whoever. He will probably do a good job for them.

John Pickles
9 Posted 27/05/2022 at 10:48:03
His only future with Everton is as a tricky answer to a question, in a Blues themed quiz night, in about 20 years time.
Steve Brown
10 Posted 27/05/2022 at 11:02:18
I was blown away by Rondon in one regard. How could a professional athlete get so unfit that, by the end of a full season, he still can't last 90 minutes?
Ian Bennett
11 Posted 27/05/2022 at 11:04:11
Ben King
12 Posted 27/05/2022 at 11:07:05
Steve #9,

He couldn't even last the 15-20 mins required when he came on.


We have so much dross at Everton: we should aim to get £3-5M transfer fee and use it on a Championship player with potential.

Or save it and see if Simms is up to the job. (Personally, I think it's too early to ‘rely' on him but he may be a decent sub option…)

Alan J Thompson
13 Posted 27/05/2022 at 11:18:31
Did Mallorca ask how much we would pay or have they made an offer other than some time beside the seaside?
Peter Carpenter
14 Posted 27/05/2022 at 11:25:36
So cruel. How would we have got past Boreham Wood without him?
Derek Knox
15 Posted 27/05/2022 at 12:11:12
Tony @ 7, "Dobbin with his pace and bursting enthusiasm would cause more problems from the bench."

Dobbin had more chance of scoring than Rondon, while still on the bench!

Peter, sorry mate forgot about Boring Wood, must be the worst night of football in the worst conditions that I can remember since Selective Amnesia set in. :-)

Graham Mockford
16 Posted 27/05/2022 at 12:11:57
If ever a signing summed up the skip fire that has been our recruitment policy, it's Rondon.

Old, unfit, slow and ponderous and we still had to play him.

Wouldn't get in a Championship team. If Mallorca want him, I'll drive him there myself.

Peter Carpenter
17 Posted 27/05/2022 at 12:15:03
Wait for a counter offer from Benidorm.
Tom Bowers
18 Posted 27/05/2022 at 12:38:09
Sadly, desperation signings usually backfire and Everton have had very few inspired signings in that category. Can anyone tell me what was the El Ghazi signing all about??

Rondon works hard but is not what we need to supplement Calvert-Lewin and Richarlison.

Ciarán McGlone
19 Posted 27/05/2022 at 14:04:06
He should go and live with Benitez.

Has all the makings of a classic sitcom.

Niall McIlhone
20 Posted 27/05/2022 at 14:25:10
His last contribution to the cause was a two-footed lunge for a ball he had no chance of winning, and in an unimportant area of the pitch. It was befitting of the Huyton & District league, with Sid the scaffolder turning out, still pissed having had too many in the Bluebell the night before.

Shocking player, but hey, he will walk away with a few bob in his arse pocket, eh?

Mark Ryan
21 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:01:23
Same story as Delph, Schneiderlin, Sigurdsson, Ashley Williams, Saha, Rooney's second coming and many, many more. Past his best when we signed him.

Bye, Everton, change the way we sign players. No duds, no journeymen… Stop!!!

Tony Abrahams
22 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:04:11
You can't blame Lampard for that stupid tackle that Rondon made, but he had a lot of forwards on the pitch and nobody in midfield to supply them when Rondon made that silly lunge.
Denis Richardson
23 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:08:39
He has another year?? I thought we only gave him a 1-year contract!

Cripes, he's truly gash. Best definition of a cart-horse in the league.

Mike Gaynes
24 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:10:32
Superb competition of funny lines here.

Rondon does tend to bring out the dark humor in people, doesn't he?

Gary Jones
25 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:19:44
Bid rejected for Kean Lewis-Potter apparently.

Doesn’t sound like it’s a goer as Hull don’t want to sell.

Right kind of profile though. Encouraging first move.

Ray Said
26 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:31:02
Do they need someone to eat all the pies in Mallorca?
John McFarlane Snr
27 Posted 27/05/2022 at 15:41:52
Hi Mike [23],

I may be resorting to my 'Snowflake' image, but I do agree with you when you describe some comments as 'Dark humour'; however, I think it's shows disrespect to mock Rondon's ability [or lack of].

It's my opinion that anyone who plays professional football at whatever level, is superior to most of the people who mock them. My take on his time at Everton, is that he is not up to the standard required, and if he's not good enough that's not his fault.

Bill Griffiths
28 Posted 27/05/2022 at 16:35:55
I'm with you on this John Mc. Not enough homework and thought from the people who signed them.

All a player can do is go out and do his best. I believe that most of our players with maybe a couple of exceptions do go out to try their best, whether their best is good enough is another question.

Christopher Timmins
29 Posted 27/05/2022 at 17:11:59
I see where West Ham have announced the details of players that they are letting go, 4 in total. We should soon hear how many of those who are out of contract are being let go.

Best of luck to Rondon, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Ed Prytherch
30 Posted 27/05/2022 at 17:12:06
Rondon is never going to start and Simms is a much better option off the bench and could easily develop into a starter this coming season.
Dave Bowen
31 Posted 27/05/2022 at 17:58:24
Peter @#16, I play for Benidorm’s walking football team & although Rondon may be better suited to walking football, we don’t bloody want him.
Ian Bennett
32 Posted 27/05/2022 at 17:58:54
Valentin Castellanos - Everton have been linked with this guy. What do our US cousins say about him?
Mike Gaynes
33 Posted 27/05/2022 at 18:49:04
Ian, he's a young Argentine, 23, nicknamed Taty. Came into MLS as a teenager and has been a high-volume if inconsistent scorer for Thelwell's previous club, NYCFC. Named league MVP last season. Little dude, only 5'10", cat-quick to the ball -- think Chicharito Hernandez -- and strong and can score with his head.

I haven't seen enough of him to form an opinion on whether he's a Premier League striker, but both David Moyes and Jesse Marsch seem to think so, because West Ham and Leeds are both in for him at about £13 million.

John McFarlane Snr
34 Posted 27/05/2022 at 19:27:01
Hi Bill, [27] I believe that if similar behaviour took place in a school playground, the parents of the children subjected to such treatment, would regard it as verbal 'Bullying'. I am on record as saying that I favour some players over others, but it's not my style to hurl abuse at the less favoured. In fact I wouldn't do so against any opposition player. I know this doesn't make me a saint, but I have no control over it, it's just the way I am.
Dale Rose
35 Posted 27/05/2022 at 19:53:12
He was very unfit, and for an attacking forward very much out of it.
Bill Gall
36 Posted 27/05/2022 at 19:53:15
Why are supporters criticizing him? He didn't ask to come – it was Benitez who brought him and played him when he was unfit. The man is an international South American footballer and, although he may not be wanted, his sale will raise a small fee and get his wages off the books.
Peter Carpenter
37 Posted 27/05/2022 at 19:57:58
Even rejected by Benidorm, poor Sal.
Graham Mockford
38 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:09:15

Supporters are criticising him because he was gash. The worst centre-forward to play in the royal blue and I've seen a few.

Tony Abrahams
39 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:15:46
I've definitely seen a lot worse than Rondon, playing centre-forward for Everton, although his early performances were definitely up there, when he clearly wasn't fit.
Tony Hill
40 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:17:22
Oh, I don't know, I'll raise you Sandro Ramirez.

Tony Hill
41 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:21:21
Or Oumar Niasse, or Rod Belfitt (my personal preference), or Bernie Wright. Rondon was busted but these guys had their awfulness gifted to them.
Brian Murray
42 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:37:48
I think Bernie the Bolt tops that list. Closely filled by Joe Harper …incredibly a Catterick signing!
Tony Hill
43 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:44:30
Yes, Brian, part of that godawful decline from which some of us think we've never recovered.
John Otway
44 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:45:58
Brian Murray #41. Or as he was better known Bernie the Dolt.
Graham Mockford
45 Posted 27/05/2022 at 20:50:16
I always had it as Madar but Rondon has everything. Lack of pace, poor touch, inability to link up with players around him, general lethargy. An absolute dud.
Tony Abrahams
46 Posted 27/05/2022 at 21:02:39
Oh me darling?
Brian Murray
47 Posted 27/05/2022 at 21:06:37
Having said that, Jigsaw Barlow cost us a derby at Anfield, missing a sitter.
Tony Hill
48 Posted 27/05/2022 at 21:11:41
Brian, we've done Joe H a disservice. 12 goals in 43 if you don't mind. Showing off.
Brian Murray
49 Posted 27/05/2022 at 21:33:12
Tony, the Millwall cup exit in '73, Harper missed an open goal but I suppose we have had worst. Carnage in the Park End that day as Millwall to this day talk about their causalities.
Derek Thomas
50 Posted 27/05/2022 at 01:18:13
Re Bernie Wright; Zlatan he wasn't and as John MacF. says - They don't sign themselves.
He later admitted he was his own worst enemy and failed to grasp his chance, but he was never physically unfit, never took a backward step and always gave 100%.

Anybody who (allegedly) Twice punched Tommy Smith down a set of nightclub stairs gets my vote.

Ian Bennett
51 Posted 28/05/2022 at 08:58:00
Thanks, Mike G.
Dave Williams
52 Posted 28/05/2022 at 11:58:24

I've not heard that one, any detail?

Steve Shave
53 Posted 28/05/2022 at 13:30:07
I think people are being a little harsh on Rondon here. He was clearly unfit and thrown into the deep after years away from the pace of the Premier League.

A poor signing and not what we needed but he gave the impression he really wanted to do well, always came across as a good egg, and I wish him well.

I would like us to replace him with some unknown gem or perhaps Brereton-Diaz from Blackburn.

Alex Parr
54 Posted 29/05/2022 at 23:00:20
I agree with a few posters that the abuse or extreme criticism of Rondon is harsh. I felt he always tried hard and was clearly not up to Premier League standard of fitness and thrust in earlier and more long-term than expected.

I reckon he could go to a lower-level club (hard to find based on results this season I know...), perhaps one of the newly promoted sides, and he will score 10 goals in the Premier League.

Jim Potter
55 Posted 30/05/2022 at 12:59:42
I don't even think Mrs Rondon is interested in him.
Denis Richardson
56 Posted 30/05/2022 at 17:13:39
Trying really hard surely doesn’t excuse being crap for the level he was supposed to play at.

Not his fault but he was woeful this season and simply looked out of place being on the pitch.

That’s not being abusive just giving an opinion.

Otherwise we may as well re-sign Niasse as he also tried really hard and played with a smile….

Brian Hennessy
57 Posted 30/05/2022 at 17:27:33
If true this could have serious consequences for our proposed new shirt sponsor Hot Wok. I have it on good authority that since Rondon signed for us, Hot Wok profits have soared to a level not seen since Rooney came back from Manchester.

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