Everton's new ground part of Euro 2028 bid

16/11/2022 56comments  |  Jump to last

Everton's new ground, under construction at Bramley-Moore Dock, has been included on the shortlist of stadiums for the joint bid by the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland for the 2028 European Championships.

The £550m, 52,000-seater Everton Stadium, which is expected to be completed in 2024, joined Premier League grounds like Villa Park, West Ham's London Stadium, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, Newcastle's St James' Park, City of Manchester Stadium and Old Trafford on the list of venues that would be under consideration for the final selection.

 The list also features Wembley Stadium, Hampden Park, Dublin Arena, Croke Park, Belfast's new Casement Park Stadium and Sunderland's Stadium of Light. 

Together, we believe we can deliver a world-class tournament, and that hosting Uefa Euro 2028 will achieve a strong and sustainable legacy for football and wider society, helping to drive economic growth in local communities, a joint statement from the English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish and Eire football associations said.

The joint bid from the British Isles nations for the Euros is now their focus instead of one for the 2030 World Cup.

Prof. Denise Barrett-Baxendale, Chief Executive Officer at Everton Football Club said: “We are proud that Everton Stadium and the City of Liverpool has been shortlisted to form part of the UK and Ireland’s strong bid for Euro 2028.

“We believe our new waterfront stadium and the city of Liverpool can offer resources and infrastructure that make it a perfect location for one of the most celebrated and anticipated tournaments in our sport."




Reader Comments (56)

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Eddie Dunn
1 Posted 16/11/2022 at 15:23:27
Looks like we have knocked Mordor off that list.
Danny O’Neill
2 Posted 16/11/2022 at 15:26:34
It's happening.

That Stanley Park Shoe Box with it's big stand can take a back seat.

Rob Halligan
3 Posted 16/11/2022 at 15:29:33
Maybe Uefa can finish paying for it!
Michael Kenrick
4 Posted 16/11/2022 at 15:55:00
I just read somewhere this morning that Moshiri told the shareholders the cost had risen to 𧾦M, making those hilarious questions about paying for it all the more serious.

All I could find was this cryptic note in the ESA Executive Comittee Meeting Minutes from September:

• Michael Owen asked about funding for the stadium and John Blain responded by providing him with feedback from our recent meeting with Mr Moshiri.

Ah yes, it was Tom Hughes, posting @36 on the thread about that Guardian article by Simon Goodley.

Tom Hughes
5 Posted 16/11/2022 at 16:15:06
Danny #2,

They'll have 2 big stands by next year and possibly 3 by 2028.

The main issue however is the size of their pitch not quite meeting international regulations. They don't appear to be too bothered about addressing it though.

Nick Page
6 Posted 16/11/2022 at 16:25:35
Did we lose at the weekend? Just checking….
Kenwright FC PR machine still working fine. Cynical twats.
Nick Page
7 Posted 16/11/2022 at 16:27:03
And how does Villa Park keep getting on these lists?
Christy Ring
8 Posted 16/11/2022 at 16:35:03
Nice to see the No 1 stadium in Liverpool.
Tom Hughes
9 Posted 16/11/2022 at 16:47:21
Nick #7,

The largest stadium in the country's 2nd biggest city. Due to be expanded too.

Danny O’Neill
10 Posted 16/11/2022 at 17:18:23
Tom @5, I've seen that when I make my trips to Goodison and go to make pilgrimage to my Grandad's old local, the Arkles. Yes a red pub.

They've effectively closed down a section of what used to be the Anfield Road.

It doesn't matter though. Bramley-Moore Dock will be iconic and that thing can stay where it is.

Frank Sheppard
11 Posted 16/11/2022 at 17:21:33
Great, but it could well be the best stadium in the Championship.
Joe McMahon
12 Posted 16/11/2022 at 17:41:39
I can't wait, and it's going to look great!, but I will never gloat too much. Reds will have a bigger capacity (yes a bigger demand but the plans look vulgar), and they will just point to many league titles and european trophies.

It's defo a step up from Goodison and Frank @11, I don't wanna go there.

Nick@6, please don't mention his name.

Mark Taylor
13 Posted 16/11/2022 at 17:42:05
Shortlisted is one thing but I gather it is going to be picking one from ours, the Etihad and Old Trafford. Chances are, it won't be us.
Barry Hesketh
14 Posted 16/11/2022 at 17:53:34
It's a stadium that is being built for Evertonians to attend home games to watch Everton FC, quite what that has to do with anything happening over the park with regards to its shape and size is irrelevant. There is as much chance of the new stadium being in the final selection as the others in the list, we'll find out for sure in April next year.
Danny O’Neill
15 Posted 16/11/2022 at 17:55:47
I have fond memories of two 1980s semi finals at Villa Park. Always been one of my favourite grounds to visit, even before I met my Villa supporting wife. I remember the day we seemingly took over the M6 with cars, taxis and coaches to literally take over the stadium. I don't know the figures but I believe it was something ridiculous like 10,000 travelling fans as we honed in on the title and you know who scored the winner with a volley.

The UK's second city by population only these days Tom. Manchester is now the UK's 2nd city from a business perspective.

I'm not sure how Villa would extend that footprint given it's hemmed in as much as Goodison, although they've done well over the years to make it what is is now. I remember the stand where the away supporters now sit looking like the old Filbert Street that the Match of the Day cameras used to face at Leicester. The Holte end being an uncovered monstrosity. There main stand akin to the Bullens Road.

Maybe they do have plans. I haven't seen or heard of them.

Named a new stand after a Chairman whilst still alive. That grated with a lot of Villa fans. Now there's a thought.

Eddie Dunn
16 Posted 16/11/2022 at 18:19:06

I remember going to Villa and standing on that open Witton End and having sharpened coins, ball-bearings etc thrown at us (and of course returned) all game, in the late '70s.

Also recall a right rumpus on the way back to the trains with roof slates and bricks flying through the air. I do miss the olden days!

Rob Halligan
17 Posted 16/11/2022 at 18:39:31
Aston Villa are planning on redeveloping Villa Park, but only with an additional 7,400 seats, making their overall capacity at just over 50k. So still smaller then our new stadium.

Joe #12. The RS will increase their capacity by 6k once their new extension is finished. I guess the idea behind that is to house all the RS season ticket holders with a Liverpool postcode, currently 5,832, in the one area. Makes sense I suppose!

Brian Murray
18 Posted 16/11/2022 at 18:44:32
What is Denise a professor in? World class marketing? Making the club unrivalled income due to high-range sponsorships ?

Just curious or did her sidekick give her that title!

Tony Abrahams
19 Posted 16/11/2022 at 18:51:21
Can you get me the data on that paltry figure, Rob, or any kind of proof, because I've got a couple of self-superior clowns on a WhatsApp group, who keep asking me for proof whenever I bring this up, about Liverpool and their Tory voting fans.
Rob Halligan
20 Posted 16/11/2022 at 18:54:55
Tony, it may well be a wind up by someone. However, if you google "How many Liverpool season ticket holders have a Liverpool postcode" then it does come up.

The article revealed that of Liverpool's 27,000 season ticket holders 5,832, or 21.6%, had Liverpool postcodes, in comparison to 25,647, or 84.1%, of Everton's 30,500 season ticket holders.12 Oct 2022

Darren Hind
21 Posted 16/11/2022 at 19:02:26

if you walk right around Villa Park, you'll see it isn't hemmed in nearly as tightly as Goodison. The surrounding area is being redeveloped and capacity will be increased to over 50,000

We mirror Villa in many ways. We are both huge clubs living on an illustrious past. In 2025 (if all goes to plan) we will have an almost identical capacity to them too.

Joe McMahon
22 Posted 16/11/2022 at 19:06:45
Rob, I wonder how many are south cost postcodes? and overseas.
Rob Halligan
23 Posted 16/11/2022 at 19:13:05
Tony, try this……


David West
24 Posted 16/11/2022 at 19:31:24
How can the cost of the stadium increase by 50% if the contractor signed a fixed-price agreement? I haven't read any articles or quotes from Michael Owen but seems like scaremongering.

I think bids for the Euros are not always about capacity either. Facilities are a big factor and the modern stadiums have such facilities, which give them an edge over larger ageing stadiums like Old Trafford or Villa Park.

It would be a nice little earner, I suspect, so can we have the money now for a striker??

Rob Halligan
25 Posted 16/11/2022 at 19:49:22
Joe, let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say there's a further thousand in the Merseyside area. So that leaves 20K down south and abroad.

Of course, the other 27K in the ground are ALL tourists, because all the rest of their tickets are sold as part of a package.

Brian Murray
26 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:10:28
The Liverpool fans and their postcode came to light in the covid era when no one was allowed to travel. The daily star and a few others quoted them at just under 6k season ticket holders from the Merseyside area, ours was 26 k. From the Merseyside area. Robs figures probably exactly spot on to mine.
Danny O’Neill
27 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:21:33
It's not hope Darren, it's happening!!

With safe standing, we could go up to 60,000.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark of a fading memory, but didn't Villa do something like the red cousins in buying up streets to build the now new Doug Ellis Stand in place of that Filbert Street like stand I mentioned?

It always had a bit of charm about it when in reality at the time, it only had one decent stand behind the goal where we used to stand as the away fans, with the home supporters above. Fond memories from those semi-finals.

I guess I'm going to spend the next several weeks reminiscing as well as being subject to being surrounded by the England mob here in West London.

Ian Jones
28 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:24:41
I have also been to Villa Park a few times and whilst the outside of the stadium may look a bit tired (alot of the older stadiums do), they also have plans to make their stadium more modern.


I would reccommend anyone down in the Midlands area who hasn't been on their stadium tour to do it. It's certainly worth it - the interior of the stadium is very impressive.

Danny O’Neill
29 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:34:12
Far be it from me to harp on about post codes with my Uxbridge one, but I can always revert back to my L24 and L19 roots. And I did own a house and live in L25!!

But way back in the 90s, my sister, who worked in their ticket office and still works for the dark side often commented on how many of the match going fans came from elsewhere.

Call it clever and business astute, but apparently they were more interested in one-time day-trippers who would spend a fortune in the club shop than they were in local supporters who didn't make up the majority of the match day supporters..

Me? I spend a conservative 𧶀+ going to a home game at Goodison. Sometimes I daren't look, but I know someone who does. The club only sees 㿝 of that expenditure. They would probably get another ٣ out of me if that lady in the Upper Bullens would serve me at half time.

The point is, we have to balance between our unrivalled loyal home base, those that travel, home and away, and our ability to market the brand. To do that, we have to build a brand. If we can't build on what those supporters demonstrated at the end of last season, I don't know what we can do.

Over to the board and marketing department.

Oh. There lies one of our many problems.

Christy Ring
30 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:36:53
Joe#12 They can point to their European trophies, but the rest of the world will never forget there tarnished history, even though they never show respect or remember May'85 in Brussels.
Tony Abrahams
31 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:41:24
Thanks Rob, I'll try that now, mate. I am a bit of a schizophrenic though mate, and think that the devils club, must definitely employ people who go onto these social media websites and constantly keep airbrushing certain things from the past, that don't shine their club, in a positive light.
Rob Halligan
32 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:44:32
For anyone who doubts just how much the RS are really pissed off with us getting a new stadium, not just a new stadium, but on the banks of the Royal Blue Mersey, take a look at the link for the red echo reporting on the stadium being picked for Euro 28, and look at how many comments there are. At the moment it stands at 345, and I can guarantee you there will be at least more than half from RS. In fact, every stadium report by the red echo is full of red fume……………


Danny O’Neill
33 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:46:57
Christy I'm trying to come out of a dark place after last week.

Don't start me.

The biggest airbrush in footballing history. Right up there with a Soviet Union / Vladimir Putin style of nothing to see here. Let's not talk about that as there's nothing to talk about.


Is it possible to hate an institution when about 70% of your family support them?

Fucking absolutely. With a passion. Every single one of them.

Swear jar. Thanks Christy.

Rob Halligan
34 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:48:31
This link backs up Brian's post #26, when fans were allowed back after covid.

Interesting stat re Liverpool area return to games

Brian Murray
35 Posted 16/11/2022 at 20:51:36
Obviously adds weight to the claim stop global warming. Ban Liverpool fans travelling to home games.
Joe McMahon
36 Posted 16/11/2022 at 21:02:00
Christy, Good Call. Although someone please remind the BBC and Sky pundits.
Rob Halligan
37 Posted 16/11/2022 at 21:11:04
Brian, remember this from a few years ago? I believe it knocked a few thousand off the attendance of one of the RS home games……..


Jack Convery
38 Posted 16/11/2022 at 21:14:51
I expect our new stadium to report it's injured just before the first home game is played. Anything truly important to EFC usually ends up injured, just when it matters most.

As for the RS - their European Cups are filled with blood, not champagne, as I like to remind them, when they go on about their glorious European history. They usually look at me as if to say "You can't say that!" - as they say, the truth hurts.

When I think back that Blues supporters were playing a match against the Dutch police the week before and creating a real positive impression on Scousers. Maybe that's the problem – too many plastic scousers.

Darren Hind
39 Posted 16/11/2022 at 21:49:00

I know BMD is happening. I see it every time I walk out of the house.

I was talking about the extension at Villa. You said it was hemmed. I was just letting you know that they will extend to over 50,000 with plans to extend again.

Danny O’Neill
40 Posted 16/11/2022 at 21:54:32
It must be fantastic to see, Darren. I rely on the online updates, posts from fellow Evertonians, and when I get to home games.

We will have that drink, Darren. Be it near Goodison or at The Bramley Moore.

We'll get on fine. I have no doubt. Even if you shout at me for being a soft arse!

Darren Hind
41 Posted 16/11/2022 at 22:08:42
I will not shout at you, Danny.

You tell the jokes and I'll buy the ale. If your jokes are crap, we'll need to have a "Strategic Review".

Rob Halligan
42 Posted 16/11/2022 at 22:13:09
Don't bank on Darren turning up, Danny. He said he would meet me in some working men's club near Stamford Bridge a few years back, but he wasn't there. 😡😡😡
Darren Hind
43 Posted 16/11/2022 at 22:15:59
I was in Fulham workies club, Rob. We went there every season. I suspect you couldn't find it or went to the wrong place.
Danny O’Neill
44 Posted 16/11/2022 at 22:21:24
By hook or crook we will meet up.

Strategic REeview? We'd probably have a more constructive one in our collective wisdom in some alehouse somewhere.

Drinks are on Rob. I'll get the 2nd round in. If we make a 3rd, it's yours.

Rob Halligan
45 Posted 16/11/2022 at 22:27:00
We went to the one which was almost opposite Stamford Bridge. Can't remember what it was called.
Darren Hind
46 Posted 16/11/2022 at 22:47:03
That's the one, Rob. Just off the Fulham Road.
Danny O’Neill
47 Posted 16/11/2022 at 23:09:42
Marching down the Fulham Road. All the windows open wide.

That was a great night last season.

Tom Hughes
48 Posted 16/11/2022 at 23:19:51
David #24,

Michael Owen and I quoted Moshiri himself from his recent minuted meeting with the shareholder's association. Literally straight from the horse's mouth.

Fixed price contracts are still often subject to material cost increases and other unforeseeables and/or client changes. Whatever the causes, Moshiri himself stated that the stadium cost had risen to 𧾦M.

Whole Project and stadium construction costs are often used interchangeably by club owners to inflate the apparent value of their investment. In any case, they are both the same on this project.

Rob Halligan
49 Posted 16/11/2022 at 23:32:27
To be fair, Darren, we couldn't find that club at first. It was tucked away and we must have walked past it loads before finally seeing it.
David McMullen
50 Posted 16/11/2022 at 00:09:34
Danny (10) re Anfield Road.

That's something I saw a few months back and I find it deplorable that, as well as knocking down rows of houses at the back of the hole punch and knocking the houses down on Anfield Road, that they've actually blocked off the road completely.

If Everton did something like that it would be a petition to Parliament: "Stop the Eve".

Jim Wilson
51 Posted 17/11/2022 at 00:10:25
The ground is not completed, we might get relegated, I am not interested.
Eddie Ng
52 Posted 17/11/2022 at 02:04:02
Nick #7 probably they need representation from all major English cities and Birmingham doesn't seem to have many choices??
Danny O’Neill
53 Posted 17/11/2022 at 06:20:50
Without wanting to blaspheme, but Jesus Christ, Jim @51.

It's wet and miserable outside without having to read that succinct comment.

It will soon be Boxing Day and the Blues will be back.

I guess before then I'd best think about my Christmas shopping, but I'm a Christmas Eve type of shopper and there are 2 matches in Australia to think about.

Derek Taylor
54 Posted 18/11/2022 at 12:23:53
Probably the biggest dilemma that, from time to time, faces every club is the poser of when to sack the manager. Chelsea or Yeovil, Man Utd or Forest Green, you can be sure that, regardless whether the incumbent was a famous International or a non-league 'never was', when the bad run comes along, the question will be asked. Regardless of success in previous seasons – or even last month in some cases – a run of three defeats is all it takes for 'the pressure' to mount.

At the top, it often starts with 'the Sundays' suggesting all is not well at Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge whilst lower down, dissatisfaction spawns on the terraces. But how long do you give the guy in charge before starting to calculate the 'fuck off' money?

Well, for the likes of Abromovich, a month of mediocrity was a long time and constant success was achieved by installing a revolving door. Unfortunately, the Russian approach has not had the same effect here where even a world-renowned gaffer fell short and took things into his own hands and walked out! (At least we saved the FOM!)

Of course, some advocate the Burnley approach where loyalty to a lower-order manager kept a crap side in the Premier League beyond its natural life. (Some would say Everton are about at Burnley's level now so why not appoint Mr Dyche?) It may happen yet !

But getting back to the 'how long'' question, regardless of Everton's record in picking 'em, no club can possibly risk relegation by persisting with any manager who fails to reach ~28 points by the halfway mark. I very much doubt Friendly Frank will do it!

Danny O’Neill
55 Posted 18/11/2022 at 12:46:55
I think the difference, Derek, is that Chelsea gradually built something over years. It started in the '90s when they built an entertaining football team and invested in renovating Stamford Bridge. Those of us who remember the '80s version wouldn't recognise it now. It had one stand. The rest was like an uncovered greyhound racing track.

They won trophies along the way, but it wasn't until a decade or so later they won league titles and now have 2 European Champions Leagues to their credit.

Long term vision, strategy and a plan.

Once that's in place, then you can entertain changing managers as often as you want. Because the structure of the organisation is in place. Managers almost become irrelevant.

We're focussed on blaming manager after manager when our strategy and Director's Box has been made of jelly. At best.

Here's hoping that BMD is finally that vision. And even if it's not Moshiri or Lampard who take us there, let's hope it's finally a long-term vision that attracts investment just as Chelsea did back in the mid-90s.

Let's not talk about stand naming. I'm the eternal optimist but this break is breaking me.

Dave Cashen
56 Posted 19/11/2022 at 19:29:30
I'm doing the boiled kettle thing. I log on to YouTube to check on the progress of the BMD project at least three times a day.

Driving myself nuts.

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