Season › 2022-23 › News Directors told not to attend Southampton game 14/01/2023 272comments | Jump to last In an unprecedented move, Everton's directors have been instructed by an unnamed Security and Safety Advisor that they must not attend today's critical fixture against Southampton. It comes on the back of developments in the fans protest movement this week, coordinated by NSNOW, calling for a peaceful sit-in at Goodison Park after today's game to show their concerns over the state of the club, while the Owner took to TalkSport radio to blame the fans for driving the sacking of successive managers. The order comes after the club claims that "malicious and unacceptably threatening correspondence" had been received, along with "increasing incidents of anti-social behaviour – including targeted physical aggression - at recent home matches." A Security & Safety Advisor said: “Following a thorough risk assessment, and in response to tangible threats received by the Club and intelligence we have gathered, the Club’s Board members have been told they must not attend today’s fixture.” A Club spokesperson added: “This is an unprecedented decision for Everton Football Club – never before has our entire Board of Directors been ordered not to attend a match on safety grounds. It is a profoundly sad day for Everton and Evertonians.” Reader Comments (272) Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer () Christy Ring 2 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:18:06 Regarding the directors being advised not to attend the match, I think it's a copout. Kenwright and his fellow directors know they're going to be targeted by the fans, and had no intention of turning up. Hoping for a big performance from the team. Paul Kossoff 3 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:18:33 The board are not attending today – blaming threats from the fans! Stephen Colby 4 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:19:06 Disgusting behaviour by the fans who caused the Directors to stay away. Now we're no longer able to criticize the RS for their fans attacking visiting team coaches. It took us years to live down the Catterick attack after he played Royle rather than Young. I'm not sure that TW have done anything to calm down the hysteria around our fury at the Board but coherent and righteous arguments must never turn to intimidation. Steve Brown 5 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:22:17 And a ‘club source' is claiming that Barret-Baxendale was put in a headlock.. at the Brighton game.Like an incident like that wouldn't be reported at the time. Such BS.They must think the fans are gullible fools.But reading Stephen Colby, may some of us are. John Daley 6 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:26:46 The club spokesman told the reporter on 5 live that Barrett-Baxendale was jostled and spat at following the game against Brighton, 11 days ago, but not a whisper of such an incident before now?If advised not to attend because of safety concerns then why not simply stay away, rather than release a statement that only risks further stoking the flames?If the threat is ‘credible', rather than just your run of the mill froth-foamer mouthing off, then surely better to avoid the game and leave the authorities to act upon it rather than announcing your non-attendance and alerting everybody to the fact. It comes across as self-preservation. Not in avoidance of physical harm, but rather in avoidance of public blame, so they can instead shift focus and have people point the finger at ‘toxic' fans for the sorry state the club finds itself in.It also leaves Lampard to take the full brunt of discontent if we lose, when a lot of the pent-up frustration and the actual protests are against people now going to be sat at home dunking hob nobs and muttering ‘disgraceful' before getting Darren Day on speed dial to ask if he's watching that Masked Singer shite. Eddie Dunn 7 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:28:17 Stephen, . Before judging the decision of the board not to attend it would be better to know exactly what or who the threat was. The security team are paid for by the club and it would be handy to know the criteria involved. I presume the information did not come from the police.It is very convenient for Bill and his chums to throw this back at the fans, just like Moshiri having the audacity to blame fans for the sacking of managers!There must be some idiot on social media every week making threats -but today they choose to make a big deal out of it.All the hierarchy have done is alienate the fans from the club. They probably hope that they can split the fan base. Divide and rule.A nice win for the team and the protests will be very timorous, especially after the media scrutiny. Blue Bill is on the case and his media pals are giving him all the help that they can. Front page of the BBC online news! Simon Harrison 8 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:33:41 Who cares if the directors are there or not?They have shown the world that they are intimidated! Not to mention, it raise doubts over their veracity of the 'situation'.Why haven't they shown the 'Security evidence' to Merseyside Police, and asked for an investigation?If DBB was 'manhandled' by a male fan after the Brighton game on Tuesday 3rd Jan; why has it taken till Saturday 14th Jan. for that 'incident' to be revealed?If the nature of the 'correspondence' was, or is of a serious nature, enough to cause concern of the risk of safety to the Directors; then surely it needs investigating, and just not attending does nothing to promote their safety in the long term does it? Where are the Police in all this?Just in reference to a poster on the earlier thread; this is NOT Moshiri's board. The only surviving board member Moshiri supported is Kenwright. His other three appointments have all gone south; Sacha R, Usmanov's nephew, and Brands. DBB was chosen and appointed after being hand picked by Bill. Grant Ingles was appointed after Brands resigned to make up the full Quorum of three legally required directors, and Sharp was another Kenwright appointment.In other words, it is Kenwright's board, and Moshiri's folly.Since 1989, the only constant Director/Chairman and up until 2016 owner is Kenwright. Since 2016 he is the de facto owner in all but name. Steve Brown 9 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:35:41 We've now three shameless attempts by this board to shift the blame onto the fans 1) Moshiri's pathetic interview on Talksport 2) that embarrassing club statement blaming fans for the board's cowardice in not fronting up to today's protest 3) now these planted fake stories from a ‘club source.' Kunal Desai 10 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:36:23 BoD starting to play the victim card I feel. I thought that was only the RS. I don't buy the Barrett-Baxendale reports. 11 days later. The club is trying to spin this negatively in light of the fanbase.Them against us. Stephen Colby 11 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:37:04 I've never met Kenwright, Barrett-Baxendalle or Moshiri and agree that we need to make serious and deep changes at Board level. But a demonstration and chanting against them would have been invaluable. Physical intimidation belongs on the other side of Stanley Park. We are so much better than the RS. Kevin Molloy 12 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:38:48 Simon. Moshiri owns the club. It's his board, regardless of who did the actual appointing. If Bill was allowed to appoint it was only because Moshiri was happy to delegate that task to him. the board are being blamed for all the bad decisions in the last five years. Do you think Moshiri was in Monaco the whole time, and has only just got back? He's been intimately involved with the whole thing. So any attack on the board, is an attack on him. Steve Brown 13 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:40:13 What physical intimidation are you talking about, Stephen? Kieran Kinsella 14 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:40:45 Realistically among any group of 40,000 there is likely to be one murderer. Whether they are currently active in murdering, a retired murder out of prison, or a prospective murderer like an armed robber working his way up. If you get that murderer all wound up it's possible he could strike. Looking at social media the last few days it has been insane with even FAB canceling their meeting due to threats. It is easy to criticize people for being afraid when you're not the one under threat.That being said, had they come it would have been a distraction during the game. And while they may not be there they can't pretend the peaceful protest doesn't happen. Nigel Munford 15 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:41:25 Maybe the board will find something better to do on match days after this non-attendance, like origami or yoga and quit!! Joseph Connolly 16 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:45:32 The fact is that there is no trust between the supporters and the Board. Ignoring how we got here or whose fault it was a more self-aware board would see that the only way to rebuild the trust is for them to resign in an orderly fashion. This would be putting the club before self-interest. Simon Harrison 17 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:46:11 Kevin, I agree in principle, and factually you may well be correct.However, playing Devil's advocate, Moshiri stated right at the start of his project, that he wanted to spend less than (or no more than) 10% of his time with Everton; as such, he agreed to appoint Bill as Chairman, to run the club 'de facto' on a day to day basis.As long as we stay in the EPL, and Moshiri doesn't have to spend any more cash, and avoid financial sanctions; do you honestly think he genuinely cares what happens to the football club while he tries to finish the stadium, and off load the club. There is no way that I am that naive to think Moshiri does nothing but look at the results now.Unless of course, he has to answer to open-correspondence, which if you read the 'Moshiri reply', it doesn't even read as if he penned it? Ray Roche 18 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:47:01 Stephen@12Stephen, please stop perpetuating the myth that Catterick was ‘attacked'. He slipped on the kerb. Jostled, arguably, attacked, no. I was there. Steve Brown 19 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:48:32 On headlock gate, I really think Kenwright should stop taking his frustration out on our CEO. Alan McGuffog 20 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:52:45 Remember it well ,Ray. Rock hard pitch and a two-nil defeat. They had Alan Ball playing but if I recall correctly a lad called Green ran the show. Bumped into Brian London, literally. Huh..I could have taken him 😉 Stephen Colby 21 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:56:29 Steve #3,BBC's Juliette Ferrington reports "CEO Denise-Barrett Baxendale was physically manhandled by a male fan after the Brighton game." The Echo is reporting that " she was 'put in a headlock' as she left the Goodison Park directors' box, club sources claim. The article goes on " Another incident reportedly saw her car surrounded and spat at, while chairman Bill Kenwright is said to have received death threats." Kieran Kinsella 22 Posted 14/01/2023 at 14:59:49 Ray RocheSomewhere on ToffeeWeb there's an article by the late great Dick Fearon about the Catterick incident. Like yourself Dick was there and said similar to you. Les Callan 23 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:02:27 Catterick incident. I was there as well. Much ado about nothing. Ray Roche 24 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:04:06 Kieran, I was just feet from him. Another example of the press giving US a kicking. Anthony Hawkins 25 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:06:06 The board should know the fans better by now to think there might be a risk to their safety. Whilst very passionate, we're actually a pretty passive bunch. Kevin Molloy 26 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:06:11 I understand that following pressure from Merseyside Police the editors of Tofffeeweb have chosen not to run the Live Forum whilst feelings are still running so high. Mike Gaynes 27 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:08:35 Yeah, Kevin, there's a justified concern that it could foment online violence. I personally have smashed my keyboard twice and my monitor once in recent weeks. James Hughes 28 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:20:12 I have just seen the threats against Boys Pen Bill were sent from a guy in Manc land living in a one-bedroom flat. Jack Convery 29 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:24:04 The directors join in the media story line that us Evertonians are the hooligans of the EPL.As they have decided to vacate the Directors Box can they now please vacate the boardroom and take Moshiri with them. Kieran Kinsella 30 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:26:00 James,Manc in a tiny flat? Wasn't that the description of Chris Samuelson of Fortress Fund? James Hughes 31 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:34:50 Must admit that the post of the day is Kevin : Merseyside Police were worried that a bunch of old gits in various parts of the world could incite trouble. Sometietimes their Fish and Cheese puns are vexatious Jack Convery 32 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:39:04 Bill and Denise could have given their seats to Southall and Stubbs don't you think ! Will Mabon 33 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:39:33 James, still not checked if it's so or not, however any chance to over-hype the power of words is always taken in modern Idiocracy. David McMullen 34 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:53:04 Smokescreen about the BoD staying away. The only threat is verbal shouts or stirs. Just a ploy to blacken the supporters cause against them Will Mabon 35 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:56:16 David, correct, always mind games and politics involved today. Pathetic. Kieran Kinsella 36 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:56:19 DBB was apparently gagged and handcuffed after a recent game. Middle aged Evertonian from Oldham is under suspicion. Bill Gall 37 Posted 14/01/2023 at 15:59:41 Why cant we rebuild a smaller boys pen and move the directors seats there even put uncle Cyril's bike there for nostalgia Dennis Stevens 38 Posted 14/01/2023 at 16:01:32 Didn't know she was into the kinky stuff! Andy Walker 39 Posted 14/01/2023 at 16:10:25 Everton CEO 'put in a headlock' and death threats sent before chiefs told to stay away Clive Rogers 40 Posted 14/01/2023 at 17:09:46 Great news. Now they know what the fans think of them. Stay away for good. Dennis Stevens 41 Posted 14/01/2023 at 17:12:51 At least we know the lack of character & back bone runs right through the Club, from top to bottom - which is where we're heading! Brian Hennessy 42 Posted 14/01/2023 at 17:13:44 Kenwright and his pals stooped to a new low today by making up lies as an excuse to stay away.The only crumb of comfort I can take from today was the unity being created among the fans in wanting Kenwright and his board removed. Paul Hewitt 43 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:05:27 The board won't be sacked, and can't be at the moment. You need at least 4 board members for any company to function. We currently have 5. So Moshiri is going to have to appoint another 4 before he sacks anyone. Paul Smith 44 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:08:32 Jim, I was being sarcastic. Better than arguing with individuals on here, we've had enough bloodshed. We're all over mainstream news and not for the right reasons. Sean Kelly 45 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:20:20 I'm finished with this club. They don't give a shit about us supporters so fuck them. I've supported Everton for over 60 years and do not intend to stress myself over the running of this club or its relegation. Life's too short and I'm beyond caring for this club. I want to thank you guys and ladies for your interesting comments over the many years. This club is not worth supporting anymore. Alan McGuffog 46 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:25:11 The sodding thing is, Sean... you can't! I've been trying for years and years but it's like quicksand. All you can do is not wish anyone you care for to be a blue.Open a bottle, mate. Bill Gall 47 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:41:30 Well, I started watching Everton in 1954 so I am one of the lucky ones in seeing success even though a lot of it cost me a lot to travel as I moved my family to Canada. I will still pay to watch them even in the Championship.But what a disgrace this owner and board will have, that after all these tears they were fully responsible for one of the longest-serving clubs in the Premier League and old First Division to sink to this level. I am proud of our supporters who show weekly they are behind the team before and after the game, and I am ashamed at the Owner who I consider fully at fault for the mess he has allowed to happen, by appointing incompetent people and refusing to believe the mess he has created. Sean Kelly 48 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:42:20 Alan, I also tried on a few occasions in the past and was sucked back in. This club has changed. No owner has turned on the supporters in the past. This week, I hoped for some uplift in our fortunes despite Moshiriâ€s comments but alas it wasn't to be. This time I'm out for good. Unfortunately we lost a nephew last week and this has made me sit up and put things into perspective. This is football – a game played by millionaires who can't keep a ball out of one net and can't stick it in the other. Life is for living and not to be stressed. Phil Lewis 49 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:47:14 Kenwright's shadow looms ominously over all of this. Anyone connected to the club who criticises him is suddenly written off by all accounts. Yes, Lampard is accountable for the current mess on the pitch, but who appointed him? We are owned by Russian gangster's content to use us as a means of laundering their money, with Moshiri as a figurehead.More crucially who has been behind every appointment on and off the pitch for the past diabolical 18 years? Kenwright. Who was responsible for appointing a conwoman CEO, whose Honourary credentials are debatable and whose knowledge of football could be written on a postage stamp with room to spare? Kenwright. Our once great club has been reduced to operating like some run down social club, where the 'committee' run a 'jobs for the boys' system, reminiscent of Peter Kay's 'Phoenix Nights'. Because that's what we have become under Kenwright... a laughing stock. Colin Glassar 50 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:51:18 We need to ask ourselves, is this a “planned decline “ similar to what thatcher had in mind for the city of Liverpool?It doesn't make sense to me the lack of concern shown by the owner, board, manager and players. Mark my words, we are getting relegated with this bunch of misfits and miscreants. We have an absent landlord. A paralysed board. A clueless manager. And a team of weak-minded cissies who are scared of their own shadow. Soon we will have a white elephant (BMD) weighing us even further down. So not only relegation but possibly administration awaits us. It now looks obvious, to me, that without Usmanov's involvement this bean counter has taken us as far as he can. He will lick his wounds and will walk away leaving Kenwright talking about the “good times†we will have in League One. There's nothing really left to do or say. I'm not angry or disappointed. I am sad, very sad that these people have destroyed our club. An overwhelming feeling of helplessness and hopelessness is what I feel right now. John Keating 51 Posted 14/01/2023 at 18:59:26 A complete nightmare,.We really are in the shit and at present there are not 3 teams not only worse than us but incapable to get out of troubleAs regards to the Board, they are just cowardly scum who don't deserve a mentionThe media, as usual, have been manipulated to focus and lie regarding the support. But if you're getting free grub and treble G&T's all day why wouldn't you?We have grossly overpaid on players, given them massive wages and like NHS workers rail staff etc have every right to express our displeasure. Anyone saying we don't need a reality checkA few years ago we were slagged off for protesting as the Blue Union. Wonder if those describing us as non-Evertonians are saying it now? Peter Neilson 52 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:04:47 I stayed in the ground after the game. Sadness as much as anger that Moshiri has led us to this. Shameful behaviour by the board staying away and trying to spin it that they are victims. Disappointed with Graeme Sharp if he did join them in their absence. Combined with Moshiri's pathetic attempt at a PR exercise through his open letter and interview with the broadcasting titan, Jim White, it's been a sad week for the club. What a bunch of amateur chancers. All obviously out of their depth but riding the gravy train to the end.Lampard is a symptom and not the cause but we're definitely going down with him and this squad. Really nothing to lose by trying someone else. Going down would be catastrophic as this squad would go through the Championship like a vindaloo. Kieran Kinsella 53 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:05:53 Tony,There's footage all over Twitter of about a handful of teens swearing at Gordon as he drives off. It's a little unsavory but people are reacting like it's Heysel. Ian Edwards 54 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:13:19 If the fans can abuse Anthony Gordon in his car, I can imagine the Board members would have got worse going to and from the car park. Ed Prytherch 55 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:15:25 You have to wonder if corruption has played a part in our fall. Did any of the inflated fees that we paid for average players end up in the bank accounts of board members? Colin Glassar 56 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:16:10 As for L'il Miss Dynamite getting assaulted. If this is true then I hope the culprits get the book thrown at them and they get sent down. We might be shite but we are not fucking koppites!!! Tony Abrahams 57 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:25:10 There's more footage of young lads, shouting at someone who may or may not have been about to attack Yerry Mina's car, now coming through, Kieran. It never happened he was told to stop, with shouts of he's got a kid in the car, and then one of them was saying to Mina, that he was more of a man than any of the other players, which shows us why we are exactly in a proper mess.The media are going to turn this on Evertonians, who never got the credit they deserved for helping to keep us up last year. But this is a game too far for Bill Kenwright, who just had to stay involved, and has finally helped pushed Everton to the brink, by pushing his own luck too far. Mark Ryan 58 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:32:53 If we get the spray paint out then Moshiri can simply wield the axe and once again blame the fans, not the board. Put the paint can down. He wants us to use it. Dave Lynch 59 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:34:33 One thing is.makjng me angrier by the second is the lies coming out of the club.Denise Barrett-Baxendale assaulted?Threats to the board...This is blatant lying that the press will be all over, not a shred of evidence or truth in any of it.This has now descended into a dictatorship, a board that is willing to sell its own fans down the river to protect themselves.Shame on all of you. Kieran Kinsella 60 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:34:49 Colin,Surely if Denise Barrett-Baxendale was head locked the police would have been called and it would have made news sooner? It just sounds like an extraordinary thing to have gone unreported for days? On the threats, I can believe that based on threats I saw on Twitter and threats made to fellow fans in FAB. But the headlock? Tony Abrahams 61 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:34:54 Nobody knows if this is true, Oliver@603, but outside Goodison, in these days of so many instant cameramen, but no footage, no mention of it until today, and no mention of the police being involved? I'm not in a position to say it never happened, but we will probably see loads of embarrassing footage over the next 24 hours, because you can't move without CCTV, or somebody videoing everything on their phones, so without proof, it is imo, a very highly contentious claim. Kieran Kinsella 62 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:40:09 Tony,I think there's a double standard too because, if some home counties Eton educated kids heckle someone, it's not news. But if working class kids with a northern accent somehow it's viewed as more sinister almost violent. Just like a year ago those fans talking to Kenwright. None of them swore on anything, they raised their voices as he was yards away but the media acted like it was a lynch mob. Peter Neilson 63 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:43:41 Initially surprised that with Bill's entertainment links we haven't got Netflix in for a behind-the-scenes mini-series. Maybe our gormless board had a one-off moment of self-awareness and realised it wouldn't play well. Would have been fascinating. George Cumiskey 64 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:47:08 Denise Barrett-Baxendale getting headlocked? Load of shite put about by the world's greatest Evertonian! Matt Henderson 65 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:48:00 Any chance the real reason the Board weren't there today was because they were having a “strategic†meeting and have already identified Franks replacement as well as the players who will keep us up?It won't happen but the best way forward would be for the Board to make a statement saying that they are listening and will stand down as soon as suitable replacements are found and that the process to replace them will be led by an external advisor. They also need to say that unfortunately results are not good enough and Frank also needs to go.Not sure the calibre of manager that will come to a Club where the entire ownership and executive are at risk of change. Stephen Colby 66 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:50:37 Okay, I get the anger. But repetitive chanting of "Sack the Board" is useless. Who can sack the Board? Only that same Moshiri who we've also yelled at to leave our club.It's so depressingly repetitive. We blame everyone. Our previous managers, our back room staff at Finch Farm, the players, the Board, our lack of ambition, VAR, the P&S rules, bad referees. Today we were even blaming those who weren't yelling "Sack the Board" loudly enough. We are turning against ourselves and it was ugly being present after the game today. Being an Evertonian is a birthright, not something to be relinquished easily. If anyone is to blame for our last decade of failure it is those of us who yelled so loudly that we needed change. Things changed but when things didn't improve immediately we shouted again for change!! Roast me. Blame me for being a lackey of the Board. But remember, hope isn't a business plan. We need a plan that will see us succeed in the next decade as everyone of us has written off the current decade. And we can only do this if we all stick together and believe the greatness of Everton will overcome the failings of our current Board. Nick Page 67 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:55:02 Lazy journalism – all part of the problem: likes of Winter should come and speak to the fan groups like NSNOW (Paul, you should speak to him) and find out what's really been going on. Suggest he reads Colin Fitzpatric's TW tome from 2010 on the trials of Kenwright. It will soon spread once they have a story. Ernie Baywood 68 Posted 14/01/2023 at 19:55:43 I'm struggling to believe the alleged headlock incident. No details, no footage and not even reported. I get our board tells us porkies, but this is one hell of a lie if that's what it is! There just must be more to it. Something in the context. Maybe it was a copper getting her out through a crowd or something. It's hard to believe that in this age of mobile phones and Twitter 'in the knows' a public assault of a high-profile woman wouldn't even warrant a mention.Or it happened and they kept it quiet for the sake of unity. And if that's the case I hope the individual never sees an Everton game again and faces a day in court. Peter Carpenter 69 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:09:26 If I wasn't so pissed off I would wet myself with laughter over the headlock thing. So it happened against Brighton and news just sneaked out now? Ridiculous. For all we know it was a bizarre boardroom wrestling ritual which got a little out of hand. Ingles did indeed have Denise in a headlock but she rolled him and they burst through the door into the corridor just as a Mirror journalist was passing. As for 'credible threats' tell us more. What was the nature of these threats, where did they come from, were police informed? It looks like open warfare between club and fans now. Nick Page 70 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:13:55 Just seen NSNOW are on 5live around 9.30pm. Seems late… Colin Glassar 71 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:17:09 This “attack†on DBB smells of a rat to me. Probably concocted on Twitter by some rs to cause trouble. A bit like the Harry Catterick getting kicked in the car park or Billy bullshitter facing down angry fans after a game. Urban legends all of them. Brian Wilkinson 72 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:21:07 I only saw it as I got into Liverpool and straight away my thoughts were turning it back on the fans, playing the symphony card.Absolutely no way would they have been in any danger, other than a load of abuse hurled at them.Makes the fans look like a rent a mob who would have physically attacked them.Played right into the media's hands with yet another lie, tarnishing the fans.10 out of 10 whoever came up with this one.For those mentioning Alan Stubbs, I passed him outside the main stand, so he was at the game today. Rob Halligan 73 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:29:39 All this talk of any attack on Barrett-Baxendale is a bag of shite. Several stewards I've spoken too today have said no such attack ever happened. Nick Page 74 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:30:49 Colin, if this happened it should be investigated, however it's straight out of the cynical do anything to survive Kenwright playbook. Sky are reporting this - it's defamation without any concrete evidence. But really, why are people surprised? It's all being conducted through the media via his PR company. These people are professional liars (soon). They're trying passing all the blame of the clubs failings on to the fans, who are now “thugsâ€. It's an absolute and utter disgrace. Has a BoD EVER stopped this low? After everything the fans have done and had to put with. That Oyston twat at Blackpool springs to mind but it's hardly the same kind of club is it. Hopefully even the Kenwright luvvies are now finally seeing this despicable parasite for what he is. Ian Edwards 75 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:35:45 The Board have to get to and from their cars. We've seen the videos of Gordon and Mina post-match. I can fully understand the Board not attending. Nick Page 76 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:38:27 Leeds just spent 㿐M on Ritter, a striker which is club record. Meanwhile, the Everton board plots next PR stunt against its own fans. Colin Glassar 78 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:42:48 This is looking increasingly like a civil war. I just saw Lampard getting interviewed and he looks like he doesn't care. The board are driving their media stooges (Holt, Winter etc…) against the fans. Players don't look too arsed, tbh. This is a club racing towards the abyss and no one seems to give a toss except for the fans. Will Mabon 79 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:46:19 Brian, if such an atmosphere and situation of heightened risk and danger was believed to exist then no players or other known club members would be allowed to walk to and from their cars to enter or leave the Main Stand – as they were today.Also, the board members could have easily been delivered from a vehicle/vehicles directly to the door within a cordoned space, as when away teams arrive, using a few security guys or police.Not to say there have been no threats of any sort made, but it sure seems to've been milked to maximum PR effect. Were they expecting snipers?I don't like the implications of what I suspect here. Ian Edwards 80 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:46:34 Nick @62. You can turn it on me as much as you like but it clearly shows that you lose the argument. There is a name for people that abuse on the internet and it isn't nice. The Board say threats were made. Videos show players being abused post-match. That is a fact. The protesting fans played into the Board's hands. And you know it. For what it's worth, I also want the Board to leave but that is not what is important at the moment. Removing the Manager is. Will Mabon 81 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:51:00 "We've seen the videos of Gordon and Mina post match."See my last post. Do you think this would be allowed in a believed-dangerous environment, Ian? Or that someone would overlook it? Nick Page 82 Posted 14/01/2023 at 20:58:24 Ian Edwards, if you think calling someone who is deliberately obtuse, which you clearly are, 'odious' is “abuse†then you are indeed even more desperate for attention than I thought. You are basically saying the Board would get assaulted by fans if they attended. It's quite a claim to make on an Everton fan site, labelling the entire fanbase as potential aggressors. If they were so afraid – they weren't, it was a PR stunt – then they would have been there to back the team and the manager and paid for additional security. They're millionaires after all. Peter Neilson 83 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:01:40 The idea that they would sit on releasing details of this assault for 11 days is beyond belief. It shows the depths to which they'll stoop. Unsurprisingly it's got their gullible and complicit media mates lapping it up. All the shame on the club emanates from the boardroom. A bunch of narcissists now gaslighting the clubs supporters. Tony Abrahams 84 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:01:56 I think you could have chosen a few of your words better Stephen C, but I understand your sentiments, mate, and also believe the time for sticking together is now.When you have a blame culture, I don't believe that anyone puts in the desired effort, but I don't think Everton's players could be faulted for effort today? we currently have just a bunch of average players, getting coached very badly, and these players are massively short of confidence, because absolutely nothing seems to be working.We probably had more possession, scored from a set-piece, but didn't really create anything much else. DCL, hit the bar, and Gordon beat a couple before cutting it back for Tarkowski, to hit a poor side foot shot off his wrong foot, but Pickford coming to near the halfway line to launch it forward, or Demari Grey, having to go and take every set-piece, and hit it long, didn't contribute anything.I'm aware we lack confidence and I'm aware we have got to try and get the basics right, but these tactics probably prevented us from building a head of steam, much more than anything Southampton did to prevent us, with nearly every free-kick we took, taking at least 30 seconds, when there was times we had them under a little bit of pressure, but refused to take a quick free kick, that would have helped mix up our game?I'm not blaming anyone, but Lampard is struggling, and I don't think we have got a cat in hells chance of surviving unless we try something else. Derek Thomas 85 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:08:18 I know we probably have – like all teams – enough 'fans' to well fill our 'dickhead' quota.The cynic in me thinks that, yes, there may have been 'threats', but enough for a 'Stay away!' – 'Danger to Life and Limb?' I'm not too sure.But the playing of a well-timed lowly 2 of trumps immediately beats every card in the pack and The Board then scoop the moral high ground pot.And, having just watched the replay, apart from one poor dive-in tackle and a daft free kick – how the fuck did we manage to lose that? Will Mabon 86 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:08:51 Pretty good analysis, Tony.I'd say the players are not so bad as a group in comparison to other teams, but it isn't working. There's a poison through the whole set-up right now. Will Mabon 87 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:12:24 "And, having just watched the replay, apart from one poor dive-in tackle and a daft free kick – how the fuck did we manage to lose that."It's taken years to hone, Derek. Rob Halligan 88 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:12:59 Will the board members be in attendance at the next home match? Because, sure as hell, this protest against the board is not going to go away. We've got nine home games left this season, so is the board going to miss all of them? Kieran Kinsella 89 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:15:56 Rob,I'm assuming they must because they set a precedent today and, after that result, surely the “risk†is greater. I can't see a stadium update doing the trick. Will Mabon 90 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:20:41 Rob & Keiran,Perhaps they all want to join Moshiri at the permanent non-attendance party. Tony Abrahams 91 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:31:55 How can we survive without change. We have an "us and them" culture, but to blame the fans for helping the club find itself in this utterly ridiculous position is truly nauseating. I could write a very long list of why it's not the fans' fault, but less than a sentence, if I was genuinely trying to say it was.What do we do now? Sit and wait for the next game quietly, or carry on demanding real change?If it's true that the Americans, who are allegedly negotiating a deal with Moshiri to buy Everton, are terrified of relegation, then I just hope that they are not as terrified as Farhad Moshiri himself. He's going to lose another absolute fortune if Everton fall through the trap door, so please have a rethink, Farhad, because you've been had by a second-rate actor, and maybe it's time to pull the plug on your terrible escapades into football? Please... 🙠Gary Johnson 92 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:37:38 Watching the social media videos of the ‘fans' getting on Gordon and Mina in their cars makes me think there is no coming back here. The players have lost the fans, and the fans have lost the players. All avoidable with a competent board that'd have seen the writing on the wall after the Bournemouth games and acted then. Any of the board members who think it's hit its worst bit are utterly deluded… stick with Frank, do nothing and this is going to get a lot worse. This is a death spiral. Barry Rathbone 93 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:40:55 I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't show for another home game – some of the vitriol here is off the scale and this is the Women's Institute of Everton forums. Of course it's shite watching us fall out of the division but it's been on the cards for decades. Many warned of this when the Moyes era ushered in non-challenging as acceptable. If you stop going up, there's a good chance you go down, get a grip, for fuck's sake.If official agencies take threats seriously, be sure something is amiss. Too many unstable crackpots out there (some on here by the looks) and you only need one, just one, to get in with a blade or weapon of sorts and all bets are off. Will Mabon 95 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:48:23 "If official agencies take threats seriously be sure something is amiss."If it's true, Barry. Tony Abrahams 97 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:50:53 Mesmerizing, and completely premeditated behavior, which was predicted by a few on this very website when people knew there was going to be a protest.Hastily assembled FAB meetings, but no mention of any attack on a lady member of staff until matchday.The wonderful coach scenes outside Goodison last season were suddenly chaotic today.It's a shame you will soon have nothing left to protect, Mr Kenwright, because once this civil war becomes truly dirty, I don't think anyone has got more skeletons in the cupboard than this very conniving and deceitful man. Rob Dolby 99 Posted 14/01/2023 at 21:58:07 The whole thing is such a mess. Over the years, we have had nothing to cheer about. The board have brought this onto themselves with years of lowering expectations and treating us like fools.The board staying away is pathetic in my opinion. They get paid a fortune to look after the club they should have been there. We must employ 200 Security people every game. Why not use them?The whole thing sends a bad message out to the fans. We have 40,000 in attendance and thousands more watching 99.9% are loyal match-going fans that have been taken for mugs for over 25 years! Hiding away from the club on a match day is a dereliction of duty.Unity is the only way we get out of this mess. From top to bottom, we need to be united. A siege mentality is required, starting with getting rid of Lampard as he has proven he cannot coach these players.The board need to show up at the next game and front up. Not turning up is divisive and drives a wedge further between the fans and the board.None of them can be that naive to think that criticism doesn't come with the job. We are a shambles from top down. The fans have had enough.The players are worth millions. Put them on a coach and take them back to Finch Farm instead of them making their own way through the car park at the back of the Park End. Just common-sense decisions.Treating us all like we are a threat to them really is a low tactic. I am offended by their behaviour.The self-titled greatest Evertonian won't attend a home game, the figurehead of the club won't attend because there are protests planned.It's a black day in the club's history. Will Mabon 100 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:11:55 To be honest, Tony, I'm just grabbing at straws!Rob, agree with all that. Peter Carpenter 101 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:12:58 We need to know if these two incidents, the headlock and the threats, were reported to the Police as both are offences. If they weren't, we should report them and ask the police to investigate. No doubt they would be happy to investigate real offences and not have their time wasted by made-up stories. Derek Thomas 102 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:14:48 Will Mabon @ 87; 55+ years and counting, Will, I remember saying it in 1968 and the season before at Forest... and... and etc. Michael Lynch 103 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:27:35 The fans around me chanting "You're not fit to wear the shirt" and booing the players off the pitch, and the video of Anthony Gordon being abused in his car are my worst mementoes from today – not to mention the reports of members of the board being assaulted and harassed.Who would want to play for us?We're done. Will Mabon 104 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:31:00 Similar time for me, Derek, but never saw it this bad. Always felt like we would improve as a team, like it was on the horizon, or around the corner. This time, it feels like the soul has gone. Nick Page 105 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:39:08 Post 103 - please clarify your comment, “not to mention the reports of members of the board being assaulted and harassedâ€.There were no Board members there.I suggest you think long and hard about what you are saying here as it's fraudulent. Chris Leyland 106 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:44:42 Michael (103), So yet another meek loss wasn't what stood out for you? As for “who would want to play for us?†Well, clearly not most of the current squad – judging by their performances this season. Tony Hill 107 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:46:11 Barry @93, I don't know about Women's Institute, but I can recognise women's detective fiction. Ian Edwards 108 Posted 14/01/2023 at 22:47:39 Nick 105Michael refers to the report broken to the press today about the alleged incidents at the Brighton game. Do us all a favour. Put your phone away and go to bed. Nick Page 109 Posted 14/01/2023 at 23:08:14 When it's us vs the Board, Ian, I hope you are happy standing with Bill? Traitorous lech. Michael Lynch 110 Posted 14/01/2023 at 23:10:51 Nick 105, google it mate, or watch MotD for the details.Chris @106, That didn't stand out because surely we've come to expect it this season? Don Alexander 111 Posted 14/01/2023 at 23:27:07 Steve Colby (#66) I respect your right to post the following;"It's so depressingly repetitive. We blame everyone. Our previous managers, our backroom staff at Finch Farm, the players, the Board, our lack of ambition, the VAR, the P&S rules, bad referees. Today we were even blaming those who weren't yelling "Sack the Board" loudly enough. We are turning against ourselves and it was ugly being present after the game today."But...Our last eight (-ish – who's counting?) managers have been appointed by this owner and chairman. They've all swanned off into millionaire futures on account of the inept two who appointed them, to our massive cost as a credible football club, as we continue to slide into relegation with no ability to acquire good players.Ever heard of President Harry S Truman? He was just about the last US president who had a notice on his desk stating "The Buck Stops Here!" I just wish we had any person at the top who had a mere shred of the integrity and insight of the dedicated, decisive, victorious dirt-poor President Truman.Perhaps you do, Steve, because you eventually end up slagging the board too, like most others with a brain, but the danger is, with the total lack of football acumen shared by our owner and boardroom, that they'll complacently depend on the loyalty of the thousands of those they've taken massive advantage of for decades to pull the wool over the media's eyes as ever they do, and thereby screw us and our club whilst swanning away unaccountable, every other major employee than Moshiri banking £millions at our expense. Kieran Kinsella 112 Posted 14/01/2023 at 23:31:06 Don,I used that Truman quote on the FAB Zoom call with regard to Kenwright. They said they'll pass it on but he's probably going to act like it's not safe for him to meet them ever again. Si Cooper 113 Posted 14/01/2023 at 23:59:25 Surely there has to be a way to corroborate this report of an actual physical assault on the CEO? The likes of the BBC seem to be taking it as undeniable without giving proper details but the likes of Stubbs have confirmed the Chairman isn't above sanctions against those who don't stick to his version of events.As for the threats, well there are always a few nutters who overstep the mark. Interesting that when something was directed against Benitez before his appointment, the club treated it with the contempt it deserved.I'm not for getting in anybody's face and gesticulating; you won't convert anyone that way. The players are either already trying their best and failing, or they simply don't really care and never will. The players who do care are already suffering because they know they are not delivering the necessary results.The board are a different matter for me. They could really be convinced they are the best people for the job and no one could do better. I've met many executives who truly don't recognise their own failings because the main thing that has propelled their careers is hugely unwarranted self-belief. Neil H 114 Posted 15/01/2023 at 00:12:10 Apologies if this point has been made but I don't buy this line for a moment. It's a club, not a police announcement.I would welcome the protest groups reporting a crime to Merseyside Police, explaining as the club has, what appears to be a threat to life, and let's see what comes of it.I'd put money on it coming up dry. There is no level to which Kenwright won't stoop. I think perhaps he's following Prince Harry in telling ‘his truth'.Before I get slammed – think about the world class lies he has spun in the past: Fortress Sports Fund, "the money's in the bank…" I smell a rat Brendan McLaughlin 115 Posted 15/01/2023 at 00:17:59 Just wondering how many ToffeeWebbers would share this rather curt dismissal of an attack on a woman if it were their wives or daughters? Nick Page 116 Posted 15/01/2023 at 00:18:19 Someone just came on here and said watch MotD. Aaahahahahaha... Match of The Fucking Day. A fully paid-up card-carrying member of the Premier League propaganda machine. Jesus Christ. There is just absolutely no hope for some people. Brian Denton 117 Posted 15/01/2023 at 00:26:04 Brendan, Do you have not even a slight unease as to the timing of the release of the news of this assault? Had it been my wife or daughter, I would have involved the police straight away. Brendan McLaughlin 118 Posted 15/01/2023 at 00:39:49 Brian #117,We don't know anything – including whether or not the police have been involved – but some people are apparently prepared to approach this differently because the woman involved is Denise Barrett-Baxendale... You okay with that? Brian Denton 119 Posted 15/01/2023 at 01:10:38 Brendan, if the police have been involved and charges have been brought – as they should have been if what has been alleged took place – then in the fullness of time we will both know. Until then, neither of us knows. Until we do, I am unwilling to accept the collective guilt aimed at good Evertonians. Barry Hesketh 120 Posted 15/01/2023 at 01:18:38 For a club of Everton's staure to be unable to protect its directors and for them to respond by failing to attend a home game, is totally incredible. May I suggest that they prevent any Everton fans from attending the Arsenal match and perhaps go the whole hog and lock Goodison Park for the rest of the season? At least that way, the supporters can be spared the embarrassment of witnessing a team that is mostly made up of mercenaries and in no way represents the great club that we once were.I have already paid for next season by purchasing my season ticket, but I will not attend another match as long as the current board and owner are in charge of Everton FC. Geoff Lambert 121 Posted 15/01/2023 at 01:25:10 Where in this day and age of mobile phone footage is the evidence of the said attack? More lies from Blue Billy Liar. Gavin Johnson 122 Posted 15/01/2023 at 01:32:01 If it was true about the assault, then why wasn't it publicised after the Brighton game? They could have also still stayed away without announcing it.It stinks of gaslighting to try and divide the fanbase, if you ask me. I'm not sure I believe it when the board have used it as a strategy against the protests. Colin Gee 123 Posted 15/01/2023 at 02:02:23 Anyone that believes the story that Denise Barrett-Baxendale was held in a headlock after the Brighton game, ask yourself the following questions: Why wasn't it mentioned at the time? If a member of that board was attacked, why isn't there a Police investigation into it? Why – given that there's CCTV all over Goodison and almost everyone has a camera phone these days – isn't there any evidence of this alleged attack? The CEO of a Premier League club being attacked would he headline news for days!Why has this story only been mentioned today? Why did the Club release that statement today saying that the Board of Directors wouldn't be at the match due to 'threats'? They didn't need to say anything about not going to the match today; they haven't said anything to us for months, why release that statement today when they knew in advance that there was going to be protests against them after the match?This is Kenwright and his mates in the media trying to spin it that it's us fans who are the bad guys, they have poured oil onto a fire.If it wasn't safe for them to be there today, when will it be safe for them to attend? Because it's going to get worse. He's told us so many lies over the years – this is just the latest in a long long line of them. Rich Howlin 124 Posted 15/01/2023 at 03:44:18 I see the board as a collection of very weak people who have no idea about running a successful club. In crisis situations, such weak people look for excuses, blame others, circle the wagons and stick together. It's all about them, of course. There is no focus on solving anything of substance, just preserving themselves. They won't turn on each other because that takes guts. Like clockwork, now comes the “victim†routine. Pitiful. Utterly demoralizing for anyone who cares about Everton Football Club. Christine Foster 125 Posted 15/01/2023 at 05:31:20 You're painted into a corner, you know fans are about to protest collectively for the very first time. The owner blames the fans on national radio for getting rid of managers whilst rolling out FAB meetings to consult the fans' perspectives back to the board. FAB know it's a PR stunt and 3 members resign in protest.Next salvo to keep fans on the backfoot: an hour before kick-off, tell the press no board member will attend the game due to threats to safety on the advice of the club's security team, (not the police).Final booting: a "club spokesman" releases information that, 11 days prior to the game, the CEO was abused and held in a headlock. Not even a whisper let alone any evidence about this had come to light before.In the most disgraceful act of self-destruction, this board hung out the manager and team to dry.I believe they have had abuse, threats even, but assaulting the CEO? Come on... all of the above is a means to play the victim card because they knew they were in for a hard time –no matter what the result.So, in direct opposition to the fans' stated solidarity, All Together Now, they cut the manager adrift for their self- interest, not their safety. If Merseyside Police had intervened and made a statement advising they stayed away, I might have believed them. To the best of my knowledge, they didn't… they haven't. The board's position is now untenable; what little credibility they had is shot. The abuse they will get on returning to their seats will be massive and deserved. Lampard – before, during and after the match – looked upset, he looked desperately unhappy. To the point I believe he will resign on Monday morning. Which then brings me to the last point: who would want to be the next manager? What player would come to us?We are reaching an end-game totally unforgivable by the owner and Chairman. We are destined for relegation – unless someone with mighty big balls sorts it out – because no-one currently has a hope. Kieran Kinsella 126 Posted 15/01/2023 at 05:38:39 Christine,They've put themselves in a corner now because how can the board ever return since things have only got worse after the supposed headlock? In a normal world, Barrett-Baxendale and Kenwright would resign. I suspect that won't happen and the West Ham Utd game next weekend will become a proverbial WWE-style retirement match-up for Moyes and Lampard as I can't see the loser getting another gig. Kieran Kinsella 127 Posted 15/01/2023 at 05:59:27 Greg sycophant O'Keeffe in The Athletic tonight mentioned Denise being headlocked. Then ambiguously said “Everton have liased with the police around security – but no specific charges have been made.†So, in layman's terms, they've talked to the cops about threats but the alleged assault never happened. Alan J Thompson 128 Posted 15/01/2023 at 06:11:35 Why does a football club need a department that gathers "intelligence", presumably on their own fans? Do they ask visiting clubs for "intelligence" on their fans who will be attending? Add in videos to identify "troublemakers" and it all becomes a bit "1984" and, if anything, seems to lack a certain intelligence. Although, it may be needed to keep out individuals of whom the Chairman doesn't approve, eh, Mr Stubbs. Ian Hollingworth 129 Posted 15/01/2023 at 07:21:17 I thought the players arrived at the ground by coach?So, how do their cars get to the ground for them to leave in their cars?Just wondering? Paul Smith 130 Posted 15/01/2023 at 07:25:19 I follow all things Everton on multiple social media channels and listen to podcasts and read newspapers. If there was a real attack on a Director, we would have heard about it before kick-off yesterday. I don't believe it for a minute. Threatening emails, yes. Young fans having a go at players outside the ground, yes. Attacking females, no. Don't get suckered in, it's a disgrace and this board is on its way out. Colin Glassar 131 Posted 15/01/2023 at 07:28:13 Kenwright's done it again! Mr Everton has turned the British media against the loyal, long-suffering Everton fans. Without a shred of evidence Everton fans are now up there with the likes of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Isis. From villain to victim in the blink of an eye, with the help of his friends in the tabloid press and on the telly.His PR operation is formidable as is his scheming and lying. We can now all look forward to more “good times†under the stewardship of King Billy for the foreseeable future.Danny, I asked you yesterday how do you remain so optimistic and upbeat regarding Everton. I'm not sure if you answered (or saw it) but how do you do it? The last 5-6 seasons have left a former happy clapper like myself exhausted and empty. Derek Thomas 132 Posted 15/01/2023 at 07:32:07 Just as Hysel seems to be permanently airbrushed out ... his headlock lie – it is a lie, isn't it? – will be permanently airbrushed in and regurgitated again and again. Much like the Purple Hearts, which I 'think' was a lie, and the story that Tony Kay was match-fixing – a damned lie; he put on one bet to cover his win bonus.The dart thing happened – we got to hold our hands up to that.Give the Devil his due, he's played the media like the Thespian (euphemistic pun intended) he is. Moral High Ground ✅ As for emails just as likely to be shit-stirring Red Shite, but that's still sticks and stones. Darren Hind 133 Posted 15/01/2023 at 07:57:32 I've been posting for weeks that I feared that the behavior, the rhetoric, and the downright fairy stories coming from people with shit for brains was going to give the board a get-out-of-jail free card. I'm told the incident with Denise BB was caused when she stood her ground when facing angry questions and was bundled into her car by somebody looking after her to get her out of the line of fire. I don't believe for one minute that she was physically assaulted but, if you are trying to win hearts and minds, shouting at a lone woman will not do it. We are being portrayed in the press as a complete rabble. The actions of a few are playing into the hands of the ringmaster. He is the master of deception. What theatre the press were treated to when the Board of Directors announced they had been instructed not to attend. We need to stop this Charge of the Light Brigade. We need to get trusted articulate spokesmen elected by the Evertonians to represent Evertonians in a civilized manner. We need to get the truth out there. If the club won't meet them, the press will.Somebody on here claimed we were in a "propaganda war"?More like a propaganda massacre. This lot might be a bunch of pricks, but the ringmaster will ensure they are media-savvy pricks.We need to be smarter. Evertonians are being portrayed as an ungrateful bunch of women disrespecters who are hounding a 77-year-old man who sold his own home to keep the club alive. Colin Glassar 134 Posted 15/01/2023 at 08:00:50 Spot on, Darren. Passion is no substitute for clear minds. The “confrontation “ with Mina is all over the place and Kenwright's media hacks are having a field day. Steve Brown 135 Posted 15/01/2023 at 08:19:52 Let's be clear, no members of the board were assaulted at the Brighton game.If that had occurred, then a police report would have been filed and the story reported in the media. Even today, no complaint to the police has been filed. It was quite simply a lie spun by the Board and Comms team to pivot attention away from them on a planned day of protest. What really depresses me is that some posters on here believe it – are you really that gullible?It was in fact the third attempt by the club to spin in the last week and place the blame on fans: 1) Moshiri's interview where he claimed fans were to blame for the sacking of the terrible managers he hired; 2) The risible club statement claiming the board stayed away due to security threat from some random social media posts. If that was the basis upon which people cancelled attending sports events, then every stadium would be empty 365 days a year. But Darren H is right. For the protests to work, the fans have to be restrained and disciplined inside and outside the stadium. Confronting players and chasing their cars down the street might make us feel better for a moment. But, it allows the board and its media friends to cast the fans as fanatical and hysterical – instead of what they are and have been: patient and passionate. Barry Rathbone 136 Posted 15/01/2023 at 08:59:25 On the Barrett-Baxendale issue, probably something did happen but my guess is it was a rather overfriendly robust arm around the shoulder by some aled-up scouser blurting out "Arright girl, when are ya gonna sort this shite out?"A headlock? No. But the present climate lends itself to such descriptors, even if the noticeable absence of police involvement probably tells its own story. However, if it was more serious than I've suggested, calling in the police would be seen by some as a declaration of war and suddenly we're ramping up the DefCon scale. It's bad enough as it is. Tony Abrahams 137 Posted 15/01/2023 at 09:05:41 Very good point, Darren, and unsurprisingly the second thing I thought about when I woke up around 6 o'clock this morning. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten about Godfrey hitting the side-netting, and then how he should have hit the target a few minutes later, and I cursed myself because I used to remember every detail when I was younger! But then I thought that this is surely what NSNOW has been formed for.I hate the blame game, I hate anything snide, but we are now operating against a very slippery, and snide operator, so it's time some clever Evertonians got together. For a start, the famous Colin Fitzpatrick story is only known by a few people, and this was written over 12 years ago now, and it won't take long for a savvy Evertonian to put Kenwright's long list of failures accompanied by his lies into print.I'd suggest instead of greeting the coach, that Evertonians could meet outside St George's Hall or somewhere similar and March to Goodison with their flags. A long march and a peaceful protest with some clever people maybe getting to talk to the media along the way.Without wishing to get into an argument, but knowing scousers, I believe that Darren's story is probably close to the truth. The first thing you hear on the Yerry Mina video is there's a kid in the car, so if Braxendale was assaulted it would have been news on the streets within minutes, simply because it's how this city works.Liverpool roots Farhad, the fans are full of them. Ask Bill what scousers are like when someone tries to take the piss. That's probably asking the wrong man, considering he's taken the piss for years... Just like I didn't forget a thing when I was a kid watching football, Kenwright's memory s finally going to badly let him down because he's obviously forgotten what Evertonians are like once they really change. Dave Abrahams 138 Posted 15/01/2023 at 09:10:49 The Mina incident is on film, nobody was attacked, fans spoke, Mina listened and replied then he shook hands with the fan he was talking to and went back to his car.The Barrett-Baxendale incident is a verbal report, no witnesses. Open to discussion; when I see some visual testimony – surely seen and photographed in this modern age – I will take notice. At the moment, it never happened as described by the club.Inside the ground, everything good or bad is on record with multiple cameras. I stayed until after 5:25 pm in the Upper Bullens, had a good conversation with a man and his young son. I never saw anything that was out of place. Ian Bennett 139 Posted 15/01/2023 at 09:55:46 The death spiral is 100% right. I feared it at the start of the season and it's turned out how I expected.I don't know who you get in, and I've no idea who will be here with us next season. But Lampard needs to go now.There's hardly any player there you'd want to stay to try and rebuild these ruins. Most will want out and those that don't, we probably don't want.Nil satis needs removing. Heartbreaking to see my club going through this. Derek Thomas 140 Posted 15/01/2023 at 10:52:07 First off; to me we're now in an official dispute and the first rule of disputes is you don't bring personalities in to it. No more Kenshites, BPB, Fathead Moshiri etc. - its The Club, The Board etc.Second; We do nothing, we verify, we check, we plan a response based on the facts - the true facts - as best we can.*Remembering point 1* The Club have to some extent crossed a line, not quite 'Gone Nuclear' but not far off. But they've now allegedly defamed 99.9% of their fans(Subject to point 2) This will no doubt be fought out in the arena of public opinion. The Club are off and running and are already nearly lapping us.So we have to go in large but silent Boycott All Games home and away Easy for many of us to do as we're far away. But the 99.9% of regular match goers are the Defamees here and, like/admit it or not - many across the Country find it easy to dislike Scousers as it is, without The Club stirring the pot.The Message - subject to point 2- The Gloves are Off. Rob Halligan 141 Posted 15/01/2023 at 10:52:49 Yet more downright lies from Kenwright and Co. Yerry Mina and Anthony Gordon are captured on a phone camera and it's on social media within minutes. Marcel Brands is caught on a phone camera having a discussion with someone whilst still in the directors box after the derby last season, and it's on social media within minutes, probably before he's sipped his first glass of wine. Barrett Baxendale is now alleged to have been, TWELVE DAYS AGO, caught up in a headlock by a fan, yet not a word from anyone within the club. If any incident was going to be caught on a phone camera, then this was it! Colin Gee # 123 has asked all questions that I was going to ask, except one. Do we know where this alleged attack took place? Was it in the directors box, because as far as I'm aware, I don't think any board member walks out of Goodison and walks to a car park. I've seen many people carriers parked right outside Goodison, either on the road, or in that square at the top end between the church and the players entrance. There is an entrance to some club lounges there, and she could well have come out of there and straight into a people carrier?Oh, and one more thing, the four “Missing Directors†may well have not been sitting in their usual seats yesterday, but I, for one minute, don't believe they weren't in the stadium. They could easily have arrived after kick off, sat down in their cosy boardroom sipping wine, and watched the game on TV. See you at the next home game Kenwright and Co, when the game is live on BT Sport, and all cameras will be focusing on you throughout the game, or will you be too cowardly to attend that game as well, and the one after that, and after that, and after that? Tony Abrahams 142 Posted 15/01/2023 at 11:28:16 Derek@140, the club are nearly lapping us based on a lie, and also being massively helped by their friends in the media. It's alright taking the moral high ground if you are genuine, but there was absolutely nothing genuine about what Everton's board of directors did yesterday, imo, except enrage an already very disgruntled fan base.I got bad news before, hearing that if there is to be a takeover at Everton, it's not going to happen before May. I will take that, but I'm one of the silly one's who would even take relegation, if it meant Everton Football Club, could get rid of all the nepotistic lies and poison, and begin to move forward as one.I walked down the stairs to leave the stadium yesterday, and my thoughts whilst looking around the dilapidated old lady were, “I'd sooner spend our last season in this ground celebrating promotion, rather than having to go through this same monotonous shite, before we say goodbye. I am that dreamer out of supertramp! Kunal Desai 143 Posted 15/01/2023 at 11:37:33 There is message doing the round where Merseyside police have not been contacted about the alledged assault. Easiest way to knock this on the head is by getting the club to provide CCTV footage. Oliver Molloy 144 Posted 15/01/2023 at 11:43:10 Regards the alleged Baxendale headlock I find it alarming that Ian Wright was allowed to mention this as FACT and not rumour on match of the day.Most producers would not allow a presenter to state something as fact if not true.For me this needs to be investigated as a matter of urgency and the facts presented immediately - if NOT true Ian Wright and the BBC need to apologise.The club also need to state the facts today as this is very serious. Why it is only coming to light now is open to debate.if true, it is a fucking disgrace just like the incidents of players in their cars with kids being challenged by so called Evertonians leaving the ground.I understand feelings are running high but this is not doing the club any good at all.What player watching all this would want to come to Everton.Protest in the right way is the only way.We are up against it to avoid the drop this season, that's a fact after yesterday's result.In my opinion Lampard has to go - should have happened during the world cup, who the fuck would we be able to bring in ? - who knows as right now Everton is probably the last place anybody would want to come to.The club is a shambles. In my opinion If Sharp is a proper Evertonian and really cares he would resign and that would start the ball rolling. Tony Abrahams 145 Posted 15/01/2023 at 11:43:41 Bill Kenwright has probably already had the crimewatch team, do a reconstruction, of events, even though there is a major steward's enquiry, if anything violent actually happened in the first place. Danny Baily 146 Posted 15/01/2023 at 11:52:55 Oliver 144, you could complain to the BBC. If enough people do it will raise the issue. Oliver Molloy 147 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:00:18 I have already been in contact with a friend who is trying to get me the direct email for Colm Harty ( producer ) Graham Mockford 148 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:02:01 Seems to me some get more excitement from dishing out hatred and bile than watching football.Sure it's shit and has been mostly for ages but can't see how surrounding players cars or verbally abusing them is in any way helpful. If my memory serves me right it was the unity and support of the fans that helped us massively last year.I agree with Tony if we get relegated then so be it. It might be a genuine catalyst for change. It may also not. Ian Edwards 149 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:12:47 If – and I say 'if' the incident did take place, it's unrealistic to expect the club to release demeaning footage to the public of a senior female executive being physically manhandled in a headlock. Barry Robson 150 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:14:05 I spoke with someone who works for the club yesterday. They said Barrett-Baxendale was manhandled and spat at when returning to her car after the Brighton game.They also said the club wanted to play it down at the time. It would appear they no longer want to play it down. Steve Brown 151 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:16:48 So, Ian and Barry, it allegedly occured at the ground on match day. But, there were zero witnesses who have come forward or video footage from a single fan despite all 40,000 in the crowd having a smartphone?Miracles still do happen then. Matt Henderson 152 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:19:42 If we are to survive, we do need unity but the fracture between the fans and the Board is now so big, there won't be any unity without change.The Board needs to drive this now and make an appeal for unity (the opposite of what Moshri the moron did) and come out and say that they recognise mistakes have been made. Say an external review will now commence and take place across all levels of the club and any changes proposed will be implemented. If Bill were to announce he will step down as soon as a suitable replacement is found, this would also drive improvements in the relationship with fans. They can't change things overnight (the club would be rudderless if so) but they can announce that the club hierarchy is being assessed and changes will be made when possible and for the time being appeal for everyone to come together to strive for an improved team performance with the aim of what everyone wants – survival.Hopefully the fans can then focus on supporting the team for the rest of the season. If the Board do nothing there will be no unity at all and the threat of relegation extremely likely as protests and abuse etc continue.Ideally, the above announcement should be made at the same time as they announce Frank's sacking and his replacement.If the executives have the best interests of the club in mind, this is now the only way forward if we want to stand a chance of survival. It doesn't matter now if the Board think they've done nothing wrong, the relationship with the fans is broken regardless and cannot be healed without change. It will continue to fester beyond this season regardless of what league we are in if nothing happens. Barry Robson 153 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:21:49 Steve, I'm only saying what I heard yesterday as people have asked where the incident allegedly occurred. I'm not saying it happened or it didn't happen. Just sharing what I was told. Peter Neilson 154 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:26:15 Danny (146) I raised it with the BBC this morning, just Google “BBC complaintâ€. Very easy to do only took a minute. Basically, why did they present unsubstantiated rumours as being factually accurate? Tony Abrahams 155 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:31:17 The club wanted to play it down until it suited them, then they turned it onto the whole Everton fanbase with help from the media and a few young Evertonians.Maybe Ian has got a point but, even without footage, I don't believe something like this could have remained silent for so long in a city like Liverpool… but I could be wrong. Pete Clarke 156 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:31:35 If some of us are being shocked by fan behavior when it comes to getting rid of managers and board members, then I would suggest having a look at how bad it gets in other parts of the world. Not saying it's right to be screaming at people but we are very soft in comparison to places like Greece, Turkey, France and generally anywhere in South America. Even what I have seen in Madrid where they wave the white handkerchief and it looks gentle but this eventually goes all the way to the government and they make sure changes are made. We have nothing on these people but our press are the worst in the world. The one single move I would like to see before he isolated himself from Evertonians forever is Graeme Sharp to put in his resignation from the board and get back with the people who worshipped him years ago. With the money he is being paid by Kenwright, though, I won't be holding my breath on him switching sides. Derek Thomas 157 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:46:51 Tony @ 142; I'm with you on that. I'm nearer Dave's age than yours, I live in Queensland, so I've cut the physical cord bit and I've seen them all from before Carey took his taxi. But I still get up in the middle of the night to watch.I've half a mind to hope The Chairman, owner, club does a Samson and brings the whole Temple down around everybody's ears, including their own.Strange day indeed. I can also see the Premier League and / or FA having to step in to cool this down... looks bad for the money wallahs, don'tcha know. Oliver Molloy 158 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:50:15 I just fired an email off to the producer of BBC Match of the Day - Colm Harty. I don't know if I am allowed to provide the email address, so I won't, but it is very easy to find if you google: Match of the Day - CEO email addressesI asked if what Ian Wright stated as fact was checked as fact by him or his team.Ian Wright said exactly this: "and when you hear what happened to Denise Barrett-Baxendale, that's abhorrent behaviour, I believe that …put in a headlock…….†If you have a spare couple of minutes, fire an email to him, the more he receives the better chance of a reply etc I would say. Nick Page 159 Posted 15/01/2023 at 12:58:37 Anyone any closer to uncovering the Barret-Baxendale Goodison headlock murder mystery yet? Christine Foster 160 Posted 15/01/2023 at 13:09:13 Barry 150# so it occurred when she was returning yo her car post match? Good no problem then, everything will have been caught on cctv in the clubs car park.. Danny O’Neill 161 Posted 15/01/2023 at 13:12:39 I was told this morning by a reliable source (my son) that Merseyside Police has released a notification on their social media outlet (I presume Twitter) suggesting that they haven't received any complaints about the incident.Now that doesn't mean it didn't happen, but surely if it did, it should be raised as it's basically assault.And regardless of our thoughts on the person's suitability for the position, I and many others would have stepped into put the person in a similar position for inappropriate behaviour and we would have heard about it. This was the Brighton game right? Chris Corn 163 Posted 15/01/2023 at 13:42:41 Danny, there is a national campaign regarding Violnece Against Wimen and Girls (VAWG). If DBB has been assaulted then it is abominable. However, if this is the case the police have a duty to record and investigate. Especially against such a high profile female victim.Everton know this, hence their reaction to the disgraceful incident of female supporters being sexually touched.I would also suggest that based on the mood towards the board over recent years, there will be some sort of security escort to and from transport. I would suggest there would be witnesses in the form of stewards, hired security, public and CCTV at the location. Everton have a duty of care to all staff, particularly female staff to protect them. Their head of security is an ex Chief Superintendent. Wholly irresponsible if they haven't reported it. I expect the police to make some comment now, because they will have to investigate. Once this is clarified I will condemn those responsible. Danny O’Neill 164 Posted 15/01/2023 at 14:02:09 Totally agree Chris.I would expect the club the remain quiet on this if it is a criminal investigation, which is why the timining of the leaks seem strange. Alec Gaston 165 Posted 15/01/2023 at 14:57:51 Can anyone with contacts ask the FAB to get some more details of the alleged headlock incident?If true, prosecute and ban the fan; if not, apologise. The media portrayal of people from the city has been disgraceful for years and stuff like this sticks unless it's challenged. Chris Corn 166 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:00:17 What this whole shit show shows me is that there is a discord between owner and board now.The world's most inept Forensic Accountant went rogue again with Jim White, allegedly to the knowledge of no-one. Never mentioned these incidents. Surely, he receives regular briefings on all matters Everton, seeing as he has allegedly plunged near half his worth into the club? Blames the fans for sacked managers.The club then release a statement on the day of a critical Premier League game again regarding information they will have had for some days. 11 days since the Brighton game. Seems Moshiri has given up. Basically wants the stadium built and hope he can flog us and try not to lose too much of his investment. Flaw in the plan is we are terrible and free falling towards relegation; can't buy what we need to survive; with another "all style and no substance" chancer in the dug out.Bill meanwhile has vastly multiplied any money he may have invested and is sitting pretty whilst he has had daily control of turning us into a bonafide relegation outfit. All whilst being protected by subterfuge, shady offshore deals and the master investor our "friend" Philip Green. Yet, he's the incompetent one?! Played a blinder if you ask me...If/when we go, you might see Liverpool City Council start to sneak in again regarding this stadium, as we become long-term tenants, with absolutely no recourse to any extra-curricular income generation. Too much riding on it for the region for it to go belly up and it would be a major embarrassment to the area. Just my opinion, btw. Jason Hewly 167 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:05:10 It's horrifying that some of you are questioning the truth of this. Have you not seen some of the fans' behaviour over the last few years?Standing outside John Stone's house screaming that he's a "rat".Setting off fireworks outside oppositions team hotels.Harassing players in the street.Screaming abuse from the terraces.Blockading roads.Throwing bottles at players.We don't look like "the best fans in the world", we look like a bunch of feral dogs.Those videos doing the rounds of the fans and players in the street from last night are shameful. I've always been proud to support Everton, but not today. Today, I'm disgusted to be associated with some of our fanbase. Derek Knox 168 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:05:40 Alec, I have heard on good authority from someone with connections inside the club, that this was all made up to discredit the fans even more. If it were true, why wait until the no-show from the Board to announce it, almost a fortnight after the Brighton game? If you think about it, Denise Barrett-Baxendale and the rest of the Board go from the Directors Box to the Director's Lounge then after a few sherbets into a waiting Car, so when is there any chance for a fan to interact? File under another lie and a load of crap from the Board. Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship? Dave Lynch 169 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:13:12 Are you for rea,l Jason?In today's climate where there is massive publicity... and rightly so, about the abuse women are subjected to at the hands of abusers, the club come out with this spurious statement without providing evidence?What they are describing is common assault and is punishable in a court of law. If for one minute this did happen, do you not honestly think someone would have been witness and the perpetrator bought to book? Paul Kossoff 170 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:22:35 See soft shite Ian Wright speaking about, or alluding to the mythical headlock attack on the CEO of Everton. Saying "Oh peaceful protests are alright, but what's happened at Everton is terrible." So now we have a bad name for the supporters of Everton, created by the greatest Evertonian. If you throw enough mud at something some will stick. Jason Hewly 171 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:28:54 Yes, Dave, it's all a conspiracy. Everything is a conspiracy. That roast dinner doesn't exist and your potatoes were stolen by the CIA.What I see is a bunch of fans who have crossed the line into unacceptable behaviour. It's not a few bad apples, it's hundreds (at least). It's happening consistently and it's getting worse.Given that context, when a woman says she's been assaulted, even if her first instinct was to keep quiet about it, I'm inclined to believe her. Dave Lynch 172 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:37:38 Jason...I'm not defending the fans who confronted the players, they are (in scouse terms) 'knobheads lad'.But an assault on a woman is a different ball game altogether. That's stepping miles over the line... I wish the club would confirm it, then the perpetrator can be arrested.As for conspiracy... Kenwright has himself to blame for that thought process, remember the "cheque is in the post" quote... remember the, "We have to move to Kirkby because Goodison won't get a safety certificate" quote... remember... the list is endless, mate. Brian Wilkinson 173 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:43:00 I find it strange that first we had a Moshiri reply, then Moshiri talking on TalkSport, yet no mention whatsoever about the board, until videos circulated of the banners Friday night, for the Southampton game.Then they brought in extra police and security and as good as said about removing banners, still no mention of the board not attending.Then, a couple of hours before kick-off, they put up statement about the board advised not to attend game, surely they would have been warned the day before, not a couple of hours before the game?I just find it baffling that Everton sat on this a full two weeks, if this was the case, and the team desperate for points. Why not mention it after the match, why was the timing to coincide with the proposed protest?No videos, no complaints received by the police, no nothing until just before the match.If this happened, then it needs investigating; if not, then it is an all-time low, taking the flak away from themselves and turning it back on the fans.For those who have mentioned it, the fans got behind the team until the final whistle, then held a peaceful protest, everything done with class.That was until a couple let the whole day down by surrounding players' cars, and letting down the rest of the fan base, playing straight into the board's and media's hands, those handful. Chris Corn 174 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:44:29 Jason, read my post. There is information now out there that Merseyside Police are now statutorily obliged to record and investigate as a crime.An anonymous third party report is sufficient to do so unless there is credible evidence to the contrary.This is known as Home Office Crime Recording Rules. This type of allegation sits under the high-profile VAWG agenda. It will have to be investigated. Therefore, rest assured, it will be. The points I have raised are a matter of fact and public record. My point is, that if Everton have not reported, they are failing in their duty of care to their employees. What would have happened if, following this allegation, a female employee wearing an Everton uniform was targeted as Denise Barrrett-Baxendale by mistake or indeed just because she was employed by the club? Don't disagree that there is some poor, very poor behaviour by fans. I sincerely hope they are identified, prosecuted and punished. To flip it, there are also some excellent, balanced supporters who have no interest in feral behaviour, including shareholders, who have been denied the opportunity to hold the Executive Board and owner to account. It also seems the connection between the two formers is broken beyond IMO. Steve Brown 175 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:51:15 Jason @ 166, trying to demonise your own fans in favour of the board.Lower than a snake's belly. Stephen Davies 176 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:54:26 My take: I think there was probably some verbal abuse aimed at Barrett-Baxendale at the end of the Brighton match, even maybe some jostling. Then, after the club statement 11 days later, almost immediately afterwards, the report about her being put in a headlock was briefed with no supporting evidence.Should the police investigate this, then Denise will be requested to make a written statement, CCTV collected, witnesses sought.Interesting to see how this pans out… could well backfire on the club and no way back. Gary Johnson 177 Posted 15/01/2023 at 15:56:35 Steve - what's the correct definition for your post? Is it; a) oxymoronicb) Hypocriticalc) both Tony Abrahams 178 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:02:47 Are you saying that because her initial inclination was to remain quiet, Jason, is why you would be inclined to believe her? Stephen Colby 179 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:08:51 Jason #167. You're right. We slag off Moshiri and still expect him to bankroll new purchases. We berate the players for not being fit to wear our shirt and expect them to play their hearts out every game. We try and attract new players but this reputation for intimidation means players and their families will think twice before joining us. Sadly it's no longer the RS who represent the vile underside of supporting a team from Merseyside – it's us. James Flynn 180 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:13:43 I also wrote a email protesting Wright's presenting the alleged assault as fact.Not sure why the reticence in posting Mr Harty's email.It's posted here, Link on purpose by the BBC for people to to their own, I agree with Molloy that if Wright's "reportage" offended, drop Harty a line letting him know. Nick Page 181 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:14:00 Steve 165. Lower than Bills belly. He sounds like one of those people offended by everything. Often found in red, clapping tellies. He should spend a few weeks in Italy and see how they and their Ultras roll. Or Argentina. Them lads who spoke to Mina never abused him, physically or racially. If the club was so concerned then why didn't they lay on a security detail for their multi-million pound assets? Oh that's right, it was all about themselves to draw attention away from the real issues of gross incompetence and nepotism. Will Mabon 182 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:22:17 "it's us."No, NOT "us". Some supporters, allegedly. Mind those words in this current word game. Rob Halligan 183 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:31:13 There's nothing more feral than threatening one of your own players, including death threats, because that player has the audacity to want to move to another club….Gerrard's U-turn after threats to his familyBalaclava-clad fans make death threat at Wayne Rooney's homeAnd there's nothing more sickening than having a pint-sized beaker, full to the brim with coins, being hurled into opposition fans below……..Girl, 15, injured with Man City v Liverpool game marred by incidents, missiles and chantsAll of the above are facts, by the way. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever about Denise Barrett-Baxendale being attacked, and I've got it on good authority that she can be just as good a liar as Billy Bullshitter. Also, the fact the Everton board were advised not to attend, doesn't mean they were about to be put in a headlock and wrestled to the ground. Regarding Mina and Anthony Gordon. Looking at both videos, I doubt very much Yerry Mina felt threatened during his chat with fans, in fact it all looked quite peaceful, in a peaceful kind of way. Gordon may have felt intimidated, but nobody was rocking his car, trying to force him out, before the police came to his rescue. There was no throwing of bricks at either vehicle, so all-in-all, I would say calling Everton fans 'feral', is very much bang out of order. Oliver Molloy 184 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:34:39 Darren @ 133Great post, totally agree. Stephen Colby 185 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:35:37 Will ~182,I have never heard such hatred and vitriol as that directed towards the players and the board as I heard yesterday. Oliver Molloy 186 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:43:06 Rob,Mina got out of the car because his child was in there and was very frightened.stop trying to make fucking excuses – of course it is intimation and should not have happened. Nick Page 187 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:46:08 Someone sent me this from Twitter. Fell off my chair: “It's Gonna be mad when it comes out that Bill Kenwright was the one who headlocked Denise she was questioning the Arteta money and he'd had enough.. choked the bxxxx outâ€Hahaha hahahaha Rob Halligan 188 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:46:11 Stephen #185. What did you hear that was so hateful and vitriolic towards the players? Because all I heard was “You're not fit to wear the shirtâ€. Nothing wrong with that.During the protest after the match, all I heard was “Sack the boardâ€, and “Kenwright and Co, it's time to goâ€. Again nothing wrong with that, but maybe you've heard stuff I didn't? Jack Convery 189 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:53:01 My question to EFC is this.After the alleged assault on the CEO, why didn't the board issue a statement, asking for help to identify the culprit? Then whoever it was could have been given a lifetime ban and the police could have questioned the alleged assailant. After all, this is what would have happened if someone had been attacked outside a bar, nightclub, or on the street. News management at its best. NSNOW need a PR specialist adviser to maintain the moral high ground whilst this board and owner remain in place. Rob Halligan 190 Posted 15/01/2023 at 16:54:22 Oliver, I said I don't think he felt threatened in any way, intimidated of course, but not threatened. And if you think I'm trying to make excuses for the people who surrounded him and Anthony Gordon, then I'm not. I don't condone what they did, it was definitely overstepping the mark. Chris Corn 191 Posted 15/01/2023 at 17:02:00 I read a report in the Mail that Mina was being asked to be a leader and stay if we go down. His response "I would give my life for this club": Furious Everton fans confront Yerry Mina in the street and urge him to 'show us a bit of heart' after yet another defeat – with the Colombian vowing to 'give my life' for the crisis-hit club Oliver Molloy 192 Posted 15/01/2023 at 17:09:13 It was indeed Rob.Total change of subject.A Celtic supporter friend of mine just been in touch saying that rumours are circulating in Donegal ( a county with close connections to Celtic ) that Everton are looking for permission to speak to Postecoglou tomorrow.I told him not to worry -their manager looks like he is sane !Couldn't happen - could it ! John Keating 193 Posted 15/01/2023 at 17:17:30 Might be an idea to stop welcoming these wasters into the stadium pre-game because it's obviously not working.I would also suggest rather than having a sit-in after the game we have a one minute's applause after 28 minutes to celebrate the fact that the shithouse that is Kenwright and his lackeys Barrett-Baxendale and Sharp are leading us into another year of depression. Will Mabon 194 Posted 15/01/2023 at 17:26:01 Stephen @ 185,I take your word. Things not seen or proved, no.My point was, several or hundreds of other fans do not represent or comprise the whole club or its fan base, "us", and the distinction is important. James Hughes 195 Posted 15/01/2023 at 18:11:48 Another great production from Kenwright and worthy of an award. Clearly sees that the tide has turned and his bullshit is now seen for what it is. Realise that fan groups are joining forces and planning a demonstration. Moshri then makes matters worse by talking to the media and blaming the fans for the manager revolving door and crap transfer strategy. In true theatre style leaves the announcement about directors no-show until the 11th hour and the 'credible' threats that were received. He realises that he needs a lit bit extra and a bit of the old razzadazzle and it dawns on him that not just threats issued BUT a Director has been on the receiving of action already. Who would be perfect but Lil Miss Dynamite herself. These thugs have threatened a woman they are scum, do not give them the time of day. Do not listen to a word they say As others have said everyone has a camera on them now and there is CCTV everywhere but no evidence anywhere. We have seen within miniutes Mina & AG incidents. THe BPB talk of 'We've had some goods, haven't we' when confronted in the car park very quickly came out but 11 days later we have the Brighton incident as the club wanted to keep it quietHe'll have stage version in a couple of years playing in the West End Nick Page 196 Posted 15/01/2023 at 18:19:45 Jack @189 I'd happily pitch into a supporters fund for a PR advisory team. Brent Stephens 197 Posted 15/01/2023 at 18:29:30 Oliver #186 "Mina got out of the car because his child was in there and was very frightened".I missed that bit about his child being very frightened. Is that what happened? Kieran Kinsella 198 Posted 15/01/2023 at 18:42:25 BrentThere are several videos of this but basically a group of fans where yelling at cars of players exiting mostly saying “what the fuck†Yeri made some gesture to his kids. Maybe he was afraid maybe he was upset about bad language in front of the kids. The fans then self policed yelling he's got kids†until everyone stopped swearing. Yeri got out someone asked him to show heart. He said he'd give his life for the club. Got an ovation of sorts then got back in the car and left Rich Howlin 199 Posted 15/01/2023 at 18:54:34 Make a Complaint Now!Following up on Oliver's comment on Ian Wrights statement. As was stated, make a complaint to the BBC. I just googled BBC complaint. It took 5 minutes. Andrew Bentley 200 Posted 15/01/2023 at 19:00:57 Stephen @185, which part of the ground were you in yesterday? I ask as in the main stand I was surprised that it wasn't more toxic and more abusive.Like others I heard only chants of you're not fit to wear the shirt and nothing else too obscene Brent Stephens 201 Posted 15/01/2023 at 19:16:17 Kieran, yes that's what I saw on the video. I didn't see anything that said his child was very frightened. Could well have been but that's supposition. Stan Grace 202 Posted 15/01/2023 at 19:16:46 I complained to the BBC yesterday about reporting unsubstantiated information about the threats/aggression as fact. Today I was informed by mail that the article hadn't broken any House Rules and would remain. However, the BBC had already removed the article before I received their reply. Neil H 206 Posted 15/01/2023 at 23:16:02 Has anybody yet heard if the police have been informed about the threats to the main board? If not, I think it's incumbent on us to do so. When it's investigated and the police confirm it, I might not be so cynical. As it happens, I have no belief in anything that's fine from the club. Brendan McLaughlin 207 Posted 15/01/2023 at 23:25:15 Neil H #206If the victim of the assault doesn't want to pursue the matter, as many women are often reluctant to do... there's not a lot the police or us fans can do.Unless of course... you're into victim shaming! Eric Myles 208 Posted 15/01/2023 at 23:36:24 Brendan #207, If the police have evidence, such as CCTV or personal video or witnesses, then they don't need the victim to make a complaint in order to prosecute. Brendan McLaughlin 209 Posted 15/01/2023 at 23:54:24 Eric #208,You're assuming that evidence exists which isn't certain.But if the victim doesn't want to make a complaint... are the police really going to pursue it? Oliver Molloy 210 Posted 16/01/2023 at 00:11:02 Brent,I think it would be fair to assume that any young child in that car would be quite frightened from the videos I have seen.Are you questioning if there were children in the car?, John Keating 211 Posted 16/01/2023 at 00:18:11 The Echo has reported these CEO headlock repoorts. The bloody Echo – supposedly representing the people of Merseyside should put a bit of effort into actually reporting by finding out the facts of this.If any woman has been manhandled in any way, shape or form, then the full force of the law should be given to the arsehole who did it.If the report is a lie, then those who issued it should be similarly held to account as they do a significant disservice to females who are abused and to the supporters of our club.This claim should not be swept under the carpet but pursued by all relevant parties. Eric Myles 212 Posted 16/01/2023 at 00:40:04 Brendan #209, read Chris Corn #174.By making a public claim of violence, a complaint has been made which the police are bound to investigate.If they find evidence, they can prosecute – even if the victim doesn't want to. Ernie Baywood 213 Posted 16/01/2023 at 00:47:45 John... Completely agree.But regardless of whether it happened, the comment by the club still tells us everything we need to know.They didn't need to mention the alleged headlock now. They did so for a very obvious reason. They didn't publicly condemn this when it allegedly happened. They used it when it suited them.It's very much us vs them. They've fired a shot back to ensure we know that's the case.There'll be no short-term good in all of this. Brendan McLaughlin 214 Posted 16/01/2023 at 00:49:08 Saw it, Eric #212,But it doesn't answer my question? If the victim does not want the police to pursue an assault, are the police going to ignore the victim's wishes? Let's face it... What's the likely penalty for the pep? 100 hours community service? Kieran Kinsella 215 Posted 16/01/2023 at 01:49:35 Dominic King, Kenwright's mate in The Daily Mail, has an article out today in which he refers to allegations of Denise Barrett-Baxendale “being jostled by a male fanâ€. That's a far cry from a headlock – not to mention “allegations†versus yesterday it was fact. Stephen Davies 216 Posted 16/01/2023 at 02:04:31 Jason #171,Can you produce the quotes that this woman (I assume you mean Denise Barrett-Baxendale) has said about the incident?Thanks. Richard Jones 217 Posted 16/01/2023 at 09:17:28 Has anyone emailed the fans advisory board on where they stand on the Baxendale Barrett assault allergation. Brent Stephens 218 Posted 16/01/2023 at 09:24:25 Oliver #210 "Are you questioning if there were children in the car?"No."I think it would be fair to assume that any young child in that car would be quite frightened from the videos I have seen."You've now switched from your original statement of fact (was frightened) to one of assumption (would be frightened). Which was my very point - that you presented an assumption as fact.It's relevant because if anybody is seen to be playing loose with the facts, then other TW readers are less likely to believe other things they profess to be true. They're not doing themselves any favours. Danny Baily 219 Posted 16/01/2023 at 09:51:00 The atmosphere of the club needs to change quickly. The behaviour of some fans after the match was unacceptable and does nothing to further our cause.The fightback begins in August. In the meantime, we should get behind the team and try and show some class. Well be back, and back sooner if we all pull in the same direction. Steve Brown 220 Posted 16/01/2023 at 09:53:15 Gary @ 177, am I the 'Steve' you are referring to?It is good to see that you have now bought yourself a thesaurus. The limitations in use of language in some of your previous posts has limited the impact of your point - 'tit' was one of my favourites that you used to describe our manager. Jason Hewly 221 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:28:39 Steve Brown @175, I'm not demonising anyone. I'm calling out unacceptable behaviour. Some of the fans have been acting silly little kids on a sugar rush. Their fucking idiocy taints all of us. And what's lower than snake's belly is you giving that feral behaviour a free pass because they wear the same coloured shirt as you on a saturday.Tony Abrahams @178, No, I'm not. I said, in the context of some dickhead fans being unable to control their impulses, the story is credible. Even if she wanted to keep it quiet, it's still credible.Nick Page @181, Nice. Well done you for happy-clapping steve brown's stupidity.Stephen Davies @216, I know the same as you about it. Ian Edwards 222 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:32:14 Nick Page 187You are a disgrace. That is not funny in the slightest. Oliver Molloy 223 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:46:41 That children were not present - is that your beef ? Daniel A Johnson 224 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:53:49 I'm not for physical assault but I think its brilliant that our so called owners, execs and chairmen are feeling the heat.So they fucking should!The mismanagement at the top has been shocking and they should 100% be held accountable. Tony Abrahams 225 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:54:53 Jason, if she wanted to keep it quiet, then do you think waiting ten days, and then having somebody release this statement on the morning of the game, was premeditated? Maybe this was even well thought out, because everyone knows that Everton have got a few lunatic supporters?Look at the video of Jeff Stelling, doing the rounds on sky before the game, because if this man city fan, (if he his a city fan) can see through the incredibly strange words used by the Sky television presenter, to describe the scenes outside Goodison Pk before the game, then hopefully all is not lost, because of a few teenage idiots, and the premeditated agenda, that was floating in the air, because of these Braxendale claims.A full inquiry is needed because if Denise stayed quiet because she wanted to protect the good name of most Evertonians, then what suddenly made her change her mind? Brent Stephens 226 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:55:16 Oliver #223 "That children were not present - is that your beef ?"No, re-read my post at #218. It's crystal clear there that I wasn't questioning whether children were in the car.You've dodged the issue that you were stating as fact something that was clearly only an assumption - that the children were frightened. Tony Abrahams 227 Posted 16/01/2023 at 12:57:06 I actually agree with you Ian E, it's not a bit funny, but until there's proof, then this incident is going to provoke this sort of response, unfortunately. Dave Lynch 228 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:00:20 Nobody knows what happened re the DBB incident.To know is to have proof has been forthcoming, therefore its either heresy or lies.Im sorry but an attack on a female in this day and age...come on!Also if this did happen dint you think Bill would have been all over it like a rash to further demonise the fans. Eric Myles 229 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:02:20 Brendan #214, yes, the police CAN ignore the victim's wishes and bring a prosecution if a crime has been committed. Oliver Molloy 230 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:07:05 So Brent here is exactly what I think.If children were present in Mina's car which was being approached by a mob ranting and raving I think it is fair to assume that those children would be frightened and I would think any parent would think the same as me.I also assume that you Brent are just looking for a rise per usual - careful now. Nick Page 231 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:13:58 The thought Police headed by Inspector Edwards are out today. Get a fucking grip. Brent Stephens 232 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:17:45 I think we've both said our piece, Oliver, and made our points clear. Brendan McLaughlin 233 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:28:57 Eric #229You're telling me something I already know and not answering the actual question I originally posed. Steve Brown 234 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:37:14 Jason, you are right to call me out on how I described you. I should have simply said your characterisation of our supporters as 'feral dogs' or 'dickhead fans' reflects really badly on you. And what is basis for your insults?The club is already retreating from Headlock Gate and now claiming a man 'jostled' our CEO - all in 48 hours. The amended line was fed to Paul Joyce at the Times because it was evident the headlock claim would not stand up to scrutiny. The lie had also served its purpose, so it was time to reframe it.But, I am sure we will have imminent eye-witness accounts or smart phone videos to validate this incident won't we? Of course not.Then we have the passionate debate between Yerry and fans. It was heated, but never once stepped over the mark and ended in a handclasp and mutual respect.Which therefore leaves us with a couple of fools chasing Anthony Gordon down the street in his car. They are idiots, as it allows the media to double-down on the false stories leaked by the club hierarchy to demonise its own fans. This has been a concerted Comms campaign by the club over the last week to discredit fans in their protests about the board. As a Head of Communications myself, I can read a mile off.I would expect lazy journalists to trot out the brief coming from the club without scrutiny. For example, Gregg O'Keefe on the Athletic worked for Dave Prentice on Liverpool Echo, and reported it verbatim. The brief was obviously embargoed until match day for impact. And of course Joe Thomas at the Liverpool Echo also posted the brief as well from his old boss. Next time that newspaper claims to care about the fans, I would read their article with proper scepticism. Nick Page 235 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:47:15 Steve - you shouldn't invest your time and emotions in these people. It's not worth it. They'll blindly swallow every single thing they're told by government etc etc and are completely incapable of thinking for themselves. It's a sad reflection on society as a whole.As an aside, I haven't seen this Joyce article. Have they really downgraded headlock to jostled? Is it in The Times? Jason Hewly 236 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:48:23 Tony @225, The decent thing to do is to take the potential victim's point at face value until an investigation is concluded or evidence emerges. You're far too willing to shout "conspiracy", when it's much more likely that a combination of pressure and embarrassment is to blame.I've had numerous conversations with women over the years who have confided in me that they've been physically assaulted, all but one of them didn't report it to the police because they felt humiliated, vulnerable, and just wanted to forget the matter (which they never did).You all know that Kenwright is a bullshitter, and we've all seen some of our fans behaviour has been way out of line. The context exists for this to both be true and untrue. But, and it's a big but, there is a potential victim of abuse and a potential abuser who thinks he was entitled to assault and spit at a woman. This isn't the time for conspiracy theories. Nick Page 237 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:50:07 Is it this? From Mail Online“ It is a challenge knowing where to begin with this demoralising story. Never before has this club issued a statement explaining directors had been told to stay away over fears for their safety, never before has there been an episode in which chief executive, Denise Barrett-Baxendale, was said to have been jostled by a male fan at a recent game.†Will Mabon 238 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:53:45 Brendan,I think you're asking if the police would pursue it if there was no wider external evidence and no wish from Barrett-Baxendale to do so.I'd say, no - how could they?If there is independent evidence of an alleged incident then police action cannot be stopped by a victim should the police wish to act. That is up to the police.If DBB chose to not complain at the time, as you say she may have done, then a later decision has been made. Either she has changed her mind or someone else has decided to release "information" without her consent. Tony Abrahams 239 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:59:22 I disagree Jason. I'm not shouting conspiracy, I'm saying I think it was premeditated, because Denise, unlike the girls you knew, has obviously got somebody to go public very quickly, so I would expect someone must have some evidence, if this assault actually happened on the club's premises, on a match night.I know someone very close to me, who has allegations made against them by a young female, that he would absolutely love to go and contest in any courtroom Jason, so this is why I take a different view of this than you. Jason Hewly 240 Posted 16/01/2023 at 13:59:50 Steve @234, I called them dickhead fans to distinguish them from everyone else who can control their emotions and keep their dignity. I never called the fans feral dogs, I said they (the dickhead fans) are making us look like feral dogs.See my post @236, second paragraph. Women (and men) tend to minimise these incidents. They play it down because it's traumatic and they want to forget about it. Neither of us know if it did or didn't happen, but that doesn't mean we can't treat a potential victim with respect instead of seeing a paranoid conspiracy behind it. Jason Hewly 241 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:01:39 Tony, you're entitled to a subjective view. My view is objective. Will Mabon 242 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:05:26 It's all moot absent evidence... and proof.Alas the concept of no smoke without fire carries far too much weight in modern society - and is widely exploited. Tony Abrahams 243 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:20:31 And if the subjective view is a lie, what do you think should happen Jason?The club are already backtracking, I'm reading, but some people in our boardroom are already known to be deceitful lying human-beings, and if they have decided to try and rub off on others, then what chance have we genuinely got?Match night, no cctv, or footage from any phones. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but once people go public with allegations, then my belief is that they should always follow them through. Christine Foster 244 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:21:05 As a female CEO, if I was assaulted by a male in my place of work, I would be furious, at the perpetrators and at my own security. Being jostled in a crowd is not necessarily an assault. If you are in a matchday crowd you are jostled by the crowd like everyone else.What distinguishes is intent, laying hands on to harm, intimidate or impede is assault, being shown no respect in a crowd is not assault.If an individual grabbed me, shook me or physically and purposely impeded my it's assault. Headlock? And you wouldn't report it, sack your security, report it to the police? Why not? I would be screaming abuse back!Where was the security around the Directors box? Where are the cctv? Going to her car in the car park? Where is the cctv.? Of course the crowd areas have cctv, of course the carpark will have cctv, may we see the severity of the cctv?The release of this "alledged incident" was to reinforce the decision not to attend the game. Despite the fact it was not done on police advice and that the alleged headlock perpetrators was not held or given to the police? I do not doubt DBB was subjected to verbal abuse, but were is the evidence to justify the decisions for all of, three "men" included, not to attend? Had they been castrated? Jason Hewly 245 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:37:48 Tony, if it's a lie, then the person who made the allegation should resign or be sacked. BTW, I already think the board should resign for other reasons. I'm not here to defend them, I'm here to say that an allegation of this nature shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. Will Mabon 246 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:41:12 Agree, Christine.Ironically, CCTV is now cited and expected in the process, and often assumed as the arbiter.I rather think if such an event occurred in or around a busy match day stadium in even earlier times, there would have been plenty of witnesses and evidence.Not to say it or didn't happen, naturally. Brendan McLaughlin 247 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:43:37 Will #238"If there is independent evidence of an alleged incident then police action cannot be stopped by a victim should the police wish to act. That is up the police"That's basically what I was suggesting. Lack of police action of itself means nothing. The police will take all the relevant circumstances into account and then make a decision. Barry Rathbone 248 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:45:21 Christine 244Trouble is a full blown accusation against fans would cause civil war you wouldn't get that in "normal" industry. As can be seen here and other places to suggest Evertonians are less than whiter than white is to burn a sacred cow. I think mentioning an issue rather than going all out to make a big deal of it is pretty restrained given what's happening.If you light the torches and brandish pitchforks the recipients are probably going to defend themselves so griping about getting a jab on the nose if you've started with haymakers is more than a bit naff Christine Foster 249 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:48:52 Will 246# I suspect that this alleged incident was probably "exaggerated" for effect, and now, having smeared all and sundry (job done) it's being backtracked to words such as jostled... Tony Abrahams 250 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:49:26 Im not sure if you have defended her Jason, but you are guilty until you prove you're innocent, is how I personally viewed your earliest post, and it actually made me think about the many lives that have been ruined by a lie.I know Bill Kenwright, (stop playing games, where's your proof? because Bill had nothing to do with it) has got away with a lot of fully blown lies Barry, but I think if this is also proven to have been economical with the truth, then he's finally blowing all that great work that has allowed him to get away with kidding thousands of Evertonians, for years, imo. Jason Hewly 251 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:51:45 Tony, then you viewed it wrong. I've said all along that people should keep an open mind until more information comes out, and that I'm disgusted by people just dismissing this out of hand. Will Mabon 252 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:53:25 Brendan,of course. We don't know whether a report to police was made. Would certainly change things if we did.Just noticed a typo - up to the police, not "up the police" :-). Will Mabon 253 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:58:07 Christine, yep, job done whatever the truth.Can't put the shit back into the horse. Christine Foster 254 Posted 16/01/2023 at 14:58:52 Barry 248# sorry but I think the whole and sole purpose of the actions of the board were a deliberate provocation I tended to smear fans and deflect criticism from the board with the planned protest. The timing and actions were made to maximum effect hours before a major game with a further justification of an alleged assault nearly two weeks previously.Their actions have made their positions untenable in any normal business. But we are not in a normal business, frankly the only release from this impasse is the sale of the club. Nick Page 255 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:00:57 100% agreed Christine. Incredibly cynical shameless approach by the board. There's no going back from this. Tony Abrahams 256 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:02:23 Reading it again Jason, I can't believe that I viewed your last paragraph@171 wrong Jason, although I also often have trouble with the written word myself. Will Mabon 257 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:04:40 Barry - some Evertonians. A minority. Jason Hewly 258 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:09:23 Well, being obtuse will do that to a person."inclined""in the context of"Let me make it simple. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm not going to dismiss a credible accusation because I don't like Kenwright. Andrew Ellams 259 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:11:02 Jason @ 251, My view on this is that many of the people calling this fake until they see it on video wouldn't need that much evidence to become judge, jury and executioner had the story come out from across the park. Dave Abrahams 260 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:12:09 Jason (251)?Which of the club's allegations do you now believe as true, that Denice was assaulted or the latest one, she was jostled? I think there is a very big difference although you chose the first allegation to be the true one because a woman made the accusation. Iain Latchford 261 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:16:34 The board would help themselves if they provided some more details. Where is the supposed to have happened? In the director's box, on the concourse, in one the lounges? Surely the perpetrator would have been arrested, or at the very least ejected from the ground. Did he/she just vanish into the crowd? No one else has mentioned it before Saturday. There must have been witnesses surely??As usual the silence is deafening. Jason Hewly 262 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:18:20 Dave, reread what I actually wrote. Dave Abrahams 263 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:23:42 Jason (262) I was referring to your post @ 171, maybe you could read that and answer my question @ 260. Jason Hewly 264 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:30:49 Yes, your honour, certainly...I don't know what happened.I do know some fans have been acting like animals.I do know that an allegation was made.I haven't made up my mind yet.I think the accusation has credibility.The word I used was "inclined", I didn't use the word "absolutely-positively-certain-without-a-doubt"Does that satisfy the court, M'lord? Ian Edwards 265 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:41:03 I really don't understand why people are droning on about this. The Club say incidents occurred. We've seen the feral rats on Saturday harassing players. Let's concentrate on on field issues and stop moaning about whether a headlock took place.We are second bottom. Get your priorities right.. Stan Grace 266 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:42:11 Jason @258, how is an accusation 'credible' when the source of the accusation is unknown and no evidence has been provided? David Smith 267 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:50:59 Bunch of scallys in coked-up, nothing-else-to-do-after-game shocker! Brian Harrison 268 Posted 16/01/2023 at 15:58:22 Dave 260A bit like Catterick supposedly kicked by a fan for leaving Young out of the Blackpool game, but those who witnessed the incident say he was jostled not kicked. I think those who confronted Mina and Gordon and Simms have done immense harm to what were peaceful protests. I would appeal to Paul the Esk and the others involved in organising what was mainly a peaceful protest, to end the stadium protests as its not helping. I know many think we have to have change at the top but continuing with these protests will I believe be detrimental to any chance of recovery even if we do appoint a new manager. Michael Kenrick Editorial Team 271 Posted 16/01/2023 at 16:16:36 As of Monday afternoon, Merseyside Police have issued a statement in relation to alleged threats towards Everton directors ahead of their Premier League fixture against Southampton on Saturday.The discussion continues below that story: Merseyside Police release statement after 'threats' towards Everton board Dave Abrahams 272 Posted 16/01/2023 at 16:35:53 Jason (264)Yes, I'm with you Jason, your first inclination was to believe the accusation because it was made by a woman. The court recognises you didn't use any of those words and I don't think any of those words were used by me.You may sit down but you maybe called to give further evidence when a trial is called, that is if the police find anyone to accuse. Brian Williams 273 Posted 16/01/2023 at 16:49:37 As much as we've all seen some of the idiotic behaviour a small minority of our supporters are capable of, I just cannot see one of them putting Denise Barrett-Baxendale in a headlock, I just can't. Steve Brown 275 Posted 16/01/2023 at 17:07:38 Michael @ 271, perhaps Ian Edwards, Jason Hewly and Stephen Colby would like to comment on the statement by Merseyside Police? It states “ “No threats or incidents were reported to police prior to the game, but we are in communication with the club to establish if any offences have taken place, and to ensure that any future reports are received through existing channels.â€The fake news worked for the first 48 hours, but the police have just sunk it. Even the Echo has now shifted ‘threats' into inverted commas. Pity they reported the club's allegations verbatim on Saturday. Rob Halligan 276 Posted 16/01/2023 at 17:10:37 Everton chairman Bill Kenwright said earlier this year: "One very famous football club said to me two or three days ago 'whenever we have a problem we say 'what would the Everton board do because they always get it right?'" Big pressure to do that now after Ancelotti departure.Maybe Billy Bullshitter should phone up someone like Brentford or Brighton, and ask them what their board do? Jason Hewly 277 Posted 16/01/2023 at 17:16:57 Stan @266, because of the context of piss poor fan behaviour. And "credible" doesn't mean "definite". Stan Grace 278 Posted 16/01/2023 at 17:50:39 Jason @277. Allegations can only be credible if there is evidence and/or a reliable source regarding those allegations. That you dislike the behaviour of some fans in other situations is separate to this. Si Cooper 279 Posted 17/01/2023 at 22:22:34 Sorry Jason, but stating this allegation is credible is subjective not objective.It is just an allegation without evidence to support it. Many people are questioning if it is likely to be credible due to the strange timing and lack of any sort of corroboration. Questioning it's credibility, not out and out dismissing it. Kieran Kinsella 280 Posted 17/01/2023 at 22:33:32 The Athletic now saying something along the lines of the Twitter story that it was a corporate guest. They also say Everton have backtracked from Brighton and now aren't specifying when it happened. They also don't elaborate on the "incident." Meanwhile the Express say the headlock story was first revealed by club officials to ITV Neil Copeland 281 Posted 17/01/2023 at 22:53:37 Kieran, I have just been reading that on Facebook. Problem being that the story keeps changing, how many versions have we had now? It's complete bollocks as most of us realise. All this backtracking, changing of events and accounts, claiming that they didn't want to make a big deal of it, just makes them look ridiculous.To me there is only one solution for the hole they have dug and that is to resign. Ed Prytherch 282 Posted 17/01/2023 at 22:59:03 So it was a corporate guest who had miss piggy in a choke hold? Barry Hesketh 283 Posted 17/01/2023 at 23:04:58 The corporate guest didn't happen to be a friend of the owner, who has a large yacht? Kieran Kinsella 284 Posted 17/01/2023 at 23:27:39 Corporate guest rules out Stubbs then Add Your Comments In order to post a comment, you need to be logged in as a registered user of the site. » Log in now Or Sign up as a ToffeeWeb Member — it's free, takes just a few minutes and will allow you to post your comments on articles and Talking Points submissions across the site. How to get rid of these ads and support TW © ToffeeWeb