Everton stay local this summer

08/06/2023 54comments  |  Jump to last

Everton have announced three pre-season friendlies against English Football League opponents for late July.

Instead of jetting off to the United States or Germany as has been the case in the past, the Blues will remain in England this summer and will take on Tranmere Rovers at Prenton Park on Saturday 22nd July at 2pm.

They will then travel to the University of Bolton Stadium on Tueaday 25th July to play Wanderers at 7:45pm before making the trip to the Bet365 Stadium on Saturday 29th July to play Stoke City at 3pm.

The club's official website says that ticket details and more information about how the pre-season games will be broadcast and streamed will be announced in due course, "as will further summer friendlies for the Blues".

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If the normal pre-season pattern continues, a curtain-raiser at Goodison Park against more fancied opposition is expected to be scheduled at a later date.

The new Premier League season is scheduled to kick off on Saturday 12th August and ending on Sunday 19th May 2024, with the fixture lists unveiled at 9am on Thursday 15th June.

With construction work ongoing at Anfield, Liverpool have reportedly requested an away fixture to start the new campaign which would mean Everton playing at home on the opening day.


Reader Comments (54)

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Christy Ring
1 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:14:09
I don't mind a few friendlies against lower league teams, but a preseason away, training in a hotter climate against top opposition, and trying for a greater fan base, considering we now have an American connection makes a lot more sense. Are we trying to save money?
John Zapa
2 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:16:27
It seems the need to cut costs is more severe than I thought. I fully expect the transfer window to close with both the 1st team and squad to be weakened. Years of circling the drain will unfortunately end badly. Poor decision after poor decision will bring the club to its knees. It was all so avoidable and unnecessary.
Paul Hewitt
3 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:21:18
I'd like to see us try and get a real Madrid or Barcelona at Goodison. Could be her last pre season.
Matthew Johnson
4 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:28:50

that would require us to kidnap them, pretty sure this summer they will be playing the Saudi royal family eleven in Riyadh for the african blood diamond trophy sponsored by Gazprom

Kieran Kinsella
5 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:34:41
Christy & John

I think the hope is that the Isaac Price money will help cover the cost of a National Express bus but if not, they plan on doing an overnight hike to Bolton with the injured players having to hitch hike.

Frank Sheppard
6 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:54:46
Makes good sense, rather than racking up the air miles and foreign travel costs. It's a relief that we are not playing against such teams in pre-season friendlies because we would be facing similar teams in the league because of the R word.
Billy Shears
7 Posted 08/06/2023 at 20:55:27
About time we stayed in dear old Blighty...how about going to the Racecourse to play the Wrexham lads...could be interesting game!
Paul Kernot
8 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:00:04
I reckon these games were organised before the last game of the season with an each way bet on who we'd be playing next season. Three games v lower league oponents to trial a few kids incase the worst happened. Add a couple of games with better teams if we stayed up.
Dave Williams
9 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:31:11
Surely better than meeting Arsenal or Man U again and suffering a humiliating defeat?
Brendan McLaughlin
10 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:34:37
Dave #9

Not sure how suffering humiliating defeats against Bolton, Stoke and Tranmere is the better option?

Danny O’Neill
11 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:35:56
We've got dates Dave and August won't be far gehind.

Not long to wait even though it feels like an eternity.

Not long now.

Mal van Schaick
12 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:46:16
Another few clues to show how the club is in decline.
Tony Abrahams
13 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:51:10
I heard from a very good Evertonian today, that Everton were going to Austria for a couple of pre season games, but I'm sure if this is going to happen.
Ian Riley
14 Posted 08/06/2023 at 21:54:29
Friendlies mean nothing. Just a fitness exercise. Playing Barcelona or Real Madrid? Not sure with our squad? Confidence could be rock bottom before a ball is kicked by August. Perhaps pre-season in our new home? Never got travelling across the world in extreme heat weeks before the season starts?

My concern is keeping our premiership players. Dyche has a very difficult summer and season ahead. Already looking forward to our signings on transfer deadline day.

Rob Halligan
15 Posted 08/06/2023 at 22:02:48
Tony, I heard through a mate, who text me asking did I know dates for games in Austria? Before that, however, I'd heard nothing about any pre season friendlies in Austria.
Philip Bunting
16 Posted 08/06/2023 at 22:03:53
Personally don't see the benefit of tramping around the globe atcthis momentbin time for preseason. Sensible approach, back to basics, fans able to attend and try to get everyone on board chomping at the bit and create a feel good factor going into next season.
Brett Jonathan
17 Posted 08/06/2023 at 22:11:27
Whoever organised these games clearly didn't bet on us staying in the Premier League. I don't mind so much but hard to imagine these were scheduled for us if we finished in the top half of the league.
Barry Hesketh
18 Posted 08/06/2023 at 22:29:32
Wasn't it rather normal during Moyes's tenure tha,t apart from when we'd qualified for European competitions, we rarely trekked outside of the British Isles, save for a training camp in Austria?

I think you'll find prior to Moshiri's arrival, most pre-season games were in England and or Scotland, I could be wrong but that's how I remember it.

Dyche is cut from similar cloth to the Scotsman, in that it will be hard graft physically during the summer to get his squad fit for the meaningful games ahead.

Si Pulford
19 Posted 08/06/2023 at 23:29:54
We're not getting dragged thousands of miles to Saudi to get hammered by a Champions League club. We're doomed, I tell you.
Chris Hockenhull
20 Posted 08/06/2023 at 23:51:09
1: Have you really come on to a social media/ Everton site to ask the question…. “ Are We Trying To Save Money “…????..??.? do you follow this clubs decent as to final matters at all…???
Ben King
21 Posted 08/06/2023 at 23:56:09
John #2,

Sorry to say, but either you are stupid or the board are stupid.

What you have described is mind-numbingly daft.

Sadly, I can't actually rule out the board being so stupid tho….

Si Cooper
22 Posted 09/06/2023 at 00:13:54
Chris (20), having financial restrictions is not the same as not having money for pre-season games abroad against high-profile teams. I'm pretty sure sponsorship plays a big hand in most of the show-piece friendlies.

We need to attract investment and talented players. Becoming introverted and provincial means you are not casting the net out far enough for either of those.

Kieran Kinsella
23 Posted 09/06/2023 at 00:13:54
Ian Riley @14,

Didn't we play Real Madrid in pre season under Colin Harvey and get absolutely mullered by Hugo Sanchez and Co?


We already had one sojourn to Australia in November when the locals got to enjoy Tom Davies doing yoga on the beach. Is Australia already hungry enough for a return visit?

Si Cooper
24 Posted 09/06/2023 at 00:18:03
Kieran, I think Tony refers to Austria not Australia, unless I'm looking at the wrong post.
Kieran Kinsella
25 Posted 09/06/2023 at 00:25:26

Sorry mate. Long day.

Maybe we can play that pub team again we beat 22-0.

Pete Clarke
26 Posted 09/06/2023 at 00:31:57
We did get smashed by Real Madrid 6 or 7 -1 with Paul Power getting our only goal.

These players can have their 2 weeks leave and sun it up somewhere with their families but for now this club of ours is hopefully in the midst of very big changes as well as facing possible sanctions so no use wasting any more money.

The players can drive their Bentleys and Ferraris to Bolton and Stoke and then maybe take the Ferry with their families to Birkenhead for the Tranmere game for a nice day out.
Kieran Kinsella
27 Posted 09/06/2023 at 01:11:22

That is what I thought and this when Real Madrid weren't even any good!

Dupont Koo
28 Posted 09/06/2023 at 01:36:09
Less traveling across different time zones not only would help players' recovery, but also would allow Dyche more time drilling the folks at Finch Farm, be it on tactics, teamwork or a better fitness level (more Gaffer Days please in the pre-season!), which IMHO are things the team desperately needs!

Don Alexander
29 Posted 09/06/2023 at 02:36:18
What do you call a Premier League club (just about, again) who prepare for a new season by playing three clubs with next to none of the skills, fizz, panache of any Premier League club?

Ruinously led?

Utterly demented?

Absolutely skint?


Answers on a postcard please.

Christine Foster
31 Posted 09/06/2023 at 03:13:03
Pete Clark, I was thinking the same thing, just as well New Brighton haven't got a team! Could always catch the train from James Street to Chester.
Alan J Thompson
32 Posted 09/06/2023 at 03:54:08
I'd have thought that preseason friendlies would be of more benefit if the standard of opposition gradually improved.

Nothing wrong with Tranmere first up followed by, say, a Championship or Scottish Premiership team and then a high standard European team. It might give the manager and players some idea if they, their fitness and tactics need some tweaking.

Who knows, we may even find somebody capable of taking a decent set piece. Or perhaps they might play the 1st XI against the Youth team which Alan Ball always used to talk about. On the other hand playing easier friendlies might improve our goal-scoring ability.

Pete Clarke
33 Posted 09/06/2023 at 05:42:28
The three teams mentioned are looking for an easy number to get their own players fit so they called us.

In all seriousness, though, I think we have a lot going on right now so let's get that in order and hopefully Dyche is a part of the conversation on a daily basis.

I'm still concerned there's been no activity or news coming from the club. The next few weeks will fly and, before we know it, we'll be kicking off a new season.
Eric Myles
34 Posted 09/06/2023 at 07:06:49
The Club can't afford some overseas jollies, they've just had to fork out ١ million in bonus to Dyche remember

And may be saving for the redundancy compensation if Moshiri Allardyces him for a younger sexier model.

Tony Dunn
35 Posted 09/06/2023 at 09:42:00
I heard Austrian training camp and game in Switzerland.
Jack Convery
36 Posted 09/06/2023 at 10:38:15
If we are staying local can we at least take the Liverpool Senior Cup seriously this season – I want to win something!!!

We could have played Southport in a friendly – very local and you can get the train for ٥.50 return. Imagine the saving, Mr Moshiri.

Frank Crewe
37 Posted 09/06/2023 at 12:31:22
We went to America last summer and got battered. The only thing we found out was that Everton were crap.

I see no reason why any Premier League club needs to fly a planeload of players, coaches and assorted support staff to some country thousands of miles away just to get said players fit and playing to whatever tactics the manager wants. It's expensive, wasteful, polluting and if last season is anything to go by, a totally useless exercise.

Pre-season preparations can be done perfectly well without leaving the UK. Who knows maybe it will help keep the players' feet on the ground. There is more to football than foreign jollies at the clubs expense, topping up your tan and sightseeing while playing the odd friendly kick about match in some nice hot country.

Kevin Naylor
38 Posted 09/06/2023 at 12:41:11
Didn't they used to have fixtures in the 50s/60s called the Probables against the Possibles? Only trouble is we probably haven't got 11 possibles.
Eric Myles
39 Posted 09/06/2023 at 13:12:14
And we possibly don't have 11 probables either Kevin.
Kevin Naylor
40 Posted 09/06/2023 at 13:15:21
Yes Eric, only definate maybe's!
Paul Ferry
41 Posted 09/06/2023 at 13:39:32
We could add in a sneaky move for Ross-B who is again without a club at an age, twenty-nine, when he could have been at the peak of his [erm] game.

I suspect that this bargain basement might be one of the areas that we will be sniffing around this summer. It would be a good thing this summer if we can get a few in from whatever level before we start a pre-season game and build something, hopefully.

Fitness is the key thing for the new season, not where we go to play. I'd much rather have the squad close to the Farm so Dyche and his team (it looks now that it will be Dyche) can work each day on fitness levels. I'd rather have the players at the Farm for three or fours days than spending them on return long-distance flights and, bless them, the couple of days they get to recover.

And Don (29), you seem to assume that this is it and that no new games will. be added. There will be games added, including, I'm sure, a worthwhile team at The Old Lady in the week before the kick off.

Danny O’Neill
42 Posted 09/06/2023 at 14:04:47
Austria sounds good. I know the country and still speak enough German.
Brian Williams
43 Posted 09/06/2023 at 14:34:35
Paul, that first line. That's not funny that mate. 😳
Paul Ferry
44 Posted 09/06/2023 at 16:56:46
Sorry Brian!
Matt Byrne
45 Posted 09/06/2023 at 18:22:45
To be fair back in 87 v Real Madrid, we basically had a load of reserves playing. Is it true a very young John Ebbrell played? Remember listening to the slaughter on Radio City...a real shocker as we rarely got battered back in those days. Emilio Butragueno, the Vulture, and Hugo Sanchez doing Beagrie somersaults!
Tony Dunn
46 Posted 09/06/2023 at 18:27:27
Ja Danny, mich auch. I was the unofficial translator in Bratislava,as lots of the locals sprachen Deutsch. Came a bit unstuck when I ordered " Acht bier bitte" and one of the lads piped up, I don't drink bitter can I have a lager . . .
David West
47 Posted 09/06/2023 at 19:38:11
Looks like we can't even afford Ryanair!!!

To be fair when they got off to Australia during the world cup break, many fans were up in arms after their performances, so a little reality check for the under performing bunch and a look at some of the grounds these players can expect to be playing on sooner rather than later.

Club can't win really. If they stay here, it's why are we not marketing ourselves abroad. If they go away, it's why are these players getting a holiday abroad.

Staying here beating some lower league teams, blooding some youngsters and gaining some confidence is not a bad idea. Things have not been good for a while and a fresh approach is what we've all been asking for isn't it ?

David West
48 Posted 09/06/2023 at 19:48:47
Usual posters proclaiming we are relegated before a pre season ball been kicked. If we signed Messi they'd moan he's getting paid too much !!!
Danny O’Neill
49 Posted 09/06/2023 at 20:06:14
Tony Dunn @46, alles ist moglich (anything is possible).

David West, change this month, then we start with a clean slate.

This time next year (Rodders), we'll booking flights to Prague or wherever.

Alles ist moglich.

Brian Wilkinson
50 Posted 09/06/2023 at 22:14:57
Dave@48, don't forget the too slow, too small, no sell on fee brigade.
Paul Ferry
51 Posted 09/06/2023 at 23:32:26
Danny, 49, the German is fine, otherwise I cannot make head nor tail of what you've written there mate. One thing for sure is that we will not be booking flights to Prague or anywhere else this time next year.
Alan McGuffog
52 Posted 10/06/2023 at 10:02:11
Good omen. Played Rochdale in 69 and got beat. Worked out well. Move over Citteh !
Steve Carse
53 Posted 13/06/2023 at 10:37:37
Alan, didn't we lose/draw all our pre-season friendlies in '69?
Tom Bowers
54 Posted 13/06/2023 at 13:44:18
Indicative of the financial woes at Goodison these days. No expensive jaunts for the whole squad and backroom staff to overseas destinations this year.

How things have changed due to mismanagement.

Will Mabon
56 Posted 13/06/2023 at 16:19:43
Why don't we here knock a team up? That would be cheap and ever such fun. A genuine chance for the club to strut its fan engagement stuff too.

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