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Everton 'reported' for failing to pay agent's fee

19/10/2023 12comments  |  Jump to last

Updated Matt Hughes of the Mail is back, this time with an "exclusive" claiming that Everton have been reported to the Premier League for reneging on a pledge to pay an agent fee related to a signing made during the 2021-22 season.

According to Hughes's report, a global agency has sent numerous requests to the club regarding an unpaid invoice "worth several hundred thousand pounds" while also hiring a debt recovery service to try and get what they claim is owed.

Hughes says that Everton have said they didn't feel obligated to fulfil the payment because the agent in question was not declared on the registration documents sent to the Premier League and Football Association when the international player was signed.

Everton supposedly employed the agency to act as intermediary to sign the player – the only international (ie, non-British) player signed for a fee in this time period was Vitalii Mykolenko – and after declining to pay the invoice, Hughes says the club proposed a reduced settlement that also went unpaid.

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Having had no response from the club, the agency have now turned to the Premier League to try and force the issue.

Hughes's contention has been rubbished, however, by The Bobble, the source at A View from the Bullens who has first-hand knowledge of how agents work in football.

He insists that, "every agent listed on the deal sheet has been paid in full," and that if Everton were remiss in paying dues to an agent, it would be the Football Association not the Premier League who would take up the matter.  

Original Source: Daily Mail  

Reader Comments (12)

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Derek Thomas
1 Posted 20/10/2023 at 07:52:55
Agents? Every last one of them can go broke for all I care.

Legalities not withstanding, if we can stiff even one of the snakes, well tough titty.

James Hughes
3 Posted 20/10/2023 at 08:00:39
Can Barry H please pick my lotto numbers as he predicted there would be more of these stories in the Mail in the run-in to the derby.
Alan J Thompson
4 Posted 20/10/2023 at 11:52:30
They either have the agreement in writing or they don't but as my Bookie tells me, you can't lose more than you bet but it doesn't stop you from sending out the begging letters.
Colin Glassar
5 Posted 20/10/2023 at 12:40:44
If this continues, we'll soon be accused of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby, faking the moon landing and, disappearing the Arteta money! Why do the media appear to detest us?

If we did stiff an agent/agency, surely we should be applauded by the football world?

Martin Reppion
6 Posted 20/10/2023 at 14:19:52
What happened to the player's agent getting 10% of the deal he agrees for his player (from the player)? Director talking to directors to sort out the club side?

Life was so much simpler in Black and White. Agents acting as deal brokers for 6- and 7-figure fees owed by the club seems to be a 21st Century curse.

Chris James
7 Posted 20/10/2023 at 17:08:41
The Daily Mail and football agents?

Just need to throw in a Tory politician now for the scumbag jackpot!!!

Dale Self
8 Posted 20/10/2023 at 18:15:36
Ah yes, the Toryfecta!
Jason Davenport
9 Posted 21/10/2023 at 02:31:58
Colin #5. We should be glad the media dislike us. It means we are the good guys. The media is corrupt and are liars.
Andy Mead
10 Posted 21/10/2023 at 08:15:59
I would love it if, just for once, we would sue one of these reporters for making this shit up. Seems to me the Mail have a red-loving agenda here. Every other day, they spew shit about us.

Get a club lawyer to sue them every time they write such rubbish, and keep doing it until they get the message.

Brendan McLaughlin
11 Posted 26/10/2023 at 23:48:47
Wonder if we'll call Carlo as a character reference?

Derek Knox
12 Posted 30/10/2023 at 22:06:53
Derek T @1,

I couldn't agree more, between them and Sky, they have slowly ruined the game with ridiculous transfer fees and wages of course they are always acting in the players' interests?

A pig has just flown over my neighbour's roof!

Bill Fairfield
13 Posted 09/11/2023 at 17:51:45
Typical lazy journalism by the Mail.

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