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Harrison close to rejoining on loan

| 19/06/2024 31comments  |  Jump to last

According to The Athletic and El Bobble of A View From The Bullens, Everton are in advanced talks to re-sign Jack Harrison on a season-long loan from Leeds United.

The Yorkshire club's failure to gain promotion back to the Premier League heightened the probability that the winger would return to Goodison Park where he had a solid 2023-24 season under Sean Dyche.

Reader Comments (31)

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Dean Williams
1 Posted 19/06/2024 at 17:14:15
I gotta say, I think the lad failed to light the place up. A good engine for the defensive side, but going forward was pretty useless. Couldn't beat a man, and consistently ran up blind alleys. If we could find better on the same money, then he'd be a no go. Just my opinion.
Michael Lynch
2 Posted 19/06/2024 at 17:23:14
He's a grafter, he tracks back and does his defensive duties well. If this season is to be a repeat of last season (minus the points deduction), then we're going to need a similar squad in pursuit of a mid table finish.

In the circumstances, I'm not sure if we can expect, or wish for, much more than ending this season with our Premier League status intact. On that basis, Harrison is a decent and proven member of the squad.

Hopefully we can start kicking on at BMD, with the new ownership bedded in and the dire mismanagement a thing of the past.

Bobby Mallon
3 Posted 19/06/2024 at 18:11:28
We need to remember we are a long way off from being a European side. Harrison is a good player doing what's asked of him
Paul Hewitt
4 Posted 19/06/2024 at 18:22:29
Anyone who saw Harrison play under Bielsa will tell you this lad can definitely get forward. It's not his fault he now plays for the most negative manager in the league.
Tony Abrahams
5 Posted 19/06/2024 at 18:44:45
If Dyche was half as negative as you Paul, I think you might have a point, mate!
Paul Hewitt
6 Posted 19/06/2024 at 18:50:19
I think I'm rather positive Tony. Just say what I see mate.
Joe McMahon
7 Posted 19/06/2024 at 18:50:59
Paul. To be fair I think Sean Dyche has evolved a bit and he set the team up much better towards the end of the season. The Leeds player I would like us Summervile.
Julian Exshaw
8 Posted 19/06/2024 at 19:04:36
On various social media sites, Leeds fans are begging us to sign him up for another year. Personally I don't think he did enough to warrant another year but I'm not the coach. It is said ' he works hard for the team', but didn't they all do that last season? It's a no from me but I hope I'm proved wrong (again!).
Tony Abrahams
9 Posted 19/06/2024 at 19:18:16
Did you not see the unbelievable negative vibes around the whole football club last season Paul, just as the players were beginning to play without the pressure that the previous two seasons had entailed, until that very disproportionate points deduction?
Paul Ferry
10 Posted 19/06/2024 at 19:18:46
I don't know why we need to do this so soon. Could we wait to see how the first half of the window goes? I'm in agreement with Julian but I also like his tracking back. A let's wait and see from me.
Denver Daniels
11 Posted 19/06/2024 at 19:41:49
It's not Dyche's fault he refuses to cross the ball even when he has time and space. Does no one remember how completely useless the right side was going forward? But he works hard, so that's okay then. Let's hope we are as good defensively as last season because the attack doesn't look improved. 40 goals last season.
Christy Ring
12 Posted 19/06/2024 at 19:50:01
In my opinion a left-sided player with no pace, playing on the right wing and can't cross the ball, no thanks.
Clive Rogers
13 Posted 19/06/2024 at 20:00:36
It looks like Young will be there next season also. It prompts the question how bad do you have to be to be let go?
John Charles
14 Posted 19/06/2024 at 20:08:22
Dyches tactics or Harrison's ability.
Either way - please no.
Shane Corcoran
15 Posted 19/06/2024 at 20:21:58
It's not Dyche's fault that Harrison refuses to cross Denver, but he's the manager and wants to sign him.

What was your point?

Anthony Dove
16 Posted 19/06/2024 at 20:24:40
I am afraid it shows how low we have sunk.
Clive Rogers
17 Posted 19/06/2024 at 20:46:26
We have been releasing players because their wages were too high. Now it seems we are keeping poor performers on low wages relatively.
Andrew Brookfield
18 Posted 19/06/2024 at 21:54:57
Leeds got relegated and players have a clause in their contract that says they can go on loan for no fee but the loan club has to pay 100% of their wages.

An average premier league player, at no transfer fee and moderate wages, it's an absolute no brainer. Even if he's just back up for right and left wing, that's cheap as chips for a half decent player for a year. Squad numbers and let's us invest where it matters most

Ryan Holroyd
19 Posted 19/06/2024 at 21:58:38
Absolute no brainer of a loan deal
Paul Jones
20 Posted 19/06/2024 at 22:08:47
No brainer could easily equate to dumb, Ryan!

We're limited to the number of people we can loan from domestic leagues (possibly 2 people maximum? Maybe more). Getting Harrison in for more of the same of last season's underwhelming performances would ultimately block an approach for a better player in that position.

I don't see any reason to get him back here.

Colin Glassar
21 Posted 19/06/2024 at 22:34:58
Heavens forbid. He's really not very good is he?
Steve Brown
22 Posted 19/06/2024 at 22:43:30
Looks like he is rejoining on loan.

We can all look forward to some top quality tracking back.

Steve Barnes
23 Posted 19/06/2024 at 23:07:11
At the risk of putting my head above the parapet….I thought Harrison was really good. Grafter. Put a shift in. Ok, maybe not as finessed as we would like, but would you rather have someone who was bothered or someone who had “talent” and did nine tenths of sweet fanny adams..? Whilst I fully agree that EFC deserves better, until we finally get rid of the bunch of lunatics that have all but destroyed our club, we have to cut cloth etc until the EPL fix their unblinking gaze on some one else…..maybe like Citeh, or Chelski or Manure.
Sam Bowen
24 Posted 19/06/2024 at 23:09:19
Genuinely find it bizarre that people wouldn't want him back. The manager clearly likes him, he played pretty much every game and it's a loan with no fee other than wages. Brilliant deal all round and I'm sure he'll improve on last years output. A good player and vital squad member. Lighten up people
Denis Richardson
25 Posted 19/06/2024 at 23:24:05

Think he was on £90k a week last season. That's a lot of cash for a not very attacking attacking midfielder who tracks back….

Clive Rogers
26 Posted 20/06/2024 at 09:33:25
Dyche dropped him to the bench several times. He made 29 PL appearances.
Jimmy Carr
27 Posted 20/06/2024 at 13:03:47
No brainer. Dyche - organised manager that he is - will be looking at the potential s--tshow at right back and not want any problems at right wing as well. If we didn't sign him and went hunting wingers in our current financial and ownership predicament who knows what we'd end up with. Possibly Ashley Young at right wing with Seamus behind him.

Harrison played his part in us finishing comfortably clear of relegation last season, why wouldn't Dyche want him?

The Brains Trust at Toffee Web calling for a different signing need to take a long summer break. I've seen individuals bemoan us making late signings and then becoming hostages to transfer fee fortune. We look to get something over the line early and still they whinge and blether on.

Let's hope we get this done ASAP, it's called being organised.

Stu Darlington
28 Posted 20/06/2024 at 15:46:39
Paul @20
Good shout Paul,Says it all
Joe McMahon
29 Posted 21/06/2024 at 15:04:06
He's coming back.
Billy Shears
30 Posted 21/06/2024 at 19:06:50
A decent player under Bielsa at Leeds playing more centrally but here am just not convinced!

Ampadu...yes (the most improved player I've ever seen).

Harrison...still undecided,I'd still rather have David Brooks on loan here.

Ian Bennett
31 Posted 24/06/2024 at 16:21:15
Re-signed on loan, it's official per club site.

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