Does ToffeeWeb matter? Part 2

by   |   09/09/2024  14 Comments  [Jump to last]

The first part of this piece appeared 25 years ago and was the first thing I ever wrote on the site.

My view at the time was that ToffeeWeb mattered a great deal. However, the consensus, if I recall correctly, was not really. As a forum to inform, entertain and bring Blues together, it is second to none. A late friend, Kopite to boot, spent many years compiling a guide to fansites and this one was the best by some distance. Many of us have made lasting friendships over the years through being on here. Importantly, it's somewhere to let off steam without going nuts at the match.

This brings me to the reason for Part 2. Do any of our players read it? Would you read it if you were a player? I would. Kind of in the way that I might look up symptoms on Google and focus on worst-case scenarios.

The incident at Euston station highlighted how bad it can get when angry fans meet indignant players. But, in the cold light of day, should players be protected from reasonable and non-abusive criticism?

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Imagine, for example, the players come in after a specially lamentable first half and Sean Dyche has the Live Forum up on a big screen. Mmm… maybe not.

Or, in addition to Gaffer's Day, there is a ToffeeWeb Day. I honestly think that a good read through this site in the days after the Bournemouth capitulation would have done the world of good.

For many of us, our investment in Everton is almost entirely emotional. It's a big investment with a poor return right now. ToffeeWeb is our space to deal with it. A player like Seamus Coleman would surely have been proud of what has been said about him over the years on here. Maupay… maybe not!

We are part of the whole media package. No supporter, no atmosphere, no event… no Sky. If you would be happy to repeat anything you say on ToffeeWeb to a player's face, then why should they not read it? A few years ago, someone told me that at least one player checked out this site under an assumed name.

Who are you? Step forward!

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Reader Comments (14)

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Paul Kernot
1 Posted 09/09/2024 at 22:27:29
Interesting read. I immediately went looking for part 1 as I check in 7 days a week. How had I missed part 1? Then I read on. 25 years since part 1. Wow. Good effort that man.

TW has been somewhat superceded of late by other outlets that post Everton stories pretty much daily, some of which end up on here. Mostly made up tosh as we know but we read them anyway don't we? If TW disappeared tomorrow then, would I miss it? Absolutely I would. It's a hell of a round trip from NZ to Goodison park. I challenge even Danny on that one.

Andy Crooks
2 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:07:00
Just realised yesterday how much it matters. Had withdrawal symptoms, started to think well of every poster, and that's disturbing!
Dave Abrahams
3 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:30:34
Andy, Yes ToffeeWeb is definitely missed by quite a lot of fans who go to the game and I think a lot more by fans who don't go the game for one reason or another.

As for players reading ToffeeWeb I think a lot would be flattered more than those upset, it's all about opinions especially players opinions about themselves, some are natural and down to earth with a lot of humility thrown in while some are egotistical who think they are a lot better than they are, put your own players names in those lists.

I think the first list would contain a lot more players from those who played a lot earlier than now with the second list containing plenty from the last twenty years up to now.

Jim Wilson
6 Posted 11/09/2024 at 14:10:48
Nice piece Andy, great points.

I think the manager should read the fans comments so he understands how we feel.

This site is second to none and it is an essential place to go if you want Everton news and opinion.

Craig Walker
7 Posted 11/09/2024 at 14:28:01
I've been reading ToffeeWeb and occasionally commenting for 20 odd years. It is still the primary Everton-based resource for me. I probably read it less than I used to do but still check it out daily.

My only criticism is that it tends to be overly negative during bad spells (which is a lot of the time) and that sentiment can change too far the other way to predictions of us winning the league on the back of 3 good performances.

I don't think it matters, as such but sometimes it's almost cathartic to read other fans' views after a game. The players would learn a lot by reading it but I think that sometimes, fans' views at the game can get to players and it adversely affects the performances. Goodison can be a bear pit and the 12th man but it can also have a negative effect on the team when things start going wrong. The Bournemouth game was a classic example whereby when they got 1 back, you knew were it was heading.

Like all Blues and ToffeeWebbers, it would be nice to see what these pages are like after we've actually won something.

Fred Quick
8 Posted 11/09/2024 at 14:53:55
Whether negative or positive, the views expressed on ToffeeWeb are in the main honest ones. It's a great pity that the local sports journalists don't tend to be as critical of the clubs owners and its staff, but how many sports journalists are able to write what they really think?

The Echo is linked to 'Reach' who also publish the Everton matchday programme, so clearly there is often a 'conflict of interests' for any reporter. If they are too critical, the club can and has banished them from access to the important people within the club.

Although, judging by some articles published in the Echo, they do read ToffeeWeb and other fan sites, and know what the general mood of the fans on these pages are thinking, and sometimes their opinion pieces reflect that.

Unfortunately, X and other platforms have overtaken much of the media and indeed fan sites like this one, as a place for people to express their views, often in short badly spelled emotional outbursts, with little substance or critical analysis.

At least on here a view can be challenged and in general even the most ludicrous views are supported by some critical analysis even if it might be seen as flimsy to some readers.

Long may ToffeeWeb continue, and hopefully one day, it will be full of optimistic views rather than the current pessimistic ones; that will only happen if Everton begin to win more often than they lose.

Ian Burns
9 Posted 11/09/2024 at 14:56:23
Hi Andy - interesting piece and as I have been reading this site for 25 years, I probably read Part I.

TW is part of my daily routine having left the city (and country) many years ago and yes I would miss it. The names of regular posters are familiar to me, so much so I can almost guess the tone of their posts when I see the name at the top! I feel as though I know many of them although I don't post much myself these days.

Lyndon and Michael deserve a great deal of credit and I would like to take a moment to pass on my sincere thanks. Good piece Andy.

Brian Williams
10 Posted 11/09/2024 at 15:07:40
Hiya Andy. 25 years ago ffs. You must have been, what, 9 or 10? :-)

Do the players ever read ToffeeWeb?

In my opinion? Not a fucking chance!

I hope not anyway because there's so many moaning negative fuckers on here the players would need therapy.

Brian Williams
11 Posted 11/09/2024 at 15:11:58
And another thing.

The knob at Euston would have reinforced any players'
belief that social media is to be avoided because shouting abuse and talking shite is even easier when done remotely from behind a keyboard in a dark basement.

Jay Harris
12 Posted 11/09/2024 at 15:48:50
Hi Andy,

Good post reminding us of how important ToffeeWeb is to us ToffeeWebbers.

It is a point of therapy and frustration all in one such is the diversity of posts and opinions sometimes not even about football.

I am always amazed at the wealth of knowledge and intellect, and it is refreshing to read some well thought out and researched posts.

Of course, the mood changes with our matchday experiences and some posts border on suicidal or driving you to it anyway but for me it has become an essential daily feed and read (apart from yesterday, lol).

Danny O’Neill
13 Posted 11/09/2024 at 15:49:34
I can't compete with that Paul!!

Good article, Andy.

This website has brought a lot of people together, whether virtually or when we meet in person.

Hopefully catch up with you this season.

Paul Ferry
14 Posted 11/09/2024 at 20:22:55
Lyndon and Michael make our lives better and more interesting.
Ged Simpson
15 Posted 11/09/2024 at 20:34:48
New phone. TW on front page. Of course.

Been barred from site, annoyed but to me the sense and shite we talk is what makes our site.

Bottom line?

A great mix.

In the end. regardless what crap we may say, bet we would defend any TW contributor.

And there lies why TW is ours.

Paul Kernot
16 Posted 11/09/2024 at 23:01:28
Andy, how prophetic to ask if TW is important, the day before it was shut down for 24 hours!

I felt bereft. What was I supposed to do for the 30 minutes I spend drinking coffee prior to work? — read a book or magazine for God's sake!!

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