19/07/2024 123comments  |  Jump to last

The proposed purchase of Everton FC by the Friedkin Group will not proceed after the Club confirmed that negotiations between Blue Heaven Holdings and the Texas-based firm have ended.

A joint statement from Everton and TFG read, in part:

Following a period of exclusivity, discussions between Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group over a potential sale of a majority stake in Everton have ended and The Friedkin Group will not be progressing with a purchase of the Club.

Both Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group entered discussions in good faith to explore whether a sale could be agreed. Those discussions have concluded. The parties agree it is in both their interests for Everton to explore alternative options.

The Friedkin Group will remain a lender to the Club and is proud to have played a key role in enabling the new stadium to be built, which will help ensure a bright future for both Everton and the City of Liverpool.

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Dan Friedkin and his firm were granted exclusivity to pursue a takeover last month and had backed up their intent to buy the Club by paying off the £158m owed to MSP Sports Capital, but reports now claim that TFG cited the risks associated with the debt owed to previous bidder 777 Partners as the reason for their withdrawal from talks. 

The Miami-based investment firm lent Everton around £200m, largely to help fund the ongoing construction of the new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock before being plunged into crisis earlier this year when their Australian budget airline, Bonza, collapsed and they were sued in a $600m New York Civil case by Leadenhall Partners of London.

The source of the funds loaned to Everton has since been revealed to be New York insurance outfit A-CAP who were also implicated in the lawsuit and reports suggest that the Friedkin Group decided that that debt and legal situation was "simply too fraught with risk" after A-CAP refused to take a discount on the amount 777 is owed.

The termination of the proposed takeover comes just a day after an uncorroborated report claimed that the deal was "on track" and it throws Everton back into crisis themselves, although both Alan Myers of Sky Sports and Shamoon Hafez of the BBC claim that the Club is "well-funded" for the time being.

According to a tweet by Dave Powell of the Liverpool Echo, TFG deal "[w]on't be seeking [a] quick return after paying off MSP loan" and that they "will work with whoever is next potential owner to find best solution for all parties".

Quotes sourced from The Athletic

Reader Comments (123)

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Ed Fitzgerald
1 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:06:36
Looks like Friedkin is out.

When will this fucking circus ever end???

Andy Duff
2 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:07:24
Deal is off...

I wonder where this leaves us now. Will the other parties now be back in for us?

Andrew Ellams
3 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:11:10
Well… goodnight, Bramley Moor Dock.

And goodnight, Everton Football Club.

Andy Duff
4 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:14:45
Hidden behind a pay wall at The Athletic, but looks like the 777 loan is more complicated than we thought

Everton back in crisis as Friedkin Group’s proposed takeover off

"The Friedkin Group (TFG) has been in exclusive talks with Everton for the last four weeks but withdrew from negotiations on Thursday, citing concerns about the club's debt to 777, a private investment firm based in Miami.

That £200million ($258m) debt, which is comprised of a series of loans 777 made to Everton last season, is now controlled by American insurance firm A-Cap, the original source of that money.

TFG's concerns about the debt are related to the fact that 777 is now in the hands of insolvency experts after its complex web of portfolio companies started to unravel earlier this year, following months of lawsuits over unpaid bills, late payments and allegations of fraud."

Colin Glassar
5 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:19:46
Yesterday, jokingly, I said Friedkin would need forensic accountants to analyse our bookkeeping. Remember, Moshiri is a frontman for Usmanov and his dirty money.

No wonder Moshiri was/is desperate for 777 Partners to take over as they are just as dodgy as he is. Tony Soprano could learn a few things from him.

Anthony Hawkins
6 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:21:08
Just seen this on BBC. Fuuuucckkk!

What a shit storm this is going to be.

At a guess, A-CAP want a significantly higher interest rate or early repayment fee for being paid off before terms?

Ryan Holroyd
7 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:21:42
Bye bye, Jarrad Branthwaite.

Also, fans giving Calvert-Lewin stick for not signing a new contract… Would you tie your future to this mess of a club???

Mark Ryan
8 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:24:37
Words fail me at this time…
Pete Ellingham
9 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:24:42
This is so bad. If The Friedkin Group can’t sort this mess and refuses to buy us, then who else will?

It must be much more of a mess than even the most negative of us thought it might be. It’s either that or Morshiri wanted more out of the deal and they wouldn’t pay!

Anthony Hawkins
10 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:25:05
Additionally, the club has now simply swapped on loan investment for another which the next new owners will also have to pay off.
Colin Glassar
11 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:26:47
Maybe they found what really happened to the ‘Arteta money’? The police fraud squad need to get involved.

Oh well, now we can return to fretting about the new kit and travel plans to Sligo.

Michael Lynch
12 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:28:43

We are utterly fucked by the 777 situation.

Administration surely a near certainty now?

John Wilson
13 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:28:48
Can you imagine Moshiri's accounts.

Who purchased Everton, you or the Russian billionaire? "Don't call us, well call you."

It is alarming that a decent owner who wanted to buy us is now off.

Anthony Hawkins
14 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:29:39
Is there a possibility some money needs to be paid to a certain Russian based source and Friedkin Group didn't want to pay them?
Rob Williamson
15 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:30:00
Can’t we sue the Premier League for agreeing that Moshiri was a ‘fit and proper person' to own our football club??
James Marshall
16 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:32:25
My assumption is Friedkin looked at all the debt, and in particular that owed to 777 Partners and immediately decided to distance themselves.

777 Partner are the fly in the ointment I suspect. That and potential links to Usmanov.

Dan Friedkin is a shrewd businessman, and he clearly doesn't want to get involved in any of the above. Quite frankly, who can blame him?

Kevin Molloy
17 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:33:12
This is not surprising. The only way the club gets sold is at the cliff edge, when all parties realise they each take less than they want with the alternative being bankruptcy.

There was no way Moshiri was going to take the whole hit; he wants the funders and the buyer to share some of the pain.

Paul Jamieson
18 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:33:14
I don't comment much but didn't we all just know anything to do with Everton and money was going to be a shit show???
Jim Bennings
19 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:33:35
The way things are going, this club won't exist soon — and we know who is to blame!
Alan McGuffog
20 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:36:57
Just as our neighbours have poured millions into developing Anfield, they end up moving into a purpose-built stadium on the docks.

It's 1892 all over again.

Jonathan Tasker
21 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:37:10
The curse of Kenwright is still killing this club.
Colin Glassar
22 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:37:10
I suppose Branthwaite will be sold now to keep us ticking over for a few more months.

Moshiri is between a rock and a hard place. The Russian mob on one side and the Miami mafia on the other.

Sleep well with the fishes, Farhad.

Drew O’Neall
23 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:39:04
I imagine those charlatans at 777 Partners have pulled a master stroke and got first lien on the stadium, rushed through at a time they were destined to become the owners and were lending Everton money to pay the wages.

It could be a very expensive legal mistake.

Dave Cashen
24 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:39:31
This is crushing news.
Michael Lynch
25 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:41:37
They've looked at the books and at the 777 situation, and low-balled Moshiri, asking for a couple of hundred million off the sale. The idiot has said No, probably because Usminov has gone nuts and asked for his money back.

Who would buy the club now?

Benjamin Dyke
26 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:46:31
What a disaster… just when we were beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

If Friedkin couldn't make it work, who the heck can???

Pat Kelly
27 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:48:59
We're fried 'kin hell!!!
Rob Williamson
28 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:50:50
The really worrying thing about this news is that it is unlikely that any other prospective buyer is, after carrying out due diligence, going to come up with a different conclusion to that reached by Friedkin.

Either that or we get into bed with another set of dodgy characters. The future's not bright, it's shite!

Anthony Flack
29 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:54:34
At least no-one has mentioned the administration word yet...

Best case scenario (and I tend to look at things optimistically) is that they will come back to the table as and when the obstruction is removed or reduced.

Might be hardball negotiation?

Paul Hewitt
30 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:57:20
Is the Roma game still going ahead?
Kevin Edward
31 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:00:16
Not great news...

Bloke on BBC radio made a good point, the club will be worth a lot less if in the hands of administrators. So I can’t blame a potential purchaser wanting a discount on the deal from Moshiri.

Reminds me of a spaghetti western, so still waiting for ‘the man with no name’ to turn up. In the meantime, we need some cash to pay the millionaires on the pitch.

Peter Moore
32 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:02:02
Just when things were starting to look up.
Joe Corgan
33 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:03:16
This is even worse news than it first appears.

What seems to be a credible, reliable buyer comes along, looks at our books and decides to walk away.

Who else is going to come in and rescue us from the ever-growing and ever-more complicated mire of debt? If the Friedkin Group won't do it, why would anybody else other than the chancers and vultures who constantly circle ailing football clubs looking to make a quick buck?

Andrew Clare
34 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:04:53
Surely something has to give? Otherwise all involved are going to lose a lot of money.

This all stemmed from having an owner who had no idea how to run a business getting in bed with very dubious characters. No prizes for guessing who I am referring to.

Ray Robinson
35 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:06:36
Well obviously this is not good news and presumably means the suspension of all incoming transfer deals.

Administration beckoning?

Mike Longshanks
36 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:07:43
Is there any plausible scenario where we aren't doomed to administration, big points deduction, etc?

Michael Boardman
37 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:11:02
Ever since I saw Theatre Boy on the escalators outside St Johns alongside Peter Johnson (who he hated apparently), I knew that man was a fraud.

Well done, Blue Bill, and thanks for nothing.

Got that off my chest anyway.

Now, where's the Onana money?

Daniel A Johnson
38 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:13:07
Genuinely gutted about this news.

All the hope of a fresh start at a new stadium with a new owner is over.

It's the hope that kills you.

Lewis Barclay
39 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:14:23
“Both Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group entered discussions in good faith to explore whether a sale could be agreed. Those discussions have concluded. The parties agree it is in both their interests for Everton to explore alternative options.”

A period of exclusivity does not appear to be something of benefit to Everton.

There should probably be a recognised period of transparency!

Ray Jacques
40 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:14:25
I give up.

See you, young Branthwaite…

Steve Brown
41 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:15:42
Tough news to take.

But let’s remember that Friedkin were not the only consortium interested in buying the club. There were several.

Steve Brown
42 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:20:24
BBC Sport understands the major stumbling block has been the situation with another former prospective buyer in 777 Partners/A-Cap.

They lent the club £200m during their attempted takeover and the issue was not paying that off but the serious legal action they are mired in in the US.

Friedkin Group did not know how long this would last for and there would be too much risk involved in continuing, so, instead of waiting a number of months for those issues to be resolved, they have decided to walk away.

Kunal Desai
43 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:22:16
Assuming they've gone through the shitfest books and the finances are knee high in the filthy stuff.

What a mess…

John Atkins
44 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:22:24
Step forward, Andy Bell and George Downing 🙏🏼
Anthony Hawkins
45 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:23:29
For those questioning if others will be put off – some might but different groups have different risk appetites and hopefully there's someone 'sensible' who is willing to take the risk?
Paul Hewitt
46 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:23:47
I can see A-Cap taking over.

It's the only way out.

Colin Glassar
47 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:25:06
John A,

I doubt they have the money to satisfy the Russian and American loan sharks.

Anthony Hawkins
48 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:25:08
A-CAP cannot be the answer.

They'll simply load the club with increasing amounts of debt with high interest rates. That will not benefit anyone.

John Wilson
49 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:26:57
I said previously that you'd have to be stupid not to secure your loan of £200M. It transpires 777 Partners or directly through A-CAP have done that.

Friedkin wanted Everton because of the new stadium. I think there are some terms in those 777 loans linking the stadium as security and they would survive the stadium purchase as a type of charge security that continues whilst the stadium increases in value.

I also don't get why Moshiri would pump his fortune into Everton and the stadium and walk away with Bramley-Moore Dock seaweed.

It makes sense that Moshiri is still tied to Everton until he gets his performance bonuses.

I don't think Friedkin would walk away because of the relationship with 777 Partners. It makes sense why Friedkin could pay off MSP etc but not 777 Partners.

Steve Brown
50 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:27:04
Sounds like The Freidkin Group wanted lenders to take a haircut on their loans to the club, but it would take months to negotiate with 777 Partners or their creditors due to ongoing legal action in the US.

All of this must have been pretty evident to them before they made a bid and entered the exclusivity agreement?

Steve Brown
51 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:31:10
The big issue right now is who pays the day-to-day operational costs of the club while we negotiate with other buyers?

Any profit from the Onana sale will go into that rather than reinvesting in players.

Steve Brown
52 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:33:02
Kevin Maguire:

“The view that will be taken by most of the investors and lenders – to date Everton is worth more as a going concern than a club that potentially goes into administration as they will lose any influence that they have over the operation of the club.

"We will see perhaps some additional commitment from the lenders because they fear the alternative is they could lose out substantially if the club does go into administration, which is the worst-case scenario.”

Dan Parker
53 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:36:46

They had looked really positive as a new owner.

Back up Shit Creek.

Paul Hewitt
54 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:43:37
Why didn't Friedkin pay off the 777 loan?

Then ask MSP to come in with them and buy the club, turning their loan into shares???

Liam Mogan
55 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:50:01
Everton that.

For fuck's sake…

Dan Parker
56 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:50:03
Sounds like he wanted to negotiate with the lenders to pay off cents on the dollar.

Perhaps 777 aren't in a position to negotiate anything with ongoing litigation and stretched finances. Who knows.

Complete shit show.

Nicholas Ryan
57 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:50:24
So it was "On Track"...

To slightly misquote Chris Rea: 'This ain't no Track.... This is the Road to Hell'!!

Steve Brown
58 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:50:49
Paul, I think MSP wanted to be lenders but not take an ownership stake.

They could have transferred their loan to equity when the repayment period expired and taken control of the club. They decided to wait.

I never thought Friedkin was wealthy enough to grow the club anyway.

Laurie Hartley
59 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:54:06
Bloody Nora – here we go again.

If Friedkin didn’t fancy it, there must be some serious downside in the dog's breakfast that are our accounts.

Colin Glassar
60 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:58:16
To use a poker analogy, have they really folded or are they just bluffing?
John Wilson
61 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:58:21
Who pays to run the club? Er that player we valued at £70-80 million, Branthwaite. Cue Man Utd phone call to Thelwell, err £55M pluus £5M-£15M in add-ons.

Moshiri is a complete plant pot. It seems likely now Everton will be bought by an MSP or A-Cap for structuring debt, for investment not for a genuine takeover. Then later sold after making £millions. Maybe that's why Textor walked away. He guessed what was under the bonnet.

That Spanish supporter who posted online a brilliant analysis of Everton's options. MSP loan has now been paid off so MSP are now debted to Friedkin to the tune of £200M (Gav, Blue Echo), or like for like.

Duncan McDine
62 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:02:12
I was just about to buy Roma tickets for the whole family, and saw this news. Will the game even go ahead?

It feels like we are back to square one. For fuck's sake…

Ben King
63 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:02:24
On track eh? Is there anything straightforward with this club??

Complete fucking shit show as usual.

Ban me if you want moderators, you'll probably be doing me a favour. I'm so exhausted wanting something good to happen for this club of ours.

Long, long-suffering blue.

Barry Rathbone
64 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:03:24
Who next?

The Keystone Cops!!

Bobby Mallon
65 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:06:18
Fucking complete shit show of a club.

Complete twats.

Daniel A Johnson
66 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:06:26
It's the hope that kills you…
Steve Brown
67 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:09:36
BBC Sport understands the major stumbling block has been the situation with another former prospective buyer in 777 Partners and A-CAP.

They lent the club £200M during their attempted takeover and the issue was not paying that off but the serious legal action they are mired in in the US.

Friedkin Group did not know how long this would last for and there would be too much risk involved in continuing, so, instead of waiting a number of months for those issues to be resolved, they have decided to walk away.

Andrew Merrick
68 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:13:14
Steve at 10, that does sound plausible...
I have wondered what they might find during due diligence, and maybe anticipated a lower offer as a consequence...
What a complete shambles EFC!!
Alastair Donaldson
69 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:15:41
All together now "I guess that's why they call it the Blues" gutted
Colin Malone
70 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:17:30
Is that game against Roma still on?
Derek Knox
71 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:21:59
All these Financial shenanigans go over my head, but again hope has turned to despair. Between Moshiri and the Maggot they have totally destroyed us as a Club!

Seriously could someone explain who Blue Heaven Holdings are ?

Steve Brown
72 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:27:04
John W, there are few inaccuracies in what you posted.

MSP are no longer a lender to Everton as The Friedkin Group (TFG) repaid their loan. MSP do not owe TGF a cent; it is Everton who owe TGF £200 million which is secured on the new stadium.

A-Cap are teetering on the brink due to their exposure to 777 debt; 777 loans to Everton are unsecured - it holds no security on the stadium. They won’t be taking us or anyone else over.

However, TGF wants the 777 and / or A-Cap and / or their creditors to take a significant haircut on their loans to Everton. Given that 777 and A-Cap are embroiled in legal case with those creditors it will take months to negotiate a deal with them.

Athletic states that Including TGF new loan, Everton owe more than £600m to three external lenders — A-Cap/777, Cheshire-based Rights and Media Funding and TFG — as well as £450m in shareholder loans to current owner Farhad Moshiri.

Colin Glassar
73 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:28:13
As the late, great Yogi Berra once said, “it ain’t over till it’s over”.

Expect more twists and turns. Stay tuned folks!!

Will Mabon
74 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:28:18
What on earth has suddenly come to light, that couldn't be known or anticipated in Friedkin's investigations and preparation?

I don't believe the existing loans situation is the real reason. Expecting the creditors to fold and submit or be dictated to seems a very unlikely strategy on which to pivot the whole deal.

Billy from Beyond has joined the party.

Geoff Williams
75 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:28:49
How did Moshiri get the club into such a mess? Does he have any business acumen at all? His ineptitude only confirms what most people believed that he was only ever the frontman for the Russian gangster.
Christine Foster
76 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:32:10
It would appear that repayment of outstanding payments to 777 / ACAP was not seen as the the stumbling block but the risks associated with the loan and possible legal complications were deemed unacceptable. So in English, what does that mean? What's the issue?
Strings attached to the loan? Interest? Repayment plus? Where did the actual money come from?

777 may be embroiled in a mire of legal and insolvency claims, including fraud, but so what? If we had to pay a premium it's the cost of business unless it's a ridiculously agreed amount and Moshiri won't pay or expects the buyer to..God sake, who knows.. but so much for the junior debt scenario, everyone wants to make a killing but noone trusts anyone.. big money, a game of chicken being played with our club..
Shysters, loan sharks using pension funds, the Mozart with money, Russian money and undue influence.. the seeds for all of this were planted by one man, then passed to The Incompetent one.
I for one would like to hear the foundations to the pullout, the risk actual, the showstopper. For it will lay open exactly what and who has done what to our club.

Paul Hewitt
77 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:39:42
Some financial people I've read seem to think this could just be Friedkin playing Hardball.
Anthony A Hughes
78 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:48:16
To my limited financial knowledge it appears Moshiri never had enough money to buy and then run our club in the first place. This constant loan after loan after loan to manage finances has come back to bite him on the arse...guess what Farhad, people lend you money then they want it paying back and then some.

Instead of a steady managed growth of the team and the squad over a number of years he tried to get there in the first 12 months. Absolute tool of an ac**tant,(no I haven't misspelt that).

Christine Foster
79 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:49:23
Paul, it could be hard ball if he expected to screw 777 to 10 cents in the dollar by walking away, knowing he was the best chance 777 had of getting all their money back. Save a 150m or so by doing that..
So, wait till the courts decide or they go to the wall and then deal with the liquidators.. saves a lot by just waiting..
But that would mean all of this was just for show.. ruthless.. are they really that cold? Or is it something else?
Derek Knox
80 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:51:55
Colin @ 41, Yogi Berra ? What about Boo-Boo and the Park Ranger ? :-)
Mike Hayes
82 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:57:00
We’ve had some good times 🥳
Andrew Clare
83 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:57:11
Where do we go from here? Will other potential buyers now lose interest? Will we go into administration? Will we have sell our playing staff? Will we have another massive points deduction?
What a bloody nightmare!
Jamie Crowley
84 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:58:30
This is truly awful news.

We're going into Administration I'd bet. I can't see how we can viably continue without a takeover and new injection of capital.

Just yesterday I never in a million years thought Friedkin would walk! Something came up in due diligence that's black as night I'd bet, and he was like, "Ya, fuck this."

We are, if we weren't already, officially a mess.

Ian Wilkins
85 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:58:49
Lest we forget, Moshiri if he had his way, then 777 would now be Everton’s owners. Only their inability to meet PL conditions stopped them ( showing sufficient funding and liquidity).
They are now insolvent, dragging others in, and a legal mess on the horizon.
Americans are litigious and fearful of litigation. Friedkin cannot settle the 777 loan at a discounted level, and are fearful of what might come their way as American Owners if messy litigation follows and their name is dragged in by association. They have top credit rating, green credentials. Don’t need a legal mess which we potentially are.
What next? Who knows, only those closest to it know the options.
We either need a buyer willing to take more risk ( it is possible that the 777 loan if unsecured has no rights and ends up free money to Everton) or we have to sit tight, find a way to finance our operating costs, as the 777 mess is resolved.
One thing is for sure, we are all going to have to keep guessing and assuming because nobody is going to tell us what is going on.
Barry Rathbone
86 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:59:00
Isnt this how its supposed to work though?

Hard headed businessmen see an opportunity but note forest gump and uncle ali are mindless buffoons and crooks and squeeze the life out of them by threatening to walk.

Would expect nothing less from what more informed parties have posted.

To mangle Arnies quote "they'll be back"

John Wilson
87 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:00:56
Steve Brown at 40:

I meant the creditor MSP is now Friedkin..

"MSP or A-Cap for structuring debt", I meant an MSP type, not MSP itself.

Moshiri in any event in effect has successfully got 777 then followed by Friedkin to pay to keep the lights on and millions for the stadium, without touching his own money. Is he a genius in terms of knowing 777 was cracking at the seams, and knowing Friedkin wouldn't pay off 777. Did Moshiri call Friedkin's bluff, knowing or anticipating Friedkin would end due diligence because Moshiri or 777 wouldn't take a hair cut?

Kunal Desai
88 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:01:38
Moshiri needs to go back to Usmanov and tell him to stump up the £200 million to give ACAP. Only way forward here.
Alan Corken
89 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:02:14
Colin Glassar...there may be something in what you imply i.e. some party or parties playing hardball.
The joint statement from Everton and Friedkin could be designed to make 777/ACap think hard about what a collapse in this deal would mean for them. Of course that might just be wishful thinking...
Frank Crewe
90 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:06:18
@Anthony 46.
I don't remember anyone about it complaining at the time. We wanted a billionaire owner to splurge cash on expensive players like the other big clubs and we got one. Maybe we should be more careful what we wish for in the future.
The fact is our obsession with getting into the elite club status and becoming European football regulars like the Reds got the better of us and blinded us to what was going on. The constant manager changes along with the cost of paying off their contracts. Players allowed to leave for a fraction of what we paid for them or nothing at all. How were we covering these losses?
It was only going to end badly and it has. So I don't think we fans can absolve ourselves from our part in this whole debacle. But it appears hindsight really is a wonderful thing.
Paul Hewitt
91 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:06:42
My understanding now is that when 777 go to court we could end up owing them nothing apparently. Friedkin probably knows this and offered them some silly amounts back. The outcome will be 777 except a much lower amount then Friedkin takes overs.
Shaun McGough
92 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:07:00
Acap will benefit moshri/usmanov full stop, both absolutely no interest in Everton future or fans, my worry now is stadium sale could be our only way forward…. not good
Jamie Crowley
93 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:08:24
Maybe this?

Friedkin knows if he pays off 777 he'll be helping them fuck more people? He realizes he has to wait for them to go under, otherwise he's replenishing their coffers by $200 million and allowing them to wriggle their way out of the mess they are in?

If that's the case, Friedkin is waiting for 777 to file bankruptcy, clearing the money Everton owe to them in repayment, and then getting back in the game?

Or... is it possible that those on the list owed money by 777 can, if 777 goes under, sue Everton then for their losses, as the 777 $200 million passed to Everton?

I dunno. This is a trainwreck disaster.

Dale Self
94 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:10:10
Since we are back to speculative hell, I believe Friedkin is playing hardball. Asscap and 666 are fucked, have been caught playing above their level and will pay for the lesson on how to acquire a club.

It seemed Asscap wanted to distance themselves from 666 house of cards. Asscap may not be able to withstand loss of any support. Friedkin backing away could be interpreted as testing their resolve while they consider their legal exposure. It could increase the uncertainty around Asscap's valuation and significantly raise their financial and legal costs.

Asscap perhaps thought they possessed a pressure point and will discover they are out of their league. Usual disclaimer: I know fuck all.

James Marshall
95 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:11:54

I was personally very vocal (on here) about Moshiri at the time, and so it has come to pass. I hate to say told you so, and this is the first time I've mentioned it. I was one of the few who said when he took over, "be careful what you wish for". And here we are.

Royally up shit creek.

Honestly, I absolutely do hate to say I told you so..

Everton appears to be untouchable now - and am I the only one who thinks that perhaps people in the business world are now quite likely to want to have very little to do with Moshiri?

Barge poles at the ready.

Si Cooper
96 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:16:01
Is it possible to put any sort of realistic timescale on the A-Cap situation?
Would the Prem have initiated their scrutineering on the prospective owners based only on an exclusivity period?
Basically, what is the shortest time from now the takeover could take ?
Denis Richardson
97 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:19:03
As noted already what a shit show. However, trying to remain positive. Administration is still the worst outcome for all stake holders. As such, I’d imagine something will happen. Either Friedkin comes back or one of the other interested parties comes back in.

The £50m Onana money is now unlikely to go to new players as I’d imagine some of this will go to running costs and the stadium in the short term. The next lot of sky money was recently paid I think, or is near to being paid, so this hopefully moves the cliff edge back further.

This club really puts you through the wringer. Including Moshiris shareholder loans to the club has about £1bn in debt, which is probably the value of the stadium when finished. We still have some valuable players and are in the Premiership so administration should not be something to worry about.

Deep breath and wait for updates. Not exactly a great mental start for the players with the first game only about 3 weeks away.

Jonathan Oppenheimer
98 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:19:28
Time for the people to buy The People's Club. I'm back to being so low about our prospects that that's the only option left.

My math says we need about a half million people at a thousand pounds per person to get to £500M. There's got to be enough people worldwide to get in on that.

Howard Don
99 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:22:49
Colin Glasser, that was my first thought.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we haven’t heard the last of The Friedkin Group.

Steve Brown
100 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:22:50
Let’s remember that there were several other parties who bid before Moshiri granted exclusivity to Friedkin.

Alan Myers says the club remains well funded in the short term, so let’s see how it plays out? It wouldn’t be Everton if it wasn’t agonising.

Shaun McGough
101 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:23:41
Does anyone know if john textor has sold his palace shares he was my original choice 🤞
Paul Hewitt
102 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:25:55
If I was a betting man, I'd be betting that Friedkin will be our new owner by the end of the year.
Ian Davis
103 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:27:44
The unsecured nature of the A-CAP/777 debt would not absolve Everton in the event of the lender filing for Chapter 11 reorganisation. We would still owe the debt and the bankruptcy trustee would still look to maximize the repayment of the amount owed based on the existing lending agreement.

The secured/unsecured status only comes into effect if Everton file for bankruptcy protection. A-CAP would be way down the list of creditors that receive any monies from the sale of our assets.

If they are truly concerned that Friedkin walking away may now lead to Everton going bankrupt, then they may relinquish the debt for “cents on the dollar”.

This may be Friedkin's thinking. Sit on the sidelines, and then pick up the pieces for a much lower cost down the road. Hence the debt swap on our main asset of the new stadium.

Anthony Hawkins
104 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:28:05
Further from BBC:

BBC Sport understands the major stumbling block has been a situation involving previous prospective buyer 777 Partners, whose proposed takeover plan had been backed by funding from financial insurers A-Cap.

777 Partners loaned Everton £200M during their attempt to take over and the issue was not paying that off, but the legal action that 777 Partners face in the US.

Friedkin Group did not know how long this would last for, was unclear about who was in charge of the loan, and was wary of any potential risk, so it decided to walk away rather than wait for the issues to be resolved.

The Friedkin Group, which injected £200M into the club and paid off a £158M loan to MSP Sports Capital and two local businessmen, will "remain a lender to the club", they said in a joint statement on Friday.

It is understood the loan from the Friedkin Group is a 'stable' one which means the group is not looking to call it in immediately and club sources have said Everton as a business is "absolutely not in a precarious position".

Si Cooper
105 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:35:54
Some more hasty revisionism going on here from those who claim to have ‘predicted' disaster many years ago!

It isn't simply down to lack of backing or poor business acumen. If Usmanov had been free to splurge his money, we probably could've spent our way to the top of the Premier League.

Let's not completely discount the impact of the pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Premier League getting puritanical on Profitability and Sustainability to ward off government intervention.

Steve Brown
106 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:37:07
My bigger worries are whether we'll be able to do any more transfer business this summer?

And how can we secure the final £70M to complete the stadium?

Joe McMahon
107 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:44:20
I really don't understand as according to Uncle Bill, other clubs Chairman state"Everton always get it right". Like he did in the decade search for Moshiri.

The 2 AJ Bell guys or Saudi (anywhere), but please no more Miami!

Jay Harris
108 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:49:18
I think Friedkin would have played hardball before due diligence but something unexpected has come up so he decided to bail.
I don’t think he will be back because once you publically walk away it is a sign of weakness to revisit.
Our best hope now is Michael Dell and Bell and Downing but even they might feel slighted by Moshiri.
Every time you feel a bit of optimism about Everton they knock you down again.
Mihir Ambardekar
109 Posted 19/07/2024 at 14:59:14
Absolutely gutted. Moshiri and BK are a disgrace. They have managed to completely destroy this club.We Evertonians are probably the most tired and frustrated fans in the world. Are we ever going to see our fortunes change?

They say third time is a charm. I just hope Andy Bell and George Downing should takeover. Moshiri should be kicked on his ass after that happens.

Dale Self
110 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:00:08
On a lighter note, does anyone have recent photos of Josh Wander they would like to share? Sans sunglasses preferred.
Les Moorcroft
111 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:00:10
I have not had a chance to read the above.

Didn't this group do the same before buying AS Roma? Mexican standoff. Game of chess. You decide…

Kieran Kinsella
112 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:02:32
Paul Hewitt

There's not a scenario where we would owe 777 nothing if they go bankrupt because basically we were the last group to get any money out of them after they let Flair and Bonza go to the wall and stiffed ACAP. Courts can claw back money paid to "preferential" creditors or disbursed to others in the months leading up to insolvency. 777 clearly prioritized paying us that money over honoring other existing debts. Which means the court will expect that we repay those funds in full so they can be evenly distributed to other creditors based on the hierarchy of who has higher claims on their money. And that is just the bankruptcy route assuming there is no criminal aspect to it all which there appears to be.

Robert Tressell
113 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:06:47
Steve Brown # 106, I suspect the club may still be able to do some very limited deals (like the Lindstrom loan) but the idea of spending any money (even if we sell Onana) seems a bit fanciful.

The focus is presumably on remaining a going concern - with squad building somewhat down the list of priorities.

Mark Ryan
114 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:16:18
Perhaps Moshiri has told them he wants to retain some sort of power or ownership at the club and won't relinquish all his shares. What do I know ?
If Friedkin have indeed walked then they clearly weren't the owners for us and so I say fuck em. If they don't want us, I don't want them. We need someone with deeper pockets and I don't mean a clown, we already have one of those
Danny O’Neill
115 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:21:03
There are a few scenarios that could play out here.

Friedkin could come back. I believe they walked away from Roma, but went back. They could be pushing for a better deal for themselves. I guess that's business.

Or, other parties are waiting in the wings. I know I might get laughed at, but Everton is an attractive proposition. Fanbase, Stadium, City of Liverpool.

Otherwise, Moshiri is going to have to look behind the couch on his Yacht.

Bill Gall
116 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:28:10
Correct me, but to become owner of Everton FC you have to be majority shareholder, so that means that you have to negotiate with Farhad Moshiri who, with 93,698 shares or 94.1% of Everton shares, is the owner.

So, with the Friedkin Group now unable to come to an agreement with Moshiri, the responsibility is in his hands in what he is willing to take for his shares. Plus as majority owner, he is responsible for debts created since he became majority owner.

So what we have ended up with is a billionaire that our previous chairman was looking for, who has turned out to be more incompetent than himself.

The only thing that we can hope for now is there really are other groups that wish to buy, but there is something wrong at Everton FC that groups find after making offers, which tuns them off.

Kieran Kinsella
117 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:28:55
The Roma "playing hard ball" is a long shot in the short term because as it is just a month ago we had a long list of other varying investors and chancers lining to try and buy us. I can't imagine Moshiri, or rather our creditors and the NY civil/criminal courts suddenly capitulating to Friedkin if that is his game when there are seemingly other interested parties. I mean he may re emerge at some point and obviously has a stake now in the stadium financing but I don't see that happening any time soon.
Mike Gaynes
118 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:32:26

Friedkin really wanted the club. £200M isn't a token investment. This may not be over -- he also walked away from the Roma negotiations at one point, and Roma was a far less complicated situation.

Moshiri's financial mess is the football version of the Crowdstrike disaster. He's a walking Blue Screen of Death.

Raymond Fox
119 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:36:44
Hard to know what to make of this episode, its getting a bit silly and worrying.
Once again Dyche and players don't know whats going to happen, not forgetting us poor supporters.

I think Mark @ 114, could have something saying that Mosiri may want to retain a percentage of the club, Usmanov might want to come back in at a later date.
All guesswork, but that is the all we have.

Meanwhile more debts are adding up.

Peter Hopkins
120 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:40:57
Friedkin: Well that seems to be it, everything seems to be in order, wait, what’s that in your hand?
Moshiri: Nothing.
F: I can see a piece of paper, what is it?
M: Don’t know what you are talking about
F: in your hand behind your back
M: nothing
F: show me your hand
M: there you go
F: the other hand
M: there
F: both hands together
M: ok, there
F: what is it?
M: just a list
F: a list of what? Let me see, give it here.
M: you look with your eyes not your hands
F:give me the feckin list
F: what the hell? You owe what to who and to who and who?
F: and he must remain as chairman but he’s dead isn’t he??
K: Hello luvvies!! But it’s Everton, once a blue always a blue
Paul Hewitt
121 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:46:59
Seems strange that a guy worth $5.5B would let a £200M loan scupper the deal.

Considering, once the stadium is finished in 3 months, his investment will increase.

Mark Taylor
122 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:47:15
It is usually all about the numbers. From what we have read previously, it would appear that the stadium cost £800m and may end up nearer to £900m which is all debt funded at an interest rate unknown but in the current environment, unlikely to be below 5% over a risk free investment (10Y US T Bonds) so 8-10%.

That gives you c £70m of costs in debt servicing and it might be as high as £90m. Deloitte's (in my view, very optimistic) assessment of the incremental revenue from the stadium is £55m. My conclusion is the stadium is not worth close to £1bn that some people quote, unless there is some upside not yet specified. At best around £500-600m.

The club as a whole appears to have around £1.1-£1.2bn of total debt. Despite some on here suggesting fanciful valuations seen through American investors eyes, I suggest the shares are worthless, and even that level of debt won't be sustainable. Relegation would of course end the argument for good.

Presumably this is what Friedkin sees. There have to be haircuts all round to make it stack up, and I don't mean a light trim. Someone further up suggested Friedkin put in a £200m extra on top of buying out MSP. I hope not because our debt then is even higher. Right now, whatever the club says, I cannot see how the year's accounts could be signed off on the basis of the club being a going concern.

Sam Hoare
123 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:57:33
Very much hoping this is a negotiating tactic. If not the outlook seems grim. Although it did at least seem there were a few interested parties a month or two back.
Stephen Davies
124 Posted 19/07/2024 at 15:59:38

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