Season › 2024-25 › News Moshiri-owned company sued by Usmanov Lyndon Lloyd 11/09/2024 61comments | Jump to last The Athletic report that Alisher Usmanov and USM Holdings recently brought a case against a company owned by Everton owner, Farhad Moshiri. Documents filed at Moscow’s Arbitration Court a year ago which The Athletic claim to have been list Somelior Holdings Limited, a Cypriot-regstered entity that used to own 10% of USM Holdings as one of six defendants in a case brought by Usmanov and his conglomerate. According to Moshiri's camp, the court action, which they characterise as "the seizing of foreign investment in Russian companies under counter-sanctioning measures, was held behind closed doors in Russia is now "complete". Nevertheless, it has raised concerns over whether any potential buyer of Moshiri's shares in Everton would be contravening Western sanctions against Usmanov, even though the asset in question was a personally owned by Moshiri rather than connected to the Club. At issue is the possibility that the Anglo-Iranian might use the proceeds of his sale of Everton to pay damamges to the Uzbek-born tycoon who remains sanctioned by the United Kingdom, under measures taken following Russia' invasion of Ukraine, sdue to his close ties with Vladimir Putin. It was put to The Athletic, however, by "one source close to Moshiri with knowledge of the case" that UK laws and regulations would prevent him from paying damages to Usmanov. Reader Comments (61) Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer () Steve Shave 1 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:08:41 When will it ever end? When will we ever be rid of this fucking fool? He has to go down in history as the worst and most incompetent fucktard ever to own a Premier League club. How he hasn't faced more wrath and blame of the fans is an incomprehensible mystery to me. Some still banging on about their Kenwright obsession as if Bill was anywhere near as culpable for this mess as Moshiri. Before anyone feels a need to argue with that point, say what you like about Bill but at least he loved the club and I am certain he would not have entered into this arrangement if he'd known how it would end. Poor decisions, laughable transfer dealings, no board vision or structure, undermining every manger and DoF he employed. Dodgy deals, reckless spending and an alignment with that odious turd Usmanov. You are a joke, Moshiri, please just fuck off. I curse the day you walked through the door. Tony Abrahams 2 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:13:26 So what, is my original thought. Abromovich was getting sanctioned but it didn't stop Chelsea getting sold, which surely means a precedent has already been set? My worry is that other murky creatures don't want to relinquish their hold on Everton Football Club because it's made them an absolute fortune and there are not many things worse than the tap getting turned off on a goldmine. Mike Hayes 3 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:18:08 We reel from one disaster to another — well done, Billy Bullshit! You certainly found your billionaire to sell to… you found the biggest dipstick with the most money to waste but made sure you were sitting pretty. The quicker this idiot Moshiri is gone, the better! Tony Abrahams 4 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:24:03 Even though he his no longer with us, I hate Bill Kenwright because nobody was more culpable for the demise of Everton Football Club, than that Culpable C…Moshiri has come unstuck but it's hard to believe that this fella is a genuine high-level accountant although this news surprises me unless it's just a clever way of keeping a little bit of distance between the Oligarch and his frontman?The sad thing is that Evertonians will take almost anyone, such is the state of the finances created by a man who is supposed to be a top/grade accountant. It's a shame you have gone, Kenwright, because you could have created a show that would have lasted longer than Blood Brothers in the West End out of this absolute mess. The Oligarch, his Accountant, and the Saviour. Paul Hewitt 5 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:28:25 It's all been sorted apparently. Nothing to worry about. Jimmy Salt 6 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:37:11 Sadly the depths of the business world are deep and murky. Don't take things you read as absolute. There are many layers to what has happened to our club of which we will see little. Derek Knox 7 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:54:07 Steve @ 1, totally agree mate, bear in mind he was ' head-hunted ' by the Maggot !Most Finance and Business goes over my head, (mainly bent and run by sleeze- bags) but from a lay person's perspective, surely any ' dodgy agreement ' one of Moshiri's Cyprus based Firms, had with Usmanov has nothing to do with Everton Football Club. Or does it ?However I, like everyone else hope something happens take-over wise sooner rather than later. In the meantime there are matters on the pitch that need addressing even quicker ! Rob Halligan 8 Posted 11/09/2024 at 08:59:03 Derek, re: the takeover, according to the Guardian John Textor is confident a takeover to buy Everton can be completed in four weeks……….. Nigel Scowen 9 Posted 11/09/2024 at 09:03:04 This sort of stuff must go on in the murky world of business all the time unbeknown to us mere mortals.It's only because Moshiri name is mentioned that it's even getting any traction at the moment.Just an excuse for someone to try and turn the knife, don't worry about it. John Keating 10 Posted 11/09/2024 at 09:11:37 Bill loved the Club????No doubt he did because he made millions out of it without putting a penny in.A consummate actor to the end.Bill loved himself Derek Knox 11 Posted 11/09/2024 at 09:29:44 Rob @ 8, having confidence on Textor's part is one thing, dealing with ' Mosh the dodgy Dosh ' is another. Maybe now he knows he could get an AK 47 or an Uzi up his Anglo Iranian butt-hole, he may ' review the situation ' with expedition ! Dave Abrahams 12 Posted 11/09/2024 at 10:19:26 Tony (4), I think it is a shame that “ The Conniving Culpable C” has gone it would have been much better if he was still here to face the music of the mess he helped to cause.Like John Keating said @ (10) Bill loved the club??? Jesus wept. Ian Pilkington 13 Posted 11/09/2024 at 10:40:40 Steve@1Correction: Moshiri is the second worst owner In Premier League history.The worst one? The lying, self-serving, egoistic charlatan who preceded him.It's an incomprehensible mystery to me how any Evertonian can still believe that Kenwright loved the club. Raymond Fox 14 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:02:44 Martin Berry 15 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:04:43 Moshiri certainly seems to have had a extremely complicated and controversial tenureship at Everton, allied to flights of fantasy that have helped to fuel these pages.One fantasy regardless of our feelings is that we will soon be moving into one of the best stadiums ever built.We have to ask when we sit and marvel at the structure of Bramley Moore for our first home game, how did we get here ? Without him we would still be sat in a decaying stadium with no prospect of progress that a new stadium can bring.I am sure when all the dust and the current mess has settled, in a few years time we may reflect that it was the price to pay for where we are now.And who was the catalyst that started this, you can bet part of the ground or a statue or some sort of recognition will be given to Blue Bill.Am I condoning whats going on or what has been happening, of course not. Regardless there is a great period coming for this club, and it fuels these columns which shows the fans take an active interest in its well being. Raymond Fox 16 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:04:53 List it under 'cobblers'. Danny O’Neill 17 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:26:58 I've read a couple of articles.One stated that this would be between Moshiri and Usmanov and not involve Everton.Another was more specific and said it was one of his Cyprus based holdings. It is even stated that it has already happened. This doesn't surprise me as Cyprus is crawling with Russians, although it is in the EU, so will also be following sanctions against Russia??Who knows? All very murky.Whether it is happening or has happened, as long as the money can't be traced back to Everton and is only Moshiri, there is another way of looking at it. This could drive down his bargaining power and result in a would be investor being able to get Everton for a lower price.What a saga. Just when you think we're near the finishing line, something else pops up.Well that's my non-qualified financial analysis done for the day. We've got Villa to face this coming weekend, the more pressing focus. Denis Richardson 18 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:27:24 This is a total non-story, clickbait waste of time.How does the editor even allow this to be printed? Tony Abrahams 19 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:28:15 I know I sound like a lunatic Dave, but it was such a coincidence that Bill left this world, just as the net was beginning to close in on how bad of the situation had become, because of the years of absolute recklessness, that had been created by having the most inept boardroom in the country. Maybe he died of a broken heart. Barry Rathbone 20 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:29:19 Steve Shave 1Spot on, not that it cuts any ice with the more rabid Kenwright haters as you can see from the replies. There exist many fanciful notions on here but there seems an idea Kenwright deliberately picked a billionaire not to improve but destroy the club. Pure aluminum hat wearing time.Kenwright made mistakes and was undeniably shifty but what Moshiri has done is another level. But the potential death of our club he has caused via the monstrous debt of BMD appears a fair trade. How many times do you hear "but at least he got us a new ground".'Kinell. Danny O’Neill 21 Posted 11/09/2024 at 11:37:53 Denis, it is all over the media. I also read about it on the New York Times.To my point about Russians an Cyprus, here's an article from the Guardian. It's a year old, but demonstrates the extent to which Russian Oligarchs wielded influence over the island. They used it to deposit funds and sure that's what Moshiri was doing.Link Dave Abrahams 22 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:11:04 Ian (13), Yes, Ian, it is a mystery how any Evertonian can believe that Kenwright loved this club but you can tell from this thread that they still exist, he most definitely looked after himself more than he looked after Everton, mind you you he had nothing to lose seeing he never put anything into the club in the first place. Brian Williams 23 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:21:59 Dave#22Dave there are none so blind as those who will not see.If you remember some years ago I used to swap opinions with you and Tony over Kenwright and we didn't always agree.Fortunately, following the advice you gave me and the directions you gave to seek out evidence I was able to see through his charade.What surprises me is that he did (and still does) manage to con members of the media. I say, surprises me but I suppose I'm not surprised because they tend to stick together and have each others backs. That and the fact that some of them are as thick as two short planks.BK may well have believed (in his own mind) that he always did what was best for Everton, but even that's hard to believe. Clive Rogers 24 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:36:22 Didn't know Usmanov sued people who crossed him, thought he had them bumped off. Dave Abrahams 25 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:39:04 Amen to that Brian.How are you Brian, keeping well I hope, best wishes mate. Brian Williams 26 Posted 11/09/2024 at 12:56:09 Dave#25Cheers mate. Same to you. Doing good. They just can't seem to kill me off.Hope to catch up soon! Dave Abrahams 27 Posted 11/09/2024 at 13:02:13 Brian (26), Good to hear Brian, it will get even better when you hear that bell! See you soon. Peter Hodgson 28 Posted 11/09/2024 at 13:17:32 How many times must it be said on here and by how many different people that this has nothing to do with Everton but it has to do with a company Moshiri is involved in in Cyprus (shady or not). Nothing to see here and why we are even talking about it on here beats me. Dave Cashen 29 Posted 11/09/2024 at 14:18:47 You don't sound like a lunatic Tony. Thats or sure. You put up some of the best stuff on these boards. However - I bet you knew that was comingI think there is a bit of a Kenwright obssession going on this Website. That's ok for those who don't have anything else to offer, but you do. So does your Dad and many other respected posters on here. To me he seems like an itch you guys wont ever be able to scratch.Kenwright is no longer with us.. He cant influence the present or the future and whatever financial influence he had in the past has been diluted a hundred fold by the those who came later. Brands squandered more in 20 months than tight arsed Kenwright spent in 20 years AND he boasted about his signings. Walsh was even worse. Kirkby, AGM bans, Glass ceilings. Ring fenced claims. They are all things which can be laid at his door. But responsible for our current financial plight ? Thats a different charge and only by exonerating the real culprits can people find him guilty of it. Christine Foster 30 Posted 11/09/2024 at 14:46:18 Dave, they say history repeats, and probable the reason so many rail against Kenwright, both at the time and since, is because of the damage caused, the manner in which it was done and the startling fact that apart from various managers, Kenwright, his fellow directors and the board of lackeys he put together, are the only people who have profited with the appointment of Moshiri. If we do not learn, it will happen again. Scousers do not suffer fools gladly, that includes those who lie and con us. Many of us actually love this club, not just follow it and Kenwright did us harm especially with his sale to Moshiri, a man who appears to be incompetent. But do we know who / was pulling the strings in the background? Usmanov? Rights & Media Funding? Personally I think Moshiri was a front for Usmanov.. and Messers Green and Earle are probably still raking it in through the likes of Rights & Media Funding. (You're right, Tony, it wouldn't surprise me if R&MF has a few nasties in their exorbitant loan deals.)The truth is we are dealing with the legacy of Kenwright and the billionaire he found and will be for sometime to come. Jay Harris 31 Posted 11/09/2024 at 16:07:33 Tony #19 that's not possible he didn't have a heart.The only thing he was obsessed with was himself and his image.How any so called Evertonian can make over £40 million having not put a penny of his own into the club while presiding over the worst period in our history is beyond me.Even more baffling is the number of people that still defend him.Still at least the chapter in our history is going to be put behind us and hopefully we can recover our place at the top of the table over time. Denis Richardson 33 Posted 11/09/2024 at 16:39:18 Danny 21 - it may be all over the news but most news outlets are just repeating the same initial story. I saw the headline early, read it, then read it again as I thought I must have missed something. Then quickly came to the conclusion the article was a waste of time. It also ends by saying whatever happened behind closed doors was now concluded - so wtf was the point in writing it in the first place. Just clickbait trash, which sadly even the likes of the BBC has now been sucked into.With respect to Cyprus, it's long been used by rich Russians (and others) to house their investment vehicles. Just the same as rich UK families using Channel island companies to make investments - due to their 'flexibility'. It's not new news and things like the Panama Papers reveal how the very rich structure investments offshore to avoid tax and even the true identity of who owns what - ably helped by an army of law firms and administrators. Certainly not limited to Russians (or Ukrainians in this case). Believe even our own 'Lord' Cameron appears in the Panama Papers with an offshore trust, along which probably half the landed UK gentry...Article is a waste of time imo - we'll never know the true goings at Everton over the last decade or so and god knows how Everton even got some of the money it did. However, someone at some point will buy the club off Moshiri and we'll hopefully turn a new chapter.Just waiting to find someone with a spare £1bn... Michael Kenrick Editorial Team 34 Posted 11/09/2024 at 16:48:07 Denis @18 and 33,I appreciate and empathize with your frustration over this story — and indeed over the multitude of Everton stories now getting pushed on NewsNow. We remain highly selective over what we publish, and this indeed appears to be a non-story; however, the amount of media noise it has generated means it is hard to decide to just not publish it, especially if posters want to make reference to it. And there is an element of documentation / record-keeping in terms of the ever-changing, evolving and developing story of Everton FC that we are compiling here. Danny O’Neill 35 Posted 11/09/2024 at 16:51:17 If there's any truth in it, Denis, as long as it stays between them and leaves Everton out of it, then I've no interest.I know too well about Russian influence in Cyprus through my wife's company.I believe the Isle of Man is used in a similar manner to the Channel Islands.Like many, I'd just like to get this takeover sorted so we can move on. Dave Cashen 40 Posted 11/09/2024 at 18:26:15 Christine.Once again I find myself completely disagreeing with you. Those who followed the story will know that it was Moshiri who actively pursued Silva. Koeman. Allardyce. Benitez and Lampard _ at least two of them against BK's wishes. It was his poor choices which lead to the club paying tens of millions in compensation to them. He also employed two DOF's and gave them Carte Blanche to spend what they wanted. Both of them had the temerity to boast about their idiotic signings. The money squandered on Moshri's watch made Kenwrights Market stall mentality look like chicken feed. It's all very well being wise after the event holding Kenwright responsible for Moshiri's staggeringly stupid money burning excercise, but (and here's the point). I challenge you now to show me any objections to Moshiri coming on board at the time.From what I remember, there was an outpouring of great joy throughout Evertonia. At last we had a rich new owner and his wallet was wide open. It does not stack when people who rejoiced the end of Kenwrights austerity then want to point the finger at him for the club staring into a financial abyss. They are two different things and he cant be guilty of both.Also Christine. You seem to believe there are two groups of Evertonians. One which you belong to - The one which loves the club and another which simply follows the club. I don't buy that for one minute. I have a name for people who merely follow the club. I call them neutrals.Brian I don't see anybody defending Kenwright.. We all know what he did or didnt do. I think that's just something the same people keep putting up so they can start another round of I-hate-Kenwright-more-than-everyone-else. Nobody ever comes up with anything new. NOT EVER !! Detest him all you want, but no one elses love for the club can be gauged by how much hatred they can direct at him. There is documented evidence which clearly demonstrates there are people who have had a far bigger hand in the clubs current financial plight. While some want to get to the truth and go after Bill Sykes. Others will satisfy themselves winding each other up by chasing the artful dodger into eternity calling him every name under the sun.. That'll make sure it never happens again Brian Williams 41 Posted 11/09/2024 at 18:39:23 Dave #44,I don't think I've ever posted that I detest Bill Kenwright. I was merely replying to Dave's post and mentioning how him and their Tony "educated" me if you like.I for one would like to see us move on from him on here.In fact, I undertake to not mention him again, ever.We need to rid ourselves of whatever negativity we can as there's more than enough to go around with our present predicament. Dave Cashen 42 Posted 11/09/2024 at 18:51:36 Sorry Brian.I meant that to Jay 31. I realised my error straight away, but the edit time ran out before I could correct it. Amen to post 41 though.It really is time to move on Kunal Desai 43 Posted 11/09/2024 at 18:55:18 If Bill loved Everton and Evertonians so much, he would not have brought Moshiri to the club.He had a great opportunity to get us back up to where we belong in 2004 when he turned down Paul Gregg's offer to build that stadium at the King's Dock. He was nothing short of a narcissistic parasite. Tony Abrahams 44 Posted 11/09/2024 at 18:59:58 Kind words that I never saw coming, Dave, but I do write some absolute pony at times mate, like most, but not every other person on this website.I think you and Christine will both find some common ground once again after a few posts each, Dave, because it's definitely obvious that Everton wasted a lot of money in the early years of Moshiri's reign. It's also obvious that Kenwright changed the narrative, and presided over the most inept period in the very long history of Everton. Brian Williams 45 Posted 11/09/2024 at 19:01:25 Dave #42,No apology necessary Dave, honestly. Dave Cashen 46 Posted 11/09/2024 at 19:08:17 I already share a lot of common ground with Christine, Tony. She knows more than me and I wouldn't be arsed responding to her if I didn't have the utmost respect for her and her views. Lyndon Lloyd Editorial Team 47 Posted 11/09/2024 at 19:26:08 Denis, just to echo what Michael said, you're right — it is a non-story (although, it might add weight to stories earlier this year that Usmanov would be seeking repayment of certain debts from Moshiri which could end up affecting EFC in terms of what he holds out for as an asking price).But sometimes the story is worth posting prominently (as opposed to merely covered for archival purposes in the "Club News" section, for example) simply because it is being talked about by Evertonians, here and elsewhere. Given that we're hardly ever first with news anymore, most of our news items are launching points for discussion by the community and that was the case here.I'll also confess that I was hugely distracted yesterday by the server problems I was dealing with and did not really give the significance (or lack thereof) as much due diligence as I otherwise would. Danny O’Neill 48 Posted 11/09/2024 at 19:35:42 You don't write pony, Tony. There is a poem in the making there!I think you talk sense. We all have views and that is fine with me. I want this ownership situation sorted so we can move on. It is just moving as slowly as the Titanic did towards the iceberg. Ironic given the hotel next to Bramley-Moore Dock!!There's me talking pony.We all know that, when we meet up, we all have lively debate and get on with each other.I want Dyche to change this around as, until the ownership thing happens, nothing will change soon, so we have to focus on the short-term for now. Then we can think longer term.I'm more concerned who is going to play centre-back, right-back and midfield on Saturday right now. Steve Shave 49 Posted 11/09/2024 at 19:49:04 Ian @13, so let me get this clear, you think Kenwright was a worse owner than Moshiri?Just because I despise Moshiri, that doesn't make me a Bill fan, you know, that is just black and white thinking. /p>Bill was at times an embarrassment, Bill lied his ass off throughout his tenure. However, the difference between his tenure (from mid-table mediocrity to being the best of the rest for many years under Moyes) and Moshiri's is stark.What we wouldn't give to be moaning about Bill's lies, the Arteta money, and Moyes's dull-arsed tactics. Those are not problems comparable to what Moshiri has caused. This risk-taking idiot has brought us close to collapse. I simply can't believe anyone could contest this? Paul Ferry 50 Posted 11/09/2024 at 20:18:50 Paul Hewitt @5:It's all been sorted apparently. Nothing to worry about.Phew! That's that then. Jay Harris 51 Posted 11/09/2024 at 20:27:55 I promise I will give up on the Kenwright bashing after this but, after mugging Paul Gregg and then finding Moshiri only wanted to spend 5% of his time on Everton, Black Bill seized his opportunity and was in full control of the club as chairman with his gang of cronies.It wasn't Moshiri that brought an over-the-hill Rooney back on obscene money or who sanctioned the purchase of 3 number 10s or who claimed that other Premier League clubs are on the phone to him every day admiring the way EFC is run.Even Keith Harris, who is a neighbour of a close friend of mine, said that he resigned because the Everton board was the most dysfunctional he had ever come across (and Moshiri was not on the board at that time).Moshiri eventually woke up and smelt the coffee like Paul Gregg did and tried to control what was going on and then we had the Moshiri - Kenwright buffoonery which turned a disaster into a catastrophe.So yes, I do blame Kenwright for our current plight. He had access to all the funds and the accounts constantly whereas Moshiri could only go on what was being fed back to him or allowed to be fed back to him. So I'm sorry, Dave, this is one issue we have a fundamental disagreement over. Dave Abrahams 52 Posted 11/09/2024 at 20:28:47 For those saying Moshiri spent very foolishly are correct and so were the managers, directors of football who recommended these players and the chairman who not only signed these deals off and negotiated these deals, and was fully connected to the return of Rooney for one deal.He was the man who said Moshiri is the man who keeps giving. Where was the advice that should have been given to the man who didn't understand football by his “friend”, the supposedly shrewd football chairman who said “Everyone asks, when they are in trouble, what would Everton do?"Kenwright was shrewd alright when it came to guarding his own theatre company and his own money and it never went into the red. Kenwright was supposed to be the guardian of our club, well have a look at his record after he took over the club.The club was £20M in the black, we owned Goodison Park, we owned Bellefield the training ground. Then have a look at Everton finances when he sold the club to Mr Moshiri — it was a disaster, a total mess to the one he bought. This has all been recorded in black and white and read by the fans who, even though they don't like him, still try and put the total blame on the last six or seven years on Moshiri — who should have been looked after a lot better than he was by his 'friend'? Tony Abrahams 53 Posted 11/09/2024 at 21:03:14 Steve, I for one am glad those very dull years are behind us, with regard to Kenwright, Moyes and the Arteta money.A couple of good times in Europe, but we are Everton FC, a club that had mostly been about trying to compete and win until Moyes got in bed with Kenwright and got us punching above our weight whilst turning up for gunfights with a knife.Moshiri has been a disaster but the writing was on the wall from the day he said he didn't want Everton to be taking up too much of his time and appointed Kenwright as the chairman. Derek Knox 54 Posted 11/09/2024 at 21:10:15 While we are all uncertain of the complications regarding the take-over, the numerous loans, 777's involvement, now Usmanov in the picture… Surely Moshiri must realise that, the longer he holds out for the best deal for himself, and himself only, if things on the pitch don't pick up (hope so) we could end up in a relegation scrap again. If it looked like we were going down and entering the New Stadium, Everton's worth would be considerably less! Christine Foster 55 Posted 11/09/2024 at 22:14:19 Dave @40, I suspect there is much more agreement than not, in our views than what we read into them because, in essence, both our perspectives are the same when it comes down to it. The downfall of our club didn't begin with either man but each of them, individually and collectively, are responsible for the situation we are in today. Financially under Kenwright, his intransigence saw every asset sold, initiated the offshore loan sharks, and got into bed with the maestro with money on his 24/7 search for someone with money to invest whilst leaving him in control. The ground was laid before the "5% of my time" Moshiri walked through the door.Millions squandered initially by Kenwright until Moshiri thought he could do a better job but, with each decision, he only made it worse. One egomaniac and a fool who was conned by him.Who is worse? It doesn't matter, Dave; both are equally responsible for our plight. But the man most likely underpinning Moshiri was Usmanov, Kenwright was out of his league, a mere figurehead. You're correct too that there was no clamour against Moshiri when he brought such money to the club, like a starving man we welcomed the feast… little caring where it came from. So Dave, I don't think we are very different in our opinions: both are culpable and we will never know the reason Moshiri became involved, we only see the catastrophic results of his involvement. He and Kenwright will be forever linked as being responsible for our plight, the full extent of their individual responsibility will be opinioned on for many years but may never be known.A last point, Dave, I never said there are two types of Evertonian. On a sliding fan scale between a follower and a nut job, I am probably closer to the latter, but we are all Evertonians, our levels of devotion expressed in all we do.The written word oft fails to tell a full story, especially where irrational emotion is involved, so I apologize for my poor use and failure in my expressions for it is my utter dejection at our current plight that ails me. Ian Pilkington 56 Posted 11/09/2024 at 00:06:33 Steve @49,I was going to reply to you but Tony @53 expressed my thoughts perfectly.And you did state in your earlier post that Kenwright loved the club — which is total nonsense. Mark Taylor 57 Posted 11/09/2024 at 01:04:48 For as long as his billionaire chosen one remains in baleful control of our beloved club, it is entirely understandable that supporters will want to give him a kick. 'Hubris' is the word that comes to my mind with regard to Kenwright.Once – if – we get a credible new owner, Kenwright can be laid to rest in a different way and we will all be able to move on, and I'm sure will do. With not inconsiderable relief... Alan J Thompson 58 Posted 12/09/2024 at 06:21:18 Sounds more like two dodgy characters have found a way of transferring money to each other through a third country possibly because their usual method has been found out. Who knows, and should we care? Dave Cashen 59 Posted 12/09/2024 at 08:14:49 Christine and Brian.Guys, don't ever apologise for disagreeing with me. When I start typing, my fingers can pour out shite with the best of them.Kenwright's charge sheet is a lengthy one, but when I think of people like. Martinez, Silva, Allardyce, Ancelotti, Benitez, Lampard, Sharp (not the player), Little Miss Dynamite, Walsh, Koeman, Brands... I could be here all day — I feel sick. All wealthy people when they came, all so very much wealthier when they left. If you search your soul and try to compile a list of people who have given this club more than they have taken from it, you will struggle to get past the supporters. maybe a couple of others, like Seamus. The fact is; they have all come, they have all feasted upon the flesh of this club, and they have all left it in a worse state than they found it. I remember feeling very proud when Davey Moyes came out and said everyone in football should take a 20% pay cut. He may have been a boring sod, but what honour, I thought. That pride soon subsided when I realised he was talking about everyone else. We have been battered and bruised, but we still hope. We still dream of a football-savvy billionaire walking through the door and leading us back to the promised land. My final point is regarding the Oligarch. Like everyone else, I suspect he has been up to his neck in everything that has driven the club to the brink. Has he used the Mersey to wash his dosh? I can't find anything on him. Not a single quote. Just smoke.Whenever I hear his name, I'm minded of the famous line from the movie Usual Suspects: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn't exist." Dave Abrahams 60 Posted 12/09/2024 at 10:07:31 Brian (41), I too promise myself that I will not bother mentioning Thingy's name again then someone comes on here blaming somebody else for all our woes and absolving Thingy for the part he played in our downfall and I can't resist replying — especially when they come out with “Thingy loved our club”! Brian Harrison 61 Posted 12/09/2024 at 10:14:07 Dave @59,You are correct that all who entered Goodison left much wealthier, be that player or manager. And to be honest, that happens at every club, certainly in the Premier League. The main problem as I see it is that wages have gone through the stratosphere and no club is prepared to make a stand on it. I think I read somewhere that Man Utd had capped wages at a maximum of £200,000 a week, just compare that to a surgeon who may save your life but probably doesn't earn that in a year. I am old enough to remember the campaign led by Jimmy Hill and George Eastham to scrap the £20 per week maximum wage. Within weeks, Tommy Trinder, the Fulham Chairman gave Johnny Haynes a rise to make him Britain's highest paid player on £100 per week. While many can argue that players weren't paid the going rate, the scrapping of any maximum wage opened the floodgates to where we are now. Most clubs struggling to make a profit so supporters crave richer and richer owners, which must make players and their agents rub their hands with glee. Most owners walk away from Premier League clubs a lot poorer. Yes, the likes of the Glazers are the exception, and as Alan Sugar said after leaving Spurs, all his business acumen went out the window when he was Spurs chairman. Michael Kenrick 62 Posted 12/09/2024 at 10:31:11 Sorry to nit-pick here, Brian @61, but you seem to be flip-flopping from one end of your post to the other.You start by saying they "left much wealthier … that happens at every club, certainly in the Premier League."You end with: "Most owners walk away from Premier League clubs a lot poorer."I'm confused, which is it? James Hughes 63 Posted 12/09/2024 at 10:37:07 Michael, not hard to understand mateEmployees, ie, players, managers and others can be very handsomely rewarded whilst at any club. Think Don, the rat, Carlo and £11m a year. However, owners can throw cash at the club and get very little back. The old saying was: How do you get a small fortune out of football. Start with a large fortune. Michael Kenrick 64 Posted 12/09/2024 at 13:52:28 The funny thing is, James, prior to Moshiri's massive mess, being an owner of Everton Football Club was a guarantee of a substantial financial return.You do know how much that bastard Kenwright made out of Everton Football Club, I trust?And before him, Robert Earl.And before him, even Paul Gregg.And before him, Peter Johnson. They have all made shitloads of money out of owning Everton FC. [I can't speak for owners of other clubs.] Tommy Hughes 65 Posted 12/09/2024 at 13:57:11 This man is a complete disaster – just sell our club, for fuck's sake, and fuck off. I hate him.We should've been kicking on when Moyesy went; now look at us, fighting to stay in the Premier League. I just hate him. Get out and take your doggy deals with you, fucking Rat. Jerome Shields 66 Posted 17/09/2024 at 16:44:55 Moshiri as always been involved in the world of murky finance., which was ok while he had funds.But his overwhelming incompetence in Managing the Club is the real reason that funds have dried up He has continuously failed to address any of the issues and fully expect continuing losses and fear the 23/24 end of year results which will emerge in November, just as the Premier League money runs out Add Your Comments In order to post a comment, you need to be logged in as a registered user of the site. » Log in now Or Sign up as a ToffeeWeb Member — it's free, takes just a few minutes and will allow you to post your comments on articles and Talking Points submissions across the site. How to get rid of these ads and support TW © ToffeeWeb