16/09/2024 26comments  |  Jump to last

Bloomberg report that The Friedkin Group are looking to revive their plans to complete a takeover of Everton just two months after walking away from talks with Farhad Moshiri.

Citing sources familiar with the situation, Jill Shah, Silas Brown, and David Hellier say that Texas billionaire Dan Friedkin is "in talks with stakeholders" over the feasibility of another offer for Moshiri's stake in the Club, although they temper their report by saying that there is no guarantee it would result in a bid.

The Friedkin Group were granted a period of exclusivity to negotiate with Moshiri earlier this year and appeared close to finalising a deal before they abandoned the takeover bid due to the legal complexities of the £200m loaned to Everton by former bidders 777 Partners.

777, together with chief lender A-Cap, are embroiled in a civil case in New York with London-based Leadenhall Capital Partners suing the Miami-based investment firm for $600m they say was "double-pledged".

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If Friedkin is indeed ready to re-enter into negotiations over buying Everton, it would follow a similar playbook to his acquisition of AS Roma where he stepped away from talks before returning to purchase the Italian club in a $700m deal.

He would also be going up against fellow American businessman, John Textor, who has also held extensive talks with Moshiri in recent weeks and is reportedly close to finding a buyer for his Eagle Football Group's 45% stake in Crystal Palace which would open up his pathway to buy Everton.


Reader Comments (26)

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Dave Lynch
1 Posted 16/09/2024 at 20:49:29
Being reported on Toffee TV that Friedkin has reignited his jnterest in buying us ffs.

Source is Bloomburg apparently.

Paul Hewitt
2 Posted 16/09/2024 at 20:58:43
I'd tell him to sod off. He could have had us months ago. I prefer Textor
Andrew Merrick
3 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:02:54
There was some speculation that
Friedkin might come back in..
So has something changed with the charges in USA? And will this in fact just complicate matters...
Textor has exclusivity til end of November...
Duelling bidders will suit Moshiri...
But we need the quickest takeover...clear as mud how this pans out...
Bobby Mallon
4 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:04:56
Come on moshiri times right to sell come on friedkin for me
Paul Hewitt
5 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:08:39
Whoever it is, it needs doing ASAP. Then get Dyche out and get a decent manager in.
Rob Halligan
6 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:19:03
Would Friedkin need to go through a new period of exclusivity from the beginning, or could he carry on from where he left off, or would he even need to do another one? I assume it would need Textor to back down though, before Friedkin could do anything.
Nigel Scowen
7 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:21:36
I just hope it doesn’t slow the whole process down by having competing bidders
Tony Abrahams
8 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:25:00
I’ve never understood why he walked away, when you consider how much he his allegedly going to spend on building a new ground for Roma.

Maybe it was to try and chip the price, on Moshiri, and maybe Textor, has been used by Moshiri, to let other interested parties know that if they don’t act soon, then it might be too late, because Textor, is telling everyone he his getting a bargain.

The sale of Everton, can’t come soon enough, but I’ve been saying this for at least a couple of years now.

Nigel Scowen
9 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:31:23

I think Textor is saying he is getting a bargain because he wants to attract additional capital from other investors as part of his consortium

David McMullen
10 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:34:34
So the circus continues.

My one (two as I'm not in favour the multi-club model) but my main gripe is that when TFG pulled away at the start of the season that single handedly destabilised our season (transfer market) second only to the fine work Dyche is doing.

Paul Birmingham
11 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:38:18
This if true, makes it more interesting and provides fresh optimism.

Who ever gers the rights to bid, it's got to be a perfect fit.

Everton FC, has been brought to its knees for most of the Moshiri reign.

For the sake of Evertonians, this deal or when a deal is agreed it must be right.

There's a void to fill, in the running and football structure of the club.

Hopefully theres some credibility on both these organisations interest in Everton FC.

I've not done enough research on these two bidders, but both seem light years better than 777.


Jack Convery
12 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:44:24
Personally I hope this is true. Lyon and it's PSR troubles are, dare I say it a huge red flag and I don't like red flags. Plus £15m for O'Brien when he cost them £1m, the summer before from, Palace. It just doesn't stack up in my opinion.
Jerome Shields
13 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:47:48
Hopefully there is some truth in this. I would prefer the Friedkin Group as Owners.Textor is another highly leveraged player and there would be little change with his regime.

But getting clear of Moshiri would be a bonus at any price

Stephen Davies
14 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:53:40
Andrew #3... Exclusivity means you have access to the books of EFC.
Textor can't have access because he partly owns another PL Club, that's against PL Rules. He may have an agreement but he doesn't have Exclusivity.
Fred Quick
15 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:54:09
It's possible Textor got wind of Friedkin returning to the table and thus all that bluster from last week through to today. I don't know which would be best, but we need somebody to takeover ASAP.

Textor is too vocal for my liking and he may have peed on his own chips talking about our current manager. I assume that Friedkin would have to wait until Textor's exclusivity ends?

Ernie Baywood
16 Posted 16/09/2024 at 21:58:52
Fred, I think Textor himself made a comment about exclusivity not being anything too binding and could be ended if another party came in with an offer.

Your theory re: Textor's comments might be on the mark. There was always a reason for them - that might be it.

Peter Mills
17 Posted 16/09/2024 at 22:03:33
It’s possible that potential purchasers could collaborate, wreck the sale process in the short term by dragging their heals, hope that the club is relegated and downvalued, then look for a bargain in the summer and purchase together.

Cynical? Fanciful? Maybe. But I’ve known farmers do similar things with land acquisitions.

Fred Quick
18 Posted 16/09/2024 at 22:08:10
Peter @17
We can't rule anything out nor anything in, I just wish our football operation had as many tactical options as these high-flying financial wizards.
David Holroyd
19 Posted 16/09/2024 at 22:22:40
Textor hasn't got exclusivity yet.
I would rather have TFG
Danny O'Neill
20 Posted 16/09/2024 at 22:28:41
I said elsewhere that this could happen. Almost a carbon copy of what happened with Roma.

As they've already had a period of exclusivity, and had a period of negotiation, they could possibly carry on rather than go through the process from the start again.

Would or could they join with Textor? I don't have enough knowledge to understand if the is an option and if the report is to be believed Friedkin would want full control

It rumbles on.

Christine Foster
21 Posted 16/09/2024 at 23:13:25
Danny, thats right, I remember it the same way, and believed it would be a Roma all over again, the stated 777 issue just didn't seem to be credible as surely any disputed monies could have been escrowed until any court issue was sorted. When Textor arrived with serious interest I just wondered if it could "threaten" Friedkins strategy. Still, I wonder how much credibility we can give to the report of rekindled interest, until someone comes out and agrees the deal I will believe it when I see it, so many twists and turns with Everton its hard to know what to believe.
Stu Gre
22 Posted 16/09/2024 at 23:21:41
I thought Friedkin might come back in January, but perhaps his hand has been forced by our terrible start. He will want an EPL club after all.
Kevin Molloy
23 Posted 16/09/2024 at 23:51:03
Friedkin would be a million times better
Bob Parrington
24 Posted 17/09/2024 at 00:42:52
Tony @8 - 👍 Yes, my thoughts, precisely too. Was expecting something like this to happen. Said at the time that Friedkin was playing games, hoping to get rock bottom price. Plus, the timing of the pre-emption of another offer being made, in Textor's rambling statement. Or, are we just conspiracy theorists?
Ed Prytherch
25 Posted 17/09/2024 at 00:44:06
Moshiri's position is weakening as each month goes by. Friedkin may have delayed in order to get a better deal.
Bob Parrington
26 Posted 17/09/2024 at 00:47:48
Danny @ 20 - This had crossed my mind, as well. Would be interesting to see who would take the majority shareholding? Grin!

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