01/10/2024 43comments  |  Jump to last

Liverpool City Council is looking to create a ‘Football Match Parking Zone’ around Everton Football Club’s new stadium, at Bramley-Moore Dock.

A report to the Council’s Cabinet next Tuesday, 8 October is recommending a raft of new measures surrounding the 52,888 seater stadium, similar to what is in place around Goodison Park and Anfield.

The focus of the proposed parking zone covers the area within a 30-minute walk of Everton Stadium, which will encompass the surrounding Ten Streets district and into the city centre.

A series of recommendations, which have been subject to a public consultation, includes:

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  • New resident parking areas
  • New taxi ranks
  • New match day bus stands
  • New parking restrictions
  • New hours of operation for existing parking zones for the Great Homer Street area
  • New hours of operation for existing parking zones for the Ten Streets and Love Lane areas
  • New industrial parking zone south of Boundary Street
  • New industrial parking zone north of Boundary Street

The overall aim of the new Parking Zone is to reduce congestion, improve air quality, safety and journey times to and from the stadium. The proposals have also been designed to complement the planned modernisation of parking across the city centre.

» Read the full article at Liverpool City Council

Reader Comments (43)

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Brian Harrison
1 Posted 02/10/2024 at 17:00:08
I see Liverpool City Council are drawing up no parking zones in and around the10 streets area. But so far heard nothing from the club about any ideas of car parking facilities or ways to get in and out of the ground within a reasonable amount of time. Also, still no announcement as when season ticket holders will be allocated seats in the new stadium.

I know from attending many Golf Open Championships how well they run various park-and-ride scheme. Also with Bramley-Moore Dock being on the river, could they have not arranged to incorporate a landing stage by the ground which may allow those on the Wirral to park and catch a ferry across?

Although, apart from corporate hospitality, they don't give a toss about ordinary match-going fans.

I am sure many of our American supporters will know the massive car parking facilities at their NFL grounds.

Nigel Scowen
2 Posted 02/10/2024 at 17:28:58

I heard, probably untrue, that the Dallas Cowboys have a parking space for every seat.

Christine Foster
3 Posted 02/10/2024 at 17:41:44

The Ten Streets area relates to the old strip of land from the edge of the city centre (about Leeds Street) going north to roughly Bramley-Moore Dock. It's the old dock and warehouse areas bordered on one side by the Mersey, on the other side all the old dock warehouses, and industrial premises.

In the past few years, it's been home to many small businesses in what has been a very dilapidated area of the city. It has little public transport, already a major concern of fans and businesses, and no defined large-scale areas for matchday parking.

Why the council deem it necessary to enforce a no parking area in the Ten Streets in what is a non-residential area is madness. Is it a revenue exercise or a determination to drive people away from the areas businesses and match day facilities?

60,000 people don't just appear and disappear, they use public transport, drive, walk… but ultimately it will still require a huge area for parking. So Liverpool City Council, what's the plan? Or is this Kopites revenge?

John Chambers
4 Posted 02/10/2024 at 18:05:14
Brian, one big difference with the Open events is that people are both arriving and dispersing. over a period of several hours.

I appreciate the model at Bramley-Moore Dock is to try and get people to arrive earlier and leave later but using Goodison as the model we will have to accommodate 50,000+ people entering the stadium within an hour and the same number leaving at the same time, a much greater concentration of people than at an Open.

Christine Foster
5 Posted 02/10/2024 at 18:23:20
John, that's correct, condensing everything into a 4-hour slot is a huge problem, just putting a no parking zone in place without a sufficient solution of mass movement is not going to work.

The average bus carries approx 50 people, so just where are you going to find the 1,000 buses needed? Exactly how many are the council planning, or do they expect the majority of people to walk and pay the exorbitant parking costs closer to town?

They cite congestion and air pollution issues, of course there will be congestion, but air pollution? Bullshit!

It's an industrial area, few residents, the amount of people using cars going the match will only be impacted if there is sufficient public transport and park-and-rides to get them to and from the game; is that happening?

Brian Williams
6 Posted 02/10/2024 at 18:41:57
Will it be so different from how Goodison is now, apart from there being 52.9k (not 60k) people instead of 39.5k?

Goodison is chaos before and after the match. Bramley-Moore Dock will be too.

Christine Foster
7 Posted 02/10/2024 at 18:59:56
Brian, the crowd could easily be 60k with new rail standing and all the associated matchday staff, facilities, security and concessions people.

Secondly, the area has significantly more public transport and road structures into and from Goodison that do not exist for Bramley-Moore Dock. At the moment, no-one seems to be addressing the issue.

If you ban cars or have insufficient parking, how are you intending to move people quickly and safely in and out of the area?

Brent Stephens
8 Posted 02/10/2024 at 18:59:56

"Also with Bramley-Moore Dock being on the river, could they have not arranged to incorporate a landing stage by the ground which may allow those on the Wirral to park and catch a ferry across?"

The club website says there are "legislative restrictions" on that.

Ray Robinson
9 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:01:25
Brian, Goodison may be chaos for some already but there is access to the ground from all four direction's and there are many major roads in and out. Bramley-Moore Dock is much more hemmed in and there are another 13,000 people to cope with.

If we are going to be asked to commit to choosing seats / renewing season tickets soon, it's surely not unreasonable to ask what the parking / transportation facilities are going to be?

Last time I raised this, there was very little sympathy with my concerns and I was informed that the walk wouldn't be too demanding. Well, as a relatively fit 71-year-old, albeit with a dodgy knee, it shouldn't be beyond me to walk from and to the city centre but it may not be the case for everyone.

We need to be announcing plans for a park-and-ride shuttle bus service along the lines of the Brighton model.

Rob Halligan
10 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:01:58
Plus, Brent, it would put you out of business!! 😃😃
Christine Foster
11 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:07:02
Brent, in Brisbane they use the river ferries daily it's like a bus service.

The City Cat, a catamaran ferry that carries 170 passengers in one go, they dock at various points up and down the river, I think 30 in service.

Surely something along these lines could be done?

Brent Stephens
12 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:12:35
Rob, I must admit I'm not personally disappointed at the lack of a ferry terminal at Bramley-Moore Dock! Good business for me, as you hint.

Christine, I agree. I wonder if it's all too much effort for Everton?? What about water-taxis, as on the Dubai Creek?

Brian Williams
13 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:14:16
Listen, all I'm saying is prepare yourselves as it will likely be chaos unless some hitherto unheard of plans surface soon;
otherwise, you'll have to make the best of it or decide not to attend.

We'd all love there to be a multitude of plans in place to make access and egress from the area smooth and hassle-free but it ain't going to be like that.

It's going to be much more of a pain for me and my matchgoing mates than Goodison is but I still can't wait to do it.

Paul Ferry
14 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:25:14

Christine: I love that Brisbane City Cat service Christine. Used to use it from the University of Queensland stop to downtown. It could start at Southport to pick up the three Evertonians in Southport, call in at Crosby Marina, somewhere else, and drop us off at the jetty with a walkway to the ground. I don't know what's south of King's Dock, I come from north Liverpool, but it could pick Rob up at Otterspool.

Dave Abrahams
15 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:39:26

The double-decker busses in Liverpool carry 76 passengers, so that will alleviate the problem quite a bit. If they put on the six-coach trains, that will ease it a bit more.

My wife's cousin, who lives on one of the streets that leads down to Regent Road, has had offers to let two cars in her front area and one outside her garden gate, possibly two. Multiply that on a lot of those streets and, as you know, Christine, where there's a will, there's a way (as well as a fight where the will is concerned)!

Ray Roche
16 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:50:27

A friend told me "legislative restrictions" is Evertonese for “too expensive “.

Don Wright
17 Posted 02/10/2024 at 19:58:11
Will there be anywhere to park my bike?
Elliot Vasso
18 Posted 02/10/2024 at 20:01:33
I'm sure many remember that the dock road used to be as wide as a motorway and go as far as Seaforth.

It would have been very useful if still like that but unfortunately no longer the case.

Brent Stephens
19 Posted 02/10/2024 at 20:02:16
Ray, I can believe that to be the case.

During several years of financial turmoil at the club, they would, I guess, have been facing the costs not only of going through the process of planning permission but more significantly of covering the costs of a landing stage, as well as additional ferry provision?? Etc??

Or were they confronted with the possibility that the ferries bringing Everton supporters to the new stadium would be blarring out that fecking Gerry and the Pisstakers dirge?

Bill Gall
20 Posted 02/10/2024 at 20:05:06
I wonder how Everton feel about it, as I think their concern will not be how you get home but how they can get the ground full before kick-off.
Ray Roche
21 Posted 02/10/2024 at 20:11:08
Yes, Brent, anything, well almost, but that crap record. The mariners on those ferries should claim PTSD having to listen to that all day.

Got to be honest though, I can only see a complete and utter shambles on the first home game. There doesn't appear to be any desire to grasp the nettle and come up with a plan, apart from banning all cars from the area. Apart from residents of course. I'm almost dreading it.

Peter Hodgson
22 Posted 02/10/2024 at 20:25:49

As you will know with football supporters, there is always a way. Especially those from our neck of the woods.

Peter Hodgson
23 Posted 02/10/2024 at 20:58:43

The last one I was on from the ground into town had about that number in the area by the driver. Hate to think how many were on it in total.

Discretion and the inability to count above ten seems to be a requirement for some of the conductors!

Christine Foster
24 Posted 03/10/2024 at 08:28:07
Paul, a City Cat service on the Mersey would be brilliant, just a shuttle service to the Pier head alone would move thousands.. used to use myself in Brisbane on and off at Toowong for a drink or two at The Regatta on Coronation.. son no3 used to go to UQ and bordered at Kings.. despite us living in Pullenvale..

Ah well..

Dave, okay, a double-decker will hold more but I think we would have to raid museums to get enough of them!

Dave Abrahams
25 Posted 03/10/2024 at 09:42:43

How long is it since you were back in Liverpool? There are loads of double-deckers,girl — all lovely and comfy, not like the boneshakers we grew up with… well maybe not you; I can give you a few years!

Mark Murphy
26 Posted 03/10/2024 at 09:44:49
Can you still smoke on the top deck?
Dave Abrahams
27 Posted 03/10/2024 at 10:05:53

Can you still smoke on the top deck? Not sure I haven't been up there for years because of my jelly legs but there is always one person who couldn't care less about anyone else and still has a puff.

Paul Hughes
28 Posted 03/10/2024 at 10:13:19
Don, assuming that that was a serious question.

Yes, there are a load of double-decker bike racks built behind the dock wall on the main plaza.

Ron Sear
29 Posted 03/10/2024 at 11:56:34
Being a little on the older side, I'm a bit worried about some suggestions that you might have to use a smartphone instead of a season ticket to get into the ground. I for one can't use the horrible things and not just because I don't want to turn into a zombie like those I see on the buses.

Apparently this has happened at Anfield so is it a disabled space for me? Even though I am fit in every other way. Please don't come out with the idea that everybody has one, it simply isn't true.

Dave Waugh
30 Posted 03/10/2024 at 13:08:58
Not seen any proposals yet which give me confidence that there won't be anything other than complete and utter chaos at the first game. All I've heard is that there will be a queueing system at Sandhills, which only resolves a safety issue. This feels like it's being left far too late.

I'm hoping at least they'll be running 8-car trains every 5 minutes into the city centre.

I did the walk yesterday from Moorfields (Old Hall Street) and it took 23 minutes. Weather was nice but I don't fancy it on a baltic, wet, windy January night!

Stephen Davies
31 Posted 03/10/2024 at 13:54:16

I share your concerns. Once you make your way out of the dock exit, you can only go one of two ways and inevitably there will be many standing near those exit walls impeding the crowd.

Good look in getting on those trains north after a Saturday game during the run-up to Xmas and during the New Year sales period.

Correct me if I'm wrong but is that bridge on the Dock Road a single file width?

I'm hoping there's some incentive for fans to stay behind and use the bars after the game (Happy hour?).

Jack Convery
32 Posted 03/10/2024 at 14:06:13
I posted on here, when planning approval was given for the stadium, that a landing stage would be an environmental solution, to easing traffic congestion. Park and Sail so to speak. Why this has not been planned is appalling.

The plans for the fan zone at Sandhills station had better have a roof, though I doubt it will, because when the wind blows down the dock road area and combined with rain, it will make for an uncomfortable time, to say the least.

Also has anything been done to improve the street lighting? Anyone who has walking difficulties cannot be expected to walk half an hour from the city centre so a relaible and frequent bus service will be needed.

LCC have known long enough this issue was coming but as usual it will be a mess for a while until it sorts its self out.

Joe McMahon
33 Posted 03/10/2024 at 14:24:16
Ray @9, this is one of my concerns.

I have MS and can walk a reasonable distance with a stick, but it's not fun in wind and rain. I keep getting rejected for a blue badge. Half-hour walk is not going to be easy.

Anthony A Hughes
34 Posted 03/10/2024 at 15:18:13
From what I can gather on Saturday matchdays from around 7am in the morning starting at Costco, Waterloo Road leading onto Regent Road (aka the Dock Road) and adjoining side roads will be completely closed to non-essential vehicles. Tenant only access to the apartments facing Costco.

Great Howard Street leading onto Derby Road will be coned off down to one lane of traffic to allow extended pedestrian access onto the road.

The Titanic Hotel apparently are at odds with the proposals as they have a lot of functions and weddings on Saturdays as you would expect.

I can imagine a midweek game will pose a lot of traffic issues with said road closures during the rush hour also.

Stephen Davies
35 Posted 03/10/2024 at 15:37:09

You raise a good point about disabled access.

Thankfully there appears to be plenty of good space within the stadium for disabled supporters but how do they actually get there in vehicles?

Is the car park opposite the West Stand for club officials or is it open to disabled supporters? If it's for both, I can't see it being large enough to accommodate both.

Allen Rodgers
36 Posted 03/10/2024 at 15:49:30
Dave Waugh @ 30,

There are already 10 trains per hour on weekdays from Sandhills to town because it is the confluence of services from 3 directions. Doubtful if Merseyrail will manage to provide 8-car stock though!

It might be quicker to walk to town rather than queue – for those of us who are able.

I think the club are expecting a good few thousand to stay behind at the ne stadium to ease the crush. Otherwise, it's going to be chaos, as others have predicted.

Ray Robinson
37 Posted 03/10/2024 at 16:07:02
Joe #33, sorry to hear your problems. It's precisely the likes of yourselves that I'm thinking of. Walking the short distance from the Stanley Park car park is one thing, twice that distance along the Dock Road is quite another.

Perhaps it's because I worked in project management but I find it astounding that there has been little or no discussion about car parking and transport facilities. Surely that was discussed in the planning and approval stage? With only 10 months to go before the ground is opened, nothing has been mooted. How did we even get planning permission?

My mate John Chambers at 4# above came up with a very good suggestion a while ago. Carry on with the Stanley Park car park and put on a fleet of buses as a shuttle service. Seems sensible to me as one possible solution.

Mike Gaynes
38 Posted 03/10/2024 at 16:58:10
Shuttles for handicapped access are a standard feature at many NFL stadiums. Sometimes it's just a golf cart, other times it's a bus with a wheelchair lift.

At AT&T Stadium in Dallas, for example, you can park in any lot and then the prearranged shuttle will come out to get you and take you right to the gate.

Seems like a possible solution for the new Everton Stadium.

Don Wright
39 Posted 03/10/2024 at 16:59:17
Thanks, Paul, I leave my bike locked up at the Everton shop now, the nice man on the gate looks after it.

I cycled from my house to the ground the other day 15 minutes from Litherland but the new bike lane only goes half-way down the dock road.

And of course I was not trying to run thousands of people over. I suppose I will have to get a very big bell.

Brian Harrison
40 Posted 03/10/2024 at 17:38:54
Mike 38

You perfectly illustrate the difference between how America treats its customers and how the Premier League treats their customers.

This new stadium has been in the planning for quite a while with little or no thought about how fans get in and out of the stadium. To be perfectly honest, the clubs don't care how you get in and out of the stadium.

If it becomes a real pain in the arse and fans don't turn up in the numbers expected, then maybe the penny will drop. I dread to think about a midweek game…

Rob Dolby
42 Posted 03/10/2024 at 17:44:36
The council will make a small fortune out of parking tickets around the new ground. You watch a swarm of those parasitic traffic wardens joyfully giving tickets out.

General access and egress will be a nightmare.

John Keating
43 Posted 03/10/2024 at 18:11:38
Parking around Great Homer Street is still a fair walk away.
At least it's pretty straight if going down Boundary Street.
I reckon, regardless, it's going to be pretty chaotic.

At some time they're going to have to construct a landing stage and therefore assist all our supporters travelling from the Wirral, North Wales and points South. It will certainly ease congestion.

I'm surprised the Council haven't planned this as installation is not difficult, just needs the will to push it through.

Mark Murphy
44 Posted 03/10/2024 at 20:17:59
“and if it becomes a real pain in the **** and fans……”

Brian, how are you spelling Fanny there btw??

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