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Friedkin takeover is 'on track' say unnamed sources

| 18/07/2024 55comments  |  Jump to last

One month since the start of their exclusivity period, the Friedkin Group's proposed purchase of Farhad Moshiri's majority stake in Everton remains on course as they continue to pick through the Club's "complicated" debt structure.

Citing unnamed sources, Mark Douglas reports for i that the Texas-based firm are still undertaking their due dilligence after agreeing a deal in principle with the Anglo-Iranian billionaire in mid-June and that while closure of the deal isn't imminent and there are “no guarantees”, so far nothing has been found during the process that might derail the takeover.

Douglas suggests that there is still "huge enthusiasm" to buy the Club at Friedkin, who already own Italian club AS Roma. “There’s a huge upside to the deal,” one source close to the group told him, but there are many aspects to the finances at Everton with a number creditors in the mix who will eventually seek to be made whole.

A delegation from the Friedkin Group travelled to Merseyside earlier this month to visit Everton's training ground and the new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock.

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Assuming Dan Friedkin agrees to proceed with the deal, the takeover by his firm would still be subject to the Premier League’s Owners' and Directors’ Test and approval also from the Football Association and Financial Conduct Authority which are expected to add a few more weeks to the timeline.

That makes it unlikley that they will be in place as the new owners by the time the new season kicks off but, in the meantime, the group have provided working capital and the summer transfer business thus far has enabled the Club to bring in Tim Iroegbunam and Iliman Ndiaye so far, as well as re-sign Ashley Young and Jack Harrison.

Reader Comments (55)

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Steve Brown
1 Posted 18/07/2024 at 10:35:54
It took two independent commissions weeks to understand Everton's financial balance sheets, debt structures and cost allocation. This might take a while.
James Hughes
2 Posted 18/07/2024 at 10:49:21
Steve, just my (uneducated) opinion but it took two commissions weeks to to make a judgement.

That is because the rules weren't clear and were being made up as they went along. So declaring a punishment was a bit tricky until they decided what we did wrong.

I still struggle to understand that we broke rules when investing (very badly) in our own club and building a new stadium.

Ben King
3 Posted 18/07/2024 at 10:55:38
What a farce – why should it take weeks and months to decide if owners have the money (and quite often they don't when Man Utd owners… but that's another story)?

The rules for ownership have been a joke for years and suddenly the Premier League wish to apply some rigour around them??? Mental.

Steve Brown
4 Posted 18/07/2024 at 11:10:48
James, good point and I agree.

The Premier League's decision not to put a clear governance framework and transparent penalty framework in place is a disgrace.

As was their logic about what constituted co-operation and what didn't? As far as it existed at all, their criteria was that clubs would receive a lower points deduction for agreeing with the Premier League's opinion as soon as it was expressed and admitting they broke the rules – without quite knowing what the rules were. The independent football regulator will short them out.

On Everton's debt structure, I think that is a complex picture, but also solveable. Long-term debt restructuring by the new owners will lower the cost of our lending at the same time as our commercial revenue increases due to the new stadium.

Paul Hewitt
5 Posted 18/07/2024 at 11:16:55
I have to laugh when people think deals like this will take weeks. You're not buying a car – it's a multi-million-pound deal.

There's probably things financially at Everton we don't know about. I said at the beginning it would take till the middle of September to finish the deal. I still think the same.

Christine Foster
6 Posted 18/07/2024 at 11:36:22
Having been involved in "complex due diligence " when taking over a company, the devil is in the detail and not everything disclosed is black and white.

Given that, for many years, our major source of loans has been a company (R&MF) that provides funding from unknown sources at high interest rates, latterly 777 Partners and their access to A-CAP funding, one can expect a few spanners or not so obvious oneline clauses in any agreements.

Many loan sharks play for keeps, they have had a cash cow, they only want more. So back when finding money for more lawnmowers was a necessity, it's reasonable to expect that, once they have their teeth into you, there will be difficult exit clauses (payments) somewhere...

John Chambers
7 Posted 18/07/2024 at 11:39:14
Paul, I quite agree. These guys are potentially investing between £500M and £1B.

It is expected Moshiri will lose several hundred million of his investment, so they are definitely going to want to do a detailed due diligence.

Martin Berry
8 Posted 18/07/2024 at 12:32:50
I have no doubts a deal will be concluded in time. The Friedkin Group have some of the best legals money can buy, compounded by the will to buy Everton and watch it grow.

Despite our previous financial woes, we are far too good an opportunity to miss. They see the long picture and that "Magnificent" new stadium, added to the future growth of the surrounding area.

They will make it work and we will get an early Christmas present; all is slowly coming into place. In the coming years, we will become the envy of many other clubs and fans.

Anthony Hawkins
9 Posted 18/07/2024 at 12:40:27
The takeover process isn't strictly about agreeing if the proposed new owners are suitable. That's one small element of the whole picture.

It might be obvious if they are or not, but the real journey is in unpicking the finances and organisational structure and infrastructure. Loans, debtors, creditors, assets and legal agreements all have to be sifted through.

There have been many a takeover where they thought X number of people were on the books only to find pockets of undisclosed staff were hidden away. It's a complex process that seems simple from the outside.

Raymond Fox
10 Posted 18/07/2024 at 12:45:02
It's probably pointing towards Moshiri being offered less money to settle the sale.

In the meantime, the squad strength is likely to be weaker unless there is some very smart selling and buying going to happen.

Alastair Donaldson
11 Posted 18/07/2024 at 13:14:31
There must be one hell of a spreadsheet behind all this!

I struggle to understand what the Premier League intend from the outcome of a fit and proper owners test... it shouldn't take long to determine The Friedkin Group have huge resources and are protecting their investment through due diligence but I suppose the fact that there are others on the ticket does complicate things. Not sure why else the timescale would be any different to the most recent takeover.

One thing is clear though, it certainly hasn't felt like the Premier League have had our best interests at heart recently!

Jim Bennings
12 Posted 18/07/2024 at 13:29:35
If it's done by October then we'll be happy.

As I have said, the dawn of our new era should be starting when we begin life at Bramley-Moore Dock, new owners should be seeing this club finally start shifting the balance into an upward trajectory.

If we fail to seize opportunities after that, then once again, much like the Moshiri 8 years of hell, it will be our own failures.

Tony Cunningham
13 Posted 18/07/2024 at 13:39:08
Ben (3), I don't think it's a farce.

No multi-million pound deal gets finalised within a couple of weeks, these things take months. I've been struggling for months to even understand the basics of our financial position and I know that the Friedkin Group will want to know every last detail of what they are buying into.

When I bought my house, it took months to sort out all the routine house contract stuff (god they take ages!) but this is somewhat bigger and so will take time.

On the flipside, being bought by a professional who has an eye for detail and knowing all the financial info is exactly what I want as the person running our club.

John Chambers
14 Posted 18/07/2024 at 14:06:57
Alastair this article is referring to Friedkin undertaking due diligence, nothing to do with the Premier League. They need to make sure they fully understand what they are buying and the liabilities they are taking on.

From memory the Premier League checks took about 4 weeks to confirm Radcliffe at Man Utd.

Michael Kenrick
15 Posted 18/07/2024 at 14:10:49

Interesting thought that the independent commission(s) will be getting involved in this review.

I don't think that's the case. Although there is now an additional step of scrutiny or review that the Premier League has implemented from last season. This kicks in once they make a decision on the approval.

There is now an Independent Oversight Panel that will review the Premier League Board's determination on the worthiness of The Friedkin Group, or more specifically their nominated directors.

"The independent football regulator will short them out."

Yeah, right. I won't be holding my breath.

Tony Abrahams
16 Posted 18/07/2024 at 14:20:08
I don’t believe we need to look any further than what Raymond suggests in paragraph one, @post10.
Rob Williamson
17 Posted 18/07/2024 at 15:07:45
There seems to be an assumption that the Premier League’s fit and proper person test can only start once Friedkin’s due diligence activity has been completed thus extending the length of the takeover exercise. Is there any reason why they shouldn’t be run concurrently? After all, Friedkin’s ownership of Roma is visible and ‘out there’ and apparently above board. Surely it would be possible for the Premier League to give its approval conditional upon the due diligence being completed successfully.
Brian Williams
18 Posted 18/07/2024 at 15:54:17
The one bit I'm taking from this is "on track."

All the reast is waffle, supposition, and bullshit.

Don't start the panic just yet.

Kieran Kinsella
19 Posted 18/07/2024 at 16:14:42
Rob 17

I am sure the EPL could do their investigation concurrently if they wished but why would they if it's not even certain the deal is agreed? We had Kenyon's group in a similar period of exclusivity a few years ago and that petered out to nothing. It wouldn't be a good use of resources (time and money) to investigate every potential investor in a club given that many such proposals never actually reach final agreement.

Rod Harrington
20 Posted 18/07/2024 at 16:18:15
Unnamed sources.
Click bait.
Danny O’Neill
21 Posted 18/07/2024 at 16:36:03
Can we please just get this sorted?
John Wilson
22 Posted 18/07/2024 at 17:14:01
Read my mind, Brian at 18.

"On track" is all we need to know. The rest is just padding with words for the paragraph.

Jay Harris
23 Posted 18/07/2024 at 17:20:36
Patience grasshoppers.

It will take eons to count the millions of lawnmowers black Bill bought and the complicated loans he set behind that..

As others have said there may be clauses (including penalty clauses) in those agreements so the due diligence has to be thorough.

We have a willing buyer and a willing seller so lets keep the faith for now.

In the meantime Dyche and Thelwell are wasting no time getting a workable squad together for next season.

Ian Riley
28 Posted 18/07/2024 at 20:18:39
An average house sale is 2-3 months before full completion. Imagine this will take a bit longer.
Ray Roche
29 Posted 18/07/2024 at 20:23:14
Ian, 2-3 months in the UK, my friend sold a property in Portugal, just before Brexit. It took all morning.
The seller, buyer, their solicitors and someone from the equivalent of Land Registry (I think) and it was sorted. Here, legal issues are drawn out by solicitors to justify their fees.
Christy Ring
33 Posted 18/07/2024 at 21:33:27
The takeover could have been finalised months ago, if Moshiri had listened to the shareholders and fans group, instead of the ridiculous exclusivity with 777 Trotters independent Traders.
Jamie Crowley
36 Posted 18/07/2024 at 22:23:14
Anyone getting impatient with this transaction is simply going to need to find more patience.

These things take time. I've been involved in a few of these over the years, and it can not be stressed enough on an absolutely microscopic level comparatively to what we're dealing with here. Sixty days is usually the norm for a tiny business to do due diligence.

In this instance we're talking about purchasing a Club that has been shooting loaned money around, that they honestly can't afford to pay back, all over the place. The accountants and analysts will be pouring over ever single detail - the expenses (there's probably thousands easily), how said expenses were booked, the debt ratio, etc. Then I'd about guarantee calls to creditors will be placed to see if debts can be restructured. This is going to take time.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if after Friedkin is done performing due diligence he lowers his offer. There's going to be some gamesmanship and poker playing here. Friedkin is holding ALL the cards. Moshri has to sell or file bankruptcy, and I'd highly, highly doubt he wants to do the latter. If creditors don't restructure I'd bet Friedkin comes back to Moshri and lowers his offer.

Who knows I suppose. The one thing I would bet the house on is we're looking at 90 to 120 days in total from exclusivity until a deal is consummated. Minimum!

The above is all conjecture based upon (stupidly small deal) experience. Experience that can't even hold a candle to what this deal entails and the complexity of it. If it takes 60 days to crawl into numbers for a tiny, small business deal, this Everton situation will surely take a lot, lot longer than the Mickey Mouse shit I've been involved with.

And it's not fun, either. There's so many things you have to investigate, get answers to, pull out expenses you think you can trim to obtain some viability ratio / analysis. It's just nuts. I'd liken it to applying for a mortgage to buy a house 100 times over - the litany of paperwork, emails, phone calls, etc. is just suffocating.

Grab your patience pills and just swallow the entire bottle, you're gonna need it.

John Raftery
37 Posted 18/07/2024 at 22:59:50
At this early stage I think no news is good news. I imagine we will be well into the autumn before we hear any substantive announcements.
Derek Thomas
38 Posted 18/07/2024 at 23:51:37
Friedkin is the man for now and when that 'now' starts is 3, 4, 6 months(?) in the future.

BMD's 'now' is getting the final touches and starts next season.

Dyche is the man for now and his 'now' is on going. There will be a maybe unofficial assessment around October/November. But unless we're this season's Sultans of Swing and in Sheffield United style dire straits, his 'now' goes until the end of the season.

Jerome Shields
40 Posted 19/07/2024 at 00:53:39
John #40,

I think you are on the right track.

At Roma, the Friedkin Group are very low Profile.

Mike Gaynes
41 Posted 19/07/2024 at 02:25:19
Friedkin completed the deal to purchase Roma in just 12 days from agreement to closure.

However, he'd been negotiating for eight months and knew every detail by the time he and the previous owner agreed on price.

Obviously this is a much more complicated situation -- Roma was in some trouble but had nowhere near the complex debt issues that burden Everton.

And assuming Friedkin wasn't even in contact with Moshiri until the 777 exclusivity expired, they've only been talking for a couple of months at most.

So it'll take a little time to "just get this sorted", Danny #21.

But I feel confident it will. Friedkin isn't dumb, and he's certainly not going to inject £200m into the club unless he's pretty damn sure he's gonna own it, and sooner rather than later.

Eric Myles
43 Posted 19/07/2024 at 02:57:54
Ray #32, my experience in Thailand as well, seller and buyer go down to the land office, sign the papers and wait for the name to be changed on the deeds and the cheque is handed over.
James Marshall
44 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:04:18
Anyone seen this link?

Joint Statement – Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group

The whole Friedkin deal is off! They've pulled out completely.

Andrew Ellams
45 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:07:35
I saw that, James, but haven't seen it anywhere reliable.
Shane Corcoran
46 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:09:22
Oh well.
Mike Hayes
47 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:09:30
On the official site — the takeover deal is off.
James Marshall
48 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:09:41

Haha! The Official Everton site is nothing if not (un)reliable!

Pete Ellingham
49 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:09:47
It is on the main site, Andrew.

For fuck's sake, this is so bad!

Larry O'Hara
50 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:10:01
Andrew (47) — it is on the club site.

Kenwright and Moshiri have a lot to answer for

Joe Mitchell
51 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:10:34
Or not.

Unnamed source may have been "on the sauce". To be on track – and then not – so quickly!!!!

What did their due diligence find? Obvious really, there is a big mess that will not be fixed easily and without large amounts of money.

Dave Cook
52 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:12:45
777 found some money?
Rob Jones
53 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:14:18

Just Fuck.

John Wilson
54 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:24:17
Friedkin have walked away and takeover is off.
Rob Williamson
55 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:24:53
So much for ‘being on track’!
Anthony Hawkins
56 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:31:46
Statement from Friedkin issued on BBC:

Everton have released a joint-statement, external from Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group.

"Following a period of exclusivity, discussions between Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group over a potential sale of a majority stake in Everton have ended and The Friedkin Group will not be progressing with a purchase of the club.

"Both Blue Heaven Holdings and The Friedkin Group entered discussions in good faith to explore whether a sale could be agreed. Those discussions have concluded. The parties agree it is in both their interests for Everton to explore alternative options.

"The Friedkin Group will remain a lender to the club and is proud to have played a key role in enabling the new stadium to be built, which will help ensure a bright future for both Everton and the City of Liverpool.

"Blue Heaven Holdings maintains a positive relationship with The Friedkin Group and would like to thank them for the time and effort they have put into this process.

"When there is further news to share, it will be provided via the club's official communication channels."

Dave Trickey
57 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:36:44
Oh shit.

The sale has fallen through.

Danny Baily
58 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:43:04
The jig is up.
John Raftery
59 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:43:27
Any early news on this was bound to be bad news, wasn’t it?!
Michael Lynch
60 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:47:45
Twitter inundated with (overseas) Man Utd "fans" laughing and saying they'll get Branthwaite for tuppence. What a bunch of snide cunts.

If the club as any pride, it will refuse to sell the lad to them, even if we got a couple of million less.

Of course, won't happen, because Moshiri. He is the devil.

Mal van Schaick
62 Posted 19/07/2024 at 11:53:17
The Freidkin Group have pulled out.

Moshiri's Everton shares are back on the market.

Lewis Barclay
63 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:06:29
The article in the i didn't age well!

I don't think a prospective owner would make this decision based on bargaining. This sounds very final.

There were allegedly many prospective buyers, let's see if that's true.

Colin Glassar
64 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:08:59
Friedkin has pulled out.

Pity the fathers of Kenwright and Moshiri didn’t do the same.

Chris Keher
65 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:13:23
Sky Sports are reporting that Friedkin have walked away.
Pete Jones
66 Posted 19/07/2024 at 12:33:58
Who were these 'sources"?

The Chuckle Brothers?

Ed Prytherch
67 Posted 19/07/2024 at 13:15:16
If EFC is on the brink of administration then Moshiri's investment is almost worthless. Friedkin knows that and Moshiri will not face the truth, or as some suggest has a Russian gun pointed at his head.

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