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Textor said to want Abel Ferreira as Dyche replacement

08/09/2024 40comments  |  Jump to last

Football journalist Alan Nixon has claimed on a social media outlet that John Textor wants to replace Sean Dyche with Portuguese coach Abel Ferreira if his bid to buy Farhad Moshiri's Everton shares leads to a successful takeover of Everton FC.

 ‘Everton takeover bidder John Textor wants to bring in top coach Abel Ferreira if he wins control of the club.

‘American Textor is a huge fan of the Portuguese maestro who took Brazilian club Palmeiras to the title last season.

‘Textor has seen Abel’s work at close range as he owns Botafogo as part of his Eagle Holdings empire and is keen to work with him.

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‘Abel is under contract until end of next year and would cost compensation but that will not put off Textor.

‘The American is trying to finalise a takeover deal and also dispose of his Crystal Palace shares, with fellow Americans Josh Harris and David Blitzer among those in the market for them.

‘Textor is dead set on landing Everton and that would put huge pressure on boss Sean Dyche who kept the club up under difficult circumstances last season but has got off to a poor start this time.

‘Highly rated Paolo Fonseca, another Portuguese coach, is also fancied by Textor but would be difficult to attract from AC Milan.

‘Textor has had his critics but seems a good judge of a manager. He was the driving force behind the appointment of Oliver Glasner at Crystal Palace.’

Reader Comments (40)

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Paul Hewitt
1 Posted 08/09/2024 at 14:47:47
Does he know how to make substitutions?
Danny O’Neill
2 Posted 08/09/2024 at 15:12:36
It seems that, if or when a new owner comes in, it could force a change sooner rather than at the end of the season. But ho knows? We're all guessing and in the dark.

At least we're on countdown to Villa away, the more immediate focus. Until we know, Dyche is our manager, and we get behind him and the team.

Nigel Munford
3 Posted 08/09/2024 at 15:16:15
He doesn't own us yet and he's already calling the shots, for fuck's sake!!!!
Fred Quick
4 Posted 08/09/2024 at 15:39:48
Football pundits can claim anything in their articles or on social media, without being slammed by the club or its owners, that's because Everton aren't winning enough football matches and are rudderless.

When there is a vacuum which surrounds Everton, and has done for what seems years, then massive amounts of digital ink can be spewed out without any need for facts or authenticity. We must be a dream for those pundits and journalists who have to produce column inches.

Barry Rathbone
5 Posted 08/09/2024 at 15:40:49
No wonder Dyche is getting prickly. What a crazy game football is.
Peter Moore
6 Posted 08/09/2024 at 15:52:20
If this were to come to pass, and Dyche and staff were sacked as an early act of a new owner, I think Dyche and staff would rightly feel aggrieved and ponder what a shitty way to be treated and how classless Everton have become as a club.

Personally, I hope that is not what happens, but I would not be surprised either.

By the time any takeover goes through, I believe Dyche and staff will have gotten over the poor start and got us much nearer the middle reaches of the table.

If that is the case, I am not sure what more could realistically be expected, as we are playing against Premier League sides who mostly, compared to us, have an embassment of riches on and off the pitch compared to our rudderless, potless, shambles.

James Newcombe
7 Posted 08/09/2024 at 16:00:32
He used to play as a right-back.

Can't be much older than Young.

What could this mean?!

Steve Brown
8 Posted 08/09/2024 at 16:02:09
Textor sounds like Moshiri Mark II.
James Flynn
9 Posted 08/09/2024 at 16:06:42
New owner either extends Dyche or fires him.

No lame ducks managing and coaching the team. It's bad enough.

Stu Darlington
10 Posted 08/09/2024 at 16:50:24
Has Textor actually said this publicly or does Nixon have some kind of hotline directly to him?

I'd be surprised if he has said this publicly but, if he has, it would be a disgrace to announce something like this before discussing it with the man himself.

Dyche is out of contract at the end of the season and I don't think negotiations have begun on a renewal, so I suspect outcomes will be very much dependent on what kind of season we have.

Anyway, if a change is deemed to be needed, it would need to happen sooner rather than later, and the way things are going, I don't think the ownership is going to change any time soon, so Textor won't be in the picture.

Brian Williams
11 Posted 08/09/2024 at 17:02:52
That's the thing about these bullshit stories – the journo's can print almost anything they want without any of it actually being true.
John Wilson
12 Posted 08/09/2024 at 17:23:39
I believe it was The Guardian reporter who stated Friedkin would have appointed Tuchel and Rangyick over him. What is the difference with Textor?

All these Dyche sympathisers, do you want to progesss or have Dyche football in the new stadium?

Denis Richardson
13 Posted 08/09/2024 at 18:38:15
Until the deal is set, everything is hearsay. There's been hardly any news on the ‘sale' for a while and I imagine it'll take Textor a long time to get rid of his Palace shares.

Personally, I can't see much happening in the next couple of months. Maybe by January to allow a new owner to give a potential new manager funds to for new players.

However, if Dyche is doing okay and there's no real threat of relegation, why would you sack him mid-season when his contract is up in the summer?

Surely the better plan, assuming the new owner didn't want Dyche, would be to tap up the manager you want and say, "It's yours in the summer, start preparing."

Then tell Dyche around May he's not going to get an extension and give him a decent farewell. Sacking him mid-season just causes disruption and wastes millions.

Then again, vanity owners tend to be trigger-happy… so who knows?

Andy Meighan
14 Posted 08/09/2024 at 18:52:12
Peter 6.

Him and staff feel aggrieved – they've won 5 games this calender year. That's shameful – not to mention that run after Christmas, shocking statistic. Oh and has anyone forgotten the shite football he plays, or the way it's never his fault?

He is never ever ever going to move this club forward, the sooner he's gone, the better. And he can take them two cretins with him.

Peter Moore
15 Posted 08/09/2024 at 21:22:20
I think Dyche, Woan and Stone set the players up to play winning football. They were all schooled under Brian Clough, but can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
At the start of last season we played lots of teams off the park and lost due to being lacking in the crucial aspects of quality and cutting edge in the final third and a plethora of spurned quality chances.
To my eye, from thereon in, pragmatism became more prevelant. Necessity being the mother of invention, we had to grind out wins. Runs of shit results are terrible, but it's results over the entire season that matter. The purple patches where the game plan works and the team manage to carry out the plan are where the points and wins to get up the table come from. Dyche has a track record for this and it is successful in staving off relegation and achieving more than this too. Is it trophy winning football? No! Has Dyche had a squad that is realistically expected to win a trophy verses the other teams competing for said trophies. Man City, Arsenal, etc etc.
The current and recent state of play on and off the pitch, to my eye, we are all entitled to an opinion of course, is that it is the qualities of Dyche, both as a person and as a football manager, that has kept us a Top Flight side.
Personally, I think he can lead us to a better place and if backed by a new owner, with better cutting edge resources at the front end of the pitch, he is capable of playing winning football consistently that is also a pleasure to watch.
Had we taken the chances to beat Bournemouth 4 nil, as could have been the case, he did not miss them himself did he, I suspect there would be somewhat more belief and faith than there is.
Also, had my aunty some knackers, she would have been my Mum's brother of course.
What we fans think is to a large extent, academic, isn't it.
We all want a successful Everton. May it come soon! The takeover off the pitch can't come soon enough can it. UTFT.
Paul Ferry
16 Posted 08/09/2024 at 21:22:50
Peter Moore 6: "If this were to come to pass, and Dyche and staff were sacked as an early act of a new owner, I think Dyche and staff would rightly feel aggrieved and ponder what a shitty way to be treated and how classless Everton have become as a club".

Erm, Peter, no other PL club would have hung onto the three hard-boiled eggs in that draining winless run - not one. The three got lucky; there was no one around to get rid of them as should have happened.

Everton owe Dyche nothing. He got the £3.5 million bonus (some say £3 million) that was flashing round his head (how many curries is that Woaney?) when he signed on the dotted line, knowing completely what he was getting himself into.

Listen, I'm grateful to Dyche and will always give him credit when credit is due (likewise, his post- Bournemouth presser was fucking disgraceful and his one-man wrecking machine lost us that one). He has done nothing so far this season (mighty Doncaster apart) to suggest that he is worth - is it £5 million he gets each year or more? - his salary. Nothing. Zilch.

If this was a well-run club he would not be here Peter and that, in my opinion, is the proper context for your post which is, shall we say, very gracious to the three hard boiled eggs who have not been treated shabbily at all by the club. Quite the reverse. Dyche should be crossing himself and thanking the leprechauns for each new day he gets at Everton. If his annual salary is somewhere in the region of £5 million, Dyche picks up around £1373 for each day’s “work”.

Peter Moore
17 Posted 08/09/2024 at 21:44:39
I think that the very high level of money paid is a fact of Premier League football in the modern era.
The management team are certainly very well paid indeed. The sums paid to all managers in the Premier league seem ridiculous and excessive to me.
We see the talent or lack thereof of the management team differently it seems.
That is down to difference of opinion, I think you are wrong. You think I am wrong. No problem. What will be will be. May the losing run end soon and wins commence asap! UTFT.
Raymond Fox
18 Posted 08/09/2024 at 21:46:53
Any fool can say all sorts of stuff with no proof whatsoever, 'souces say', 'it is rumoured' etc bull shit.

Robert Tressell
19 Posted 08/09/2024 at 21:46:55
The best thing that Textor or any other new owner can do is provide the funds for a quality new RB in January - and maybe some of the Palmeiras players like Menino or Rios. I'm less fussed about taking their manager.
Paul Kernot
20 Posted 08/09/2024 at 22:27:08
Fun to read & comment on this kind of rubbish, particularly in the absence of any footie to watch, but we all know that nothing ownership nor manager wise is changing til after Christmas.
Derek Thomas
21 Posted 08/09/2024 at 22:58:08
Shut up and buy the Club first...and wasn't Ferreira in the frame before Lampard got the job, allegedly due to the fans not fancying Ferreira.

Or was that some other foreign johnny, there's been so many I've lost count.

Nevermind telling us your recipe for Rabbit Pie and how nice it will be - first catch your rabbit!

Tom Bowers
22 Posted 08/09/2024 at 23:17:41
Once again rumors will follow Everton being the one club out of all of them in dire need of new blood in most areas.

Everything will depend on the Textor situation and if he is in control by January.

Until then it's obvious Everton have to go with what they have got even the backroom staff as most of the decent managers are already employed and in any event it would be unlikely any Dyche replacement would have the same limited resources to work with until the new year.

Paul Ferry
23 Posted 08/09/2024 at 23:34:05
Well said Peter (Moore).
Paul Ferry
24 Posted 09/09/2024 at 00:14:12
Candidates for control/management of top teams in La Liga, and perhaps other leagues across the Channel, typically announce what they can bring with them to the club (although, admittedly, they are sometimes locked in stiff competitions), including prize players and coaches.

I don't see much wrong with Textor saying that he would like to have Abel Ferreira in charge at Bramley Moore. If true, it gives us a sense of the scope and scale of his ideas. But, needless to say, idea and reality are not the same thing.

Derek Knox
25 Posted 09/09/2024 at 02:00:44
I was very similar to Peter Moore, in backing Dyche and his Hard Boiled Egg Back-ups (by courtesy of Paul Ferry) but I think his stubbornness in team selections, and ill-timed substitutions, coupled with his seemingly non-existent game strategy, has me in the ' kick the ginger minge's arse ' camp now!

However, it would be detrimental to the Club to do it now, especially with no recognised, or absentee owner, who knows about as much as running a football club, as Fatty Arbuckle did about Brain Surgery! There were signs, prior to our suicidal capitulation against Bournemouth, that some decent football was being witnessed.

I still can't believe how he (Dyche) witnessed their 5 Subs, (virtually half a side with fresh legs) and decided to match it with 2. Not only that, he leaves the older and knackered players on, and takes the only ones who were producing quality, and having them on the ropes, off!

Furthermore the nail in the coffin for me, was that he wasn't man enough, or too arrogant, to admit that he had made a monumental mistake. I think he could have bought some respect from the fans if he had, and admitted to being a total ginger dickhead!

Matt Traynor
26 Posted 09/09/2024 at 03:52:31
Derek #21, that was Vitor Perriera the fans went apeshit over. After Benitez you can understand, but ultimately Lampard was useless, despite "getting" the club.

To be honest, I am grateful for small mercies. Living in Asia, I seldom bother watching us these days as the togger on offer is utterly turgid, way worse than anything Big Sam proffered.

It can't be that professional footballers cannot do the basics – the first 85 minutes v Bournemouth showed that. Whatever credit Dyche had in the bank has well and truly been burned. His pressers this season have just stopped short of blaming the fans.

So if any new owner wants to make a change, that's fine with me. Sadly I suspect the takeover saga is with us for the rest of this season at least. So the boiled eggs may well lead us into the new stadium… scary.

Bob Parrington
27 Posted 09/09/2024 at 04:10:27
Textor might well have said zero, zilch, not'n but, there's no footee results to fill the journos' columns.

On the other hand, some bozo might have said to him, after too many drinks, "Hey Tex, if you were to buy Everton, in your wildest dreams, which manager would you prefer to have in the future?

"Ah well, dunno, but if I was able I might talk with that guy Abel! I'd like a Ferrarei. I'll take another JD thx!"

Nigel Scowen
28 Posted 09/09/2024 at 07:37:28
Can everyone please stop referring to Dyche, Woan and Stone as hard boiled eggs.

I used to enjoy boiled eggs for breakfast but now can’t stop thinking about the whoppers just as I am about to tuck in. They just don’t taste the same anymore.

Mark Murphy
29 Posted 09/09/2024 at 07:55:32
It’s that Ferry cross the ‘lantics brain child - he should’ve put a copyright on it.
How about the cone heads?
Dumb dumber and dumbest?
Tweedle Dum tweedle dee and t’uther one?
Or darker, the dead men walking?
Derek Thomas
30 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:10:58
Nigel @ 28: if you can't take a yolk...

Mark @ 29; Tweedledee, Tweedledum and Tweedledumber.

I blame International Breaks.

Mick O'Malley
31 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:17:15
It's a good job we're looking for the latest "Johnny foriegner" because the British coaches never win a fucking thing, every year the trophies and European places are hoovered up by the foreign coaches while we get our eyes assaulted watching the shite Dyche etc serve up
Jack Convery
32 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:19:31
So we buy a guy from Lyon, who they bought for £1m last summer. We pay £15m, giving Lyon who have PSR issues a clear £14m profit. The player is Jake O'Brien. He was signed from Crystal Palace by Lyon and sold on to EFC. I wonder what the connection could be ? When we bought him, we were supposed to have been in for the Hull CB, who went to Ipswich - Jacob Greaves and by all accounts the best CB in the Championship last season but we end up with a CB, Palace discarded and who Dyche obviously doesn't fancy, hence Keane is in the team. I wonder if Dyche could smell something and that, that something, is his opinion in who comes in, doesn't count for much any more.

The Jake O'Brien deal another Tony Thomas scenario ?

Tony Abrahams
33 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:26:15
Interesting Jack. I had a feeling it was the end of Marco Silva, very early on in his last season, when he sat down on the bench in disgust after a simple ball over the top exposed the flat footed Michael Keane, at Bournemouth.

By not replacing Zouma, it meant that the director of football, should have been sacked for a dereliction of his duties, but we all know he got appointed onto the board🤦‍♂️

Justin Doone
34 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:27:23
Why not publish his full playbook so we can all scrutinise and moan or applaud what a wonderful / terrible owner he is and might be for us.

I sometimes, (nearly always) prefer the silence from club owners. If there's nothing positive to say about the current set-up or recently won trophy (I'm allowed to dream) then say nothing.

As he's a current owner of a premier league rival I find it incredibly disrespectful which proves the point
that more often than not it's bull turd that comes from owners mouths.

Christopher Timmins
35 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:39:09
Tony, So sad but so true.

Mark Murphy
36 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:50:07
Nice one Derek - I’ve got egg on my face now…
Erm, urghhh!
Nigel Scowen
37 Posted 09/09/2024 at 08:50:51

Like it Derek🤣

Dave Abrahams
38 Posted 09/09/2024 at 09:01:09
Derek (30), Yes International breaks and loads of nonsense stories by journalists(?) doesn’t help Everton though,let’s see how Dyche reacts to the Bournemouth debacle, his team choice will give us a clue and how he uses the subs.when we are 1-0 up with ten minutes to go!
Nigel Scowen
39 Posted 09/09/2024 at 10:01:39

The Leicester away game is now crucial for him imo.

Paul Hewitt
40 Posted 09/09/2024 at 10:11:45
Everton apparently taking out another loan for running costs. Which mug is lending us that?

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